Key Benefits:
163. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management on the statistics on livestock
Due to § § § 4 to 10 and § 32 paragraph 4 Z 1 of the Federal Statistics Act 2000, BGBl. I n ° 163/1999, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 111/2010, in agreement with the Federal Chancellor and with regard to Section 14, shall be additionally assigned in agreement with the Federal Minister for Finance:
Section 1
General provisions
Arrangement for the compilation of statistics
§ 1. The Federal Institute of Statistics Austria (Bundesanstalt) has been responsible for fulfilling Austria's obligations under Regulation (EC) No 1165/2008 on livestock and meat statistics and repealing Directives 93 /23/EEC, 93 /24/EEC, and 93 /25/EEC, OJ No. No. 1, to carry out surveys in accordance with this Regulation and to compile statistics on the basis of the data collected, in each case within a half-year after the date of the survey.
Section 2
Livestock survey in June
Statistical units, survey mass
§ 2. Statistical units are agricultural holdings holding cattle and pigs on the cut-off date.
Continuity, cut-off date, reference period
§ 3. The surveys shall be carried out annually on the date of 1 June of the relevant calendar year.
Survey characteristics and type of survey
§ 4. (1) The survey characteristics relating to pig population ( Annex I lit. (a) are to be collected as a full survey by the procurement of administrative data of the Federal Ministry of Health.
(2) The survey characteristics relating to the bovine herd ( Annex II) are to be collected in the form of a full-scale survey by the procurement of administrative data of the agricultural market Austria.
Section 3
Livestock survey in December
Statistical units, survey mass
§ 5. Statistical units shall be agricultural holdings holding cattle, pigs, sheep or goats on the cut-off date, or slaughtering pigs which have not been investigated during the reference period.
Continuity, cut-off date, reference period
§ 6. (1) The surveys shall be carried out annually on the cut-off date of 1 December of the respective calendar year.
(2) For information on unexamined slaughtering of pigs, the period from 2 December of the previous calendar year to 1 December of each calendar year shall be considered as the reference period.
Survey characteristics and type of survey
§ 7. (1) Di e characteristics relating to the stock of pigs, sheep and goats as well as unexamined pigs ' slaughterings ( Annex I) are to be collected as a sample survey by a survey of 7,000 statistical units.
(2) The survey characteristics relating to the bovine herd ( Annex II) are to be collected as a full survey by the procurement of administrative data of the agricultural market Austria.
(3) The selection of the sample for the collection of the survey characteristics in accordance with Annex I shall be carried out by the Federal Institute on the basis of a stratified random sample.
Section 4
Common provisions
Implementation of the survey
§ 8. (1) The survey pursuant to § 7 (1) shall be carried out by the Bundesanstalt.
(2) For the purpose of the survey, the Bundesanstalt has to compile uniform survey documents (questionnaires and explanations) and make these available to the parties responsible for providing information both in electronic form and in paper form.
Obligation to provide information
§ 9. (1) According to § 9 of the Federal Statistics Act 2000, BGBl is responsible for the surveys. I No 163/1999.
(2) For the purpose of providing information, those natural and legal persons as well as registered partnerships are obliged to operate a statistical unit according to § 5 in its own name.
Obligation to provide information to the parties responsible for providing information
§ 10. The parties responsible for providing information shall be obliged to enter their data in full and to the best of their knowledge in the survey documents within twelve working days after the date of the deadline and, if the survey documents are used in paper form, to the documents in question to the documents in question. to the address given in the survey documents.
Other co-action obligations
§ 11. Former managers (farmers) of statistical units in accordance with § 5 are obliged to participate in the determination of the new information subject pursuant to § 9 para. 2 by the Federal Institute.
Information on disclosure requirements
§ 12. The Federal Institute has to provide information on the legal consequences according to § 66 of the Federal Statistics Act 2000 in the case of refusal of information and in the case of information which is knowingly incomplete or not to the best of its knowledge.
Duty of participation of the holders of administrative data
§ 13. (1) The Federal Ministry of Health is obligated to transmit the administrative data required for the determination of the survey characteristics in accordance with § 4 (1), at the request of the Federal Office, free of charge and on electronic data storage medium.
(2) The agricultural market Austria is obliged to transmit the administrative data required for the determination of the survey characteristics in accordance with § § 4 (2) and (7) (2), at the request of the Federal Office, free of charge and on electronic data storage medium.
Cost replacement
§ 14. The Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management has awarded the Federal Institute a one-time payment of EUR 2 207 in 2012 for the survey according to the second section as well as annually, for the first time in 2012, in the amount of EUR 13 692 for the survey according to the 3. Section. This amount shall be subject to an annual valorisation of 3% from 2013.
Entry into force, external force
§ 15. This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 June 2012, at the same time as the Regulation on the statistics on livestock, BGBl. No 147/2009, except for force.