Key Benefits:
171. Regulation of the Executive Board of E-Control on gas market model regulations (Gas market model-Regulation 2012)
Due to § 41 Gaswirtschaftgesetz 2011-GWG 2011, BGBl. I n ° 107/2011, iVm § 7 para. 1 Energy Control Act-E-ControlG, BGBl. I No 110/2010 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 107/2011, shall be arranged:
Part 1
§ 1. (1) This Regulation shall apply to network access, capacity management and the accounting system in the market areas of East, Tyrol and Vorarlberg.
(2) All market participants shall be subject to the rules of the technology referred to in Appendix 2.
§ 2. (1) For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply
1. |
"accounting period" means the period in which for network users one or more feeds or spouts are available. counting point the deviation between the application and the levy is determined; |
2. |
"booking" means the conclusion of a network access contract at a booking point; |
3. |
"point of book" means a point of entry or exit which is located in the market area and which is bookable; |
4. |
"Day Ahead capacity" means a capacity that can be booked as a daily capacity on the day before the delivery date; |
5. |
"fixed capacity" means a capacity on a guaranteed basis, interruptible only in the case of force majeure and planned maintenance; |
6. |
"free-to-use capacity" means a capacity that enables fixed transport throughout the market and provides access to the virtual trading point; |
7. |
"Gastag" means the period beginning at 6 a.m. on a calendar day and ending at 6.00 a.m. on the following calendar day; |
8. |
"bundled capacity" means an output and corresponding feed capacity which can be booked together by a network user; |
9. |
"bundled nomination" means a single declaration of nomination for a pooled booking point; |
10. |
"bundled book point" means a summary of a bookable exit point and a bookable feed-in point of two adjacent market areas where network users can book bundled capacity; |
11. |
"boundary coupling point" means a network coupling point at the market area boundary to another market area; |
12. |
"load flow agreement" means a contractual agreement of a network operator with a network user which assures the network operator certain load flows, and which is suitable and necessary for the badgeability of the freely accessible input and output increase output capacity; |
13. |
"online platform" means the platform according to § 39 GWG 2011; |
14. |
"physical balancing energy" by the market area manager or Distribution area manager actually called balancing energy quantity; |
15. |
"Rest of the Day-Capacity" means a capacity that can be booked on delivery day for the rest of the delivery day; |
16. |
"SLP customer" means an end consumer with an annual consumption of less than 400,000 kWh, to which a standardised load profile (SLP) is assigned by the respective distribution system operator; |
17. |
"contractually agreed maximum performance" means the technical or, where agreed, the contractual connection value, which is to correspond to the actual capacity needs of the network access authorized; |
18. |
"Within Day capacity" means a capacity that can be booked on the delivery day for parts of the delivery day. |
(2) The definitions in accordance with Article 7 of the GWG 2011 and in accordance with Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 on the conditions for access to the natural gas transmission networks and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1775/2005, OJ L 145, 31.5.2009, p. No. OJ L 211, 14.08.2009.
Part 2
Regulations for the market area East
1. Main item
Network access and capacity management
Section 1
Network access in the transmission system
Capacity Offering
§ 3. (1) Transmission system operators shall, in principle, offer fixed capacity as a freely allocated capacity.
(2) The market area manager, in close cooperation with the transmission system operators and the distribution area manager for the whole system, has economically reasonable measures to increase the capacity of the available fixed, free-allocated capacity in accordance with § 35 Section 1 of the GWG 2011 in the following order and, if necessary, to coordinate:
1. |
contractual agreements with a network user who assures certain load flows (load flow commitments); |
2. |
the supply of input and output capacities, which are linked to certain allocation requirements by way of derogation from paragraph 1. |
(3) Services referred to in paragraph 2 shall be carried out in non-discriminatory and transparent procedures under appropriate conditions through the online platform. If the examination reveals that economically reasonable measures are possible under paragraph 2 and are likely to increase the offer of fixed, freely accessible capacity, the transmission system operators shall be in close cooperation with the Market area manager and the distribution area manager in accordance with paragraph 2. In examining economically reasonable measures to increase the supply of free-to-access capacity, the market manager, the transmission system operator and the distribution area manager shall cooperate with the objective of implementing the application of To keep the measures referred to in paragraph 2 as low as possible. The level of the capacity to be identified as determined in accordance with paragraphs 1 to 3 shall be notified to the regulatory authority by the transmission system operators prior to the allocation of capacity in accordance with Articles 6 and 7 of this Directive.
(4) In order to assess the needs-based expansion of the network in accordance with § 35 para. 2 GWG 2011, the transmission system operators, in cooperation with the market area manager, have a standardised and binding capacity-raising procedure on the To conduct online platform and to coordinate with the adjacent network operators as well as to publish the results.
Capacity bundling
§ 4. (1) At the boundary coupling points on which transmission networks are connected, the points of entry and exit of adjacent market areas per flow direction shall be combined to form a bundled book point, provided that the adjacent area of the adjacent market area is Network operator allows a bundling for the respective limit coupling point.
(2) At bundled booking points, the network user books bundled capacity on a fixed or interruptible basis. Excluded from this are contracts concluded up to and including 31 March 2013 (old contracts), unless the network user, who holds the exit and thus corresponding feed-in capacity contracts, requires a conversion of his contracts. If an old contract is still in place on the booking site in an adjacent market area, the unbundled capacity on the Austrian booking site may be marketed at the maximum by the end of the term of this old contract.
(3) At bundled or unbundled credit points, transmission system operators may also offer bundled or unbundled capacity with allocation requirements.
Infeed and infeed zones
§ 5. (1) Feed-in capacities at interfaces are to be combined from the transmission system operators to feed-in zones which make it possible to feed gas on the basis of a feed-in capacity reservation at a single feed-in point , to the extent that this is technically reasonable and economically reasonable. Prior to a prospective summary of feed-in zones, a consultation of market participants is to be carried out and the regulatory authority shall be informed.
(2) Para. 1 is applicable to output capacities at the limit coupling points accordingly.
(3) The obligation pursuant to § 3 shall remain unaffected.
Capacity assignment
§ 6. (1) Transmission system operators shall be able to increase fixed and interruptible import and exit capacity via the online platform in a transparent and non-discriminatory procedure.
(2) Transmission system operators may allocate interruptible capacity differentiated according to classes reflecting the probability of interruptions.
(3) The allocation of Day Ahead capacity in accordance with § 11 shall be effected by auction on a daily basis for the following Gastag.
Special arrangements for capacity allocation and capacity utilisation
§ 7. (1) § § 4, 5, 6, 11 and 12 shall not be applied to feed-out capacities for the discharge from the transmission networks to the distribution networks in the market area, to storage facilities and end-users, and to feed-in capacities for feeding into the Transmission system consisting of storage and production facilities as well as installations of producers of biogenic gases. These capacities will be allocated in the chronological order of the requests. They are to be booked in each case by the connected storage company, end user, producer, distribution area manager or by the producer of biogenic gases.
(2) § § 13 and 14 shall apply in the case of network access in the transmission system for end users.
Contract runtimes
§ 8. (1) At limit coupling points, at least 10 per cent of the annual technical capacity of a feed-in point is reserved for capacity products, which are awarded with contract periods of up to one quarter. This share shall, in accordance with the results of an annual needs survey to be carried out by the market area manager in coordination with the transmission system operators via the online platform for network users, shall be subject, where appropriate, to a limit point of reference. . A maximum of 65 per cent of the technical annual capacity of a feed-in point may be awarded with contract periods of more than four years. At least 10 per cent of the annual technical capacity of an outing point for capacity products, which are awarded with contract periods of up to one quarter, shall be reserved at the limit coupling points. A maximum of 65 per cent of the annual technical capacity of an outing point may be awarded with contract periods of more than four years. Capacity contracts existing at the date of entry into force of this Regulation shall be excluded from the application of this provision.
(2) exist at the date of entry into force of this Regulation at an entry or entry level. Discharge point capacity contracts, the capacity of which exceeds the shares referred to in paragraph 1, the transmission system operators shall, after the end of these capacity contracts, offer the capacity, which has become vacant as a result of the phase-out, to be fully capacity products. with contract terms of up to one quarter, until the 10 percent share is reached, and thereafter as capacity products with contract maturities of up to and including four years, as long as the share of 35 percent of the the annual technical capacity of the single-or Exit point reached.
(3) The shares referred to in paragraph 1 shall, if necessary, be amended in individual cases in such a way that they are in accordance with the regulations and the resulting technical annual capacities of neighbouring states. The deviation shall be notified in advance to the regulatory authority and shall be justified.
(4) In the case of booking points, which are to be used in accordance with § 5. In accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Regulation, the technical annual capacity of the one-way or exit zone shall apply.
Online platform for capacity supply
§ 9. (1) In cooperation with the transmission system operators, the market area manager shall organise the establishment and operation of the online platform by which the capacity referred to in § 6 shall be awarded (primary capacity platform) and of the capacity of the network operators. Network users are traded (secondary capacity platform).
(2) The operator of the online platform shall allow network users to carry out a mass-business and automated processing of the acquisition of primary capacity and the trading of secondary capacity.
(3) On the online platform (both primary and secondary capacity), all offers of similar capacities and requests for similar capacities are to be presented in a transparent manner for the network users.
(4) The information to be published on the online platform pursuant to Section 39 (2) and (3) of the GWG 2011 is to be made available to network users without registration. The use of the online platform is free of charge.
(5) The registration required for a booking shall take place in accordance with the General Conditions of the Market Area Manager.
(6) In accordance with § 4 bundled capacities at points of boundary coupling may be awarded on another platform if it meets the requirements of this Regulation. This shall be notified to the regulatory authority in advance.
Secondary market for input and output capacities
§ 10. (1) Network users shall be allowed to continue to sell entry and exit capacities to third parties or to allow them to be used. The online platform (secondary capacity platform) is only allowed for resale or use of the product. The prices to which a capacity trading has been carried out via the trading platform shall be published in an anonymised form by means of the system functionality of the platform. The anonymity of the initiation of the trading process towards the offering, demand and third parties is to be guaranteed.
(2) The operator of the online platform shall, in addition to the search procedure, provide at least one of the procedures referred to in the Z 1 to 3 for the handling of the capacity trading and shall have appropriate standard contracts for the handling of the capacity trading To be made available. The operator of the online platform shall set up the procedures after consulting the market participants.
1. |
Auction procedure: bids are made on an offer. The highest bid is awarded the contract. The starting price may not exceed the charge initially payable to the transmission system operator for the corresponding primary capacity. |
2. |
Instant purchase procedure: The first bidder on a fixed price offer is awarded the surcharge for the offered capacity. |
3. |
Ciphers: Anonymous bids are made on an anonymous display, from which the provider can choose. |
4. |
Search procedure: A capacity search is made to offer offers from which the search end can choose. |
Nomination and Renomination Rules
§ 11. (1) The balance sheet group responsible, whose balance group has been assigned the capacity by the network user in accordance with Section 23 (1), is responsible for the nominations and renominings of its balance sheet group.
(2) The group responsible for the balance sheet group nominates the quantities of gas to be transported within the framework of the use of fixed capacity at a booking point until 2:00 p.m. of the day before the delivery date. If no nomination is received by the transmission system operator until that date, zero shall be deemed to be a nominal value. The handling of bundled nominations must be in accordance with the respective accounting rules.
(3) The nominating balance group responsible may replace its original nomination with at least two hours of lead time for the full hour by renominating. Renomination is allowed if it does not exceed 90 percent of the total capacity booked by the network user at the booking point, and does not fall below 10 percent of the booked capacity. In the case of initial nominations of at least 80 percent of the booked capacity, half of the non-nominated area will be admitted to the top for the renomination. In the case of initial nominations of no more than 20 per cent of the booked capacity, half of the nominated area shall be approved for renomination downwards. The permissible renomination is rounded off to a commercial point of kWh. When determining the allowable renomination area of a balance sheet group, day ahead capacities are not taken into account.
(4) The nominations of the group responsible for balance sheet groups shall be assigned first by the transmission system operator to the fixed and then to the interruptible capacity products.
(5) If a renomination of fixed capacity exceeds the permissible range in accordance with paragraph 3, it shall be assumed only in the sum of the capacity booked. The part of the renomination that exceeds the permissible range is to be treated as a nomination of interruptible capacity and, in the event of a bottleneck, to interrupt first.
(6) The renomination restrictions referred to in paragraphs 3 to 6 shall not apply to the network user who has booked less than 10 per cent of the average technical capacity at the point of booking in the preceding 12 months.
(7) In order to bring several network users into the same balance sheet group at one booking point, the responsible accounting group responsible for each immediate balance sheet group member of that balance sheet group may each have a sub-balance sheet account. setting up. In this case, the nomination of quantities of gas shall be made by the responsible group responsible for each direct balance sheet group member on the corresponding sub-balance sheet account. In this case, the limits of the renomination according to paragraphs 3 and 7 shall apply to the sum of the capacities of the immediate balance sheet group member in the respective book point submitted to the sub-balance sheet account. If no sub-balance accounts are formed, the limits for the renomination according to paragraphs 3 and 7 shall apply to the sum of the capacities at the point of book in a balance sheet group.
(8) The nomination must be submitted individually for each flow direction. The nomination of bundled capacity shall be effected by submitting a bundled nomination.
(9) The transmission system operator shall offer the capacity free from the use of the renomination restrictions as provided for in paragraphs 3 to 6 as day-ahead capacities in accordance with § 6 para. 3.
(10) The Day Ahead capacities awarded in accordance with Section 6 (3) shall be nominated by 20.00 for the next day.
(11) Capacities booked in the short term (Day Ahead-, Rest of the Day-and Within Day-capacity) shall be included in balance sheet groups without delay.
(12) The network user, whose capacities have been offered by the transmission system operator pursuant to § 6 para. 3, remains committed to payment of the feed-in or exit charges.
(13) In so far as comparable rules are applied to the limit coupling points of neighbouring network operators, the transmission system operators may, at these interfaces, be subject to the restriction of the renomination rights referred to in paragraphs 3 to 6. if necessary, in order to allow a system compatible with the neighbouring market area. In particular, the bundling of capacities should not be made more difficult. The deviation shall be notified in advance to the regulatory authority and shall be justified.
(14) (1) to (13) shall also apply to contracts concluded prior to the entry into force of this Regulation.
Long-term use-it-or-lose-it
§ 12. (1) Network users shall be obliged to offer fully or partially unused fixed capacities immediately as secondary capacities on the online platform.
(2) The transmission system operator shall, in part or in part, withdraw the capacity booked on a fixed basis, but systematically unused, and market it as a primary capacity if and to the extent that other network users are responsible for the use of the system. respective network coupling point fixed capacity, a contractual bottleneck is present and the network user did not offer the unused capacity in accordance with para. 1 on the online platform. The withdrawal shall be made for all contracts which exist for the entry or exit point concerned and which have a duration of at least one year. At any rate, capacity shall be deemed to be systematically unused capacity if:
1. |
the network user is less than an average of 80 percent of its booked capacity with a maturity of more than one year, from April 1 to September 30, as well as from 1. from October to 31 March; or |
2. |
the network user systematically nominates almost 100% of his booked capacity and then performs the renomination procedure downwards with the aim of circumventing the provisions of § 11 paragraph 3; or |
3. |
the network user has not made use of his booked fixed capacity permanently for a period of at least three consecutive months within the preceding calendar year on an hourly basis. One of these three months must be the month of October, November, December, January, February, or March. |
(3) The capacity shall be withdrawn from the transmission system operator to the following extent:
1. |
in the case of paragraph 2 (1) (1) and (2), the extent of the average non-use up to the remaining maturity of the capacity contracts; |
2. |
in the case of Section 2 (2) (3), to the extent to which the network user does not claim his booked fixed capacity permanently for a period of at least three consecutive months within the preceding calendar year on an hourly basis has taken place. One of these three months must be the month of October, November, December, January, February, or March. If several such periods can be identified with a length of three calendar months, the minimum of the identified minimum non-claims shall be determined beyond all those periods. The withdrawal can take place at a maximum up to this limit. In determining the extent of the withdrawal, the capacity available to the network user on the basis of contracts with a maturity of at least one year shall be decisive. In the event that the network user has partially re-sold, returned, or booked less of his booked capacity, this will be taken into account accordingly. |
(4) A withdrawal pursuant to paragraph 2 shall be discernable if the network user, within 14 days after the written announcement of the withdrawal, proves in writing that he/she is
1. |
the capacity, in accordance with paragraph 1, on the secondary market at a price which does not substantially exceed the charge initially payable to the transmission system operator for the corresponding primary capacity, or which is offered to the the transmission system operator has made available for the period and the extent of non-use; |
2. |
the full capacity continues to be required in order to fulfil existing contractual obligations, in particular from gas supply or gas supply contracts; or |
3. |
has different contractual gas procurement alternatives, for which capacities are booked at different feed points, which are used alternatively by it, and that it does not require the capacity required for the period of the Non-use made available in the scope of non-use on the secondary market. |
(5) The transmission system operator shall notify the regulatory authority as soon as possible of the existence of a case in accordance with paragraph 2, and shall, where appropriate, forward the evidence in accordance with paragraph 3.
(6) The rights and obligations of the capacity contract shall remain within the scope of the network user as long as the capacity of the transmission system operator is not re-allocated as a primary capacity. In respect of security services, the relevant regulations shall apply in the general conditions of the network operator.
(7) Transmission system operators shall keep information in accordance with section 2 and 3, in particular on the booked and actually used capacity for each network user, for five years, and shall be made available at the request of the regulatory authority.
Section 2
Network access in the distribution network
Network access request and capacity expansion
§ 13. (1) The network access in the distribution network shall be governed by the provisions of § § 27 ff GWG 2011. A network access request shall contain at least the information referred to in Appendix 1.
(2) After acceptance of the application for network access by the distribution system operator, the distribution system operator must immediately transmit the network access contract to the network user.
(3) Applications for capacity expansion in accordance with Section 33 (2) of the GWG 2011 shall contain the same information as the network access request in accordance with paragraph 1. The processing of requests for capacity expansion shall be in accordance with the requirements of Appendix 1.
Network Access Request
§ 14. (1) The network operator shall apply for the first-time production or modification of the network connection to the distribution system operator. The distribution system operator is responsible for the operational production of the connection line from the network connection point to the feed point or end of the distribution network. The connecting line shall be manufactured, maintained and shut down by the distribution system operator. The minimum requirements laid down in Appendix 1 shall apply to the manufacture of connection lines.
(2) The distribution system operator shall, in accordance with the provisions of Section 59 of the GWG 2011, apply the installation of the network access advertising to its distribution network.
(3) Applications for network access shall contain the minimum content referred to in Appendix 1. After acceptance of the application for network access by the distribution system operator, the distribution system operator shall transmit the network access contract immediately to the network user.
(4) If, within ten years of the initial start-up of additional network users, the connecting line is used by additional network users, the distribution system operator shall have the network access charge to the network users concerned in the relationship between the To redistribute the contractually agreed maximum performance. The overhang resulting from the redistribution shall be used by the distribution system operator to resound to those network users who have borne the costs of the installation, unless the distribution system operator has the costs of the connection line In view of further connections, only a pro-rata charge.
Capacity management in the distribution area
§ 15. The distribution area manager shall agree once a year for the following calendar year, with the respective transmission system operator, the maximum at the exit points of the respective transmission system to the distribution networks in the market area Total fixed capacity to be booked within the limits of capacity requirements arising from the approved long-term planning according to § 22 GWG 2011. The transmission system operators shall be obliged to keep the last booked fixed capacity permanently for the following year. A reduction of the annual booking in relation to the permanently held capacity is only possible to that extent, in which the network operator can market this capacity elsewhere. The fixed capacities to be maintained are adjusted in the course of the long-term planning according to § 22 GWG 2011. For the year 2013, the booking is based on Section 170 (6) of the GWG 2011.
(2) At the interface between the transmission system and the distribution network in the market area, no capacity management and no congestion management at the balance sheet group level will be carried out.
(3) § § 6, 8, 9, 12 shall apply mutaly to the access to the network access points at the distribution network level. The distribution area manager is responsible for the supply and allocation of the input and output capacities in the distribution area at the market area limit. Capacities are to be marketed through the online platform.
Section 3
Network access for storage companies, producers and producers of biogenic gases
Network Access for Storage Companies
§ 16. (1) Storage undertakings agree once a year for each of the following calendar years with the network operator to whose network the storage facility is connected (or to be connected), the maximum amount of which is to be stored and stored. the capacity to be kept. The network operators shall be obliged to keep the last booked capacity permanently for the following year. A substantial reduction of the annual reservation in relation to the capacity agreed between the storage company and the network operator for the year concerned is only possible to the extent that the network operator has this capacity elsewhere. can be marketed. If the capacity expansion project is initiated exclusively by a single storage company, a reduction in the annual booking is only possible in accordance with the capacity extension contract. An increase in the annual booking in relation to the reserved capacity is possible by means of the network access request in accordance with § 13.
(2) The provisions of the second section shall also apply to storage undertakings whose storage facilities are connected to a transmission system.
(3) Distribution area managers and storage companies whose storage facilities are connected to a distribution network shall agree to the rights and obligations in contracts necessary for operational management.
Network access for producers and producers of biogenic gases
§ 17. (1) Producers and producers of biogenic gases shall agree once a year for each of the following calendar years with the network operator connected to their network (or respectively) to the network operator (s). ) the maximum capacity to be reserved for production. The network operators shall be obliged to keep the last booked capacity permanently for the following year. A reduction of more than 10 percent of the annual booking in relation to the permanently held capacity is only possible to that extent, in which the network operator can market this capacity elsewhere. An increase in the annual booking in relation to the reserved capacity is possible by means of the network access request in accordance with § 13.
(2) Distribution area managers and producers, as well as producers of biogenic gases whose installations are connected to a distribution system, shall agree to the rights and obligations in contracts necessary for operational management.
2. Main piece
Balancing and balancing energy management
Section 1
Principles of the accounting system
§ 18. (1) Each network user operating in the market area of the East must belong to a group of balance sheets registered with the market area manager. Within the balance sheet group, the input and output quantities in the market area are brought together by one or more network users and the deviations are balanced. Balance sheet groups can only be formed by accounting group leaders by declaration to the market area manager.
(2) The market area manager shall carry out balance-sheet compensation for all nominees and/or Gas quantities declared by road map. The balance sheet group coordinator shall compensate for the balance sheet compensation for physical deviations resulting from the actual final consumer acceptance and the final consumer timetables for which it is registered. Balance sheet compensation is to be carried out in each balance sheet group and takes place in energy units (kWh or MWh).
(3) Each balance sheet group and its immediate members shall have access to the virtual trading point of the market area.
(4) Balance sheet group managers shall ensure compensation for the quantities of inputs and supplies allocated to their balance sheet group through appropriate measures within the accounting period. The group responsible for the balance sheet group bears the economic responsibility for the deviations in its balance sheet group and/or the balance sheet group coordinator. its balance sheet groups.
(5) The accounting period (period of measurement) in the market area is the Gastag. The supply of network users with the Gastag as the accounting period has as a daily volume (24 equal hourly values, taking into account the 23 and/or 23). 25 hours in the summer/winter time conversion). Renominations must also be carried out in the form of a band until the end of the guest's day.
(6) By way of derogation from paragraph 5, for network users measured by means of load profile counters, an hour shall be deemed to be an accounting period (measurement period).
(7) Network users whose consumption is measured by means of a load profile meter and which has a contractual maximum power of up to 50,000 kWh/h with the network operator per one-or-a-counter or out-of-feed or exit-respectively. Counting points have been agreed and their measured values are available online to the distribution system operator, can opt for the daily accounting regime in accordance with paragraph 5. A change in the balance sheet period is possible once within twelve months.
(8) For network users pursuant to paragraphs 5 and 7, on the one hand, and paragraph 6, on the other hand, responsible have to draw up separate end-consumer timetables for network users. The group responsible for the balance sheet group shall forward timetables and nominations with at least two hours ' lead time to the respective contractual partner in the market area. For large customers with a contractually agreed maximum performance of more than 50,000 kWh/h, the balance sheet group responsible travel plans must be submitted separately to each major buyer.
(9) Trade, including the transfer of gas volumes between balance sheet groups, is only possible at the virtual trading point. A trade at the end of the accounting period is not permitted.
(10) Compensation energy must be procured primarily through the trading of standardised products in accordance with § 33 para. 1 on the natural gas exchange at the virtual trading point.
Rules for registration in the market area
§ 19. (1) The market area manager shall organise the balance sheet group system and assign a unique identification number to each balance sheet group responsible and each balance sheet group, which shall be assigned by the contracting parties for each exchange of data and correspondence. is to be found.
(2) The market area manager shall conclude a contract with the balance sheet group responsible on the basis of the approved general conditions in accordance with § 16 GWG 2011. The market area manager also includes a contract in the name and on the account of the operator of the virtual trading point with the balance sheet group responsible on the basis of the approved general conditions pursuant to § 31 paragraph 3 GWG 2011. The operator of the virtual trading point has to authorize the market area manager to conclude the contract on his behalf and on his invoice.
(3) If quantities in the distribution area are also processed in a group of balance sheet groups responsible for the balance sheet group, this is the market area manager at the time of registration or if registration is already successful as a prerequisite for the To communicate this activity.
(4) In the case of paragraph 3, the market area manager shall conclude contracts with the balance sheet group responsible in the name and on the account of the distribution area manager on the basis of the approved general conditions in accordance with § 26 GWG 2011. When quantities are also affected for end users, the market area manager with the balance sheet group responsible also closes a contract in the name and on the account of the balance sheet coordinator on the basis of the approved general conditions as per § 88 GWG 2011. The balance group coordinator and the distribution area manager shall be responsible for authorising the market area manager for the conclusion of the contract in its name and on its invoice. The market area manager has to inform the full-time lenders of the contract. The market area manager is entitled to conclude the contract with the accounting group responsible after the conclusion of the examination in accordance with paragraph 8.
(5) The market area manager shall submit to the applicant the offer to conclude the contracts within five working days from the date of receipt of the complete application and after the conclusion of the examination in accordance with paragraph 8.
(6) The conclusion of the contracts referred to in paragraphs 2 to 4 shall be offered by the market area manager on the online platform. The necessary information and provided documents are to be kept on the online platform.
(7) Prior to the conclusion of the contract between the accounting group responsible and the operator of the virtual trading point, the accounting group responsible shall complete all the steps necessary for the settlement of the accounting requirements relating to the Natural gas exchange at the virtual trading point is necessary and described in the general conditions of the operator of the virtual trading point.
(8) The balance sheet group coordinator shall carry out a credit check and shall also update it continuously, at least once a year after the annual financial statements have been received. The balance group coordinator may require a security benefit from the balance sheet group responsible.
(9) Before taking up the operative activity, the group responsible for the balance sheet group has to prove to its contractual partners that it is at any time the exchange of data and the timetable and nomination process on the basis of the formats defined in § 34, Ensure interfaces, communication channels, security standards and content. The market area manager coordinates a test run with the respective contractual partners in the market area.
(10) In accordance with the existence of all the necessary contracts, documents and the tests successfully completed in accordance with paragraph 9, the market area manager shall inform the regulatory authority in writing that the conditions for the commendment of the activity as a Balance group responsibilities are met.
(11) For balance sheet groups established at the date of entry into force of this Regulation, the accounting groups responsible shall renew the existing contracts with the distribution area manager and the balance sheet group coordinator. In the event that no contracts have been concluded with the market area manager and the operator of the virtual trading point, they are to be completed, otherwise they must be renewed.
Section 2
Regulations on the structure of the balance sheet group system
Balance group membership
§ 20. (1) A balance sheet group may consist of the following balance group members:
1. |
end-users; |
2. |
natural gas undertakings; |
3. |
Producers. |
(2) Membership of the balance sheet group shall be either directly by the conclusion of a contract with the accounting group responsible (direct membership) or indirectly by the conclusion of a contract with a supplier who in turn Member of the balance group is (indirect membership), justified. The indirect member of the balance sheet group does not have a direct contractual relationship with the balance sheet group responsible. Membership in several balance sheet groups is permitted, but one count may only belong to one balance sheet group.
(3) If the balance sheet group members have one or more counting points, membership of the balance sheet group shall be justified by the counting point.
(4) A direct member of the balance sheet group intends to
1. |
to conclude contracts with the balance group coordinator on the supply or purchase of compensation energy, |
2. |
either a transmission system operator or the distribution area manager in relation to load flow commitments, or |
3. |
To carry out energy transactions via an energy exchange or a resolution point of an energy exchange, |
the balance group member has to inform the accounting group responsible at the time of the intended conclusion of such contracts. Balance group members may only issue or accept anbots for the conclusion of such contracts with the agreement of the accounting group responsible. The accounting group responsible may only refuse consent if there are reasonable concerns that the conclusion of the contract is the performance of the tasks and duties of the balance sheet group responsible or of the immediate Balance group member at risk. The reasons for this shall be stated in writing. In the event of non-fulfilment by the balance sheet group member of the relevant balance sheet group, energy transactions of a direct balance sheet group member via a natural gas exchange are attributed to the balance sheet group in terms of settlement, costs and liability. |
(5) Direct account group members shall support the accounting officer in the performance of his duties and duties. This obligation to support shall in particular:
1. |
participating in the preparation of forecast values for the collection and/or feeding of natural gas or biogenic gas, as well as in the transmission of the necessary roadmaps and nominations to the balance group responsible; |
2. |
in accordance with § 7 of the Data Protection Act 2000 in the transmission of those data, which constitute an essential condition for the performance of the respective tasks and duties mentioned in § 91 GWG 2011, in the group responsible for the management of the balance sheet group in the to the extent necessary for this |
3. |
in compliance with the gas specification referred to in Appendix 2, point 2, when fed into the market area; and |
4. |
in the delivery of the data necessary for the preparation of the long-term planning and the preparation of the network development plan. |
Regulations for balance sheet groups
§ 21. (1) If the balance sheet group responsible represents the members of a balance sheet group in the performance of its tasks and duties as stated in § 91 GWG 2011, he acts as an indirect substitute. However, a direct deputiation shall be provided if such an agreement has been agreed in an individual case. The group responsible for the balance sheet group shall disclose the identity and required data of the members of the balance sheet group to the market area manager, distribution area manager and network operator, provided that this is necessary for the performance of their tasks.
(2) Capacities introduced by balance group members into the balance sheet group according to § 23 shall be managed by the balance sheet group responsible.
Levies and charges of the accounting group responsible
§ 22. (1) The balance sheet group responsible shall provide the compensation energy costs in accordance with § 32 and the clearing fee according to § 89 GWG 2011 against the balance sheet coordinator and the transaction costs of the operator of the virtual trading point based on the approved general conditions pursuant to section 31 (3) of the GWG 2011 against the operator of the virtual trading point for all members of the balance sheet group and further charged these to the members of the balance sheet group. In addition, the group responsible for the balance sheet group makes the structural contribution according to § 26 vis-à-vis the market area manager.
(2) The nature of the resettlement of these charges and fees shall be agreed between the accounting group responsible and the direct member of the balance sheet group. Individual members of other members of the balance sheet group are not allowed to be in a bad position. This also applies to assigned members.
(3) The remuneration of the accounting officer responsible for the provision of his services shall be agreed between the accounting group responsible and the immediate member.
Allocation of capacities to balance sheet groups
§ 23. (1) A prerequisite for the nomination or the timetable registration of gas quantities at the points of entry or exit in the market area is the timely allocation of the capacities booked at these points to balance sheet groups. The capacity at points of entry and exit at the market area limits shall be provided by the network user to the network operator on the basis of the entry or exit between the network operator and the network operator between the network operator and the network operator. The expletion order is assigned with the identification number of the balance group. The network user can split booked capacities according to their height and assign these parts to different balance sheet groups. The network user must be a balance sheet group responsible or direct accounting group member of that balance sheet group according to § 20 paragraph 2, which assigns capacity to the group.
(2) There is no need for a separate statement on the allocation of gas quantities at the virtual trading point.
Rules on special balance sheet groups
§ 24. (1) Distribution system operators shall set up special balance sheet groups for the identification of network losses and of own consumption (net loss account group). Distribution system operators shall appoint a group responsible for the balance sheet group for this group. Several network operators may form common network loss account groups. Counting points of end consumers must not be assigned to a special balance sheet group.
(2) The performance of the activities of a group responsible for balance-sheet groups for balance-sheet groups in accordance with paragraph 1 requires no formal approval. With the establishment of a special balance sheet group, the distribution system operator has a duty to conclude a private contract with the balance sheet group coordinator in which the rights and obligations of the parties to the balance sheet are regulated.
(3) In any case, a road map for losses and self-consumption is to be drawn up by the network loss account group. If a number of distribution system operators form a common network loss account group, the balance group manager shall report to the balance group coordinator which distribution system operators are involved in the balance sheet group.
(4) The known total network losses and the self-consumption of the respective previous year serve as the basis for the creation of the network loss plan. These represent a certain percentage of the total energy output from the network under consideration and are to be determined as follows:
1. |
As a result of measurements, the distribution system operator shall use exact values for the preparation of the timetable. |
2. |
If there is no measurement, or if economic reasons are not acceptable, then the figures are from the previous year or from the previous year. Estimate the estimated values for the schedule creation. |
3. |
Should the distribution system operator have more accurate values on the basis of their own calculations, they should be used as a basis for the preparation of the timetable. |
4. |
Should the distribution system operator have to do without pressure due to work on the network, these quantities must be precisely determined for emptying and filling, and should be taken into account in the preparation of the timetable. |
(5) Net losses and self-consumption are to be covered by purchasing from a balance sheet group at normal market prices.
(6) The balance group coordinator shall be sent either monthly together with the other measurement units or, in advance, a network loss plan in accordance with the general conditions of the balance sheet coordinator.
(7) If several distribution system operators have joined together to form a net loss account group, the balance group responsible shall be free, after coordination with the balance sheet group coordinator, either an overall timetable or individual timetables for each of the groups responsible for the network loss account. Distribution system operator to the balancing group coordinator.
(8) The calculation model for the determination of net losses and the self-consumption is to be checked annually by the net loss account group for its correctness and, if necessary, to be adjusted.
Information flows between market participants
§ 25. (1) Market participants are obliged to handle the information flows relevant to them in a timely way.
(2) All data shall be transmitted in the formats specified in § 34.
(3) The data provision of the market area manager shall include in particular:
1. |
The hourly publication of the market area balance with timely values on the online platform; |
2. |
the hourly dispatch of the quantities of feed, discharge and difference, as amended on the basis of nomination or renomination, to the respective balance sheet group responsible for each balance group; |
3. |
the publication of all relevant capacity data at the entry and exit points of the market area on the online platform; |
4. |
the publication of the compensation energy prices for the calculation of deviations between final consumer timetables and measurement values, on the online platform; |
5. |
the publication of the aggregated SLP consumption forecasts in the market area on the online platform; |
6. |
the publication of the storage information data in accordance with paragraph 10 Z 2 on the online platform; |
7. |
the publication on the level and method of calculation of the structural contribution on the online platform; |
8. |
the publication of a list of registered balance sheet groups, the information on an activity in the distribution area and the relevant accounting group responsible; |
9. |
The hourly publication of the aggregated data of the transmission system operators via the useful network buffer of the transmission lines. |
(4) The data provision of the distribution area manager shall include in particular:
1. |
the sending of the allocated nominations or Timetables for entry and exit points in the distribution area at the market area limits per balance sheet group to the market area manager; |
2. |
the sending of the SLP consumption forecasts, aggregated per balance sheet group, to the respective accounting group responsible and the transmission of the sum of the SLP consumption forecasts to the market area manager; |
3. |
the dispatch of timetables for the quantities of production and the quantities of input and storage of each balance sheet group to the market manager; |
4. |
the dispatch of final consumer timetables, separated by system users in accordance with Article 18 (5) and (7) on the one hand, and section 18 (6) on the other hand, per balance sheet group to the market area manager and the balance sheet group coordinator; |
5. |
the transmission of nominations for the network coupling points of the transmission system to the distribution area to the transmission system operator. |
(5) The data provision of the balance group coordinator shall include in particular:
1. |
the dispatch of the compensation energy prices to the market area manager determined in accordance with § 32; |
2. |
the dispatch of the standardised load profiles to the market area manager, the distribution system operator and the distribution area manager; |
3. |
the publication on the level and method of calculation of the transfer according to § 32 paragraph 6 on the online platform. |
(6) The data provision of the balance sheet group responsible for each balance group includes in particular:
1. |
the dispatch of the nomination or the timetable for the quantities of input and output for each input and exit point to the transmission system operator or For entry and exit points in the distribution area at the market area limit to the distribution area manager; |
2. |
the dispatch of the road map or the nomination for import and discharge quantities to the respective storage undertaking; |
3. |
the dispatch of the road map for feed-in quantities from production facilities to the producer or producer of biogenic gas; |
4. |
the sending of trade nominations to the operator of the virtual trading point; |
5. |
the sending of end-user schedules for the network users according to § 18 (5) and (7) and separately for the network users according to § 18 (6) to the distribution area manager. For each network user with a contractually agreed maximum output of more than 50,000 kWh/h, the timetables shall be transmitted individually and separately to the distribution area manager |
(7) The provision of data to the transmission system operators shall include in particular:
1. |
the dispatch of the allocated import and exit nominations per entry and exit point for each balance sheet group to the market area manager; |
2. |
the dispatch of hourly information in accordance with § 29 on the network buffer of the transmission lines to the market area manager, which can be used for the market area; |
3. |
the dispatch of all relevant capacity data at the input and exit points of the market area to the market area manager for the purpose of publication; |
4. |
the sending of nominations for self-consumption to the market area manager. |
(8) The data provision of the distribution system operators shall include in particular:
1. |
the information on the standardised load profiles allocated to the end-users in its balance sheet group shall be made available to the accounting group responsible on request; |
2. |
the preparation of the SLP consumption forecasts according to § 28 and their transmission to the distribution area manager or the sending of the required basic data (previous year's consumption per balance group, SLP type and per temperature zone under daily consideration the changes in network access) for the preparation of the SLP consumption forecasts by the distribution area manager; |
3. |
the measurement data for network users with load profile counters, if they are read out on a daily basis, are sent daily by the distribution system operators to the balance group coordinator, to the distribution area manager and to the respective suppliers. is transmitted. At the customer's request, these values are to be made available to the customer in a timely manner; |
4. |
The immediate dispatch of the measured values of all network users with load profile counters whose measured values are available online to the distribution area manager; |
5. |
The at least monthly transmission of measurement data for consumption of network users aggregated per provider, for plants of producers of biogenic gases as well as for gas transfers between networks in the distribution area to the balance sheet group coordinator. |
(9) The data provision of the operator of the virtual trading point shall include, in particular, the sending of the salted trading quantities at the virtual trading point per balance sheet group to the market area manager.
(10) The data provision of the storage companies shall include in particular:
1. |
The dispatch of the allocated timetables separately according to the entry and/or Amounts of storage per balance group, as well as total value per input and exit point of the storage systems, to the distribution area manager for storage systems in the distribution area, or the transmission system operator for storage systems in the transmission system; |
2. |
the transmission of information on the quantities and capacity to be supplied and the capacity available, and on the volume of work gas, on a daily basis, to the market area manager and to the distribution area manager. |
(11) The provision of data for producers and producers of biogenic gases shall include, in particular, the dispatch of the allocated road map of the production quantities per balance group and the sum value per feed point of the production plant to the Distribution Area Manager.
(12) The supply of data to the supplier shall include in particular:
1. |
the preparation of the consumption forecast of the SLP customers allocated to it in total and in the hourly grid and its timely forwarding to its balance sheet group responsible; |
2. |
the preparation of the consumption forecast of the associated performance-measured customers in total and in the hourly grid and its timely forwarding to its balance-group responsible persons. |
(13) The data provision of the direct member of the balance sheet group includes in particular the transmission of data pursuant to § 20 paragraph 5 Z 1.
Section 3
Accounting rules
Market Area Manager Balance Sheet
§ 26. (1) Accounting for all quantities of gas in the market, with the exception of the difference between final consumer timetables and the actual consumption of end-users, the special balance-sheet groups for distribution networks and differences between Timetable declared and measured quantities of biogas feed are carried out by the market area manager.
(2) Accounting shall be made for each balance sheet group on the basis of the allocated nominations or schedule declarations at the points of entry and exit of the market area in accordance with Appendix 3, which shall be made available to the market area manager by the transmission system operators and the market area manager Distribution area managers are made available on an hourly basis, and the hourly salted quantities from trading at the virtual trading point and the final consumer timetables.
(3) Deviations between nominal and measured values are to be compensated for through operational balancing agreements (OBA) between network operators. The difference between the nomination and the measurement shall be borne by the network operators at points of entry and exit at which no OBA has yet been established between the network operators. For the group responsible for the balance sheet group, confirmed nominated quantities also correspond to the allocated quantities.
(4) The market area manager shall account for the nominated quantities of the balance sheet groups and inform the balance-group managers of the occurrence of daily imbalance. If the group responsible for the balance sheet group is not to renominate within one hour and adjust the daily unbalance per balance sheet group, then the corresponding quantities on the natural gas exchange will be purchased or sold on the virtual machine A trading point of compensation for the balance sheet group concerned. These exchange transactions at the virtual trading point will be made available on behalf of and on behalf of the respective accounting group responsible at the best possible price for single-and/or non-profit-making. Sale completed.
(5) The compensation in accordance with paragraph 4 shall not be carried out if the day-to-day balance of a balance sheet group is less than the exchange-capable amount of 1 MWh/h. If the compensation due to the lead times at the virtual trading point can no longer be carried out in good time until the end of the day, this daily unbalance for the day of the day (D) will be at the latest in the balance sheet of the next guest day (D + 2) .
(6) The market area manager has to raise a structural contribution from the accounting group responsible for the day-to-day structuring of the hourly imbalance between the entry and exit of each balance sheet group. The basis for the assessment of this structuring contribution shall be the costs of the underground structuring referred to in paragraph 7. The market area manager shall recalculate the structural contribution at least annually on the basis of the energy obtained in the last twelve months to compensate for hourly deviations and the costs incurred in doing so. The calculation is carried out on the basis of the general conditions of the market area manager. The defined structural contribution shall be reported to the regulatory authority and published on the online platform. Per 1. This structural contribution will be set at a maximum of 0.4 cent/kWh in January 2013. Each year, the market area manager shall submit a report to the regulatory authority on the extent of the procurement of underground structuring measures to meet the network requirements. The accounting of the structuring contribution shall be carried out monthly within five working days of the respective accounting month.
(7) On an hourly basis, the market area manager shall identify the market area balance. The market area manager procures the physical balancing energy for the underground structuring in the transmission network on the natural gas exchange at the virtual trading point using the network buffer in accordance with § 29 in the case of unbalanced units in their own name and on their own account. If these measures are not sufficient to maintain the stability of the network, the market area manager may order a change in the volume declaration of those balance sheet groups which, with their hourly imbalance, endanger the network stability.
Accounting Group Coordinator
§ 27. (1) The accounting of the differences between final consumer timetables and actual consumption, as well as the special balance-sheet groups for distribution networks and differences between the quantities of biogas fed to and measured by road map, shall be taken from the Balance Sheet Coordinator performed.
(2) The accounting for network users in accordance with § 18 (6) shall be based on the final consumer timetables transmitted by the balance sheet group and the measured consumption values of the network operators in relation to hourly values.
(3) The accounting for network users in accordance with § 18 (5) and (7) shall be based on the final consumer timetables transmitted by the balance sheet group and the consumption values transmitted by the respective network operator, based on daily values.
(4) The accounting for the special balance-sheet groups according to § 24 and the feed-in of producers of biogenic gases shall be made in relation to daily values.
(5) The settlement shall be made on the basis of the quantities determined in paragraphs 2 and 3 and the compensation energy prices determined in accordance with § 32 and shall be carried out monthly within eight working days of the respective accounting month.
(6) Deviations in the sum of the final consumer timetables from the actual consumption of the final consumer shall be offset by the distribution area manager primarily by the network buffer of the market area in accordance with § 29. If required, the distribution area manager may also procure gas quantities in accordance with (8) and (9).
(7) Balance sheet group managers report their final consumer timetables to each balance sheet group, taking into account the SLP consumption forecasts submitted by the distribution area manager in accordance with § 28 (1) or taking into account the self-created balance sheet SLP consumption forecasts. The balance sheet of the SLP customers shall be based on the transmitted consumption values of the respective distribution system operators on the basis of the actual measured temperature.
(8) The distribution area manager shall determine, on an hourly basis, the actual or forecasted distribution area balance and procure the quantity of physical balancing energy required for the disturbance-free control of the distribution area as a priority on the natural gas exchange at the virtual trading point in the name and on the account of the Balance Sheet Coordinator.
(9) If no corresponding offers are available on the natural gas exchange of the virtual trading point, or if location-dependent or short-term products are required for the maintenance of trouble-free operation in the distribution area of the distribution area manager , it can access the Merit Order List in accordance with § 31 and retrieve offers there.
(10) The amount of compensation per balance group determined in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 shall be based on the actual measured or, respectively, measured values of the balance sheet at the latest 14 months after the settlement in accordance with paragraph 4. corrected annual energy consumption of production and consumption.
Rules for standardised load profiles
§ 28. (1) The distribution area manager shall be prepared in cooperation with the respective distribution system operator and on the basis of the standardised load profiles for each network area, each balance group and SLP type, transmitted by the balance sheet group coordinator, by means of appropriate Temperature forecasts an SLP consumption forecast up to 12 noon for the following day and transmit these to the respective balance group responsible and the sum of the SLP consumption forecasts to the market area manager.
(2) The distribution area manager shall update these SLP consumption forecasts in accordance with paragraph 1 on the basis of current temperature forecasts in cooperation with the respective distribution system operator within the guest day twice a day before 17.00 o'clock and transmitted if required by the respective accounting group responsible, as well as the sum of the SLP consumption forecasts to the market area manager.
Network coupling contracts and network buffers
§ 29. (1) The network coupling agreements to be concluded pursuant to § 67 GWG 2011 ensure the efficient use of the mains buffer as control energy.
(2) The market area manager shall determine the usable network buffer of the market area on the basis of the data made available hourly by the transmission system operators and the distribution area manager in accordance with paragraph 7 of this Article.
(3) The market area manager uses the network buffer of the transmission lines and, in coordination with the distribution area manager, the network buffer of the distribution area to bridge the structural requirements in the transmission system up to the physical Fulfilment of its compensatory energy calls.
(4) The distribution area manager shall have the possibility to compensate for short-term pressure fluctuations in the distribution area in addition to the network buffer in the distribution area and to bridge over time to the physical fulfilment of its Balancing energy calls at the virtual trading point after prior coordination with the market area manager also use the network buffer of the trunk lines. The transmission system operators shall be obliged to provide the maximum technically possible volume and maximum input and output of the network buffer of the transmission lines, taking into account network integrity, by way of the market area manager for the transmission system. Distribution area managers can be used and submit monthly for the previous month a report on the hourly space available and the existing input and output of the network buffer of the long-distance lines and the volume of the Made available net buffers, including calculations, technical parameters, the load flow assumptions and the actual load flows, to the regulatory authority.
(5) The transmission system operators shall have an account of the use of the network buffer of the transmission lines. The distribution area manager will account for the use of the network buffer in the distribution area. The distribution area manager shall undertake to coordinate the balances of the OBA accounts, in coordination with the market area manager, by using the network buffer in the distribution area or by means of balancing energy on the natural gas exchange at the virtual trading point, or from the Merit Order List in a timely manner. Transmission system operators shall, in coordination with the distribution area manager, commit themselves to compensation for the network buffer account in a timely manner through the use of the network buffer of the transmission lines or of compensation energy on the Virtual trading point.
(6) The maintenance and use of control energy from network coupling contracts shall not be conducted either bilaterally between transmission system operators and between transmission system operators and distribution system operators, or from the market area manager, or Distribution Area Manager or Balance group coordinator separately remunerated. The compliance and the use of control energy quantities from network coupling contracts are logged in accordance with the regulations in the network coupling agreements. If tolerances are exceeded, the balances of the OBA accounts are to be returned in a timely manner. Control energy from network coupling contracts, which is used for the distribution area, is managed by the balance sheet group coordinator on accounts established for this purpose. In the event that control energy from network coupling contracts is applied to the virtual trading point or the Merit Order List via the natural gas exchange, this is done in the name and on the account of the balance sheet coordinator.
(7) All transmission system operators and the distribution area managers shall inform the market area manager every hour and shall inform the market area manager of the volume of the usable network buffer available to the market area after taking account of their own needs. can be made. Furthermore, the market area manager shall inform the distribution area manager of the available network buffer per hour, which shall be available for requirements in the distribution area after taking into account the structural needs in the transmission system. This information shall contain at least the following mandatory particulars:
1. |
maximum hourly input and output capacity of the transmission system for the purpose of distribution; |
2. |
the useable network buffer volume; |
3. |
The planned hourly use of the network buffer in the distribution area by the market area manager. |
(8) The rights and obligations necessary for the implementation of the use of control energy shall be contractually agreed between market area managers, transmission system operators, distribution area managers and distribution system operators.
Section 4
Rules on compensation for compensation
Conditions for the provision of compensation
§ 30. (1) A balance sheet group member who has successfully completed the registration process for compensation energy providers on the Merit Order List in accordance with the requirements in the General Conditions of the Balance Sheet Group Coordinator may, with the consent of the Offer balance group responsible according to § 20 (4) balancing energy according to § 31. In the context of the registration process, the balance group member must demonstrate that it is through appropriate flexibilization instruments such as usable storage volume movements, gas quantities at the input or exit points of the market area or large-scale customers , the counting point is measured online and an online data transmission to the distribution area manager is carried out. The compensation energy provider shall inform the balance group coordinator of the points at which he will offer compensation energy.
(2) The balance sheet group coordinator shall submit an updated list of registered compensation energy providers to the distribution area manager after each change.
(3) The provision of compensation energy in accordance with paragraph 1 is possible at the earliest two working days after the establishment of the provider with the balance sheet group coordinator and the establishment of the compensation energy supply point in the distribution area manager.
(4) The provider undertakes to actually feed the corresponding energy into the market area in the case of the retrieval of balancing energy in accordance with paragraph 1 by the distribution area manager or to remove it from the market area.
Rules for the Merit Order List
§ 31. (1) The compensatory energy providers on the Merit Order List shall have the technical means to ensure that the energy offered by them, with the specified power and at the point of entry and exit referred to in the offer, shall be 30 minutes after the request by the The distribution area manager is actually fed into the system of the market area or taken from the system.
(2) Offers are to be placed by the balancing energy provider exclusively on an online platform, which the balance group coordinator provides, for reference or delivery. The offer must include the identification number of the balance sheet group of the compensation energy provider, the hour (s) for which the offer is valid, and the amount of the services offered, as well as the price of energy and the price of energy and the price of energy and the price of energy and the price of energy and energy. or feed-out point. For each compensation energy provider, tenders with a minimum duration of one hour and a minimum size of one MWh/h may be laid. The offers are to be made at fixed prices.
(3) Offers are to be placed at the latest at 4 pm (market closure) for the following day of the day, on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays up to and including the next working day. From the date of the conclusion of the market, the tenders shall be binding on the respective compensation energy providers and may no longer be amended or withdrawn. In the case of special, justified circumstances such as technical problems, meetings of the weekend and holidays or taking action on account of lack of offers, the balance group coordinator shall have the opportunity to: after informing the market participants, postpone the date of the market closure.
(4) In the event that the distribution area manager does not consider the available compensation energy offers to be insufficient, it shall be notified immediately to the balance group coordinator, stating the reasons for the statement.
(5) The balance sheet group coordinator shall subsequently reopen the market, establish a new market closure and inform all compensation energy providers. With this information, the balance-group coordinator shall invite the compensation energy providers to offer additional quantities to the offers made binding in accordance with paragraph 3.
(6) The balance sheet group coordinator shall, at the request of the distribution area manager, keep the market open 24 hours a day for the delivery of offers. In this case, the balancing energy providers will be informed of the permanent opening of the market by the balance sheet coordinator. In the case of a permanent opening of the market, the tenders issued shall be sent to the distribution area manager at the dates specified and published by the balance sheet group coordinator (market closure). Offers may not subsequently be amended or withdrawn until such time as tenders issued at these dates are allowed.
(7) The offers shall be ordered by the balance sheet group coordinator in each case separately after application and acceptance, according to the stated energy prices ("Merit Order List"). In the case of price-like offers, the quantity is larger in terms of quantity. In the case of price and quantity of the same offers, the time of the arrival decides. Each offer is provided by the balance sheet group coordinator with a unique offer number.
(8) The Merit Order List created is transmitted by the balance sheet group coordinator to the distribution area manager, immediately after market closure. As a result, the distribution area manager calls for the necessary application or reduction of the balancing energy at the suppliers according to the Merit Order List. The distribution area manager has the right to retrieve at least one MWh/h from the offer and in steps from a MWh/h to the full range of services offered.
(9) The distribution area manager is obliged to comply with the order of the Merit Order List. If this is not possible due to bottlenecks in the cable network or technical malfunctions, the distribution area manager is entitled to take the following measures, unless the resources of the control system and the control system are not available. Balancing energy management can be found:
1. |
Cancellation of the order for the retrieval of compensation energy offered from the Merit Order List; |
2. |
Simultaneous calls of compensatory energy supply and compensatory energy supply offers with the possibility of taking advantage of these at different locations. |
(10) In cases where the distribution area manager has deviated from the order of retrieval, the distribution area manager shall be obliged to provide the balance sheet coordinator, the superior compensation energy providers and the regulatory authority. to announce and justify the reason for non-compliance with the retrieval order within three working days.
(11) The distribution area manager shall call for the necessary balancing energy in the name and on the account of the balance sheet group coordinator. The distribution area manager shall ensure that the balancing energy it takes is taken over or delivered by the system. A contract between the balance sheet group coordinator and the respective compensation energy provider shall be concluded with the call. The call takes place for a full hour and starts at the full hour, with the lead time of 30 minutes for calls of time-dependent and location-dependent offers of the input and exit points in the distribution area or to online measured Large-scale purchasers. If the call is made earlier, it shall be deemed to be unrevoked unless the distribution area manager has cancelled the call by e-mail not later than 30 minutes prior to the actual use of the balancing energy of the call.
(12) The retrieval of the offered compensation energy takes place directly at the compensation energy provider via e-mail to the e-mail address indicated in the Merit Order List. A technically responsible and responsible contact partner of the provider must be announced both to the distribution area manager as well as to the group responsible for the balance sheet group and must be at any time for the duration of the delivered offer can be reached via a further extension by telephone. The technically responsible and responsible contact person of the compensation energy provider shall at the same time receive a copy of the e-mail with the information of the Abruglees.
(13) The balancing energy requested by the distribution area manager shall be included in the balancing energy balance group and in the balance sheet group of the compensation energy provider in determining the charges for balancing energy in accordance with § 87 (4) of the GWG 2011 .
(14) In the event of insufficient or entirely absent offers of balancing energy, a market maker may be introduced by the balance sheet coordinator. The performance to be reserved by the market maker shall be determined by the distribution area manager. The Market Makers shall be introduced and processed in accordance with the general conditions of the balancing group coordinator and shall be notified to the regulatory authority.
Rules on the pricing of balancing energy
§ 32. (1) The balance group coordinator determines market-based compensation energy prices for the commercial compensation of deviations between final consumer timetables and measurement values, as well as for the accounting of the special balance sheet groups for distribution networks and differences between the quantities of biogas feed that are logged on and measured by the timetable.
(2) For the balancing energy accounting of the network users in accordance with Section 18 (6), a quantity weighted average price per hour on the basis of the call of the distribution area manager from the natural gas exchange at the virtual trading point and from the Merit Order will be List of items, For balancing energy, which is responsible for the balance sheet group, a charge of 20 per cent and, in the case of delivered balancing energy, a discount of ten per cent shall be applied to the weighted average price per hour. If no calls are made by the distribution area manager, the exchange price available on the day on which the natural gas exchange is held at the virtual trading point shall be used as the balancing energy price and shall be applied to the respective charge or surcharge. If the price of the natural gas exchange at the virtual trading point does not occur on that day, the last available hourly compensation energy price shall be used and the respective charge or surcharge shall be applied.
(3) The compensation energy prices for network users in accordance with § 18 (5) and (7) shall be calculated on the basis of the respective compensation energy call of the distribution area manager at the natural gas exchange at the virtual trading point and after the compensation energy of the Distribution Area Manager from the Merit Order List. The highest purchase price for fetching in the reference direction and the lowest selling price at the time of retrieval in the delivery direction (marginal prices) are used. If no calls were made by the distribution area manager, the respective limit prices of the previous day shall be applied.
(4) For the billing of the special balance sheet groups of the distribution networks and the differences between the quantities of biogas fed in and measured by the timetable, the applicable reference price of the natural gas exchange for the respective gas day shall be provided on the virtual basis Trading point used. In the event that a price cannot be formed, the last reference price shall be applied to the natural gas exchange at the virtual trading point.
(5) The compensation energy price shall be expressed in cent/kWh and shall be rounded off in commercial terms on three commatics.
(6) Should the balancing energy account of the balance-group co-ordinator result in cover or overlap, it shall be fixed for the following six months in each case and shall be determined by means of a consumption-related charge on the quantities of: Network users in accordance with § 18 (5) and (7), on the basis of the provisions in the general conditions of the balance sheet group coordinator, are further charged to the balance group responsible. The transfer shall be a component of the balancing energy calculation and shall be shown in cent/kWh.
(7) All expenses and revenues of the balance group coordinator, the underlying compensation energy quantities (price-quantity framework), as well as the forecast difference amounts in relation to the conversion of the balance sheet are the regulatory authority to be informed and presented in a transparent way on the occasion of any change in circulation.
Section 5
Rules for the Virtual Trading Point
§ 33. (1) The products required for the settlement of the compensation energy requirements of market area managers and distribution area managers shall be developed by the operator of the virtual trading point.
(2) Conditions for participation in the trade in the natural gas exchange at the virtual trading point are the membership of a balance group in the market area, the agreement of the respective accounting group responsible and the contract with the operator of the Virtual trading point as well as the listing according to the published criteria on the website of the operator of the virtual trading point.
Section 7
Rules on formats for data exchange, timetables and nominations
§ 34. (1) For the reproduction and transmission of data, timetables and nominations, the formats described below shall be used, with at least one of these formats being supported by the accounting group responsible:
1. |
Edig@s; |
2. |
3. |
(2) In addition to the formats mentioned in paragraph 1, an exchange of information via a web-based platform is also possible after agreement of the contractual partners.
(3) All timetables and nominations shall in principle be exchanged in the hourly grid.
(4) A kWh shall be defined as the smallest unit for timetables and nominations between market participants in the market area. Nominations and timetables in MWh must not contain a maximum of three decimal places, and no decimal places in kWh. Amounts are to be rounded off in commercial terms.
(5) Do not match corresponding timetables or nominations, the smaller hourly value in the timetable or the nomination ("lesser rule") shall apply.
Part 3
Regulations for the market areas of Tyrol and Vorarlberg
1. Main item
§ 35. (1) For the partial and full supply of customers in Tyrol and Vorarlberg, as well as an overarching accounting, a simple settlement with the adjacent upstream market area must be guaranteed.
(2) For the operational implementation of the provisions of this Part, the distribution area manager shall conclude the necessary contracts with the network operators and the market area manager of the adjacent upstream market area.
(3) Unless otherwise specified in this part, the provisions of the first paragraph shall apply. and 2. part of this Regulation.
Capacity Management
§ 36. (1) The distribution area manager shall book at the individual exit points of the adjacent upstream market area to the distribution networks in the market areas of Tyrol and Vorarlberg the capacity required by the Capacity demand survey as referred to in paragraph 3.
(2) No capacity management and no congestion management shall be carried out at the boundary coupling points between the Tirol and Vorarlberg market areas and the distribution networks in the market areas of Tyrol and Vorarlberg. Balance group level performed.
(3) The distribution area manager shall collect annually the demand for feed-in capacities from the adjacent upstream market area for the market areas of Tyrol and Vorarlberg, taking account of economic efficiency and security of supply. Feed-in point, for a period of five years, by means of a non-discriminatory, transparent procedure. The results of this capacity demand survey shall serve as the basis for the capacity bookings as referred to in paragraph 1.
2. Main piece
Balancing and balancing energy management
Section 1
Principles of the accounting system
§ 37. (1) Each network user operating in the market areas of Tyrol or Vorarlberg must belong to a group of balance sheet groups registered with the balance group coordinator. Within the balance sheet group, the input and output quantities in the market areas are brought together by one or more network users and the deviations are balanced. For each balance sheet group, a balance sheet group is to be named in relation to the balance sheet coordinator. The formation of several balance sheet groups by a group responsible for balance sheet groups is permissible.
(2) Each balance sheet group and its immediate members shall be guaranteed access to the virtual trading point of the adjacent upstream market area. For this purpose, the balance sheet group responsible for each balance sheet group in the Tirol and Vorarlberg market areas shall specify exactly one corresponding balancing group or sub-balance sheet account in the adjacent upstream market area.
(3) The group responsible for the balance sheet group shall have the effect of handing over the quantities of gas required to supply the customers assigned to its balance sheet group in the market areas of Tyrol and Vorarlberg at the virtual trading point of the adjacent upstream Market area in the scope of the final consumer timetables per balance group from its corresponding balance sheet or sub-balance account in the balance sheet of the balance sheet coordinator.
(4) The balance sheet group coordinator shall carry out the accounting for physical deviations between the quantities of gas transferred in accordance with paragraph 3, plus the actual feed-in of biogenic gases and the actual final consumer take-off. Balance sheet compensation is differentiated according to § 41 (2) and (3) of the balance sheet group and is carried out in energy units.
(5) The balance sheet period (period of measurement) in the market areas of Tyrol and Vorarlberg is the day of the day. The balance sheet transfer in accordance with section 37 (3) for the supply of end-consumers with the Gastag as the accounting period has as a daily volume (24 equal hourly values, taking into account the 23 and/or 25 hours in the summer/winter time conversion). Renominations must also be carried out in the form of a band until the end of the guest's day.
(6) For network users measured by means of load profile counters, the same applies for one hour as the accounting period (measurement period). The balance sheet transfer in accordance with section 37 (3) for the supply of end consumers with the hour as accounting period has to be carried out for hours in accordance with the forecast load cycle.
(7) Network users, whose consumption is measured by means of load profile counters and which, together with the network operator, have a contractual maximum power of up to 50,000 kWh/h per input or output, respectively. Counting points have been agreed and their measured values are available online to the distribution system operator, can opt for the daily accounting regime in accordance with paragraph 5. A change in the balance sheet period is possible once within twelve months.
(8) For network users pursuant to paragraphs 5 and 7, on the one hand, and paragraph 6, on the other hand, responsible have to draw up separate end-consumer timetables for network users. The group responsible for balance sheet groups shall forward timetables to the distribution area manager for the respective market area with at least two hours ' lead time. For large customers with a contractually agreed maximum performance of more than 50,000 kWh/h, the balance sheet group responsible travel plans must be submitted separately to each major buyer.
(9) The trade, including the transfer of gas volumes between balance sheet groups, is only at the virtual trading point of the adjacent upstream market area by means of the corresponding balancing groups, or Sub-balance accounts possible.
Regulations for registration in the market areas of Tyrol and Vorarlberg
§ 38. (1) The balance group coordinator shall organise the balance sheet group system and assign a unique identification number common to the Tirol and Vorarlberg market areas to each contractual partner and to each balance sheet group, which shall be assigned by the contracting parties to: for each exchange of data and correspondence.
(2) The balance sheet group coordinator shall conclude a contract with the balance sheet group responsible on the basis of the approved general conditions in accordance with § 88 GWG 2011. The balance sheet group coordinator also closes a contract with the balance sheet group manager on behalf of and on behalf of the distribution area manager on the basis of the approved general conditions pursuant to § 26 GWG 2011. The distribution area manager shall empower the balance group coordinator for the conclusion of the contract on his behalf and on his behalf. The balance group coordinator has to inform the full-time employer about the conclusion of contracts. The balance sheet group coordinator is entitled to conclude the contract with the accounting group responsible after the conclusion of the examination in accordance with paragraph 4.
(3) The balance sheet group coordinator shall forward the offer to the applicant to conclude the contracts within five working days of receipt of the complete application.
(4) The balance group coordinator shall carry out a credit check and shall also update the credit rating on an ongoing basis, at least once a year after the annual financial statements have been received. The balance group coordinator may require a security benefit from the balance sheet group responsible.
(5) Before taking up the operative activity, the group responsible for the balance sheet group has to prove to its contractual partners that it is at any time the exchange of data and the timetable and nomination process on the basis of the formats defined in § 34, Ensure interfaces, communication channels, security standards and content. The balance sheet group coordinator coordinates a test run with the respective contractual partners.
(6) The balance group coordinator shall, in accordance with the existence of all the necessary contracts, documents and the tests completed successfully in accordance with paragraph 5, inform the regulatory authority in writing that the conditions for the inclusion of the activity as Balance group responsibilities are met.
(7) The legal framework conditions and regulations apply to the registration and establishment of balance-sheet groups and sub-balance accounts in the adjacent upstream market area.
Section 2
Regulations on the structure of the balance sheet group system
Balance group membership
§ 39. (1) A balance sheet group may consist of the following balance group members:
1. |
end-users; |
2. |
natural gas undertakings; |
3. |
Producers. |
(2) Membership of the balance sheet group shall be either directly by the conclusion of a contract with the accounting group responsible (direct membership) or indirectly by the conclusion of a contract with a supplier who in turn Member of the balance group is (indirect membership), justified. The indirect member of the balance sheet group does not have a direct contractual relationship with the balance sheet group responsible.
(3) If the balance sheet group members have one or more counting points, membership of the balance sheet group shall be justified by the counting point. Only one balance group member can be assigned a count point of a balance sheet group member.
(4) A direct member of the balance sheet group intends to:
1. |
to conclude contracts with the balance group coordinator on the supply or purchase of compensation energy, |
2. |
to meet the burden of the distribution area manager in relation to the commitments or |
3. |
To carry out energy transactions via an energy exchange or a resolution point of an energy exchange in the name and on the account of the balance sheet group responsible, |
the balance group member has to inform the accounting group responsible of the intended conclusion of such contracts. Balance group members may only issue or accept Anbote for the conclusion of such contracts with the agreement of the balance sheet group responsible. The accounting group responsible may only refuse consent if there are reasonable concerns that the conclusion of the contract is the performance of the tasks and duties of the balance sheet group responsible or of the immediate Balance group member at risk. The reasons for this shall be stated in writing. |
(5) Direct account group members shall support the accounting officer in the performance of his duties and duties. This obligation to support shall in particular:
1. |
participating in the preparation of forecast values for the collection and/or feeding of natural gas or biogenic gas, as well as in the transmission of the necessary roadmaps and nominations to the balance group responsible; |
2. |
in accordance with § 7 of the Data Protection Act 2000 in the transmission of those data, which constitute an essential condition for the performance of the respective tasks and duties mentioned in § 91 GWG 2011, in the group responsible for the management of the balance sheet group in the to the extent necessary for this |
3. |
in compliance with the gas specification referred to in Appendix 2, point 2, when fed into the market area. |
Regulations for balance sheet groups
§ 40. (1) If the balance sheet group responsible represents the members of a balance sheet group in the performance of its tasks and duties as stated in § 91 GWG 2011, he acts as an indirect substitute. However, a direct deputiation shall be provided if such an agreement has been agreed in an individual case.
(2) The balance group responsible shall disclose to the distribution area manager and to the network operators the identity and required data of the members of the balance sheet group, provided that this is necessary for the performance of their tasks.
Section 3
Regulations for accounting in the market areas of Tyrol and Vorarlberg
Balancing energy management
§ 41. (1) The balance group coordinator determines and offsets balancing energy on the basis of the balance sheet group
1. |
the difference between the amounts allocated to the balance sheet group and the actual consumption of the final consumer allocated to the balance sheet group in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3, each of which shall be considered as a sum, in the sense of a sedation of the Deviations, for the market areas Tyrol and Vorarlberg take place. In the case of the special balance-sheet groups in accordance with § 24, the quantities of distribution networks used in addition to and out of supply shall also be taken into account; |
2. |
the costs and proceeds from the compensation of compensation as well as the costs and proceeds from the commercial settlement of the balance of the balance sheet accounts outside the tolerance range defined therein in accordance with § 43 (5). |
(2) The balance sheet for end users pursuant to § 37 (6) shall be made on the basis of the quantities of gas transferred by the balance sheet group responsible pursuant to section 37 (3). minus further infeed and discharge into the from the balance sheet group as well as the final consumer timetables for the supply of end-users referred to in § 37 (5) and (7) and the consumption values measured by the respective network operator, based on hourly values.
(3) The balance sheet for end users pursuant to § 37 (5) and (7) shall be based on the final consumer timetables transmitted by the balance sheet group and the consumption values transmitted by the respective network operator, based on daily values.
(4) The settlement shall be made on the basis of the quantities determined in accordance with section 2 and 3 and the compensation energy prices determined in accordance with § 44. This is to be carried out monthly within eight working days of the end of the respective billing month.
(5) deviations of the quantities of gas transferred from the BGV according to § 37 (3) of the actual consumption of the end user in the market area are primarily due to the use of the network buffers of the market areas of Tyrol and Vorarlberg according to § § § § 37 (3). 43. If required, the distribution area manager may also procure gas quantities in accordance with paragraph 8, respectively. will be sold.
(6) SLP consumption forecasts according to § 42 (1) shall be transmitted by the distribution area manager to the respective accounting group responsible.
(7) Balance-sheet group managers shall take into account, in their final consumer timetables, the SLP consumption forecasts provided by the distribution area manager in accordance with paragraph 6, or the values of their self-produced, in accordance with Article 37 (5) and (7). SLP consumption forecasts. The balance sheet of the SLP customers shall be based on the transmitted consumption units of the respective distribution system operators on the basis of the actual measured temperature.
(8) The distribution area manager shall determine, on an hourly basis, the actual or forecasted distribution area balance and procures the quantity of physical balancing energy required for the disturbance-free control of the distribution area, having regard to paragraph 5 in the name and on the account of the balance sheet group coordinator the objective, the hourly and cumulative deviations between the quantities of gas transferred by the balance-group responsible pursuant to § 37 (3) and the measured values at the border crossing points within the limits of the amounts of gas transferred pursuant to § 43 (1) agreed balance sheet accounts. If necessary, the distribution area manager shall be entitled to request the balance group coordinator to draw up a Merit Order List in accordance with § 31.
(9) The amount of compensation for each balance sheet group determined in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 shall be based on the actual measured or, respectively, measured values of the balance sheet at the latest 14 months after the settlement in accordance with paragraph 4. corrected annual energy consumption of production and consumption.
(10) For end users, measured by means of load profile counters, the measured values of which are available to the distribution system operator by remote data transmission, the data transmitted shall be timely, but at least daily, to the respective distribution system operator. to make available to the balance sheet group coordinator and the distribution area manager.
Rules for standardised load profiles
§ 42. (1) The distribution area manager shall, in cooperation with the respective distribution system operator per network area, each balance sheet group and each type of SLP, draw up an SLP consumption forecast by 12.00 p.m. for each of the respective groups of the respective distribution system, each SLP type. Follow-up day and send them in total to the respective group responsible for the balance sheet group
(2) The distribution area manager shall update these SLP consumption forecasts in accordance with paragraph 1 on the basis of current temperature forecasts in cooperation with the respective distribution system operator within the guest day twice a day and forward them in each case. again to the respective accounting group responsible.
Network coupling contracts
§ 43. (1) Distribution system operators in the market areas of Tyrol and Vorarlberg conclude network coupling agreements with the adjacent upstream network operators, taking into account the requirements of section 67 of the GWG 2011. These have to include balance accounts for the settlement of the mutual provision of control energy between the distribution system operators in the market areas of Tyrol and Vorarlberg and the adjacent upstream network operators, taking into account the technical possibilities and requirements. In the event of exceeding the limits of the balance sheet accounts, appropriate payments shall be agreed.
(2) The distribution system operators shall operate the limit coupling points in accordance with the requirements of the distribution area manager.
(3) The distribution area manager agrees with the upstream network operators adjacent to the Tirol and Vorarlberg market areas via the mutual provision of control energy with the aim of both-sided economic optimisation of the Use of physical balancing energy. The relevant regulations are to be found in the network coupling agreements in accordance with § 43 (1) by the distribution system operators in the market areas of Tyrol and Vorarlberg in favor of the distribution area manager.
(4) The distribution area manager shall determine the current balance of the balance accounts and monitor compliance with the limits of the balance sheet accounts. The distribution system operators in the market areas of Tyrol and Vorarlberg provide the distribution system operator with the measured values at all entrance and exit points in the market areas of Tyrol and Vorarlberg online.
(5) The balance of the balance sheet accounts for the distribution networks in the market areas of Tyrol and Vorarlberg, respectively through the control energy provided for the upstream adjacent networks, the balance sheet group coordinator will be responsible for the accounts established for this purpose.
(6) Payments for the crossing of the limits of the balance sheet accounts referred to in paragraph 1 shall be charged by the distribution system operator concerned, with proof that the balance sheet group coordinator is exceeded. The balance sheet group coordinator shall take into account these payments in the circumstances referred to in § 44 (5).
(7) The rights and obligations necessary for the implementation of the use of control energy shall be contractually agreed between the distribution area manager and the distribution system operators in the market areas of Tyrol and Vorarlberg.
Rules on the pricing of balancing energy
§ 44. (1) For the commercial compensation of the deviations between the input and output of the balance sheet groups and the consumption values, valid compensation energy prices are determined on the market basis by the balance group coordinator for the respective day of the day.
(2) A compensation energy price per day shall be determined on the basis of market based on the terms of reference or delivery for the compensation energy bill of the final consumer according to § 37 (5) and (7). The daily balancing energy prices are calculated on the basis of the respective balancing energy call of the distribution area manager at the natural gas exchange at the virtual trading point of the adjacent upstream market area and from the Merit Order List. For these calls, the highest purchase price in each case is given in the reference direction, or respectively. the lowest selling price in the delivery direction (marginal prices) used. On days without calls from the distribution area manager, the daily reference price of the natural gas exchange shall apply at the virtual trading point of the adjacent upstream market area.
(3) A weighted average price per hour on the basis of the call by the distribution area manager from the natural gas exchange at the virtual trading point of the virtual machine shall be used for the compensation of the final consumer in accordance with Article 37 (6). The trade point and the Merit Order List are determined, with a 20 percent impact on balance-group-related balancing energy and a 10 percent drop in the amount of delivered balancing energy. If no calls are made by the distribution area manager, the day reference price published on the current day on the natural gas exchange at the virtual trading point of the adjacent upstream market area shall be considered as a compensation energy price is used and evaluated with the respective up-or-down rate. If no price is due on this day on the natural gas exchange of the virtual trading point of the adjacent upstream market area, the last available hourly balancing energy price shall be used and shall be used with the respective on-or-off exchange rate. Abatation rate.
(4) The compensation energy price shall be expressed in cent/kWh and shall be rounded off in commercial terms on three commatics.
(5) Should the balancing energy account of the balance-group co-ordinator result in a recovery or overlap, it shall be fixed for the following six months in each case and shall be determined by means of a consumption-related transfer to the quantities of Network users in the daily balance sheet, on the basis of the provisions in the general conditions of the balance sheet group coordinator, to which the balance sheet group managers are further charged. The transfer shall be a component of the balancing energy calculation and shall be shown in cent/kWh. This transfer shall also cover any costs and proceeds from the commercial settlement of unbalanced accounts of a balance sheet account outside the tolerance range defined therein pursuant to § 41 (1) (2) (2).
Roadmap and Nomination
§ 45. (1) Balance sheet group managers report timetables at the exit points of the adjacent upstream market area to the distribution networks in the market areas of Tyrol and Vorarlberg as time series for the distribution area manager.
(2) The transfer of the quantities of gas from the group responsible to the distribution area manager in accordance with section 37 (3) shall be carried out in accordance with the rules applicable to the transfer of gas between the parties at the virtual trading point of the adjacent upstream market area. Balance-sheet on the basis of nominations.
(3) The distribution area manager shall carry out the transport of the quantities of gas transferred by the accounting group responsible pursuant to section 37 (3) to the market areas of Tyrol and Vorarlberg at the risk of the respective balance sheet group responsible.
(4) The distribution area manager forecasts the total consumption of the end users in the market areas of Tyrol and Vorarlberg and nominates corresponding spouts in the upstream market areas of Tyrol and Vorarlberg. Network operators.
Part 4
Final provisions
Transitional provisions
§ 46. (1) The test order in accordance with Section 3 (2) is not applicable in the case of the changeover pursuant to Section 170 (6) of the GWG 2011.
(2) By way of derogation from Section 32 (6), the transfer shall be calculated on a monthly basis until 31 March 2013.
(3) The reservation by the distribution area manager at the individual exit points of the adjacent upstream market area to the distribution networks in the market areas of Tyrol and Vorarlberg pursuant to § 36 para. 1 may be used in the case of the existence of the contractual Prerequisites from 1. January 2013 will be carried out at the latest with the entry into force of the 3. Part to be done.
(4) By way of derogation from Section 44 (5), the charge shall be calculated on a monthly basis until 31 December 2013.
entry into force
§ 47. (1) This Regulation shall not, in so far as (2) and (3), determine otherwise with 1. Jänner 2013 in force.
(2) By way of derogation from paragraph 1, § 6 para. 1 and 3, § § 9 and 10 as well as § 11 para. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 shall enter into force with 1 April 2013.
(3) By way of derogation from paragraph 1, the provisions of the 3. Partly with the exception of section 36 (1) with 1. October 2013 will be in force.
Boltz Graf
Appendix 1
Network access/network access and capacity expansion
I. Network access |
1. |
In any event, the application for access to the network for end users shall contain the following information: |
(a) indication of the object to be supplied (exact address and name);
(b) the beginning of the transport; in the case of a fixed-term contract, the beginning and end of the transport must be indicated;
(c) Maximum power in kWh/h. Technical or contractual connection value which corresponds to the actual capacity requirements of the net authorized person;
(d) forecasted annual consumption in kWh;
(e) the nature of the final consumer: the household sector (up to 50,000 kWh/h)-industry (from 50,000 kWh/h)-power stations (up to 50,000 kWh/h)-power stations (from 50,000 kWh/h);
(f) the intended use (multiple mentioning possible): heating-hot water treatment-cooking process gas;
(g) the desired minimum and maximum allowable pressure at the desired point of removal in cash;
(h) supply of the natural gas to be transported;
(i) Counting point name of the pick-off point (for new customers applies: The distribution system operator has to assign a counting point designation before the forwarding of the corresponding network access request);
(j) In the case of a seasonal withdrawal, the months in which the withdrawal takes place;
(k) Note that the request for network access is based on the general distribution network conditions.
[ Note: It is recommended to include in the forms of network operators for network access a notice indicating that the maximum transport capacity according to lit. c as contractually agreed maximum performance, the basis for the assessment of the minimum performance or for performance overrun according to § 70 of the GWG 2011 for performance-measured customers.]
2. |
In any case, the application for access to the network for feed-in and storage undertakings shall contain the following information: |
(a) the beginning of the transport; in the case of a fixed-term contract, the beginning and end of the transport must be indicated;
(b) Desired feed point in the distribution network, exact address and name;
(c) Maximum power in kWh/h. Technical or contractual connection value which corresponds to the actual capacity requirements of the net authorized person;
(d) forecasted year-on-year injection in kWh;
(e) the type of feed-in: biogas-gas-producer-storage-synthetic gas;
(f) the desired minimum and maximum permissible pressure at the desired feed point in cash;
(g) Counting point designation of the feed-in point (for new customers: the distribution system operator has to assign a counting point name before the forwarding of the corresponding network access request);
(h) Note that the request for network access is based on the general distribution network conditions.
3. |
In addition to the information referred to in points 1 and 2, if a request for access to the network is directed at a restricted access to the network, the application shall contain: |
(a) actual maximum utilisation according to load profile in kWh/h of the previous year (for new customer contract value in kWh/h);
(b) the name of the online measuring unit;
(c) the nature and extent of the restriction;
(d) the applicable period and the maximum number of restrictions;
(e) maximum uninterrupted duration of restrictions;
(f) maximum cumulative duration of restrictions per year;
(g) maximum hourly performance during restricted network use (minimum required supply).
4. |
Network access agreements providing for restricted access to the network shall include, in particular, the following components: |
(a) The obligation of the distribution system operator to announce, on the initiative of the distribution area manager, any restriction on the use of the network to the final consumer in good time. The announcement shall be made in good time if the restriction is notified to the final consumer for at least two hours before the date of effectiveness. By way of derogation, a time limit for the announcement of the restriction of more than two hours may also be agreed in coordination with the distribution area manager.
(b) Consent of the final consumer to carry out the agreed restriction itself, in accordance with the invitation of the distribution system operator. Otherwise, the restriction placed at the expense of the final consumer may be carried out by the distribution system operator;
(c) definition of the nature and extent of the restriction;
(d) Termination of restrictions in accordance with § 70 of the GWG 2011;
(e) Applicable period and maximum number of restrictions;
(f) Contact persons and communication (-swege) in connection with restrictions on the use of the network in detail;
(g) rules governing the distribution of data by the distribution system operator to the distribution area manager;
(h) Regulations relating to the settlement of the fee for the restricted use of the network pursuant to the Regulation pursuant to § 70 GWG 2011.
5. |
In addition to the information referred to in point 1, a completed network access contract for end users shall contain: |
(a) Meter entry point for settlement without conversion;
(b) The underlying amount in m for invoicing without quantity conversion;
(c) Conversion factor at the conclusion of the contract (reference to possible adjustment in accordance with the Regulation pursuant to § 70 GWG 2011);
(d) Network level allocation according to GWG 2011;
(e) Standardised load profile which may be required;
(f) Type and type of the built-in measuring instruments;
(g) Arrangements and arrangements in the event that access to the network has been authorised only for a seasonal reference.
6. |
Temporary excess of the contractually agreed withdrawal benefit |
In exceptional cases, the contractually agreed withdrawal performance may, in particular, be required for removal capacities which are required in the short term (e.g. for starting or auxiliary service), in the absence of a continuous need, not in the long-term planning of the Distribution area managers are planned and can be made available after consultation. A corresponding excess shall be subject to the prior consent of the distribution system operator in the event of a given case. The distribution system operator is obliged to obtain previously the consent of the distribution area manager. The possibility for the network user to exceed the contractually agreed withdrawal performance exists only for the respective individual case. For these cases, it is possible to agree on more detailed conditions in the network access agreement, which also require the prior consent of the distribution area manager. The network user shall be informed within two working days from the receipt of his written question (e.g. by e-mail) of the possibility of short-term exceeding of the contractually agreed withdrawal service.
II. Network access |
1. |
In any case, the application for network access shall contain the following information: |
(a) indication of the object to be supplied (exact address and name);
(b) forecasted annual consumption in kWh;
(c) if the connection line is to be made on foreign land, name and contact details of the property owner;
(d) Desired minimum and maximum allowable pressure at the desired removal point in bar
(e) Connection power in kWh/h.
2. |
Minimum requirements for the production of connection lines |
(1) The distribution system operator shall notify the network user in good time of the nature and extent of the intended use of the land. The use shall be carried out in the most appropriate way of the land used and the premises used. Legitimate interests of the network user must be taken into consideration. The network user shall agree to the distribution system operator of measures on his property which could endanger the facilities of the distribution system operator.
(2) If the property owner requires-subject to the existence of a serviceability or any other written agreement-the subsequent transfer of the facilities, if it is unreasonable to use the property in accordance with the law , the distribution system operator shall bear the costs of the transfer, unless the facilities are used or the supply of this land was also served.
(3) After the termination of the network access contract, the distribution system operator shall be entitled to remove its facilities at any time from the land used. If the property owner requests it, the distribution system operator shall be obliged to do so, except where there is a service, another written agreement or the facilities were intended for the supply of the land. Furthermore, the distribution system operator is entitled to continue the use of the land even over a reasonable period of time after the termination of the contract, insofar as this is necessary for the maintenance of the local supply. In the other cases, the distribution system operator shall be able to vacate the property in an appropriate period and complete the necessary work.
(4) The distribution system operator may, in accordance with the contract procedure, require the separation of the connecting line from the distribution network at any time at any time, at the expense of the (former) network user, at any time. To the extent that the costs are charged on a flat-rate basis, the costs of the separation shall be determined in accordance with the price sheet of the distribution system operator. The distribution system operator may make a lump-sum payment on the basis of the total cost of the costs to the simpler administration. The principle of causation justice can be met by appropriate differentiations (e.g. by investment type).
III. Capacity expansion |
1. |
Requirements for the handling of requests for capacity expansion: |
(1) The distribution system operator is obliged to immediately forward the request of the customer to the distribution area manager, so that this can take into account the application in accordance with the provisions for long-term planning (§ 22 GWG 2011).
(2) The requirement for the application for capacity extension to take place is that the distribution area manager shall supply the distribution system operator with the availability of the necessary transport capacity on the basis of the following conditions and in each case. shall be notified to the following:
(a) Long-term planning includes the necessary implementation measures to create the capacity requirements underlying the application for capacity expansion, and this long-term planning has been approved by the regulatory authority;
(b) the network operators concerned have concluded, together with the distribution area manager, network expansion contracts relating to the implementation of the measures provided for in the long-term planning.
(3) The distribution system operator shall only be obliged to take part in the application and the counter-production of the capacity extension contract. the distribution system operator and the upstream network operators and the distribution area manager shall not be obliged to make the necessary expansion measures until the applicant has legally signed the capacity extension contract , and the conditions set out in the capacity extension contract, such as (b) the provision of security benefits-has been complied with within the time limit laid down.
(4) In the capacity extension contract, non-discriminatory and appropriate conditions may be contractually agreed between the applicant and the distribution system operator, the fulfilment of which shall be the implementation of the measures for the expansion of capacity . In order to secure the investments triggered by the application of the application for capacity expansion, a payment for the (partial) non-use of the capacity extension contract is in the capacity extension contract. to conclude the contract in the extent of the non-use contractually agreed upon contractually agreed upon in the contract of capacity extension contract. The amount of the payment has to be at least equal to the network provision fee which would be payable for the requested connection performance if the non-use of the connection performance requested in accordance with the capacity extension contract was to be met. and in the case of partial non-use, it reduces aliquot. The payment for the (partial) non-use of the service requested in accordance with the capacity extension contract shall be reduced to the extent to which the unused terminal power requested in accordance with the capacity extension contract, of Third is used. In order to secure this payment, the performance of an appropriate security benefit can be agreed. In the case of (partial) use of the requested connection performance in accordance with the commencement of the transport contractually agreed upon in the capacity extension contract, an offsetting of the payment made is subject to the network delivery fee according to the Regulation according to § 70 GWG 2011 is not permitted.
(5) The distribution system operator undertakes to grant network access to the distribution network according to § 27 GWG 2011 at the time of the application for capacity expansion to the network user from a specified date on which the distribution system is located.
(6) After notification of the final date of the provision of capacity by the distribution system operator, the network user shall have a request for a network access request for new installations in accordance with § 13 at the latest ten working days before the agreed start of the transport service. of the Regulation. The distribution system operator has to expressly point out to the network user in the capacity extension contract the need for a network access request. If this application is not delivered in a timely way, the transport performance cannot be provided within the time limit, without prejudice to the other rights and obligations of the contractual partners from the capacity extension contract.
Appendix 2
Rules of technology
1. |
General |
For network access in the market area, the relevant rules of technology (§ 7 sec. 1 Z 53 GWG 2011) are to be observed, which result in particular from the following guidelines, norms and standards:
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ÖVGW-Rules Gas |
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EN |
2. |
Gas quality-Gas quality |
The quality requirements laid down in the general distribution network conditions, which apply to the feeding and transport of natural gas, are according to the valid version of the ÖVGW Directive 1 G 31 "Gas quality" or the ÖVGW guideline G B220 "Regenerative gases-Biogases" to be determined. |
3. |
Determination of the billing fuel value for end users |
The determination of the data for the billing of gases in the case of end users is in principle determined according to the technical methods of the ÖVGW guideline G 177 issue November 2002 and the regulation according to § 70 GWG 2011. |
The determination of volume and calorific value (according to DIN EN ISO 6976 or 13686 natural gas) for the calculation of the system usage fees is carried out according to the methods according to the rules of the technology. |
For all feed-in quantities in the market area, the respective network operator shall be responsible for the respective month with the feed-in quantities and associated calorific values determined by the feed in the market area manager (in the market areas Tyrol and Vorarlberg: the distribution area manager). The market area manager (in the market regions of Tyrol and Vorarlberg: the distribution area manager) forms a weighted average value of the calorific value of the total gas fed into the respective market area, which is the market area manager (in the market area manager) (in the market area manager). Market areas Tyrol and Vorarlberg: from the distribution area manager), at the latest by 10. of the following month.
Differs from that of the market area manager or the calorific value determined by the distribution area manager no more than +/-2 per cent from the current clearing calorific value in accordance with the Regulation in accordance with § 70 of the GWG 2011, this clearing calorific value shall be used for the determination of the amount of energy.