Key Benefits:
207. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, which sets out a shortage of skilled occupations for the employment of foreign skilled workers for 2012 (FachForces Regulation 2012)
On the basis of § § 13 and 34 (39) of the Foreigners Employment Act-AuslBG, BGBl. No. 218/1975, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 25/2011, is to be arranged in agreement with the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth:
§ 1. In 2012, foreigners may be admitted to employment as a professional in accordance with § 12a AuslBG (German AuslBG) in the following mangeloccupations:
1. Milling/Inside
2. Dreher/Inside
3. Dachdecker
4. Engineers with higher education (Ing.) for mechanical engineering
5. welders, cutting burners/inside
6. Bautischler/innen
7. Engineers with higher training (Ing.) for fire and gas technology
8. Bauspengler/innen
9. Electricity installer (s) inside, -monteur (s) inside
10. Landmaschinenbauer/innen
11. Diplomingenieur (e) innen für Maschinenbau
12. Room (s) inside
13. Schlosser/innen
14. Spengler
15. Technicians for Mechanical Engineering
16. Engineers with higher training (Ing.) for heavy-current technology
17. Rohrinstallateur (e) innen, -monteur (e) innen
18. Construction and furniture carpenter
19. Bodenleger/innen
20. Plate, Tiles, Tiles
21. Technicians with higher education (Ing.) for data processing
22. Wood machine workers
23. Special technicians with a higher level of training (Ing.)
24. Tool-, cut-and punch-makers
25. Diplomingenieur (e) innen (University degree)
26. Dipl. Nurses, nurses
§ 2. The occupations referred to in § 1 correspond to the occupational classification of the labour market service.
§ 3. This Regulation shall expire on the expiry of 31 December 2012 and shall apply to applications submitted by 5 November 2012.