Key Benefits:
237. Regulation of the Board of Management of E-Control on the exemption from the obligation to pay the green electricity package and on the cost-covering for low-income households ("Ökostrom 2012" exemption regulation)
Due to § 46 para. 3 and § 49 paragraph 3 Ökostromgesetz 2012 (ÖSG 2012) BGBl. I No 75/2011, shall be arranged:
§ 1. This Regulation lays down detailed rules on the procedure to be followed for establishing the cost-limiting status and the exemption from the obligation to pay the ecoelectricity rate, as well as the assertion of the exemption by the Eligible. In addition, an appropriate payment of the services of the GIS fees Info Service GmbH (GIS) will be established within the scope of the application processing of the exemption applications by the eco-settlement agency.
Eligible persons
§ 2. (1) Persons belonging to the eligible group of persons in accordance with § 3 of the German Telecommunications Act are, in each case, for their skin residence, from the obligation to pay the green electricity bill and the 20 euro over-increasing green electricity contribution Free.
(2) The eligibility for the exemption applies only to the contract partner from the network use contract.
Application and proof of approval requirements
§ 3. (1) The exemption from the eco-electricity package and the determination of the conditions for the cost-covering of the green electricity contribution shall be requested by the claimer in the GIS using the form provided for this purpose. The GIS will also provide this form as a download on its homepage.
(2) The existence of the conditions of exemption is to be proved by the claimant in accordance with the provisions of § 4 of the Law on Telecommunications Subsidies.
(3) The identification of the counting points affected by the exemption from the eco-electricity package and the costing of costs shall be made by submitting appropriate documents by the applicant.
(4) The entitled person is within 3 weeks from the complete submission of the documents concerning the approval or rejection of the application for exemption from the green electricity package and the cost-covering of the green electricity contribution in writing. The time period for the exemption from the green electricity package and for the cost coverage of the green electricity contribution shall be indicated in the letter. Reasons for rejection of the application shall be justified.
Exemption period
§ 4. (1) If the conditions for approval are met, the green electricity contribution and the green electricity contribution exceeding EUR 20 shall no longer be invoiced by the network operator from the date of the submission of the application following the application date. In the event of financial reporting already completed, the corresponding amounts shall be refunded or in the case of the next financial reporting. The settlement of the system usage fees shall be indicated on the exemption.
(2) The exemption from the green electricity charge and the green electricity contribution may take place for a maximum period of 5 years.
(3) For the purposes of calculating the exemption from the green electricity contribution, an aliquoting of the 20 euro limit according to the number of counting points shall be permitted for the purposes of calculating the exemption from the green electricity contribution in the installation of the beneficiary.
Data transfer
§ 5. (1) The GIS has to inform the respective network operator about the approval of the exemption from the green electricity package and the green electricity contribution which exceeds the 20 Euro. The information shall contain the name and address of the claimant, the period of exemption and the count names for which the waiver is to be used.
(2) The GIS has to submit an annual report on the settlement of the waiver for the previous calendar year up to 31.3. of the following year, for the first time as of 31 March 2013. The report shall, in any event, include the number of new applications, the extensions of outstanding exemptions, and the number of rejections. The sum of the number of applications processed shall be broken down in accordance with the categories of beneficiaries referred to in Section 3 (1) (Z) 1-8 of the Telephone Service Grant Act.
Obligation to provide information, submission and reporting
§ 6. (1) The beneficiary of the GIS shall immediately announce a change in the conditions of the eligibility of the GIS, in particular a change in his/her income relationships. The GIS expressly refers to this obligation to the beneficiaries.
(2) The entitled person shall at any time provide the GIS with information on the circumstances of eligibility.
Disconnection of the services of GIS fees Info Service GmbH
§ 7. (1) For the implementation of the process processes required for the processing of the applications for exemption, the GIS receives a one-off flat-rate payment of € 195,000 net.
(2) For each application processed, costs of € 5.30 net per execution will be replaced.
(3) The accounting of the GIS to the ecosystem of the ecosystem via the services provided shall be made quarterly.
Transitional provision
§ 8. (1) The German Federal Law Gazette (BGBl) according to § 22 (3) (3) I No 149/2002, as amended by the BGBl version. I n ° 104/2009, authorisations granted for exemption from the counting-point flat rate (now the green electricity package) shall apply until the end of the respective exemption period as exemption from the green electricity package and the 20 euro over-increasing Green electricity contribution according to ÖSG 2012. After the expiry of the period of exemption, the exemption from the GIS shall be requested again.
entry into force
§ 9. This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of the customer's decision.
Boltz Graf