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Amendment Of The Civil Aviation Staff Regulation 2006 (Zlpv 2006)

Original Language Title: Änderung der Zivilluftfahrt-Personalverordnung 2006 (ZLPV 2006)

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260. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology, which changes the Civil Aviation Staff Regulation 2006 (ZLPV 2006)

On the basis of § § 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40, 42, 44, 50, 57a and 140b of the Aviation Act, BGBl. No. 253/1957, in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 111/2010, shall be ordered:

Civil Aviation-Personnel Regulation 2006 (ZLPV 2006), BGBl. II No 205/2006, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 21/2012, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 1 (2) Z 1 and 2 reads as follows:

" 1.

Tickets for pilots (lit. a to q) and technical operators (lit. q to t):


Private pilot licence (aeroplane),


Professional pilot licence (aeroplane),


Line Pilot License (aircraft),


License for aircraft with two pilots,


Restricted private piloting,


Private pilot licence (helicopter),


Professional Pilot Licence (helicopter),


Line Pilot License (helicopter),




Airship Pilotenschein,


Free-balloon driver's certificate,




Parachute springtime,


Hang-or Paraglide,


Special piloting certificate,


Licences in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures with regard to the flying personnel in civil aviation pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008, OJ L 327, 31.12.2008, p. No. OJ L 311, 25.11.2011 p. 1,


On-board navigational navigators,


Onboard radio,


On-board phone ticket and


On-board technology certificate.


Certificates for other aeronautical personnel:


Aircraft goods,


Aircraft Wartschein I. Class,


Part-66 licence for authorized personnel,


Flight service advisory service and


Licences or certificates issued in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 805/2011 laying down detailed rules for air traffic controller licences and certain certificates referred to in Regulation (EC) No 216/2008, OJ L 327, 31.12.2008, p. No. OJ L 206, 11.8.2011 p. 21 and Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011. "

2. The following sentences are added to Section 1 (4):

" The competent authority may derogate from the format provided for in Annex 3, provided that it is ensured that all the requirements contained in this Regulation have been met with respect to the content of the respective case. The competent authority shall inform the Commission of the derogation in an aeronautical manner. "

3. According to § 1, the following § § 1a and 1b together with the headings are inserted:

" Union legislation

§ 1a. (1) As far as provisions relating to civil aviation and other civil aviation personnel are laid down in Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 establishing common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Agency for Aviation safety, repealing Council Directive 91 /670/EEC, Regulation (EC) No 1592/2002 and Directive 2004 /36/EC, OJ L 175, 5.7.2004, p. No. Regulation (EC) No 2042/2003, OJ L 79, 19.3.2008, p. No. 1, of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, of Regulation (EU) No 805/2011 and in other implementing regulations of the European Union, these are to be applied in the version in force. The provisions relating to the examination commissions in accordance with § 37 (1) and (3), § 38 and § 39 LFG and § § 13 et seq. are to be applied in a reasonable way with regard to persons entitled to be exempted.

(2) Competent national authority within the meaning of the European Union law provisions referred to in paragraph 1 shall be the Austro Control GmbH, unless otherwise specified in paragraphs 3 and 4.

(3) The Federal Minister of Transport, Innovation and Technology shall be the competent national authority with regard to training organisations in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 805/2011 and flight medical centres in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011.

(4) Competent national authority in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 is the Österreichische Aero Club in relation to:


Light Aircraft Pilot Licences (LAPL),


Gliding pilots licenses (SPL),


Balloon pilot licences (BPL) and


Training organisations (ATO) as well as the examination system for the licences referred to in Z 1 to 3.

(5) In accordance with Article 12 of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, it is determined that, without prejudice to paragraphs 6 and 7, all the provisions referred to in Article 12 of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, until the end of the period referred to in Article 12 of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, shall be: shall not be applicable to the period referred to in that provision.

(6) The competent authority may also apply provisions of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 prior to the date determined in accordance with paragraph 5, provided that this is in accordance with the principles of economy, economic efficiency and expediency and provided that: the relevant provisions of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 by the competent authority by means of civil aviation personnel notice (ZPH).

(7) The application of the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 referred to in paragraph 6 may only be applied on request. As soon as an entitlement is obtained in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, all other provisions of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 relating to this entitlement shall also apply.

(8) In view of those facts which are covered by the wording of Article 7 of Regulation (EU) No 216/2008 but are excluded from the scope of Regulation (EU) No 216/2008 in accordance with Art. 1 or Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 216/2008, the competent authority may: Establish that the rules of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 should be applied in accordance with the requirements of aviation safety and the advisability of ensuring that it is appropriate. The appropriate definition shall be published by the competent authority by means of civil aviation personnel notice (ZPH) in an airfield manner. The competent authority shall issue, on request, a certificate, provided that the granting of the authorisation is not carried out by issuing a civil aviation licence or by registration in a civil aviation licence, with the certificate issued by the competent authority. Authority is assessed.

(9) Certificates for cabin crew members pursuant to Article 8 (4) of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 may be issued by authorised operators or training establishments.

Civil Aviation Staff Note (ZPH) and Civil Aviation Staff Statement (ZPA)

§ 1b. The competent authority shall be empowered to provide information, explanations and interpretations with regard to the provisions of this Regulation and the provisions of the Union law referred to in Article 1a in the form of civil aviation personnel (ZPH) and Civil aviation personnel instructions (ZPA) to be issued and published. The corresponding publications shall be carried out in a manner which is customary in the air travel mode. "

4. § 3 (1) reads:

" (1) It has to be completed:


the 15. Year of life: flight students, parachutists and pilots of hangings or paragliders,


the 16. Year of life: Sailing plane,


the 17. Year of life: private pilots (airplane), private pilots (helicopters), ultralight pilots, outdoor swimming pools, owners of allowances in accordance with § 64a (authorisation for glider pilots to guide motor seamen in motorised flight) and pilots of motorised vehicles Hangings or paragliders,


the 18. Year of life: Civil flight instructor, professional pilot (aeroplane), holder of a licence for aircraft with two pilots, professional pilots (helicopters), onboard radio, on-board telephones, and airborne vehicle waiting and


the 21. Year of life: all other civil aviation drivers, airborne vehicle wait 1. Class and flight service adviser. "

(5) In § 3, the following paragraph 3 is added:

" (3) The training for parachutists and paragliders may already be completed after the completion of the 14. , the competent authority shall be required to complete the 14 years of age. If there are no circumstances in which there are doubts as to the suitability of the applicant, the training before completion of the 14th year may be unfulfilled. To start life year. "

6. § 5 (1) reads:

" (1) The existence of the suitability for a civil aviation case and related rights has to be proven and to be able to comply with the obligations related to it:


Private pilots (aeroplanes), private pilots (helicopters), onboard navigators, onboard radiators, on-board telephones and on-board technicians, by means of a valid class 1 or class 2 diversion certificate in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 2 (JAR-FCL 3);


Professional pilot (aeroplane), holder of a licence for aeroplanes with two pilots, line pilots (aeroplanes), professional pilots (helicopters), line pilots (helicopters) and airship pilots by means of a valid class 1 dive certificate according to the Provisions of Appendix 2 (JAR-FCL 3),


Owner of a restricted private pilot, ultralight pilot, outdoor swimming pool driver, glider pilot, owner of parachutists according to § § 76 and 78 (4) as well as holders of a double-seat entitlement for slopes and/or Paragliders in accordance with § 85 by:


a valid certificate of class 1 or class 2 in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 2 (JAR-FCL 3); or


a valid certificate of fitness for the applicant, which shall satisfy the applicant's compliance with the fitness requirements for the civil aviation certificate in question, or an entitlement relating thereto in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Aviation Staff Regulation, BGBl. No 219/1958, idF. BGBl. II No 290/2005 (ZLPV), the period of validity of such products being determined in accordance with the provisions relating to a certificate of class 2 in accordance with Appendix 2 (JAR-FCL 3); and


The competent authority may, if the safety of the aeronautical sector is guaranteed, be the competent authority, by means of a valid certificate of fitness for the purpose of obtaining the desired degree of wine, if the aim is to obtain a certificate referred to in Z 2, also issue a student ID card if the applicant is the holder of a Class 2 fitness certificate in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 2 (JAR-FCL 3). "

7. § 8 (1) and (2) are:

" (1) Without prejudice to the provisions of para. 2 to 8, the period of validity of bills shall be calculated from the date of issue:


60 months for flight service advisors and for aircraft waiting with restricted basic authorization for outdoor pools, gliders, self-startable motor sailers, ultralight aircraft, airships and unmanned aerial vehicles with less than 150 MTOM in accordance with § 123 (4),


24 months for outdoor cyclists, not mentioned in Z 1 air-vehicle wait, airborne vehicle wait I class as well as flight students and


12 months for airship pilots, onboard navigators, onboard radios, on-board telephone operators and on-board technicians.

(2) Scheine and authorizations pursuant to § 23 shall be granted by the competent authority for the period of validity provided for in each of the provisions of Appendix 1 (JAR-FCL 1). Class, model and instrument flight rights associated with a certificate in accordance with § 23 shall be maintained at the end of the first period of validity for as long and as far as the conditions for an extension of the entitlement under the terms of the provisions of Appendix 1 (JAR-FCL 1), on the occasion of a qualification required for renewal in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 1 (JAR-FCL 1), or after the execution of a training flight with a flight instructor according to JAR-FCL 1.245 (c) (1) (ii) by an examiner by registration in the licence (audit note) has been assessed. The period of validity of the audit procedure shall be determined in accordance with the period of validity of the authorization provided for in the provisions of Appendix 1 (JAR-FCL 1). "

8. According to Article 8 (2), the following paragraphs 2a to 2c are inserted:

" (2a) Scheine and allowances in accordance with § 25 shall be granted by the competent authority for the period of validity provided for in the provisions of Appendix 7 (JAR-FCL 2). Design and instrument flight rights associated with a certificate pursuant to § 25 shall be maintained at the end of the first period of validity for as long and as far as the conditions for renewal of the entitlement under the terms of the Annex 7 (JAR-FCL 2) has been fulfilled and this has been assessed by the examiner on the occasion of a qualification test required for the renewal in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 7 (JAR-FCL 2) by registration in the licence (audit note). The term of validity of the auditor's note shall be determined in accordance with the period of validity of the authorization provided for in the provisions of Appendix 7 (JAR-FCL 2).

(2b) In the event of the fulfilment of the conditions for an extension of the authorization pursuant to Appendix 1 (JAR-FCL 1) or Appendix 7 (JAR-FCL 2) upon request, the fulfilment of the requirements for an extension of the authorization pursuant to paragraph 2 or 2a shall not be complied with. to note the maintenance of the authority in the note by the competent authority.

(2c) The auditor shall be obliged to submit a written report to the competent authority within three days of the conduct of a review in accordance with paragraph 2 or (2a). The report shall contain the minutes of the verification of competence, using the relevant form laid down and published by the competent authority and, where appropriate, a copy of the entries made in the licence. If an audit opinion is carried out on the basis of a training flight with a flight instructor in accordance with JAR-FCL 1.245 (c) (1) (ii), the auditor shall, within three days of receiving the test procedure, have a record of the training flight using the appropriate of the relevant information. to submit form and a copy of the entries made in the licence to the competent authority, as defined and published. "

9. § 8 (8) reads:

" (8) Ultralight coupons are valid indefinitely. Authorizations relating to ultralight notes shall be valid for so long and in so far as the holder fulfils the conditions set out in the corresponding provisions of the Special Part for the maintenance of the allowances. "

10. § 9 reads:

" § 9. The competent authority shall have Scheine and allowances provided that the provisions of this Regulation do not provide for an indefinite validity or the maintenance of the entitlement to fulfil certain conditions, for: to extend, on request, the period of validity referred to in § 8 or in the Special Part, including Appendixes 1 (JAR-FCL 1) and 7 (JAR-FCL 2), if:


the conditions for grant are fulfilled, and


the applicant shall provide for the conditions for the renewal in accordance with the provisions of the Special Part. "

11. § 10 (3) reads:

"(3) Para. 2 shall not apply to sailing tickets, ultralight coupons, parachutists, slopes and paragliders, as well as notes and allowances in accordance with § § 23 and 25."

12. In § 12, the following paragraph 5 is added:

" (5) Flight exercises may also be carried out by persons who do not have a student ID card after the completion of the 15. for the period of life on aircraft equipped with double-duty vehicles, if:


the flight exercises are carried out in the framework of a civil aviation school under the direct supervision of a flight instructor with a valid teaching qualification for the corresponding aircraft on the double tax;


the flight exercises do not require any practical or theoretical knowledge of their content to be carried out in a secure way; and


otherwise all the requirements of aviation safety will be respected. "

13. In § 13, paragraph 5 is deleted.

14. The following paragraphs 7 to 9 are added to § 13:

' (7) The competent authority shall ensure the correct conduct of the tests by laying down general guidelines.

(8) Where it is established by the competent authority or by the Examining Commission that an applicant makes an attempt to deceig during a theoretical examination or is in possession of documents belonging to the examination subject, which are not part of the examination subject of the valid examination documents or of the relevant documentation which is connected with it, and which do not comply with the guidelines laid down by the authorities for the purpose of holding the examination, it shall be excluded from the examination. The Authority shall, on the basis of the evaluation of the circumstances, determine whether only the individual examination concerned or the whole of the examination has not been passed. The competent authority or the examination committee may, in the event of a serious misconduct, stipulate that the applicant will be excluded from the repetition of the individual examination for a period of 12 months after the incident.

(9) Persons who, on 31 July 2012, have a certificate issued by the competent authority which fulfils the requirements for an activity as an auditor in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 1 JAR-FCL 1.030 and Annex 7 JAR-FCL 2.030 certified (examiner's certificate), are entitled to act as examiner within the meaning of § 13 para. 3 within the scope of the provisions provided for in the relevant document. "

15. § 14 reads:

" § 14. The competent authority shall have the following examination commissions for teachers of civil aviation staff:


an examination board for sailing instructors,


An Examination Committee for Air Navigation Instructor and Balloon Flight Instructor,


an examination board for paratroopers,


An examination board for teachers of hangings and paragliders, and motorised hangings or paragliders,


an examination board for teachers of the technical operator; and


An examination board for teachers of other civil aviation personnel.

Section 13 (6) shall apply mutatily. "

16. The last sentence is deleted in Section 17 (2).

17. In § 19, the third paragraph is deleted.

18. § 20 reads:

" § 20. (1) Unless otherwise specified in paragraphs 2 and 3, the competent authority shall have foreign bills and allowances which are not already in accordance with the provisions of the LFG or this Regulation of Austrian bills and allowances. are to be recognised by issuing a recognition certificate if the applicant proves that the conditions laid down in § 40 LFG or in the provisions of this Regulation are met.

(2) Foreign civil aviation services equivalent to those referred to in Article 23 (PPL (A), CPL (A), MPL (A), ATPL (A)) and not already equivalent to Austrian bills in accordance with Section 41 of the LFG may, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Austrian Civil Aviation Act, be equivalent to those referred to in Article 23 of the Austrian Code of Civil Aviation (LFG). Appendix 1 (JAR-FCL 1) is recognized by the competent authority or rewritten under the conditions set out in Appendix 1 (JAR-FCL 1) into a licence according to § 23 in conjunction with Appendix 1 (JAR-FCL 1).

(3) Foreign civil aviation services equivalent to those referred to in Article 25 (PPL (H), CPL (H), ATPL (H)) and not already equivalent to Austrian bills pursuant to Section 41 of the LFG may be used in accordance with the relevant provisions of Appendix 7 (JAR-FCL 2) is recognized by the competent authority or is rewritten under the conditions set out in Appendix 1 (JAR-FCL 1) into a licence according to § 25 in conjunction with Appendix 7 (JAR-FCL 2).

(4) Recognitions of foreign bills referred to in paragraph 2 or paragraph 3, which have been issued by the competent authority without a time limit, shall be valid until the end of April 1, 2013. A new recognition or rewriting of the corresponding foreign civil aviation licence has to be made in conjunction with Appendix 1 or paragraph 3 in conjunction with Annex 7, in accordance with paragraph 2. "

19. § 21 reads:

" § 21. (1) Motoraircraft pilots, with the exception of the pilots referred to in paragraph 2, shall be entitled, on request, to the towing of gliders or banners if they meet the conditions set out in paragraphs 3 and 4 above and if they fulfil the conditions laid down in paragraphs 3 and 4 above. proof of professional competence during an additional examination.

(2) The granting of tug-of-flight authorizations for ultralight pilots and holders of authorizations according to § 64a (motor sailer in motor flight) shall be granted in accordance with the relevant provisions in § 24f and § 64a respectively.

(3) Anyone applying for a tug-of-flight authorisation for the towing of gliders must demonstrate that, in the context of a civil aviation school, it meets the requirements of aviation safety and that the competent authority must: has completed an approved theoretical and practical training, and has carried out at least four gliding flights under the supervision of a motor aircraft instructor with a valid tug-of-flight authority. In the case of an examiner, appointed for this purpose by the competent authority for this purpose, with the appropriate teaching qualification and a valid tug-of-tug flight, the applicant shall have a towing flight with at least two to execute the following full circles in consecutive amounts. The auditor shall forward a written opinion to the competent authority.

(4) Anyone applying for a tug-of-flight authorisation for the towing of banners must demonstrate that, within the framework of a civil aviation school, it meets the requirements of aviation safety and approved by the competent authority. theoretical and practical training, and in doing so has performed at least four banner flights under the supervision of a motor aircraft instructor with a valid tug-of-flight authority. For holders of allowances in accordance with paragraph 3 (Sailing tow), at least two banner flying flights are required. In the case of an additional test to be carried out by a examiner appointed for this purpose by the competent authority for this purpose, the applicant shall have a tow flight with at least two consecutive full-circuits. to be carried out in consecutive amounts. The auditor shall forward a written opinion to the competent authority.

(5) The towing flight rights referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 shall be valid for four years each. For the renewal of the respective entitlement, the applicant shall demonstrate that within twelve months before the end of the period, he/she shall have a flawless flight under the supervision of a motor aircraft instructor with a valid towing flight in the in each type of towing flight. For the renewal of a dormant towing flight authority, the applicant must demonstrate his professional competence during a practical test under the application of paragraphs 3 to 4.

(6) In the case of the trawling required under (3) and (5), the towed aircraft shall be guided by a civil aviation driver entitled to carry out such flights. "

20. § 22 (1) reads:

' (1) Motoraircraft pilots must, on request, be granted special authorisation to carry out solo and double-duty aerobatics (aerobatics for motor aircraft pilots), if approved by the competent authority and subject to the In the case of aeronautical safety, sufficient training in a civil aeronautical school has been completed, as well as their professional competence in the case of an additional examination in accordance with the provisions of para. 2 to 4. "

21. In § 22 (3), first sentence reads:

"These figures are to be presented in two examination flights, with the implementation of the examination programme not being allowed to last longer than 15 minutes each."

22. In § 23 (1), after the word order "Licence for a professional pilot (aeroplane)" Put a dash and then the phrase "License for aircraft with two pilots (MPL)" inserted.

23. § 23 (3) and (4) deleted.

24. § 24 (2).

25. According to § 24, the following § § 24a to 24i shall be inserted together with the headings:

" Ultraleichtschein

§ 24a. (1) The ultralight licence shall be entitled, in accordance with the provisions set out below, to the guidance of ultra-light aircraft in accordance with § 4 Z 1 lit. d of the Civil Aviation Vehicle and Aeronautical Equipment Ordination 2010-ZLLV 2010, BGBl. II No 143/2010, with the exception of helicopters as set out in Annex II (lit). e Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 in the context of the corresponding class authorization by visual flight rules.

(2) Class authorizations within the meaning of paragraph 1 are:


Class authority for aerodynamically controlled ultralight aircraft (UL/A),


Class authority for weight-driven ultralight aircraft (UL/G),


Class authority for single-seat and multi-seat helicopters with a maximum permissible starting mass of not more than 560 kg in accordance with Annex II lit. (f) Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 (UL/T) and


Class authority for engine paragliders as set out in Annex II lit. e Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 with a maximum permissible laden mass (mass including harness and rescue system) of more than 120 kg (UL/M).

(3) holders of a licence pursuant to § 23 (1) with valid class authorization SEP or TMG within the meaning of Appendix 1 (JAR-FCL 1), proprietors of bills and corresponding authorities according to § 24 (restricted private pilot licence with authorization to lead aerodynamically controlled aircraft), holders of a licence with a valid class authority SEP or TMG or a LAPL (A) in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 and holders of authorizations pursuant to Section 64a (motor sailer in the Motor flight) shall be subject to the determination of § 118b (difference training) Guidance of aerodynamically controlled ultralight aircraft (par. 2 Z 1). The competent authority shall, at the request of the competent authority, issue a certificate or an ultralight certificate with the class authority for the UL/A with which the authority shall be assessed.

(4) The Ultralight certificate is valid indefinitely. Class authorizations associated with ultralight notes are valid for so long and insofar as the holder fulfils the conditions set out in § 24g for the maintenance of the authorizations.

(5) The competent authority shall determine the appropriate format for the ultralight appearance and shall publish it in an airfield manner.

Application for an ultralight certificate

§ 24b. Those who apply for an ultralight certificate must prove that they have completed a theoretical and practical training in accordance with the following provisions and that they have their professional qualifications in a theoretical and practical examination under to apply the procedure in accordance with Section 13 (3). In the event of compliance with the requirements, the ultralight certificate shall be issued jointly with the class authorization for the class of ultra-light aircraft within the meaning of section 24a (2), on which the practical training and examination has been carried out.

Theoretical training and testing for ultraleitic pilots

§ 24c. (1) The theoretical training and examination for ultralight pilots shall include the following items to the extent that they are important for ultraleitic pilots within the scope of the relevant class authorization:


Air law,


Human capacity,




communication (including, where appropriate, a radio-speaking certificate);




operational procedures;


Flight performance and flight planning,


General aircraft customer and



(2) In accordance with Section 44 (3) of the LFG, the competent authority shall determine, on the basis of the provisions of paragraph 1, theoretical training contents, including the curricula to be observed by civil aviation schools, and in the usual way in the aviation sector to make known.

Practical training and testing for ultraleitic pilots

§ 24d. (1) The practical training shall be provided by the practical knowledge required for the safe guidance of the corresponding class of aircraft. All practical training and testing must be carried out in a class of aircraft.

(2) The UL/A class authority must have a total flight time of at least 30 hours, which shall contain at least 10 hours in a solo flight. In particular, practical training shall include:


Starts and landings at different airfields,


Emergency landing exercises under the supervision of a flight instructor,


Overland flights with at least two triangular flights over a distance of at least 150 kilometres and


theoretical and practical instruction in special flight conditions and in the behaviour in case of emergencies.

(3) The UL/G class authority must have a total flight time of at least 30 hours, which shall contain at least 10 hours in a solo flight. In particular, practical training shall include:


Starts and landings at different airfields,


Emergency landing exercises under the supervision of a flight instructor,


Overland flights with at least two triangular flights over a distance of at least 50 kilometres and


theoretical and practical instruction in special flight conditions and in the behaviour in case of emergencies.

(4) A total flight time of at least 35 flight hours and at least 150 landings with helicopters is required for the UL/T class authority. In the total flight time must be included:


10 flight hours accompanied by a flight instructor,


at least 5 flight hours in solo flight,


at least 20 single landings,


Starts and landings at different airfields,


Emergency landing exercises with flight instructor,


at least two overland flights with a flight instructor over a total distance of at least 150 kilometres with an intermediate landing;


at least one overland flight in a solo flight over at least one flight. 50 km route with port of call on another airfield,


a theoretical and practical instruction for the control of the helicopter in special flight conditions, as well as


a theoretical and practical instruction in the behavior in emergencies.

(5) For class authorization UL/M, the practical training must include:


Basic rights for slopes and paragliders in accordance with § 79 and a basic practical training on double-seated motor paragliders approved by the competent authority as compulsory training for training purposes,


At least 30 take-offs and landings with motor paragliding screens (elevation, round, landing, landing), and


Overland flights of at least 1 hour duration or 30 km distance.

(6) A single overland flight must not be completed until after a theoretical training has been carried out. The practical test shall be completed within 24 months from the completion of the theoretical examination. For single overland flights, a written flight order shall be issued by the lecturer, having regard to the requirements of aviation safety.

(7) In accordance with Article 44 (3) of the LFG, the competent authority shall determine, on the basis of the provisions relating to the practical training contents, including a training programme to be taken into account by the training civil aviation school, and in to make the air travel standard way.

(8) The practical test shall be carried out in accordance with the examination programme to be determined by the competent authority in compliance with the requirements of aviation safety. The content of the test programme shall be published by the competent authority in a manner which is customary in the air transport sector.

Credit for training and testing for ultraleitic pilots

§ 24e. (1) The competent authority may, with regard to the theoretical part of the training and examination of the training and proof of the necessary professional competence, be able to depart from a given sub-area, provided that it has been previously examined the professional competence has already been demonstrated in the relevant sub-area. In the case of an audit carried out abroad, the competent authority shall ensure that training and testing are equivalent to the relevant domestic requirements with regard to the standard guaranteed in the course of this.

The competent authority may, in the case of holders of domestic civil aviation or equivalent foreign licences, comply with the requirements of aviation safety with regard to the practical requirements referred to in Article 24d. Training previously took place in practical training and acquired flight experience.

(3) The extent of the settlement referred to in paragraph 2 may be subject to the acquisition of class authorizations for UL/A in the case of the holders of the bills referred to in § 24a (3), holders of gliders (§ § 61 ff) as well as holders of an equivalent and/or equivalent Foreign authority corresponding to the sought-after entitlement on the basis of the result of a status review flight carried out by a civil aviation school, in which the extent of the remaining practical Training is to be established. The competent authority may, in the case of holders of the certificate referred to in Article 24a (3), and holders of an equivalent foreign entitlement corresponding to the desired entitlement, from the requirement of further practical training or from the implementation of a status inspection flight, provided that, in particular, the safety of aviation is ensured in view of the pilot's proven experience. However, holders of sailing licence certificates other than holders of allowances in accordance with § 64a (motor sailor in motor flight) must, in any case, have a practical training on ultralight aircraft to the extent of at least 15 hours, including at least 5 Hours of solo flight. The content of the status check flight must be in accordance with the practical test program. A written report shall be drawn up by the Civil Aviation School on the result of the status verification flight and shall be sent to the competent authority with the application of the application for the grant of a ticket or an authorisation pursuant to Section 24a. ,

(4) The extent of the settlement referred to in paragraph 2 with regard to the acquisition of class authorizations for UL/A shall be up to five hours for helicopter pilots or holders of a class authority UL/T.

(5) In the case of applicants for a class authority UL/T, who have an entitlement UL/A or a glider with a start-of-the-home qualification, or who have a certificate in accordance with § 23 or § 25 or via a certificate shall be licensed and authorized in accordance with Regulation No 1178/2011, may be replaced by up to 15 flight hours and 50 departures and landings as a responsible pilot by time of flight, with a minimum of 5 hours in the total flight time Accompaniment of a flight instructor, at least 5 hours in a solo flight and at least 20 Single landings must be included. In such cases, the overland flight training may be reduced to an overland flight under the supervision of a flight instructor with at least 50 kilometres and three landings in other places. For applicants with valid class authority UL/G, five hours can be replaced by flight time as a responsible pilot.

(6) If a class authority is aimed at UL/G, a settlement in accordance with paragraph 2 in the case of helicopter pilots, holders of a class authority UL/T or pilots of slopes or paragliders (§ § 79ff) can be carried out to the extent of up to ten hours.

(7) If an UL/M class authorization is sought, a settlement in accordance with paragraph 2 shall be permitted in the case of holders of entitlement to motorised hangings or paragliders in accordance with § 86, insofar as the requirement pursuant to Section 24d. Paragraph 5 (2) may be replaced by a difference training which meets the requirements of aviation security by an eligible flight instructor.

(8) Holders of an ultralight certificate seeking the acquisition of a further class authorization shall have a theoretical training and examination in the subjects of general and special knowledge of aircraft related to the relevant class. as well as operational procedures. With regard to practical training, an invoice may be made in accordance with the above provisions. However, if a class authorization is sought UL/A, the practical training will, in any case, be 25 hours flight time, including 10 hours of solo flight. In the event of a class authorization UL/G, the practical training must be at least 20 hours of flight time, including 10 hours of solo flight. Without prejudice to the provisions of section 5 and 6, the aim is to complete all practical training in accordance with § 24d.

Passenger rights, towing rights and aerobatics for ultralight pilots

§ 24f. (1) The participation of passengers is only allowed for a holder of an ultralight certificate if he has the experience referred to in paragraphs 2 to 4 and the necessary professional competence with regard to a flight instructor with appropriate authority , and this was verified in the flight book.

(2) ultralight pilots with class authority UL/A and UL/G are entitled to take passengers with them if they can prove an experience of 10 hours as a responsible pilot following the acquisition of this class authorization. This requirement is no longer required for holders of a licence pursuant to § 23 (1) with valid class authorization SEP or TMG within the meaning of Appendix 1 (JAR-FCL 1) or in the sense of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 as well as for holders of allowances according to § 24 and § § 64a.

(3) Ultralight pilots with class authority UL/T shall be entitled to take passengers in multi-seater helicopters if they contain at least 10 hours of flight time as the responsible pilot after the acquisition of this class authorization, in which: at least one overland flight with an intermediate landing over a total distance of at least 50 kilometres accompanied by a flight instructor, as well as a flight carrying out a corresponding exercise programme with landing exercises and the implementation of emergency procedures under supervision of a flight instructor. In addition, a practical and theoretical instruction within the framework of an authorized civil aviation school is to be proven.

(4) Ultralight pilots of the class authority for motor paragliders UL/M shall be entitled to take up passengers if they have at least 100 landings with an engine umbrella following the acquisition of the corresponding class authority to at least 20 different A practical and theoretical instruction within the framework of an authorized civil aviation school can be detected.

(5) An ultralight pilot with class authority UL/A shall be entitled to a towing flight authority for the towing of gliders, if:


30 hours of flight time as a responsible pilot on motor aircraft including ultralight aircraft, including 5 hours of flight time as the pilot responsible for ultralight aircraft suitable for gliders of gliders,


in the framework of a civil aviation school, he has completed a theoretical and practical training which satisfies the requirements of aviation safety and has been approved by the competent authority, and has at least five sailing tracts with a Ultralight aeroplane, under the supervision of a teacher for class authority UL/A with a valid tug-of-flight authority, has performed flawlessly,


in the case of a practical test, he has demonstrated his professional competence in accordance with a test programme established by the competent authority. The auditor shall forward a written opinion to the competent authority.

(6) An ultralight pilot with class authorization UL/A or UL/G shall be entitled to a towing flight authority for the towing of banners if:


30 hours of flight time as the responsible pilot on motor aircraft including ultralight aircraft, of which 5 hours flight time as responsible pilot in the context of the corresponding class authorization on suitable for banners shows ultralight aircraft,


in the framework of a civil aviation school, he shall complete a theoretical and practical training which satisfies the requirements of aviation safety and has been approved by the competent authority, including at least five of the ban on the number of banners under the supervision of a lecturer for class authority UL/A or UL/G with valid banner ticket flight authority has performed flawlessly,


in the case of a practical test, he has demonstrated his professional competence in accordance with a test programme established by the competent authority. The auditor shall forward a written opinion to the competent authority.

(7) An ultralight pilot with class authorization UL/A or UL/G shall be granted a towing flight authority for the towing of hanggliders if:


30 hours of flight time as a responsible pilot on motor aircraft, including ultralight aircraft, of which 5 hours flight time as the responsible pilot in the context of the corresponding class authorization on suitable for suspension towing towing shows ultralight aircraft,


in the framework of a civil aviation school, a theoretical and practical training which satisfies the requirements of aviation safety and has been approved by the competent authority, including at least five tractive ploughs at the same time as the supervision of a teacher for class authority UL/A or UL/G with a valid handrail drag flight authorization has been carried out satisfactorily,


in the case of a practical test, he has demonstrated his professional competence in accordance with a test programme established by the competent authority. The auditor shall forward a written opinion to the competent authority.

(8) The towing flight rights referred to in paragraphs 5 to 7 shall be valid for four years each. For the purpose of maintaining the right of authority, the applicant shall demonstrate that he has, within twelve months before the end of the period, a satisfactory tug flight under the supervision of a lecturer with a valid tug-of-flight authority in of the type of tow. For the renewal of a dormant towing flight authority, the applicant must prove his professional competence in a practical test.

(9) In the case of the trawling required under (5), (7) and (8), the towed aircraft must be operated by a civil aviation operator authorized to carry out such flights.

(10) Holder of a valid towing entitlement under this Regulation (§ § 21 or 64a) or according to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 with valid class authority SEP or TMG shall be subject to compliance with the requirements of aviation security Carrying out tugs with aerodynamically controlled ultralight aircraft in accordance with § 21 or Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 within the framework of the respective towing flight authorisation. The competent authority shall issue an appropriate certificate upon request or, if the pilot has an ultralight certificate, to make a corresponding entry in the ultraleich certificate.

(11) Ultralight pilots with class authorization UL/A shall be granted special authorisation to execute aerobatics (aerobatic flight authorization for ultraleitic pilots) on request, if approved by the competent authority and subject to the requirements of the safety of aeronautics in a civil aviation school, as well as their professional competence in the case of an additional examination using the provisions of § 22. Holders of a valid aerobatics authority in accordance with this Regulation or Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 with a valid class authority SEP or TMG shall be responsible for the implementation of aviation safety requirements Art flights with aerodynamically controlled ultralight aircraft are entitled to do so. The competent authority shall issue an appropriate certificate upon request or, if the pilot has an ultralight certificate, to make a corresponding entry in the ultraleich certificate.

Maintenance and renewal of class permissions associated with ultralight notes

§ 24g. (1) Class authorizations for holders of ultraleige appearance shall be valid from the date of issue, subject to compliance with the requirements for maintaining them for 2 years.

(2) In order to maintain a class authorization, the pilot shall, from the date of expiry of a period of two years after the grant of the entitlement, demonstrate the fulfilment of the following conditions:


For holders of a class authorization UL/A during the last 24 months 25 hours of flight time as the responsible pilot on aerodynamically controlled ultralight aircraft, motor seglers in the motor flight or single-engine piston-driven motor aircraft. In the event of an at least one-hour training flight documented in the flight book with an authorized flight instructor on an aerodynamically controlled ultralight aircraft within the last 12 months, the required number of Flight time to 12 hours. At the time of flight, at least 12 take-offs and 12 landings must be included, as well as, if no practice flight is carried out, at least 10 hours within the last 12 months.


For holders of a class authority UL/G during the last 24 months at least 12 hours of flight time as a responsible pilot on weight-controlled ultralight aircraft, in which 12 hours 12 starts and 12 landings as well as should have been included for at least 6 hours within the last 12 months,


For holders of a class authority UL/T during the last 24 months at least 12 hours of flight time as a responsible pilot on helicopters, in which 12 hours 12 take-offs and 12 landings and at least 6 hours within the of the last twelve months, as well as a practice flight of at least one hour of flight, accompanied by a flight instructor.


For holders of a class authority UL/M during the last 24 months at least 30 take-offs and 30 landings as a responsible pilot with motor paragliders with a maximum permissible laden mass of more than 120 kg, with at least 10 launches and 10 landings must be included within the last 12 months.

(3) The flight hours as well as take-offs and landings required for the maintenance in accordance with paragraph 2 shall be documented by corresponding entries in the flight book. The fulfilment of the requirements for the maintenance of the authorization shall be at the latest two years after the granting of the authorization by a note of a examiner in the flight book to be assessed (audit note). A copy of the auditor ' s note shall be sent to the competent authority within four weeks of being taken by the auditor.

(4) If the conditions laid down in paragraphs 2 and 3 are not fulfilled, the appropriate class authorization shall not be exercised before it has been renewed in accordance with paragraph 5.

(5) The renewal of class eligibility for ultralight certificates requires a proper inspection flight under § 24d, in which the continued existence of the professional competence of an authorized examiner for Ultraleichtpiloten (§ 24i) has been identified and evaluated in the flight book. If the period during which the class authorization was not allowed to be exercised in accordance with paragraph 4 is more than 2 years, a separate proof of professional competence by a theoretical and practical application shall be required for the renewal of the entitlement. verification of the details of which must be determined by the competent authority, in compliance with the requirements of aviation safety. A copy of the protocol of the inspection flight or of the test protocol shall be sent by the auditor to the competent authority within four weeks.

Teaching qualification for ultraleitic pilots

§ 24h. (1) The training qualification for training for the acquisition of ultralight and related class rights shall be granted by the competent authority and shall be entered in the ultraleich certificate if the conditions set out in paragraph 2 are fulfilled , and the applicant has demonstrated his professional competence in the course of a theoretical and practical training and examination in accordance with the following provisions.

(2) For the purposes of the grant of a teaching qualification as referred to in paragraph 1, the applicant shall:


have a valid ultralight certificate, including valid class authorization, and


without prejudice to the provision in paragraph 4, with regard to the UL/A, G and T teaching authority, at least 150 hours of flight experience and for UL/M at least 100 take-offs and 100 landings on 20 different calendar days within the framework of the relevant Can demonstrate class authority as a responsible pilot after the respective class authorization has been issued and


have successfully completed a theoretical and practical training and examination in accordance with the following provisions.

(3) Training for the purposes of obtaining a teaching qualification in accordance with paragraph 1 shall include a course of training approved by the competent authority, with a corresponding training programme. In accordance with Article 44 (3) of the LFG, the competent authority shall establish and publish in an appropriate manner a standard curriculum for this training programme, in compliance with the requirements of aviation safety. Prior to admission to the course, a appointed examiner according to § 24i shall confirm the suitability of the applicant for participation in the course of the course.

(4) The applicant for an entitlement as referred to in paragraph 1 shall demonstrate his professional competence to provide practical teaching for ultraleitic pilots in a theoretical and practical test, the content of which shall be provided by the competent authority and to be published in an airway. This test shall be carried out by a appointed auditor in accordance with § 24i.

(5) Within 12 months of the successful completion of the examination referred to in paragraph 4, the applicant must also have a successful training activity in the practical training of ultraleitic pilots under the supervision of an authorized flight instructor in a level to be determined by the competent authority in the light of the requirements of aviation safety.

(6) The competent authority may, having regard to the requirements of aviation safety, obtain a valid teaching qualification in accordance with this Regulation or equivalent foreign teaching rights, and training in flight experience and training counting. Holders of a licence with a teaching qualification pursuant to § 23 (1) for the class authorization SEP or TMG within the meaning of Appendix 1 (JAR-FCL 1) or corresponding authorities in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 as well as holders of teaching rights in accordance with § 24 and § 68a shall be granted the teaching qualification for the class authorization UL/A after successful completion of a corresponding examination flight on an ultralight aircraft with an authorized examiner and to enter into the ultraleich light. The competent authority may, in the case of flight instructors for class authorization SEP or TMG (pursuant to Appendix 1 or in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011), or in accordance with § 24 or § 68a, if the safety of aviation is guaranteed, from the requirement of: Check the exam flight and grant the corresponding teaching qualification even without prior acquisition of an ultralight bill. The applicant shall issue an appropriate certificate in this case, in which the authorization shall be assessed.

(7) The right to teach in accordance with paragraph 1 is to be granted for a limited period of two years. For the renewal by the competent authority for a further two years, the applicant has to prove that, of the three conditions set out below, at least two of them have been fulfilled during the period of validity of the teaching qualification:


Flight training activity as a lecturer in the extent of 25 hours in the respective class authorization UL/A, UL/G and UL/T according to § 24a para. 2. For the class authorization UL/A holders of a licence with valid teaching qualification are held in accordance with § 23 para. 1 and valid class authority SEP or TMG within the meaning of Appendix 1 (JAR-FCL 1) and for holders of allowances in accordance with § 24 and § 64a the period of teaching carried out under these authorizations is credited,


participation in a training course for ultraleitic pilots approved by the competent authority or carried out by the competent authority itself during the last year preceding the expiry of the period of validity of the teaching qualification;


Successful completion of a practical examination, applying the provisions of paragraph 4 last year, before the expiry of the period of validity of the teaching qualification.

(8) After the expiry of the period of validity of the period referred to in paragraph 7, the resignation of the teaching authority shall be For the purpose of renewing the teaching qualification by the competent authority, the applicant shall have his professional competence by means of a theoretical and practical examination, the details of which shall be provided by the competent authority, taking into account the requirements of the safety of the aeronautical sector, shall be determined separately from an auditor appointed.

(9) In the case of holders of a teaching qualification for class authorization UL/M, a flight training activity in the extent of 100 landings as a lecturer is to be proven for an extension of the teaching qualification and the ability to train for the training of To provide evidence for ultraleitic pilots in the form of a test flight under the application of paragraph 5.

Ultraleichtpiloten examiners

§ 24i. (1) Practical examinations and qualification tests with regard to the authority to guide ultralight aircraft in accordance with § 24a or the teaching rights according to § 24h are, unless the above provisions determine otherwise, of shall be carried out by the authority designated for this purpose. The duration of the appointment shall be limited to two years by the competent authority.

(2) examiners for UL/A, UL/G and UL/T must have a valid teaching qualification for the corresponding class authorization of ultralight aircraft and the level of practical experience of 200 hours required for the test activity as Teachers have. Holders of a licence with a teaching qualification according to § 23 (1) and valid class authorization SEP or TMG within the meaning of Appendix 1 (JAR-FCL 1) and holders of allowances according to § 24 and § 64a will be teaching qualification UL/A . Holders of a test authorization pursuant to Section 23 (1) for the class authorization SEP or TMG within the meaning of Appendix 1 (JAR-FCL 1) and holders of the test rights according to § 24 or § 64a may be held by the competent authority, provided that the security of the Aviation is guaranteed, even without full compliance with the above-mentioned requirements for examiners for class authorization UL/A.

(3) Examiners for UL/M must have a valid teaching qualification for class authority UL/M, as well as a degree of practical experience of 200 landings as a lecturer required for the audit work.

(4) In order to extend the appointment of the examiner for a further two years, it is necessary to prove that:


the conditions of appointment as set out in paragraphs 1 to 3 are still fulfilled,


the examiner has carried out at least two practical tests or certificates of competence for renewal each year, one of these flights being carried out under the supervision of the competent authority, and


the auditor has participated in an auditor refresher course with the competent authority during the last year of the validity period of the audit entitlement period. "

26. According to § 60, the following § 60a and heading is inserted:

" Entitlement to commercial transport for outdoor enthusiasts

§ 60a. (1) Outdoor drivers may exercise their respective right to transport persons or property only if they have the necessary experience for the corresponding category of outdoor pools in accordance with paragraph 2 and before they enter the first commercial voyage has proven their professional competence with the performance of a positively assessed inspection journey, including a professional discussion with a member of the examination board for open-air onboard drivers. The content of the review shall be determined by the competent authority in accordance with the requirements of aviation safety. The auditor shall forward the minutes of the review carried out to the competent authority and have the positively completed verification journey in the flight book to be assessed.

(2) The minimum required experience required for the conduct of commercial flights with outdoor swimming pools as referred to in paragraph 1 shall be:


for journeys with balloons with an envelope volume of more than 4500 m3 200 driving hours at 200 journeys,


for journeys with balloons with an envelope volume of more than 6500 m3 300 driving hours for 300 journeys, of which at least 50 driving hours with balloons with an envelope volume of over 4500 m3,


for journeys with balloons with an envelope volume of more than 9000 m3 400 driving hours at 400 journeys, of which at least 50 driving hours with balloons with a shell volume of more than 6500 m3 and


for the rest of the balloons 100 driving hours for 100 journeys. "

27. § 63 (1) reads:

" (1) Content of the theoretical training and examination for gliders are the following items to the extent that they are of importance for sail-flying:


Air law,


General aircraft knowledge,


Flight performance and flight planning,


Human capacity,






Operational procedures;


Aerodynamics. "

(28) In § 64, the following paragraph 7 is added:

(7) The holders of a valid glider on 31 July 2012 with authorisation for the starting type pursuant to Section 61 (2) Z 3 (auxiliary engine start) and an extension of the basic authorization pursuant to § 64 (1) shall be granted proof of 50 flight hours as a the pilot responsible for motor cruisers (TMG) and, in the case of proof of the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge, on the occasion of a successful inspection flight, applying the provisions of paragraphs 5 and 6, the authority to Glider for the guidance of motor seaters in motor flight pursuant to § 64a on request to be granted. The inspection flight shall be a member of the Sailing Instructor's Examination Committee, designated by the competent authority, which has a valid teaching qualification for motor sailors as well as a teaching qualification according to § 68a, -. Such experts shall submit a written report to the competent authority after the inspection flight has been taken. "

29. § 64a (9) reads:

" (9) holders of an entitlement under paragraph 1 shall, on request, be authorized by the competent authority to tow a gliding aircraft and enter into the glider licence if they:


demonstrate that, within the framework of a civil aviation school, they have completed a theoretical and practical training which is sufficient to meet the requirements of aviation safety and approved by the competent authority, and at least four have carried out gliding flights under the supervision of an engine aeropairplane instructor with a valid towing flight authority; and


demonstrate their professional competence in the course of a practical examination of a member of the Examination Committee for Sailing Flight Instructor appointed by the competent authority, which is entitled to a valid teaching qualification for motor sailors in the engine flight in accordance with § 68a and a valid towing authority is to be removed.

If the holder of a right referred to in paragraph 1 points out that they have a valid glider licence for motor aircraft pilots in accordance with § 21, the competent authority shall have the special right to tow a gliding aircraft even without proof of the conditions according to Z 1 and Z 2 to be entered in the gliding licence. "

30. In § 64a the following paragraphs 12 and 13 are added:

" (12) A holder of a right referred to in paragraph 1 shall, on request, be authorized by the competent authority to tow banners and enter into the sailing licence if he:


proves that, within the framework of a civil aviation school, it has completed a theoretical and practical training which is sufficient to meet the requirements of aviation safety and approved by the competent authority, and at least four Banners carried out under the supervision of a motor aircraft flight instructor with a valid drag flight authority for banners; and


proves its professional competence in a practical examination by a member of the Examination Committee for Sailing Flight Instructor appointed by the competent authority, which is entitled to a valid teaching qualification for motor sailors in the engine flight in accordance with § 68a and a valid drag authority for banners has to be removed.

If a holder of an entitlement under paragraph 1 has the right to have a valid ban on the ban on motor aircraft pilots in accordance with § 21, the competent authority shall have the special right to tow banners even without the need for Proof of the conditions according to Z 1 and Z 2 to be entered in the gliding licence.

(13) Banning flight authority for motor sailer in the motor flight according to paragraph 12 is valid for four years. For the purpose of maintaining this entitlement for a further four years, the applicant shall be required to prove, by means of appropriate registration in the flight book, that he or she shall, within twelve months before the end of the period, have a proper ban on the ban on the banners. Supervision of a holder of a teaching qualification in accordance with § 68a with valid banner ticket flight authority for motor sailer in the motor flight. For the renewal of a dormant banner, the applicant shall demonstrate his professional competence during a practical test, using the provisions of paragraph 9. "

31. The following sentence is added to section 65 (5):

"However, in such cases, the assessment is only valid for as long as a valid class authority TMG is present."

32. The following paragraph 8 is added to § 65:

" (8) If flights are carried out by a glider in the form of a second pilot on a double tax, such flights may be credited to the flights required for the maintenance of the allowances associated with the gliding licence. This calculation shall not exceed one half of the number of flights required for the maintenance of each of the flights. Such flights are recognizable in the pilot's flight book as flights as a second pilot. "

33. § 68 (1) reads:

" (1) The sailing instructor shall be entitled to train gliders with regard to the basic authorization and the extensions thereof and the special allowances which he himself has (teaching qualification for glider planes). In order to obtain the right to study for a cloud and a view night flight, the competent authority must also be provided with a corresponding experience as a responsible pilot in the exercise of the respective additional authorization. In order to obtain the right of training for aerobatics, the applicant must complete a practical training in the framework of a civil aeronautical school sufficient to meet the requirements of aviation safety and approved by the competent authority; and to prove its professional competence in the course of a practical examination. The competent authority shall define and publish in an appropriate manner the content of the practical training and examination for the training of aerobatics, taking into account the requirements of aviation safety. "

Article 68a (1) reads as follows:

" (1) The training qualification for the training for the acquisition of an entitlement under § 64a shall be granted by the competent authority and entered into the glider licence if the conditions set out in paragraph 2 are met and if the applicant has fulfilled his/her rights in the proof of professional competence in the course of a theoretical and practical training and examination in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 3 to 5. If the applicant has a valid flight instructor's entitlement to travel motor sailer (TMG) within the meaning of the provisions of Appendix 1 (JAR-FCL 1), the conditions laid down in paragraphs 3 to 5 shall be omitted. "

35. The following sentence shall be added to section 68a (5):

"The competent authority shall refrain from this requirement if the applicant can demonstrate at least 100 training flights as a sailing instructor for the start type of auxiliary engine start-up."

36. The following sentence is added to § 76:

"The commercial exercise of the entitlement shall not be allowed until after 25 non-commercial tandem parachute jumps have been carried out."

37. § 79 (1) reads:

" (1) The holder of the basic authorization for the suspension or paraglider certificate shall have the power to lead one-seater non-motorised hangings or paragliders. The basic authority is to be granted for the type of launch (slope start, wind drag start or UL-drag start), for which the corresponding training was carried out. "

38. § 80 (2) to (4) reads:

" (2) If you are applying for a suspension or paraglider with the basic authorization for the start type Hangstart, you must prove, in addition to an instruction in accordance with paragraph 1, that he/she has a total of 40 of an authorized civil aviation school confirmed in writing, of which at least 25 has been completed under the supervision of an eligible flight instructor. Of these 40 flights, at least 25 high-altitude flights must have been carried out with at least 300 m of altitude difference and 15 high-altitude flights with a difference in altitude of at least 500 m. In addition, a corresponding Alpine instruction made by an authorized civil aviation school is to be proved.

(3) If you are a holder of a basic right to start a win-tostart (§ 81) or a UL-drag start (§ 81a) for a basic authorization for the start type Hangstart, you have a corresponding theoretical and practical training. and examination in accordance with a curriculum to be drawn up by the competent authority. The practical training has at least 20 slopes, of which at least 15 with flights with more than 500 m altitude difference under the supervision and guidance of an authorized flight instructor. In addition, a corresponding Alpine instruction made by an authorized civil aviation school is to be proved.

(4) Those who are in favour of a suspension or paragliding slip with the basic authorization for the start type Hangstart and the basic authorization for the start type winch start and the basic authorization for hang gliders for the start type UL-drag start at the same time, it must demonstrate, in addition to an instruction in accordance with paragraph 1, taking into account all types of start-up, that a total of 40 high-altitude flights confirmed in writing by an authorized civil aviation school of an authorized flight instructor. Of these 40 flights, at least 25 high-altitude flights with a difference in altitude of at least 300 metres and 15 high-altitude flights must have been carried out with a difference in altitude of at least 500 m, with at least 20 of these flights in the Hangstart type of launch and at least Ten in the start type "wind drag" and at least ten in the start type UL-drag start must be done. "

39. In § 81 (4), the second sentence reads:

"Of these 40 flights, at least 25 high altitude flights must have been carried out with at least 300 m of altitude difference and 15 with at least 500 m difference in altitude."

40. In § 81 (5), first sentence, after the word order "Owner of a basic authorization for the start authorization Hangstart (§ 80)" the phrase "or the UL drag start authority (§ 81a)" inserted.

41. According to § 81, the following § 81a, together with the heading, is inserted:

" Hang gliding slip with the
Start permission UL drag start

§ 81a. (1) The UL towing authority for suspension tracks entitles the operator to start a suspension glider by means of an ultralight aircraft, which is guided by a pilot who has the necessary authorizations in accordance with § § 24a et seq. (class authorization) and towing authority).

(2) Prior to the beginning of the training, a school confirmation shall be obtained. Section 80 (1) shall apply.

(3) In addition to the objects referred to in § 82, the theoretical training and examination for the basic authorization for the start type UL-tow start has in particular the objects of instrument customer, organisation of the trawling operation, behaviour in special cases. and conduct on airfields, including a hazard statement. In addition, a corresponding Alpine instruction made by an authorized civil aviation school is to be proved.

(4) The practical training for the basic authorization with the start type UL-tug-start has in any case 40 of an authorized civil aviation school confirmed in writing UL-tug starts, of which at least 25 under supervision of an authorized Flight instructor. Of these 40 flights, at least 25 high-altitude flights must have been carried out with at least 300 m of altitude difference and 15 high-altitude flights with a difference in altitude of at least 500 m.

(5) Those who, as holders of a basic authorization for the start authorization of the Hangstart (§ 80) or the Basic Authority (§ 81), apply for the start type UL-Drag start, have a corresponding theoretical and practical Training and examination in accordance with a curriculum to be determined by the competent authority. The training shall include, in particular, the instrument customer, the organisation of the trawl, conduct in particular cases and conduct at airports, including a hazard instruction. In this case, the practical training has to include ten UL-tug starts under the supervision and guidance of an authorized flight instructor. "

42. The following paragraph 5 is added in § 84:

" (5) If an overland authority is acquired on a paraglider, it shall also be entitled to route flights with hang-gliders, while respecting the other requirements. If an overland authorization is acquired on a hang glider, it shall also be entitled to route flights with paragliders in compliance with the other requirements. "

43. In § 85, para. 2 and 3 are:

" (2) The applicant for a double-seat qualification for suspension or paraglider must be in possession of the basic authorization for the respective starting type for at least 24 months and at least one flight experience to the extent of 200 high-altitude flights, of which at least 30 flights in the respective type of launch with a difference in altitude of at least 300 metres. In addition, an appropriate entrance test shall be carried out by a flight instructor designated by the competent authority, with the appropriate authority, and shall be trained and examined in accordance with paragraphs 3 to 5 and in accordance with the procedure laid down by the competent authority. to the curriculum to be determined.

(3) In any case, the practical training for pilots with a double-seat entitlement for suspension or paragliders has to include:


at least one instruction flight with an authorized flight instructor as a pilot in the respective starting type;


at least 10 flights in each type of launch with a passenger who has a valid hangover or paraglider, under the direct supervision and guidance of an eligible flight instructor,


an instruction in the particular type of launch in the course of a special training course in an authorized civil aviation school, with appropriate flight exercises, including a special hazard briefing, provided for in the curriculum; and


30, according to the flight order of an authorized civil aviation school, altitude flights with a difference in altitude of at least 300 m with a passenger who has a valid hanger or paraglider. At least 15 of these flights must take place under the supervision of the Civil Aviation School. "

Article 86 (2) reads as follows:

"(2) In addition to a valid basic authorization, the applicant for a motorized suspension or paraglider has to prove 100 take-offs and landings."

45. In § 89 (6), the word "Paragliders" by the word "Hang-gliders" replaced.

(46) In § 89, the following paragraph (8a) is inserted after paragraph 8:

" (8a) Without prejudice to the conditions set out in paragraph 2, the holder of a training entitlement for suspended persons shall be entitled to teach the start type UL on request if he/she is responsible for the implementation of 50 flights in the starting type UL-tow launch as well as ten flawless assignment flights under the supervision and guidance of an authorized flight instructor. In addition, an appropriate training course in an authorized civil aviation school is to be successfully completed, the content of which must be determined by the competent authority. "

47. In § 89 (9), second sentence, the word order shall be "two weeks" through the phrase "50 Hours" replaced.

48. According to § 89, the following § 89a shall be inserted with the title:

" Eligibility for commercial transport with hangings and paragliders, and motorized suspension and paragliding ladders

§ 89a. (1) Holder of allowances in accordance with § 85 and § 86 (5) may exercise their respective rights in the commercial carriage of persons or property only if they have at least


1 year shall have an entitlement in accordance with § 85,


100 double-seat flights as the responsible pilot after the granting of the authorisation and


25 double-seat flights during the previous period of 1 year

can be detected.

(2) In the event of the exercise of the entitlement under Article 86 (5) in the case of commercial transport, at least half of the double-seat flights required in accordance with paragraph 1 (2) and (3) must be carried out with motorised hangings or paragliders. "

49. § 104 (2) is deleted.

§ 117 reads:

" § 117. (1) On request, holders of a restricted private pilot, ultralight pilots, airship pilots, outdoor swimming pools and gliders shall be given the special right to exercise the radiotelephone service on civil aircraft which they shall: are entitled to lead in the flight (restricted speech radio authorization), if the condition referred to in paragraph 3 is given and the professional competence has been proved during a practical additional examination in accordance with paragraph 4.

(2) The pilots referred to in § 23 and 25 are already entitled to the restricted radiotelephone authority on the basis of their pilot authorization. As proof of the theoretical training and competence required for the conduct of the air service service required for such civil aviation drivers in accordance with Appendix 1 (JAR-FCL 1) and Appendix 7 (JAR-FCL 2), a corresponding radio report for the air service required in accordance with the 1998 Radio Product Act.

(3) The pilots referred to in paragraph 1 need, for the purpose of acquiring the restricted radiotelephone authorization in accordance with paragraph 1, a corresponding radio product for the air service in accordance with the Radio-Zeugnisgesetz 1998.

(4) The practical additional test for the pilots referred to in paragraph 1 shall be that, in the event of an examination flight, the applicant shall have a radio link with the air traffic control centre and shall be maintained for at least 15 minutes. "

51. In § 118, at the end of the following paragraph 4 is added:

" (4) As a flight time to be used within the meaning of the preceding provisions, unless derogations are provided for in the provisions of this Regulation, the total time from the date on which the aircraft is set in motion shall be applicable in order to: starting at the time when it comes to a standstill at the end of the flight. "

§ 118a reads as follows:

" § 118a. (1) Unless otherwise provided for in this Regulation, a pilot of a motor aircraft, an ultralight aircraft or a glider shall only be authorised to carry passengers as a pilot responsible for the carriage of passengers. if, within the previous 90 days, it has carried out three flights, each of which includes start and landing, as a controlling pilot under that authority.

(2) An outdoor swimming pool driver may exercise his/her right to carry passengers as a responsible pilot only if he has carried out three journeys as a driving pilot within the previous 180 days in the course of his/her entitlement. "

53. In accordance with § 118a, the following § 118b and title shall be inserted:

" Difference Training and Confidence

" § 118b. (1) If the holder of a civil aviation licence does not intend to control an aircraft of a design or a series with which he or she has not previously been able to control the flight, in accordance with § 23 or § 25, in the context of his/her entitlement Pilot, he has previously completed a difference training course designed to meet the requirements of aviation safety in relation to the aircraft design or type of aircraft concerned. A difference training is to be carried out by a flight instructor or a person who is qualified by the relevant experience on the model or series in question and to document the pilot's flight book.

(2) The competent authority may, in the light of the requirements of aviation safety, lay down certain cases in which the difference training may be replaced by a confidence. A confidence in this involves the independent acquisition of the necessary additional knowledge. Such a definition shall be made available in an airfield. "

54. In § 119 (2) the word order is deleted "or in the case of training in respect of ultralight aircraft or training in respect of towing and aerobatics from a registered civil aviation school (§ 45 LFG)" .

§ 119 (3) Z 7 reads as follows:

" 7.

Preparation of a comprehensible written presentation of the intended training as well as an appropriate organisational plan of the civil aviation school ".

56. § 119 shall be added at the end of the following paragraph 7:

"(7) The competent authority may depart from the requirement of paragraph 4 (1) (1) (guidance of a starting list), provided that the information contained therein can be provided in a different form."

57. In § 122, the following paragraph 2a is inserted after the second paragraph of paragraph 2:

" (2a) Positive comparable module tests in accordance with Part-66 of Regulation (EC) No 2042/2003 shall be considered as proof of competence in the objects referred to in paragraph 2 (1), (2) and (4). This evidence may also be provided by the submission of an unrestricted authorisation for authorised personnel under the terms of Part-66 of Regulation (EC) No 2042/2003, which covers the necessary items. With regard to the subject-matter referred to in paragraph 2 (2) (3), a test for aircraft waiting shall in any case be laid down in accordance with this Regulation. "

58. In § 123 (4), the word "Ultralight aircraft/Microlight aircraft" by the word "Ultralight aircraft" replaced, and the word sequence is deleted "Hangglider, Paraglider" as well as the phrase "Motorized slopes or paragliders" .

59. In § 126 (1), the following sentence shall be inserted after the first sentence:

" For the extension of a limited basic authorization for outdoor swimming pools, gliders, self-startable motor sailers, ultra-light aircraft, airships and unmanned aerial vehicles of less than 150 kg MTOM according to § 123 (4), the to prove that, within the last 60 months before the date of application, the applicant has exercised his or her right to be a member of the aircraft for at least 12 months or has carried out an equivalent activity with the air forces. "

60. In § 129, the following paragraph 2a is inserted in accordance with the second paragraph of paragraph 2:

" (2a) The proof of competence in the articles referred to in paragraph 2 (1), (2) and (4) shall be considered to be positive comparable module tests in accordance with the provisions of Part-66 of Regulation (EC) No 2042/2003. This evidence may also be provided by the submission of an unrestricted authorisation for authorised personnel under the terms of Part-66 of Regulation (EC) No 2042/2003, which covers the necessary items. With regard to the subject-matter referred to in paragraph 2 (2) (3), a test for aircraft waiting shall in any case be laid down in accordance with this Regulation. "

61. The outline transcript before § 139a " 5. Air traffic controllers in training and air traffic controllers " as well as § § 139a and 139b, together with the headings, are not required.

(62) In § 141, the following paragraph 9 is added:

"(9)" § 1 para. 2, § 1 para. 4, § 1a, § 1b, § 3 para. 1, § 3 para. 3, § 5 para. 1, § 8 para. 1 to 2c, § 8 paragraph 8, § 9, § 10 para. 3, § 12 para. 5, § 13 para. 5, § 13 para. 7 to 9, § 14, § 17 para. 2, § 19 para. 3, § 20, § 21, § 22 para. 1, § 22 para. 3, § 23, § 24, § § 24a to 24i including headlines, § 60a including the title, § 63 paragraph 1, § 64 para. 7, § 64a para. 9, 12 and 13, § 65 para. 5, § 65 para. 8, § 68 para. 1, § 68a para. 1, § 68a para. 5, § 76, § 79 para. 1, § 80 para. 2 to 4, § 81 para. 4 to 5, § 81a including Title, § 84 para. 5, § 85, para. 2 to 3, § 86 para. 2, § 89, § 89a including the title, § 104 (2), § 117, § 118 (4), § 118a, § 118b, including the title, § 119 para. 2 to 3, § 119 para. 7, 122 para. 2a, § 123 Paragraph 4, section 126 (1), section 129 (2a), the outline title before § 139a, § 139a, including the title, § 139b and the title, section 142 (31) to (37), annex 1, annex 2 and annex 8 in the version of the BGBl Regulation. II No 260/2012 will enter into force on 1 August 2012. "

63. The following paragraphs 31 to 37 are added to § 142:

" (31) On 31 July 2012, in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 79/2009 valid or dormant restricted private pilots ' certificates in accordance with § 24 with the authority to conduct ultralight aircraft shall be valid from 1 August 2012 as ultralight certificates issued in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation. In so doing, the allowances for categories of ultra-light aircraft shall be deemed to be linked to the licence in question, with which flights, as the responsible pilot, were carried out before 1 August 2012, or if a corresponding class authorization was issued into one after the 15. Jänner 2011 was registered in accordance with § 24 issued restricted private pilot licence for ultralight aircraft. The holder of such a private pilot certificate shall be issued by the competent authority an ultraleige certificate with the appropriate allowances.

(32) On 1 August 2012, training for the acquisition of rights relating to ultralight aircraft may be granted in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation, as amended by the BGBl version. II No 21/2012, having regard to the following provisions. At the time of the beginning of the training, the first participation in a theoretical training is valid. In the event of compliance with the provisions of this Regulation, as amended by the BGBl version. II No. 21/2012 shall be granted to the corresponding Schein or the corresponding entitlement in accordance with § 24, provided that the necessary theoretical training and examination has been successfully completed by 31 December 2012. All other training related to ultralight aircraft shall be in BGBl version in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation. II No 260/2012. The competent authority shall, in compliance with the requirements of aviation safety, determine the extent to which an education already carried out can be credited.

(33) Do not provide sufficient teachers or examiners with regard to ultraleice certificates or UL tug-start authorizations for hang gliders, the competent authority may also, without the need to comply with the requirements laid down in this Regulation, shall grant the appropriate authority or appointment with a limit of not less than one year, subject to the requirements of aviation safety. Such persons shall be particularly qualified for the activity envisaged by appropriate experience on the aircraft concerned. The suitability of a person is to be determined by the competent authority in the course of an examination flight, which must correspond to the programme of the examination flight for the purpose of obtaining the respective authorization.

(34) The provisions of § 24a to 24i (Ultralight coupons) of the competent authority shall take place from 15 September 2012.

(35) On 1 August 2012, training for the acquisition of rights relating to slopes or paraglider coupons may be granted in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation as amended by the BGBl version. II No 21/2012, having regard to the following provisions. At the time of the beginning of the training, the first participation in a theoretical training is valid. In the event of compliance with the provisions of this Regulation, as amended by the BGBl version. II No 21/2012 shall be granted the appropriate entitlement, provided that the necessary theoretical training and examination has been successfully completed by 31 December 2012.

(36) Registered civil aviation schools authorised on 31 July 2012 to carry out training for ultralight aircraft or for training in the art or towing flight shall be entitled to this entitlement within the framework of the competent authority, and shall apply as from 1 August 2012 as authorised civil aviation schools with appropriate training authority.

(37) Aircraft warfare with a limited basic authorization valid on 31 July 2012 for outdoor swimming pools, gliders, self-startable motor sailers, ultra-light aircraft, airships and unmanned aerial vehicles of less than 150 kg MTOM pursuant to § 123 (4) shall be valid for 60 months from the date of issue or last renewal. The competent authority shall, at the request of the competent authority, make a corresponding entry in the aircraft or issue a corresponding new aircraft warning. "

64. The Appendix 1 is (see Appendixes)

65. In Appendix 2, the text is under JAR-FCL 3.100 (b):

" (b) First exhibition of a certificate of dives. The first exhibition of a Class 1 certificate shall be issued by an aeronautical centre. The first exhibition of a Class 2 certificate shall be issued by a aeronautical body. However, where the assessment of the suitability of a pilot is to be assessed in accordance with the provisions of this Appendix (JAR-FCL 3) by the competent authority, the issuing of the appropriate certificate may be issued by the competent authority or the aeronattic body shall be made after consultation with the competent authority. "

66. Annex 8 is deleted.
