Key Benefits:
265. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture, with which the examination regulations BHS, educational institutions are changed
On the basis of § § 34 to 41 of the school teaching law, BGBl. No 472/1986, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 73/2012, shall be arranged:
The Federal Minister for Education, the Arts and Culture of the Federal Republic of Germany (Federal Minister for Education, Research and Culture) on the final examinations in the vocational higher schools and in the higher institutions of teacher education and education (examination regulations BHS, Education institutions), BGBl. II No 177/2012, shall be amended as follows:
1. § 10 last sentence reads:
"The periods for the submission of written work in the case of the repetition of the thesis are the first week of instruction, the first five days of teaching in December and the last five teaching days in March."
2. b, § 35 (1) Z 2 lit. b, § 39 paragraph 1 Z 2 lit. b, § 42 para. 1 Z 2 lit. b, § 45 paragraph 1 Z 2 lit. b, § 48 para. 1 Z 2 lit. b, § 51 paragraph 1 Z 2 lit. a sublit. bb, lit. b sublit. bb and lit. c sublit. bb, § 57 para. 1 Z 2 lit. a sublit. bb, lit. b sublit. bb and lit. c sublit. bb as well as § 66 para. 1 Z 2 lit. b will be the turn "pursuant to § 12 paragraph 1 Z 1 lit. c" through the turn "pursuant to § 12 para. 1 Z 3" replaced.
3. In § 25 paragraph 1 Z 2 lit. a, § 28 paragraph 1 Z 1, § 31 para. 1 Z 1, § 39 para. 1 Z 1, § 39 para. 1 Z 1, § 48 para. 1 Z 1, § 51 para. 1 Z 1, § 57 para. 1 Z 1 as well as § 66 paragraph 1 Z 1, the turn in each case shall be "according to § 12 paragraph 1 Z 1 lit. a" through the turn "pursuant to § 12 (1) Z 1" replaced.
2 lit. a, § 31 paragraph 1 Z 2 lit. a, § 39 para. 1 Z 2 lit. a, § 39 paragraph 1 Z 2 lit. a, § 45 paragraph 1 Z 2 lit. a, § 48 paragraph 1 Z 2 lit. a, § 51 paragraph 1 Z 2 lit. a sublit. aa, lit. b sublit. aa and lit. c sublit. aa, § 57 para. 1 Z 2 lit. a sublit. aa, lit. b sublit. aa and lit. c sublit. aa as well as § 66 para. 1 Z 2 lit. a will be the turn "according to § 12 paragraph 1 Z 1 lit. b" through the turn "pursuant to § 12 para. 1 Z 2" replaced.
5. § 69 together with headline reads:
" Entry into
§ 69. This regulation, § § 10, 25 (1) and (2), § 28 (1), § 31 (1), § 35 (1), § 39 (1), § 42 (1), § 45 (1), § 48 (1) (1) and (2), § 51 (1), § 57 (1) and § 66 (1) (1) (1) and (2), as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 265/2012, will enter into force on 1 September 2012 and shall apply, by way of derogation from that date, to final examinations with a major date from 2016 onwards. "