Key Benefits:
85. Federal Law, which amalgated the 1994 trade order
The National Council has decided:
The Industrial Regulations 1994-GewO 1994 (WV), BGBl. No. 194/1994, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 50/2012, shall be amended as follows:
1. § 2 para. 1 Z 20 reads:
" 20. |
the operation of electricity companies (§ 7 Z 11 Electricity Economic and Organization Act 2010-ElWOG 2010) and those natural gas companies (§ 7 paragraph 1 Z 16 Gaswirtschaftsgesetz 2011-GWG 2011), which are not natural gas dealers (§ 7 para. 1 Z 14 GWG 2011) " |
2. In Section 3 (3), the phrase "the conditions referred to in § 87 (1) or in Article 91 (2)" through the phrase "the conditions referred to in § 85 Z 2, § 87 (1) or in § 91 (2)" replaced.
3. § 14 (3) reads:
" (3) Family members of a national of a Member State of the EU or of a Contracting State of the EEA who enjoy the right of residence or the right of permanent residence in a Member State of the EU or of a State Party of the EEA may , regardless of their nationality, industry as in-country. To be considered as family members
1. |
the spouse or registered partner, |
2. |
Relatives in straight descending line of a national of a Member State of the EU or of a Contracting State of the EEA and of the spouse or of the registered partner, which is the 21. have not yet been completed or are granted by such maintenance; and |
3. |
Relatives in the same ascending line of a national of a Member State of the EU or of a Contracting State of the EEA and of the spouse or of the registered partner to whom this maintenance is granted. " |
4. The following paragraph 5 is added to § 14:
" (5) The conditions for the exercise of a business according to § 97 (2), § 121 (1) (2) and (3) and (3) (3) (3) (1) and (2) are also fulfilled if:
1. |
natural persons a residence permit with a right of establishment pursuant to § 45 or § 49 (2) to (4) of the Niederlassungs-und Residence Act (NAG), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I No 100/2005, as amended, or |
2. |
in the case of natural persons, the nationality of the Swiss Confederation and a place of residence in the Swiss Confederation or in a Contracting State of the EEA; or |
3. |
in the case of legal persons and registered partnerships, the seat or principal place of business in the Swiss Confederation or in a Contracting State of the EEA, and the members of the bodies appointed to represent the legal representation of the law or the managing and representative partners have the nationality of the Swiss Confederation or of a Contracting State of the EEA. |
Section 141 (3) is to apply to persons with a residence permit with a right of establishment in accordance with § 45 or § 49 (2) to (4) NAG and to nationals of the Swiss Confederation. " |
5. § 18 (6) deleted.
6. In § 19, the expression "§ 373c (7)" by the expression "§ 373d para. 5" replaced.
7. § 21 (5) first sentence reads:
" In the Master Examination Regulations, other training and tests other than those mentioned in the last sentence of the last sentence of paragraph 4 are to be specified, which are the module 1 part A, the module 2 or the module 3, or individual parts of such "
8. At the end of section 39 (1), first sentence, the Strichpunkt shall be replaced by one point, and section 39 (1), second sentence, reads:
"The business owner shall appoint a managing director if he cannot provide the certificate of competency or if he does not have domided domials."
9. The following sentence shall be added to Article 39 (1):
" For business owners who do not have domials domestiy, there is no obligation to appoint a managing director, if:
1. |
the delivery of the imposition and the enforcement of administrative penalties by conventions, or |
2. |
they are nationals of a Contracting State of the EEA who are resident in a Contracting State of the EEA, or |
3. |
They are nationals of the Swiss Confederation who are resident in Switzerland or in a Contracting State of the EEA. " |
Section 39 (2a) reads as follows:
" (2a) The managing director must have his domials domestiy. This shall not apply where:
1. |
the delivery of the imposition and the enforcement of administrative penalties by conventions, or |
2. |
are nationals of a Contracting State of the EEA or of the Swiss Confederation who are domicated in a Contracting State of the EEA or in Switzerland; or |
3. |
they are third-country nationals who have been granted a residence permit "permanent residence EC" or "permanent residence permit" and who have their residence in a Contracting State of the EEA or in Switzerland. " |
11. In § 50 (2), after the word "Healing" the phrase "(excluding contact lenses)" inserted .
12. In § 51 (3), after the word "Educational Reasons" the phrase "or the reason for the end of the period referred to in § 85 Z 2" inserted.
13. In § 57 (5), the following sentence shall be inserted after the first sentence:
" In the event of such an advertising event taking place abroad, the event shall be the competent authority responsible for the place of the offering (location or other place of business of the trader or the place where the participants are gathered) no later than six weeks prior to the offer. "
14. § 57 (7) reads:
" (7) If the obligations laid down in paragraphs 5 and 6 are not fulfilled in the case of advertising events taking place domestily, or if repeated breaches of the provisions of paragraphs 5 and 6 are present, the authority shall have the advertising event at . If the notice of submissions is not issued not later than two weeks before the scheduled and duly indicated event, the event shall be carried out. "
15. The following paragraph 7a is inserted in § 57:
" (7a) In the case of advertising events taking place abroad, the obligations laid down in paragraphs 5 and 6 are not fulfilled or there are repeated infringements of the provisions of paragraphs 5 and 6, the authority shall prohibit the offering. If the notice of submissions is not issued not later than two weeks before the scheduled and duly indicated provision, this event may be offered. "
16. According to § 85 Z 1 the following Z 2 is inserted:
" 2. |
with the entry of the exclusion grension pursuant to § 13 para. 3 or § 13 para. 5 first sentence or " |
17. § 87 (1) Z 2 reads:
" 2. |
one of the circumstances referred to in Article 13 (4) or (5), second sentence, which bring about the trade exclusion, or " |
18. In § 87 (1), last sentence, the expression " (Art. IX (1) (3) of the EGVG) " by the expression " (Art. III (1) Z 3 of the Introductory Act to the 2008-EGVG administrative procedure laws, BGBl. I No 87/2008) " replaced.
19. In § 87 (1) the following Z 4b is inserted:
" 4b. |
In the sense of Section 99 (7), liability insurance for persons and property damage is omitted or proof within the meaning of § 376 Z 13 does not take place in time, or " |
20. In § 91 (2), first sentence, after the word "Educational Reasons" the phrase "or the reason for the enmity referred to in § 85 Z 2" inserted.
(21) The following paragraph 4 is added to § 93:
" (4) In the case of tradesmen engaged in the construction industry (§ 94 Z 5) or a subdivision of the construction industry, the reinstatment and resumption of the commercial exercise of the authority shall be indicated in advance; an ad in retrospect shall be indicated. is inadmissible and ineffective. The Authority shall, from the date of receipt of the notification, carry out the deletion in the Register of Trade, and shall not be allowed to pursue a commercial exercise during the fame taken into account in the trade register. During the period of the fame taken into account in the industrial register, the requirement of liability insurance pursuant to section 99 (7) and the obligation to fulfil other industrial property related to the pursuit of the business are no longer required. Commitments. From the time of the notification of resumption, the registration in the Register of Trade shall be reactivated by the Authority, provided that the trader at the same time with the notification of resumption shall be the effective stock of insurance in the sense of liability in the sense of Article 99 (7) as well as the fulfilment of all other registration requirements-with the exception of a new proof of the necessary competence of the trader-shall be retroactive with effect at the latest from the end of its glory. Infringements of the second sentence, second half sentence, are to be punished in accordance with § 366 (1) (1) (1). "
22. § 94 Z 24 reads:
" 24. |
Gärtner; Florist (affiliated craft) " |
23. In § 94 Z 67 and § 99 (2) the word "Stukkateure" by the word "Stuckateure" replaced.
24. § 94 Z 82 reads:
" 82. |
Wooden Master " |
Section 99 (5) reads as follows:
"(5) If the trade of the master builders is declared to a level which does not include the right to plan comprehensive planning in accordance with paragraph 1 (1) (1) (1), the trader shall have the name" construction industry operator " under the apportionment of the corresponding restriction . Only tradesmen whose commercial authorization includes the right to comprehensive planning in accordance with paragraph 1 Z 1 shall be entitled to use the name "Baumeister". Traders who are restricted to the execution of buildings for the purpose of carrying out the construction industry may not use a name which could give the impression that they are entitled to plan buildings. "
26. In § 99 (6) Z 1 the phrase ' a diploma, certificate or other evidence of formal qualifications, in accordance with Articles 10 and 11 of Directive 85 /384/EEC of 10 June 1985 on the mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications the field of architecture and measures to facilitate the effective exercise of the right of establishment and the freedom to provide services, OJ L 327, 30.4.2004, p. No. OJ L 223 of 21 August 1985, S 15/25-Annex VII Z 18 to the EEA Agreement, " through the phrase "a training certificate corresponding to Art. 49 of Directive 2005 /36/EC" replaced.
27. The following paragraphs 7 to 10 are added to § 99:
" (7) The authorized tradesmen who are entitled to carry out the construction industry (§ 94 Z 5) or the subtrade who are members of the construction industry have a liability insurance for their professional activities in respect of persons and property damage with a Total insurance sum of at least EUR 1 000 000 per claim. For this compulsory insurance sum, a deductiment of not more than five VH of this sum may be agreed per claim. It is permissible to limit the insurance performance per annual insurance period for companies with annual turnover of less than EUR 2 000 000 to EUR 1 500 000 and for other companies to EUR 3 000 000. The liability insurance for personal injury and property damage must be carried out at a company which has the power to operate in Austria.
(8) In addition to the requirements of § 339 (3), the proof of liability insurance for personal and property damage in accordance with paragraph 7 of this Article shall be added to the registration of the building master industry (§ 94 Z 5) or a part-trade originating from the construction master trade. ,
(9) In the case of the insurer's freedom of service to the policyholder from the liability insurance for personal injury and property damage, the notification of the insurer shall apply to the insurer's notification to the insurance provider to the insurance holder (§ 94 Z 5) or to the insurance company. In the event of a third party, the provisions of § 92 GewO 1994 and the provisions of § § 158b to 158i of the trader of which the trader is responsible for the construction of a trader, the competent authority of the trader, and the liability of the insurer in the event of a third party VerVG, BGBl. No 2/1959, in the current version. Section 158c (2) of the VersVG shall apply with the proviso that the circumstance which results in the absence or termination of the insurance relationship shall become effective vis-à-vis the third party only after the expiry of two months after the insurer has The circumstance of the authority responsible for the management of the trade register has indicated.
(10) In the event of loss of liability insurance for persons and property damage within the meaning of paragraph 7 above, the Authority shall immediately initiate a commercial withdrawal procedure and, if a new liability insurance for personal and property damage is not it is immediately established to withdraw the right to trade within two months at the latest. Section 361 (2) shall not apply in this case. There is no suspensive effect on appeals against withdrawal of education. The initiation of the trade-education process must be noted in the Trade Register. "
28. § 108 (2).
29. The following sentence is added to § 108 (6):
"This obligation does not apply in the exercise of the tourist industry as a temporary cross-border service within the meaning of Section 373a (1)."
29a. § 117 (7) reads:
" (7) The trader entitled to exercise the estate agent's business (§ 94 Z 35) shall have a liability insurance for personal and property damage with an insurance sum of at least € 100 000 per person for their professional activities. Failure to complete. For this compulsory insurance sum, a deductiment of not more than five VH of this sum may be agreed per claim. It is permissible to limit the insurance performance per annual insurance period to EUR 300 000. The liability insurance for personal injury and property damage must be carried out at a company which has the power to operate in Austria.
The trader entitled to exercise the property manager's business (§ 94 Z 35) shall have a liability insurance for personal and property damage with an insurance sum of at least EUR 400 000 per person for their professional activities. Failure to complete. For this compulsory insurance sum, a deductiment of not more than five VH of this sum may be agreed per claim. It is permissible to limit the insurance performance per annual insurance period to EUR 1 200 000. The liability insurance for personal injury and property damage must be carried out at a company which has the power to operate in Austria. |
The trader entitled to exercise the business of the developers (§ 94 Z 35) shall have a liability insurance for persons and property damage for their professional activities with an insurance sum of at least EUR 1 000 000 per claim. complete. For this compulsory insurance sum, a deductiment of not more than five VH of this sum may be agreed per claim. It is permissible to limit the insurance performance per annual insurance period for companies with annual turnover of less than EUR 2 000 000 to EUR 1 500 000 and for other companies to EUR 3 000 000. The liability insurance for personal injury and property damage must be carried out at a company which is authorised to operate in Austria. " |
30. The following paragraph 5 is added to § 133:
"(5) If the trade of the stone butchers is registered on a scale which does not include the right to plan in accordance with paragraph 1 Z 1, the commercial register shall be entitled to the name" SteinmetzgewerOperator ", with the corresponding restriction being added to the trade name. . Only tradesmen whose commercial authorization includes the right to plan in accordance with paragraph 1 Z 1 shall be entitled to use the name "Steinmetzmeister" (stone butcher). Traders who are entitled to execute the stonemasonry on the performance of the stonemasonry may not use a name which might give the impression that they are entitled to plan for the purposes of paragraph 1 (1). "
31. In § 134 (3), the word "Zimmermasters" by the expression "Holzbau-Meistern" replaces.
32. The title before § 149 reads: "Holzbau-Meister".
33. In § 7 (5), § 128 (2) (1) (1), and § 149 (1), 2, 3 4, 5 and 6, the word shall be "Zimmermeister" by the expression "Holzbau-Meister" replaced.
34. The following paragraph 8 is added to § 149:
"(8) If the trade in timber construction masters is registered to a level which does not include the right to comprehensive planning in accordance with paragraph 4, the trade report has the name" timber construction industry operator " with the apportionment of the corresponding restriction to use. Only traders whose commercial authorization includes the right to plan in accordance with paragraph 4 may use the name "Holzbau-Meister" (timber construction masters). Traders who are entitled to carry out the works referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not be entitled to use a name which might give the impression that they are part of the activities referred to in paragraph 4. are authorized. "
35. § 150 (5) reads:
" (5) Professional photographers (§ 94 Z 20) are also entitled to the production of video films. Without prejudice to the rights of professional photographers, the trade press photography and photo design is not a regulated trade in accordance with § 94 Z 20. Press photographers and photographic designers may take action for entrepreneurs, self-government institutions and local authorities, provided that their photographs are used solely for the purposes of the self-employed economic activity of the entreprtiy or of the responsibilities of the institution of the self-administration or of the local authority. "
36. In § 349 (6) the expression "Bundes-constitutional Act in the version of 1929" by the expression " Federal Constitutional Law B-VG, BGBl. No. 1/1930, " replaced.
37. § 352 (11) reads:
" (11) If the examinee has only partially passed the examination, the Examination Committee may, taking into account the skills and knowledge identified during the examination, as well as the appropriate regulations within the meaning of Section 352a (2), determine: what part of the test is not to be repeated during the test. "
38. § 352a (2) reads:
" (2) The competent professional organisation of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce may, in the master examination regulations and in the examination regulations for the other regulated trades, be able to refer to the subject areas to be examined and to the type and scope of the examination regulations. the practical work to be completed shall lay down more detailed provisions on
1. |
the number of additional advisers pursuant to Section 351 (2), |
2. |
the requirements to be met by these co-sitters, |
3. |
the cost support for a practical part of the test and |
4. |
in the case of only partial examination of the test parts to be repeated. " |
39. § 356 (1) reads:
" (1) If an oral hearing is to be held, the authority shall disclose the subject matter, time and place of the hearing as well as the conditions for the maintenance of the party position (§ 42 AVG) in the following manner:
1. |
Manifestation at the official board of the congregation (§ 41 AVG), |
2. |
Communication on the Authority's website, |
3. |
Attack on the premises of the plant and |
4. |
Stop in the houses immediately adjacent to the plant. |
The owners of the affected houses have to tolerate such attacks in their homes. Instead of the attack within the meaning of Z 3 and 4, the announcement may be made on grounds of appropriateness, purity and simplicity by personal understanding. " |
40. § 356a (1) reads:
" (1) The authority has the application for approval or approval of a substantial change in an operating system referred to in Appendix 3 to this Federal Law (§ 353a) in the editorial part of a daily newspaper, widely used in the state. a periodical newspaper published in the municipality concerned and published on the website of the Authority. Business and business secrets are to be maintained. § 356 shall remain unaffected. "
41. § 359b (1) reads:
" (1) From the request for approval and its supplements (§ 353),
1. |
those machines, equipment and equipment of the installation whose use could justify the permit requirement, are exclusively those which are listed in regulations pursuant to Section 76 (1) or in accordance with Article 76 (2), or which are based on their the nature and mode of operation are principally or also intended to be used in private households; or |
2. |
the size of the premises available to the plant and other operating areas in total is not more than 800 m², and the electrical connection capacity of the machinery and equipment used does not exceed 300 kW and due to the planned execution of the plant, it is to be expected that hazards, nuisances, impairments or adverse effects within the meaning of Section 74 (2) or the burdens on the environment (§ 69a) are to be avoided, |
the authority shall inform the project of the fact that the project documents are to be submitted to the Authority for inspection within a given period of time not exceeding four weeks, and that the neighbours within that authority shall be informed of the project. to make use of their right of hearing; for this announcement, § 356 (1) shall apply mutafictily. At the end of the period referred to in the notification, the Authority shall, in the light of the comments received by the neighbours, inform the application of the simplified procedure with a view to the application of the simplified procedure, and if necessary, to grant contracts for the protection of the interests to be carried out in accordance with section 74 (2) and in accordance with section 77 (3) and (4); this decision shall be deemed to be an approval certificate for the installation. The Authority shall adopt this decision within three months after the approval request has been received and the required documents for approval (§ 353) have been issued. § 356b shall apply mutatily. Neighbours (Section 75 (2)) have a limited party position on the question of whether the conditions of the simplified procedure are met. Operating facilities listed in Appendix 3 to this Federal Act shall not be subject to the simplified authorisation procedure. " |
42. According to Section 360 (1), the following paragraph 1a is inserted:
" (1a) In the cases of suspicion of transgressing pursuant to § 366 (1) Z 2 or Z 3 or § 367 Z 25, a communication pursuant to paragraph 1 shall not be issued if and as long as in the specific individual case
1. |
there are no objections to the Authority from the point of view of the protection of the interests circumscribed in Article 74 (2) or the avoidance of environmental pressures (§ 69a); and |
2. |
, within a reasonable period of time determined by the Authority, at the same time as the procedural arrangement referred to in paragraph 1, a request (§ 353) corresponding to this Federal Act for the necessary authorisation is introduced and then This request shall be subject to an appropriate authorisation decision. |
Paragraph 1a shall not apply to the operating facilities listed in Appendix 3 to this Federal Act. " |
43. § 361 (2) second sentence reads:
"This does not apply in the case of a measure pursuant to § 91 (2) because of a final non-opening or annulment of the insolvency proceedings due to the lack of cost-covering assets."
44. In § 363 (2) and (3), the expression "Federal Constitutional Law in the version of 1929" in each case by the expression "B-VG" replaced.
45. In § 366 (1), at the end of Z 8 the point shall be replaced by a stroke, and the following Z 9 shall be added:
" 9. |
Contrary to § 127 (3), a package holiday is organised without being registered in the list of organisers or by a foreign registration. " |
46. The following Z 20b is inserted in § 367:
" 20b. |
offers an advertising event, although the offer has been prohibited by the authority pursuant to Section 57 (7a) or the advertisement has not been reimbursed pursuant to § 57 (5) second sentence; " |
47. § 367 Z 34 reads:
" 34. |
in the case of a package travel to the detailed advertising material used by him, does not include the information provided for in a regulation pursuant to Article 127 (1) (1) (1) and (2) for detailed advertising material, or publishes incorrect information; " |
48. In § 373a (1), third sentence, after the word "Educational Reasons" the phrase "or the reason for the end of the period referred to in § 85 Z 2" inserted.
49. In Section 373a (4) (2) (2), the word order is deleted "whether this activity is regulated in the State of establishment" .
50. In § 373a (5), the previous digit number shall be replaced by "3." the letter label "d)" .
Section 373b reads as follows:
" § 373b. (1) The provisions of Section 373a shall apply to nationals of the Swiss Confederation and companies established in accordance with Swiss law and their registered office, their head office or their principal place of business in the Switzerland, with the proviso that services may be provided by them in Austria, the actual duration of which does not exceed 90 working days per calendar year. In the case of the provision of the certificate of formal qualifications required, the conditions for the provision of the service shall be fulfilled if the service provider-in the case of companies whose responsible representative is responsible-the recognition in accordance with § 373c or the equal position according to § 373d or § 373e. With regard to the recognition of professional qualifications for the purpose of establishing an establishment in Austria, nationals of the Swiss Confederation are nationals of a Member State of the EU or of a Contracting State of the EEA.
(2) The following persons shall be treated as nationals of a Member State of the EU, of a Contracting State of the EEA with regard to the application of the provisions of section 373a as well as of § § 373c to 373f and 373h:
1. |
Family members of a national of a Member State of the EU or of a Contracting State of the EEA who are entitled to reside in a Member State of the EU or a State Party of the EEA, |
2. |
Persons who have the status of an asylum-seeker in accordance with § 3 Asylum Act 2005, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl) by an Austrian asylum authority or the asylum court. I No 100 as amended, or the status of a subsidiary entitled to protection pursuant to § 8 Asylum Act 2005 or a corresponding status according to the asylum provisions in force before the entry into force of the Asylum Act 2005 , |
3. |
persons who have a residence permit with a right of establishment in accordance with § 45 or § 49 NAG, |
4. |
Persons who have a residence permit "Blue Card EU" according to § 42 NAG. |
(3) In respect of the activities and trainings referred to in § § 373c to 373f, activities and training may be carried out from a Member State of the EU, a State Party of the EEA or the Swiss Confederation or equivalent Evidence of formal qualifications referred to in Article 3 (3) of Directive 2005 /36/EC shall be invoked. "
52. In § § 373c (1), 373d (1) and 373e (1), the word sequence shall be "Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth" by the word "Landeshauptmann" replaced.
53. § 373e (2) reads:
"(2) In the event that the applicant does not fulfil the conditions laid down in paragraph 1, he may claim the procedure in accordance with § 373d."
54. In § 376 the following Z 13 is inserted:
" 13. |
Traders who are on the day prior to the entry into force of the Federal Law BGBl. No 85/2012 of the construction industry (§ 94 Z 5) or a subdivision of the construction industry have been obliged to provide the authority with BGBl before the expiry of 12 months after the entry into force of the Federal Law. I n ° 85/2012 to prove the existence of liability insurance for personal and property damage pursuant to § 99 (7). If such proof does not take place in time, Section 99 (10) shall apply mutatily. " |
55. § 376 Z 15 (4) reads:
" 15. |
(4) The trader, who shall be BGBl on the day before the entry into force of the Federal Law. I n ° 85/2012 have exercised the press photography industry, are entitled to exercise the trade press photography and photo design in the scope of section 150 (5) last sentence. " |
56. In § 379 the second sentence is deleted; the rest of the text is given the sales designation "(1)" and the following paragraphs 2 to 5 shall be added:
" (2) At the time of the entry into force of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 85/2012 pending proceedings pursuant to Section 18 (6) of the 1994 Code of Procedure must be brought to an end in accordance with the provisions of the previous rules.
(3) At the date of the entry into force of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 85/2012, which are based on facts which, in accordance with the new legal situation, constitute a final payment pursuant to Article 85 (2) of the Treaty, must be brought to an end in accordance with the provisions of the previous legislation.
(4) At the time of the entry into force of the Federal Law BGBl. In accordance with Articles 373c, 373d and 373e of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Parliament, it is necessary to end the proceedings in accordance with the provisions of the previous rules.
(5) § 356 (1), § 356a (1) and § 359b (1) in the version of the Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I No. 85/2012 are on the date of the entry into force of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 85/2012, not yet completed. "
57. In § 382, the Federal Act BGBl is awarded. (No 35/2012), paragraph 50, the sales designation "51" , the federal law BGBl. Paragraph 51, attached to paragraph 51, of the sales designation "52" and shall be added to the following paragraphs 53 to 55:
" (53) § 2 para. 1 Z 20, § 3 para. 3, § 7 para. 5, § 14 para. 3 and para. 5, § 19, § 21 para. 5 first sentence, § 39 para. 1, § 39 para. 2a, § 50 para. 2, § 51 para. 3, § 57 para. 5, para. 7 and para. 7a, § 85 Z 2, § 87 para. 1 Z 2, Z 4b and para. 1 last sentence, § 91 para. 2, § 93 (4), § 94 Z 24, Z 67 and Z 82, § 99 para. 2, para. 5, para. 6 Z 1 and para. 7 to 10, § 128 paragraph 2 Z 1, § 133 paragraph 5, § 134 para. 3, § 149 para. 1 to 6, para. 8 and the title, § 150 para. 5, § 349 para. 6, § 352 para. 11, § 352a para. 2, § 356a Paragraph 1, Section 360 (1a), § 361 (2), § 363 (2) and (3), § 366 (1) Z 9, § 367 Z 20b, § 367 Z 34, § 373a (1), (4) and (5), § 376 Z 13 and Z 15 (4) and § 379 in the version of the Federal Act BGBl. I No. 85/2012 will enter into force a month after publication in the Federal Law Gazette; at the same time, Section 18 (6) of the Federal Law Gazette of the Federal Republic of Germany (BGBl). I N ° 50/2012 and § 11 (1) to (3) of the Regulation of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth on the implementation of Article 7 of the Council Directive of 13 June 1990 on package travel packages (90/314/EEC) in Austrian law (Travel Office Safety Ordinance-RSV), BGBl. II No 316/1999, as amended by the BGBl version. II No 402/2006, except for force.
(54) § 373c (1), § 373d (1) and § 373e (1) and (2) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl (Federal Law Gazette). I No 85/2012 will enter into force three months after publication in the Federal Law Gazans.
(55) § 356 (1) and § 359b (1) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 85/2012 will enter into force six months after publication in the Federal Law Gazans.
(56) § 108 (6), last sentence, and § 373b in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 85/2012 shall enter into force on the day following the publication in the Federal Law Gazans; at the same time, Section 108 (2) shall be repeal. "