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Disabling Regulation - Deaktv

Original Language Title: Deaktivierungsverordnung – DeaktV

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316. Regulation of the Federal Minister of the Interior on the deactivation of firearms (Deactivation Ordinance-DeactV)

Due to § 42b Section 2 of the Arms Act 1996 (WaffG), BGBl. I n ° 12/1997 as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 63/2012 shall be assigned in agreement with the Federal Minister for National Defence and Sport:

Technical guidelines and deactivation labeling

§ 1. (1) Firearms, other than war material, in accordance with the Federal Government Ordination of 22 November 1977 on war material, BGBl. No 624/1977, shall be deemed to be disabled within the meaning of Section 42b of the WaffG if they are deemed to have been disabled in accordance with the technical guidelines laid down in this Regulation ( Appendix 1 ) Rebuilt and marked as disabled ( Appendix 2 ) .

(2) The combination of letters and digits according to Appendix 2 , which clearly designates the authorised trader (§ 42b para. 3 WaffG), the Federal Minister for the Interior shall issue.

(3) The deactivation marking has to be carried out by means of a striking stamp, a rolling stamp or a laser engraving with a corresponding depth of stoving, which has a clear visibility to ensure.

(4) The deactivation mark ("robbery temple") shall be affixed to the barrel and the closure of the deactivated firearm. In the case of special constructional characteristics of the deactivated firearm, it can also be stamped on the handle (in the case of firearms in category B), on the closure sleeve or on the closure housing (in the case of firearms in category C). .

(5) At least one deactivation mark shall be visible on the deactivated firearm and shall not be concealed to more than 50% of the components of the firearm (e.g. handle shells, operating elements).

entry into force

§ 2. This Regulation shall enter into force 1. October 2012, in force.
