Key Benefits:
367. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, with which in 2013 there will be a set of shortage occupations for the employment of foreign skilled workers (Ordinance for the 2013 Specials Ordinance)
On the basis of § 13 (1) of the Foreigners Employment Act-AuslBG, BGBl. No. 218/1975, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 25/2011, is to be arranged in agreement with the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth:
§ 1. In 2013, foreigners may be admitted to employment as a professional in accordance with § 12a of the German AuslBG (AuslBG):
1. |
Milling cutters |
2. |
Dreher/Inside |
3. |
Technicians with a higher level of training (Ing.) for mechanical engineering |
4. |
Roofers |
5. |
Diploma engineer (s) inside for heavy-current technology |
6. |
Welders, cutting burners/inside |
7. |
Builders/interior |
8. |
Electrofitter (s) inside, -monteur (s) inside |
9. |
Agricultural machinery manufacturers |
10. |
Technicians with a higher level of training (Ing.) for heavy-current technology |
11. |
Graduate engineer (s) for mechanical engineering |
12. |
Tube installer (s) inside, -fitter (s) inside |
13. |
Room (s) inside |
14. |
Technicians for mechanical engineering |
15. |
Locksmith |
16. |
Construction and furniture tables |
17. |
Technicians with higher training (Ing.) for data processing |
18. |
Technicians for heavy-current technology |
19. |
Dipl. Nurses, nurses |
20. |
Special technicians with a higher level of training (Ing.) |
21. |
Floor stackers |
22. |
Tool, cut and punch makers |
23. |
Wood machinery workers |
24. |
Varnishers |
§ 2. The occupations referred to in § 1 correspond to the occupational classification of the labour market service.
§ 3. This Regulation shall enter into force 1. January 2013 in force, with expiry of the 31 December 2013 repeal and applies to applications submitted until 5 November 2013.