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Military Aviation Personnel Ordinance 2012 – Mlpv 2012

Original Language Title: Militärluftfahrt-Personalverordnung 2012 - MLPV 2012

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401. Federal Minister of Defense and Sport Ordinance on Military Aviation Personnel ID (Military Aviation Staff Regulation 2012-MLPV 2012)

On the basis of § § 56 (2) and (57) of the Aviation Act (LFG), BGBl. N ° 253/1957, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 77/2012, shall be arranged:

table of contents

1. Main item
General provisions relating to military aviation staff statements

§ 1.


§ 2.


§ 3.

Exhibition, validity and deprivation

§ 4.


§ 5.


§ 6.

Specialist Senate

§ 7.

Content and form of military aviation personnel ID

2. Main piece
Military Air Drivers

Section 1
Military Pilotes

§ 8.

Military flying capability

§ 9.

Detection and verification of military aviation fitness and flight ambiguity

§ 10.

Qualifications for military pilots

§ 11.

Basic qualification

§ 12.

Extensions of basic skills

§ 13.

Military flight books

Section 2
Military Flight Pupil

§ 14.

Military flight student ID

Section 3
Military Flight Simulator Teacher

§ 15.

Empowerment Military flight simulator and military flight simulator teacher ID

Section 4
Military parachutists

§ 16.


§ 17.

Military parachute fitness

§ 18.

Qualifications for military parachutists

§ 19.

Basic qualification

§ 20.

Extensions of basic skills

§ 21.

Military parachutists-jump books and video recordings

Section 5
Military on-board technician

§ 22.

On-board suitability

§ 23.

Training for military on-board technicians

§ 24.

Basic qualification

§ 25.

Extensions of basic skills

Military loading technician

§ 26.

Capabilities for military charging technicians

§ 27.

Basic qualification

§ 28.

Extensions of basic skills

Section 7
Military Aerial Reconnadiation

§ 29.

Training for military air reconnations

§ 30.

Basic and teaching qualification

8. Section
Military Medical Medicine-Patient Air Transport Staff

§ 31.

Qualifications for the Military Medical Medical Patient Air Transport Staff

§ 32.

Basic qualification

§ 33.

Teaching qualification

3. Main piece
Other military aeronautical personnel

Section 1
Military Aeronautical Engineer

§ 34.


§ 35.

Training for military aeronautics

§ 36.

Military aeronautical assistants and military aeronautical assistants in training to become the military aeronautical warden

§ 37.

Military Aviation Observatory

§ 38.

Military Aviation Observatory I. Class

§ 39.

Military Aviation Master

§ 40.

Senior military aeronautics and senior military aeronautics technicians-Warrior

Section 2
Military Air Flight Staff

§ 41.

Qualifications for the military flight crew

§ 42.

Military Flight Advisory Service (Aviation Information Service)

§ 43.

Teaching qualification for the Military-Flight Advisory Service (Aviation Information Service)

§ 44.

Military Air Traffic Service

§ 45.

Military flight crews in senior function

Section 3
Military radar personnel

§ 46.

Radar conductivity

§ 47.

Capabilities for the military-radar personnel

§ 48.

Basic qualification

§ 49.

Teaching qualification

§ 50.

Field Officers Intercepted

Section 4
Military Flight Service Consultative Staff (Military Dispatch Staff)

§ 51.

Capabilities for military flight service personnel (Military Dispatch Staff)

§ 52.

Basic qualification

§ 53.

Teaching qualification

Section 5
Military aviation meteorologists

§ 54.

Qualifications for the military-flight meteorology staff

§ 55.

Basic and teaching qualification

4. Main piece
Common provisions and special provisions

§ 56.

Roll-on capability

§ 57.

Special certificates and special qualifications

§ 58.

Accounting for other trainings

§ 59.

Operational provisions

5. Main piece
Transitional and final provisions

§ 60.

Transitional provisions

§ 61.

In-and out-of-power

1. Main item

General provisions relating to military aviation staff statements


§ 1. (1) For any activity in the military aviation which requires knowledge of aeronautical or aeronautical knowledge and is important for the safety of aviation, the military shall be subject to the conditions laid down in this Regulation. aeronautical personnel to issue a corresponding military air travel ID card.

(2) Any use of military aeronautical personnel shall be limited to the qualifications (extensions) registered in the military aviation personnel expellees.

(3) The existence of the conditions for issuing a military aviation identity card shall be assessed in accordance with the state of the art and the military requirements of the national defence.

(4) Military-aviation-ID-ID is to be issued by the military personnel office and kept in evidence.

(5) As far as the following personal names are referred to only in male form, they relate to women and men in the same way. The gender-specific form is to be used in the application to certain persons.


§ 2. (1) Military air drivers may be considered to be military aircraft personnel (military aircraft)


the military pilot ID,


the military student ID card,


the military flight simulator teacher's ID,


the military parachute jumper,


the military on-board technician's ID,


the military loading technology card,


the military air reconnaiation card and


the Military Patient Air Transport Personality Card.

(2) Other military aeronautical personnel may be considered to be military aeronautical identity statements


the military aeronautical engineering card,


the military flight track record,


the military radar identification,


the Military Flight Service Card (Military Dispatch ID) and


the military flight meteorology personnel ID.

(3) In addition to the cases referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, a special card shall be issued in accordance with the relevant state of the art and the military requirements for military aviation personnel.

Exhibition, validity and deprivation

§ 3. (1) Conditions for the issuing of a military aviation identity card for a contender, the registration of a further qualification (extension) for a contender for this qualification and the renewal of the validity of a qualification for the contender for the Holders of a dormant qualification are


the reliability,


physical and mental aptitude for the activity in question in the military air travel,


the existence of the professional competence required in each case, in accordance with the following provisions of this Regulation; and


in the case of minors, if the content is contemplated, in addition, a declaration of consent by the legal representative.

(2) Military aeronaine identity statements shall be valid for an unlimited period of time, unless expressly stated otherwise, from the date of issue or renewal of validity.

(3) During the period of validity, the holders of military aircraft identity statements, unless expressly stated otherwise, shall be periodically, at the latest before the expiry of the period.


of twelve months for military pilots, military flight students and military air traffic service personnel, as well as


of 24 months for other military air drivers and other military aviation personnel

from the date of issue of a review of the existence of the conditions set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 and 3 for the purpose of obtaining the validity of the respective empowerment (extension). This review shall be carried out and documented in the framework of the service or professional supervision, and shall be repeated every twelve or 24 months (periodic review). If, in addition, there are reasonable doubts as to the existence of a condition pursuant to paragraph 1, or if such doubts are raised during a periodic review, the condition of its own motion, which is in doubt, shall be the subject of the service or the service. In any case, subject to review within four weeks from the point of view of the competent authority (admission-related verification).

(4) If, in the course of the periodic or the prenatal verification, it is determined that a condition is no longer provided in accordance with paragraph 1, the competence concerned (extension) shall rest until the renewal of the validity, but at the latest, however,


in the cases referred to in Article 2 (1) to the end of the third year, and


in the cases of Section 2 (2) to the end of the eighth year

as a result of the verification result. After the expiration of the deadlines according to Z 1 and 2, the respective qualification (extension) shall expire. If all registered qualifications (extensions) have been received in a military aviation-ID card, then this is to be withdrawn.

(5) The use of the holder or the holder within the framework of the relevant qualifications (extensions) shall be subject to the existence of a verification result as provided for in paragraph 3 and during the glory of the qualification referred to in paragraph 4, without prejudice to the provision of the Renewal requirements-not allowed.

(6) After the deletion of a qualification (extension), the new entry into the corresponding military aviation-identity card is admissible in the case of a new existence of the conditions set out in paragraph 1.


§ 4. (1) Reliability shall be given if and as long as, on the basis of the previous conduct, it is to be assumed that the person concerned does not pose a threat to the safety of aviation or to military security or to the public or Order and security would not endanger.

(2) As a reliable person, a person is not to be considered, in particular, if


is restricted or fully disorned; or


alcohol or addictive toxins, or


has pleaded guilty to the rules on the protection of limb and life, or


has repeatedly violated military service rules that are important for military aviation.

The reliability is to be considered with regard to Z 2 to 4 with regard to the behaviour since the last such incident.


§ 5. (1) Examination commissions are to be established for the purpose of carrying out the necessary examinations in order to establish the professional competence. The members of the respective examination commissions shall be appointed by the Federal Minister for National Defense and Sport from the circle of military aviation personnel for the duration of five years. Unless otherwise specified in this Regulation, the individual tests or parts of the examination are to be taken before an examination senate from the required number of members of the Examination Board. A Senate member is to be charged with the senate's head office. At least one member of the Senate has to hold the respective teaching qualification or equivalent qualifications for the eligible examination subject. For a positive assessment of the relevant examination, the unanimity of the respective senate is required.

(2) The more detailed provisions for the conduct of examinations shall be determined by the Federal Minister for National Defence and Sport. In any case, the tests shall cover the required knowledge spectrum, taking into account the quality scale in accordance with § 1 (3).

Specialist Senate

§ 6. (1) The Fachsenat has the following tasks:


Submission of a recommendation in the case of an admission-related review in accordance with § 3 (3), last sentence, whether and, if applicable, subject to which restrictions the validity of the eligible qualification


exists or


to be renewed;


the establishment of training programmes for the renewal of the validity of a dormant qualification;


In cases of doubt, recommendations for the overwriting of qualifications and training courses, examinations, flight hours or periods of practical use in accordance with the Military Aviation Staff Regulation 1968 (MLPV 1968), BGBl. No. 395.

(2) The Fachsenat shall consist of:


a chairman or a chairman, the holder or holder of a military aviation identity card from the eligible range of competency in accordance with § 2, or who has been a member of an examination board in accordance with § 5,


an assessor, the holder or holder of a military aviation identity card with at least the same qualifications as the person to be assessed, or a qualification corresponding to the subject matter to be assessed, and is a member of an examination board in accordance with § 5,


one or one right-wing servant,


A representative of the Technical Committee pursuant to Section 11 (1) Z 11 of the Federal Personnel Representation Act (PVG), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No 133/1967, and


any necessary military personnel or military psychologists or military psychologists.

In addition to the cases of Z 1 to 5, expert advice can be granted to advising experts.

(3) The majority of the persons referred to in Section 2 (2) (1) to (5) shall take the decision to form the recommendation of the Fachsenate after hearing the person or persons concerned. In the event of a tie, the vote shall be taken by the Chairperson or the Chairman. In any case, recommendations on physical or mental aptitude in accordance with § 3 paragraph 1 Z 2 require the assent of the senate member according to paragraph 2 Z 5.

Content and form of military aviation personnel ID

§ 7. (1) Military aeronaine identity statements shall, in any case, contain the following information:


the imprint "Republic of Austria" as well as the name and official stamp of the Ministry,


the coat of arms of the Republic of Austria,


type of military aeronaine identity card,


the serial number of the ID and the date of the exhibition,


Before and surname/surname,


the signature of the holder or the holder;


the qualifications to which the identity card extends, and


Review note.

The issue of the military aviation identity cards on basic information in the form of a card with a photograph of the holder or holder is permitted. This card shall be deposited with the official office in question, in the event of the withdrawal or withdrawal of the military aeroplane ID card. Additional identification elements shall be presented in a suitable form.

(2) The holder of a military aviation identity card may, in the case of a service, be required to act as a certificate in accordance with Art. III para. 2 lit. a of the Agreement between the parties to the North Atlantic Treaty, BGBl. III No 135/1998 ("Military Crew Member Card"), applicable on the basis of Art. I of the Convention between the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace on the legal status of their troops and declarations of Austria, BGBl. III No 136/1998, issued by the Office of the Military Office. In this case, the military aviation identity card shall contain the following information in addition to the information provided for in paragraph 1.


the term "Military Crew Member Card" and


in any case, a photograph, the date of birth and the degree of service of the proprietor or holder.

2. Main piece

Military Air Drivers

Section 1

Military Pilotes

Military flying capability

§ 8. Military pilots have the possibility of military flying in accordance with § 3 paragraph 1 Z 2. This is to be differentiated according to military-based medical and military-flying psychological criteria. The more detailed provisions for the specification of these criteria shall be based on the types of military aircraft, the age of the military pilots and the possibilities of their use by the Federal Minister for National Defence and Sport . These specifications shall be in accordance with the respective state of the military-medical and military-related psychological findings.

Detection and verification of military aviation fitness and flight ambiguity

§ 9. (1) The first-time determination of the possible fitness for military flight shall be carried out within the framework of an initial examination corresponding to the state of the military-medical and military-military-psychological findings.

(2) The initial examination in the context of the determination of military flight suitability shall include the following medical areas:


Self-anamnesis, which includes:


previous and current diseases and injuries,


operations and sexually transmitted diseases,


previous and current medication,


allergies, vaccination status, tropical stays,


alcohol, tobacco, drugs, caffeine-containing drinks, coffee,


sleep time, sleep quality, fluid intake,


dietary habits,


Fliegerische Vorbildung,


Family history and


in women additionally pregnancies, births, obstetric and gynecological disorders, surgeries and complications, contraception;


Findings and investigations which include:


Blood and urinary laboratory, as well as


relevant picture-giving procedures according to the state of the technical and medical science, which contain




Magnetic resonance imaging,


Computer tomography,


Ultrasound and


in the case of women, ultrasound by the specialist in gynecology and obstetrics;


Medical examinations, which include:


orthopaedics, including anthropometric surveying,




Neck-nose-ear examination including pure-tone audiometry and tympanometry,


Allergy testing,


Internal study, including rest electrocardiogram, ergometry, spirometry and echocardiography,


Neurology, including electroencephalogram,




Dentistry, including panoramic radiographs,


Dermatology and Venerology,


Urology and


Gynecology in women.

(3) The verification of the continued existence of the relevant military fitness is to be demonstrated by a military-flying medical and military-flying psychological control investigation, which is based on the type and the range of use of the shall be subject to the age of the military aircraft or of the person to be examined.

(4) The review of the periodic review shall include the following medical areas:




blood and urine laboratory;


Internal investigation, including rest electrocardiogram, ergometry and spirometry;




Neck-nose-ear examination;


In case of positive urinary findings and/or positive intermediate anamnesis urology;




Dentistry including panoramic x-ray;


in addition to jet pilots




Urology and


Echocardiography or comparable procedures.

(5) If further or in-depth studies are considered necessary on the basis of the results of the investigation pursuant to para. 2 to 4 following military-medical or military-medical-psychological assessment, these are to be carried out.

(6) The established military performance in accordance with paragraph 1 above and the result of the verification of the continued existence of the relevant military fitness for the period referred to in paragraph 2 shall be recorded in a military-medical medical certificate and with the military pilot ID card.

(7) The military medical certificate referred to in paragraph 6 shall contain the following information:


the name and date of birth,


the continuous number of the military aeronaine identity card in accordance with § 7 (1) Z 4,


the suitability of the certificate of dives,


the date and place of the initial investigation;


the date and place of the last inspection,


restrictions and conditions, and


Name and signature of the issuing military medical expert according to § 9 (6).

(8) The necessary military officers and military psychologists, as well as military psychologists, shall be responsible for the determination and verification of the continued existence of military air fitness in accordance with para. 1 to 5. or military-air psychologist. These have special knowledge in the field of aeronautical medicine or aeronautical psychology.

(9) If, on the occasion of an investigation pursuant to paragraph 2 to 5, it is established that the investigator or investigator does not reach the military fitness for his or her use in accordance with § 8, that treatment shall be the case for him or her , which, according to the state of the military-medical and military-based psychological findings, can be expected to regain military air-fitness.

(10) Without prejudice to paragraph 1 to 5, in the event of a temporary illness or injury by an expert or an expert as referred to in paragraph 8, a flight ambiguity shall be given in the required amount of time. During the duration of the unspecified flight uncertainty, the use of the holder or the holder of a military pilot card is inadmissible within the framework of the competence concerned.

Qualifications for military pilots

§ 10. (1) In addition to the basic qualification, the following enlargements are to be considered for the military pilot pass.


the type extension,


the night vision flight,


the aerobatics,


the towing flight,


the instrument flight,


the military flight instructor,


the military instrument flight instructor,


the capacity for use piloting and


the acceptance piloting capability.

(2) The basic qualification is to be certified by issuing a military pilot card. The corresponding extensions are to be entered in the military pilot ID card.

(3) The registration of further completed military-pilot-specific training in the military pilot pass as an extension is permissible. The respective military and military tactical development must be taken into consideration.

(4) The hours of flight for obtaining and receiving the validity of the military pilot certificate and the qualifications may, in addition to the minimum number of hours referred to in this Regulation, be used in a military pilot-year programme by the Federal Minister shall be binding on national defence and sport. This programme has to be based on the state of the art, the types of military aircraft used and the range of uses.

(5) The requirement for the pursuit of the activities referred to in paragraph 1 is the inexoration of a general radio service for the mobile radio service in accordance with § 4 Z 1 lit. c of the Funker-Zeugnisgesetz 1998 (FZG), BGBl. I n ° 26/1999, as amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 32/2002.

Basic qualification

§ 11. (1) The basic qualification shall be the ability to conduct military aircraft of a particular type in the flight by day of visual flight, as well as the radio communications required for this purpose.

(2) Conditions for the issuing of a military pilot card are, in any case,


completed basic training with at least 70 flight hours and


the filing of a test with a theoretical and a practical test piece.

In the case of Z 1, times shall not be counted on flight simulators. In the case of Z 2, parts of the theoretical and practical test part may be carried out on an appropriate flight simulator.

(3) In order to obtain the validity of the basic qualification, the flights required by the respective state of the art and the military requirements shall be differentiated according to the type of military aircraft, at least 40 to 60 flight hours per year. as a responsible military pilot or under the supervision of a military flight instructor, in the context of military pilot training in the flight, including the necessary inspection flights. In the case of military aircraft, for which a double crew is mandatory, the flight times of the second military pilot (co-pilot), under the supervision of a responsible pilot (Captain), are on the flight times as a responsible military pilot to be counted. According to the calculation of § 1 para. 3 up to 20 hours of flying hours, simulators can be credited to the 40 to 60 hours, which are differentiated according to the type of the military aircraft. In the case of more than three months of service training, the number of hours required for the military pilot concerned may be reduced by three per cent per month, taking into account the quality scale in accordance with § 1 (3).

(4) In any case, the renewal of the validity of a dormant basic qualification shall be required


the completion of a training programme, determined by the Fachsenat in accordance with § 6, on the basis of the previous aviation experience and the duration of the military flight interruption, as well as


the filing of a test with a theoretical and a practical test piece.

In the case of Z 1, the expert Senate has to determine which parts of the training programme may be completed on an eligible flight simulator. In the case of Z 2, this is determined by the Examination Committee according to § 5.

(5) In any case, the resting of the basic qualification results in the resting of the respectively registered extensions.

Extensions of basic skills

§ 12. (1) The extension of the type is the ability to carry out military aircraft of a type other than the type according to § 11 in the flight. The conditions for the registration of this extension are in any case


the completion of a type-specific training programme with at least 20 flight hours, of which up to 10 hours can be completed on an eligible flight simulator, and


the filing of a test with a theoretical and a practical test piece.

The Examination Committee according to § 5 shall determine whether and to what extent parts of the theoretical and practical test can be carried out on a possible flight simulator.

(2) The qualification "Night vision flight" is the ability to carry out flights at night under visual flight rules using military aircraft. The conditions for the registration of this extension are in any case


the completion of a training programme with at least five flight hours and 20 night landings;


the completion of an appropriate practical examination.

(3) The qualification of "aerobatics" is the ability to perform aerobatics with military aircraft. The conditions for the registration of this extension are in any case


the completion of a training programme with at least five training flights and


the completion of an appropriate practical examination.

(4) The ability to "tow" is the ability to tow aircraft, aeronautical equipment or objects such as, for example, target display equipment with military aircraft. The conditions for the registration of this extension are in any case


the completion of a training programme with at least four training flights and


the completion of an appropriate practical examination.

(5) The qualification "Instrument Flight" is the ability to carry out instrument flights with military aircraft of a given type. The conditions for the registration of this extension are in any case


at least 200 total flight hours,


The completion of a training programme with at least 40 flight hours and


the filing of a test with a theoretical and a practical test piece.

In the case of Z 1, up to 40 hours may be counted on a suitable flight simulator. In the case of Z 2, up to 20 hours may be carried out on a suitable flight simulator. In the case of Z 3, parts of the theoretical and practical test part may be carried out in a range to be determined by the examination board in accordance with § 5 on an eligible flight simulator.

(6) The qualification of "military flight instructor" is the ability to train military pilots and military pilots in theory and in practice for the basic qualification and the extensions, with the exception of the instrument-flight capability, for which the Military flight instructor has a valid qualification. The conditions for the registration of this extension are in any case


the completion of at least 500 total flight hours on military aircraft prior to admission to training as a military flight instructor,


the completion of a military flight instructing course "Theory",


the filing of a test with a theoretical and a practical test piece, and


the training


of a military flyer until the basic qualification is reached in accordance with § 11 or


of a military pilot until a type extension has been reached and a second extension according to § 10 (1) Z 2 to 4 or


from two military pilots to the achievement of a type extension

under the supervision of a military flight instructor.

(7) The qualification of "Military Instrument Flight Instructor" is the ability to train military pilots in the instrument flight theoretically and practically. The conditions for the registration of this extension are in any case


the inexoration of a valid qualification "instrument flight" in accordance with paragraph 5,


the completion of at least 500 total flight hours on military aircraft prior to the admission to training for military instrument flight instructor,


the completion of a military flight instructing course "Theory" and


the filing of a test with a theoretical and a practical test piece.

In the case of Z 4, completion of the theoretical part of the examination can be omitted if this examination is filed together with the examination of the military flight instructing course "Theory".

(8) The capability of use piloting is the ability to carry out the tasks assigned to a military aircraft. The conditions for the registration of this extension are in any case


the completion of at least 250 total flight hours; and


the completion of a training program with review flights.

(9) The capacity to take off piloting is the ability to test aeroplanes or aircraft systems in flight for the purpose of technical innovations or in the case of sustainable technical problems. The conditions for the registration of this extension are in any case


the completion of a project-related training course with a review flight and


the completion of at least 1,500 total flight hours as a pilot pilot.

(10) By way of derogation from § 5, the tests for the qualifications "night vision flight", "aerobatics", "tug flight" and the pilot pilot qualification are to be deposited in front of an individual examiner.

(11) The following criteria shall be met for the maintenance of the extensions of the basic qualification


for the extension of the type ten flight hours per year as a responsible military pilot and two handling tests at a distance of not more than six months,


for the qualification "night vision flight" three flying hours at night under visual flight rules and ten night landings per year,


for the empowerment of "aerobatics" two aerobatics per year,


for the qualification of 'tugfly' two towed flights per year;


For the qualification "Instrument Flight" two instrument checkflights per year at a distance of not more than six months, with several types only one check flight per type and year is required,


for the qualification of "military flight instructor", the demonstrable activity as a military flight instructor,


for the empowerment of "Military Instrument Flight Instructor", the demonstrable activity as a military instrument flight instructor,


for the pilot pilot qualification the proven activity as pilot pilot and


for the qualification for acceptance of the acceptance of a qualification as referred to in (8).

In the case of Z 1 and 5, flight hours or checkflights may be carried out on an appropriate flight simulator.

(12) In any case, the renewal of the validity of a dormant extension of the basic qualification shall be required


the fulfilment of the criteria in accordance with § 11 (4) Z 1 and


the filing of a test with a theoretical and a practical test piece.

In the case of Z 2, parts of the theoretical and practical test part may be carried out on a possible flight simulator.

Military flight books

§ 13. Military pilots have to carry out military flight books to prove their practical use. Flight times for flight simulators and flight training equipment shall be entered in the military flight books.

Section 2

Military Flight Pupil

Military flight student ID

§ 14. (1) Prior to the start of the basic flight training, a military pilot card must be issued to candidates for a military pilot pass. In this case, the types of military aircraft for which the owner or the owner is trained shall be entered.

(2) During the fulfilment of the requirements for the renewal of the validity of a military pilot card, the military flight student ID card shall be replaced by the dormant military pilot pass.

(3) § § 8, 9 and 13 shall apply to military flight students concerning the suitability of the military aircraft, their determination and verification as well as military flight books.

Section 3

Military Flight Simulator Teacher

Empowerment Military flight simulator and military flight simulator teacher ID

§ 15. (1) The qualification "Military Flight Simulator Teacher" shall be capable of continuing, continuing and further training military pilots and military pilots with the assistance of flight simulators. This empowerment is


as an extension to the military pilot pass, or


as a military flight simulator ID card, if the person or persons concerned no longer has a valid military pilot pass.

(2) Conditions for the registration of the qualification "Military flight simulator teacher" or the exhibition of a military flight simulator instructor's certificate are, in any case,


the existence of a valid or dormant operational pilot qualification,


the inability of a valid or dormant "military flight instructor",


the completion of a training programme on a suitable flight simulator and


the filing of a test with a theoretical and a practical test piece.

(3) To be proven for the receipt of the validity


in the case of enlargement in the military pilot pass according to paragraph 1, Z 1, the continuous activity as a military flight simulator teacher and


in the case of the issuing of a military flight simulator instructor after paragraph 1 Z 2 40 simulator flight hours and the continuous activity as a military flight simulator instructor.

(4) The criteria according to § 11 (4) (1) and (2) must be fulfilled for the renewal of the validity of a dormant qualification of "military flight simulator teacher" or of a dormant military flight simulator instructor.

Section 4

Military parachutists


§ 16. (1) Military parachutists shall be valid from the date of the exhibition until 31 December of the following calendar year. As a result, they shall be extended for a further 24 months in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.

(2) In order to extend the validity of a military parachutist card, the successful completion of the required jumps with the associated preparation and/or the corresponding preparation and/or the necessary leaps is not only the proof of the military parachute jumping suitability. Completion work for the respective qualification within the period of validity of the military parachute jumper on the basis of the quality scale in accordance with § 1 para. 3. These required jumps are due to the Federal Minister for National Defense and Sport in a military parachutist-jumping programme as a minimum program to be fulfilled in the full drawing area of the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs National defence and sport.

Military parachute fitness

§ 17. (1) Military parachutists and contenders for a military parachute jumper shall be deemed to be suitable in accordance with § 3 (1) (2) of the German military parachute for military parachute jumping. The military parachute jumping ability consists of physical and psychological performance, repeated jumps with parachutes to be performed. This is for the first time in the context of a military medical examination. The continued existence of military parachutists is to be proved by a military medical check-up at the earliest six months prior to the extension of the military parachute parachute.

(2) The examinations in the context of the determination of the military parachutist suitability shall include the medical areas or sub-areas according to § 9, which are indicated by the respective competence and the potential use spectrum.

(3) The more detailed provisions for the specification of the investigations referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be based on the types of parachutes, the age of the military parachutist and the possibilities of use by the Federal Minister for National defence and sport. These specifications shall be in accordance with the respective state of military medical findings.

Qualifications for military parachutists

§ 18. (1) For the military parachutist card, the following extensions are to be considered in addition to the basic qualification.


The free-fall capability,


the teaching qualification,


the tank capacity and


the tandem teaching qualification.

(2) The basic qualification is to be certified by issuing a military parachute jumper. The corresponding extensions are to be entered in the military parachutist badge.

Basic qualification

§ 19. (1) The basic qualification is the ability to pack parachutes with automatic triggering and to print them off.

(2) The conditions for the issuing of a military parachutist are the successful completion of the necessary training, jumps and examinations.

(3) For the renewal of the validity of a dormant basic qualification, the necessary jumps and training modules must be completed under the supervision of a person with teaching qualification.

(4) Further provisions for the implementation of the necessary training, leaps, examinations and training modules according to paragraphs 2 and 3 shall be provided in the light of the quality scale in accordance with § 1 (3), in particular the technological Developments in the area of the military parachute jump, by the Federal Minister for National Defense and Sport in a military parachutist jumping jumping programme as a minimum program to be fulfilled in any case.

Extensions of basic skills

§ 20. (1) The free-fall ability is the ability to pack and to print parachutes with manual triggering. In addition to a valid basic qualification, the prerequisites for the certificate of free-fall competence are the successful completion of the necessary training, jumps and examinations.

(2) The teaching qualification is the ability to train contenders for a military parachutist and military parachutist. In addition to a valid free-case qualification, the requirements for the certificate of teaching qualification are the proven, supporting activity in the training as well as the successful completion of the necessary training, jumps and Checks.

(3) The tandemmeister capability is the ability to pack tandem parachutes and to print them with a passenger. In addition to a valid free-fall qualification, the requirements for the certificate of the tandem master's qualification are proof of Tandem-jumping experience according to the quality standard according to § 1 paragraph 3 as well as the completion of a corresponding examination.

(4) The tandem teaching qualification is the ability to train military paratroopers to tandem masters. In addition to a valid teaching qualification and tandem master's qualification, the requirements for the certificate of the tandem teaching qualification are the proven, supporting activity in the training as well as the successful completion of a corresponding training course. Check.

(5) The requirements of Section 19 (4) shall apply to the extensions referred to in paragraphs 1 to 4.

(6) In the case of the extensions referred to in paragraphs 1 to 4, section 19 (3) shall apply on the renewal of the validity of the dormant basic qualification with the following measures:


The renewal of the validity of a free-fall qualification also includes a renewal of the basic qualification.


For the renewal of the validity of a teaching qualification, a valid free-case competence and a supporting activity in the corresponding training are required.


In any case, a valid free-fall qualification is required for the renewal of the validity of a tandemmeisteremcapability.


For the renewal of the validity of a tandem teaching qualification, in any case a valid teaching qualification, a valid tandem master qualification and a supporting activity in the appropriate training are required.

Military parachutists-jump books and video recordings

§ 21. (1) Military parachutists and contenders on a military parachute jumper badge have to perform military parachute jumpbooks to prove their practical use.

(2) If it is not possible to carry out exams to obtain a free-fall qualification or a teaching qualification or a tandem certificate qualification or a tandem teaching qualification, the competent examination senate may, according to § 5, also the Video recording of a leap, which was proven by the registration in the military parachutist-diving book, completed in the course of the relevant training, as proof of the professional competence.

Section 5

Military on-board technician

On-board suitability

§ 22. (1) Military on-board technicians have the ability to show on-board suitability. This can be differentiated according to military-based medical criteria.

(2) The initial examination in the context of the determination of the on-board suitability shall include the following medical areas:


Self-anamnesis, which includes:


previous and current diseases and injuries,


operations and sexually transmitted diseases,


previous and current medication,


allergies, vaccination status, tropical stays,


alcohol, tobacco, drugs, caffeine-containing drinks, coffee,


sleep time, sleep quality, fluid intake,


dietary habits,


Family history and


in women additionally pregnancies, births, obstetric and gynecological disorders, surgeries and complications, contraception;


Findings and investigations which include:


Blood and urinary laboratory, as well as


Relevant picture-giving procedures according to the state of technical and medical science;


Medical examinations, which include:






Neck-nose-ears Inquiry,


Internal study including rest electrocardiogram, ergometry and spirometry, as well as


Dentistry including panoramic radiographs.

(3) The review of the periodic review shall include the following medical areas:




blood and urine laboratory;


Internal investigation, including rest electrocardiogram, ergometry and spirometry;


Determination of the visa (visual board in the case of the start and the FA eyes);


Neck-nose-ear examination;


In case of positive urinary findings and/or positive intermediate anamnesis urology.

(4) If further or in-depth studies are considered necessary on the basis of the results of the examination referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 following military-medical or military-life psychological assessment, these are to be carried out. Section 9 (10) on flight ambiguity shall apply.

Training for military on-board technicians

§ 23. (1) In addition to the basic qualification, the following enlargements are to be considered for the military on-board technician card.


the type extension,


the functional extension and


the teaching qualification.

(2) The basic qualification is to be certified by issuing a military electrical equipment card. The corresponding extensions are to be entered in the military on-board technician ID card.

Basic qualification

§ 24. (1) The basic qualification shall be the ability to carry out the operation and supervision of subsystems on board military aircraft of a given type in flight. It is also possible to carry out loading and unloading on military aircraft of a certain type, to monitor cargo in the flight, to carry out passenger service and to carry out configuration changes in the cargo hold. ,

(2) Conditions for the issuing of a military vehicle electrical equipment card are in any case


the completion of a training corresponding to the requirements profile;


completed basic training with at least 20 flying hours, with military flight hours in the non-permanent service already completed prior to the basic training, and


the filing of a test with a theoretical and a practical test piece.

(3) In any case, in order to obtain the validity of the basic qualification, flights of at least ten flight hours must be carried out on the registered type, in which an activity is carried out as a military on-board technician.

(4) In any case, the renewal of the validity of a dormant basic qualification shall be required


the fulfilment of the criteria in accordance with § 11 (4) Z 1 and


the filing of a test with a theoretical and a practical test piece.

(5) Military on-board technicians have to carry out a military flight book in accordance with § 13 for the purpose of proving their practical use.

Extensions of basic skills

§ 25. (1) The extension of the type is the ability to carry out the tasks of a military on-board technician also on board military aircraft of a type other than that of the respective type according to § 24. The conditions for the registration of this extension are in any case


The completion of a type-specific training programme with at least 10 flight hours and


the filing of a test with a theoretical and a practical test piece.

(2) The capability of "extension of function" means the ability to carry out the operation and supervision of subsystems on board military aircraft of a particular type in flight, also as part of a minimum crew. The conditions for the registration of this extension are in any case


the completion of a type-specific training programme with at least 10 flight hours and


the filing of a test with a theoretical and a practical test piece.

(3) The teaching qualification is the ability to train candidates for a military on-board technician's ID card. The conditions for the registration of this extension are in any case


at least five years of work in the framework of the basic qualification as a military on-board technician and


A proven, supportive activity in the relevant training.

(4) For the extensions referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, § 24 (3) to (5) shall apply to the receipt of validity, the renewal of the dormant validity and the management of the military flight book according to § 13. In addition, in order to obtain the teaching qualification, a teaching practice is required, for the renewal of the validity of the dormant teaching qualification, in any case, a proven, supportive activity in the corresponding training.


Military loading technician

Capabilities for military charging technicians

§ 26. (1) Military aircraft types which require military air travel personnel with exclusively technical knowledge of the military may be issued with a military loading technician's card. In addition to the basic qualification, the following enlargements are to be considered for the military loading technology card.


the type extension and


the teaching qualification.

(2) The basic qualification is to be certified by issuing a military loading technician's card. The corresponding extensions are to be entered in the military loading technology card.

(3) Military loading technicians shall apply § 22 on the suitability of the on-board equipment.

Basic qualification

§ 27. (1) The basic qualification is the ability to carry out loading and unloading on military aircraft of a certain type, to monitor cargo in the flight, to carry out the care of passengers, and in flight operations the crew within the framework of the To support operating rules and to make configuration changes in the cargo hold.

(2) Conditions for the issuing of a military loading technician's card are, in any case,


the completion of a training corresponding to the requirements profile;


the completion of a military loading engineer training course with the implementation of at least ten transport flights under the supervision of a teacher and


the filing of a test with a theoretical and a practical test piece.

(3) In order to obtain the validity of the basic qualification, the transport flights required on the basis of the quality standard according to § 1 (3) shall be carried out, but at least five.

(4) In any case, the renewal of the validity of a dormant basic qualification shall be required


the fulfilment of the criteria in accordance with § 11 (4) Z 1 and


the filing of a test with a theoretical and a practical test piece.

(5) Military loading technicians shall have a military flight book according to § 13 for the purpose of demonstrating their practical use.

Extensions of basic skills

§ 28. (1) The extension of the type is the ability to carry out the tasks of a military loading technician also on board military aircraft of a type other than that of the respective type according to § 27. The conditions for the registration of this extension are in any case


the completion of a type-specific training programme with at least five transport flights and


the filing of a test with a theoretical and a practical test piece.

(2) The teaching qualification is the ability to train candidates on a military loading technician's pass theoretically and practically. The conditions for the registration of this extension are in any case


at least five years of activity in the framework of the basic qualification as a military loading technician; and


A proven, supportive activity in the relevant training.

(3) For the extensions referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, § 27 (3) to (5) applies to the receipt of validity, the renewal of the dormant validity and the management of the military flight book in accordance with § 13. In addition, in order to obtain the teaching qualification, a teaching practice is required, for the renewal of the validity of the dormant teaching qualification, in any case, a proven, supportive activity in the corresponding training.

Section 7

Military Aerial Reconnadiation

Training for military air reconnations

§ 29. (1) In addition to the basic qualification, the military air reconnaiency card shall be subject to the teaching qualification.

(2) The basic qualification is to be certified by issuing a military air reconnaiency card. The teaching qualification is to be entered as an extension in the military air reconnaiation card.

(3) Military air reconnavity shall be subject to § 22 on the suitability of the on-board suitability.

Basic and teaching qualification

§ 30. (1) The basic qualification is the ability to serve air-based sensor technology for the purpose of capturing targets. In any case, the conditions for issuing a military aerial reconnaiation card are


completed basic training with at least 30 air reconnations; and


the filing of a test with a theoretical and a practical test piece.

(2) To obtain the validity of the basic qualification, it is in any case necessary to prove the implementation of 30 aerial reconnavations.

(3) In any case, the renewal of the validity of a dormant basic qualification shall be required


the fulfilment of the criteria in accordance with § 11 (4) Z 1 and


the filing of a test with a theoretical and a practical test piece.

(4) Military air educators shall have a military flight book according to § 13 for the purpose of demonstrating their practical use.

(5) The teaching qualification is the ability to train contenders for a military air reconnaviation card. In addition to a valid basic qualification, the prerequisites for the registration of the teaching qualification are, in any case, a flight experience beyond the basic qualification as military air reconnaider. For the teaching qualification, paragraphs 2 to 4 apply to the receipt of validity, the renewal of the dormant validity and the management of the military flight book in accordance with § 13. In addition, in order to obtain the teaching qualification, a teaching practice is required, for the renewal of the validity of the dormant teaching qualification, in any case, a proven, supportive activity in the corresponding training.

8. Section

Military Medical Medicine-Patient Air Transport Staff

Qualifications for the Military Medical Medical Patient Air Transport Staff

§ 31. (1) In addition to the basic qualification, the military patient-air transport personnel card shall be subject to the teaching qualification.

(2) The basic qualification is to be certified by the exhibition of a Military Patient Air Transport Personality ID. The teaching qualification is to be entered as an extension in the military patient air transport personnel ID card.

(3) § 22 of the Military Medical Medical Patient Air Transport Staff is to be applied via the on-board suitability.

Basic qualification

§ 32. (1) The basic qualification is the ability to take care of patients according to military requirements during the loading, flight and discharge according to the respective state of military medicine, as well as the necessary medical care Use and monitor devices.

(2) The prerequisite for the exhibition of a military patient air transport personnel card is, in any case, the completion of a training program that includes medical, flight-physiological, flight-technical/flight-operational and device-specific modules. has included.

(3) For the purposes of obtaining the validity of the basic qualification, a patient-air transport or a patient-air transport exercise must be carried out in any case per year.

(4) For the renewal of the validity of a dormant basic qualification, according to the respective state of military medicine, a theoretical and practical training is to be required, which is based on previous experience in the military-patient-air transport and of the duration of the glory.

(5) Military medical-medical-patient-air transport personnel shall have a military-flight-book in accordance with § 13 for the purpose of demonstrating its practical use.

Teaching qualification

§ 33. (1) The teaching qualification is the ability to train contenders and contenders for a military-patient-air transport manpower card.

(2) The conditions for the registration of this extension are, in any case,


an activity of at least two years in the exercise of the basic qualification and


the laying down of a theoretical and practical test.

(3) For the teaching qualification, § 32 (3) to (5) applies to the receipt of the validity, the renewal of validity and the management of the military flight book in accordance with § 13. In addition, in order to obtain the teaching qualification, a teaching practice is required, for the renewal of the validity of the dormant teaching qualification, in any case, a proven, supportive activity in the corresponding training.

3. Main piece

Other military aeronautical personnel

Section 1

Military Aeronautical Engineer


§ 34. For military aeronautical engineers, § 3 on the exhibition, validity and deprivation of military aviation personnel statements shall apply with the following deviations:


The periodic review in accordance with § 3 para. 3 of the first and second sentences can be suspended for as long as the requirements of § 3 (1) Z 2 and 3 are ensured and documented in the context of a quality management system by the professional supervision. This quality management is to be implemented in the full drawing area of the Federal Minister for National Defense and Sport (continuous review).


Before carrying out an admission-related review in accordance with § 3 (3), last sentence, the requirements of Section 3 (1) shall be reviewed within four weeks of knowledge of substantiated doubts within the framework of the professional supervision. If these doubts persist, the examination shall be carried out.

Training for military aeronautics

§ 35. (1) The following qualifications shall be considered for the military aeronautical technology card


the military aeronautical assistant,


the military aeronautical assistant in training for the military airfield,


the military airman with the military aircraft system keeper and military aircraft warrior,


the military aviation warden I. Class with the areas Military Aircraft System Warm I. Class and Military Aeronautical Equipment Class I. Class,


the military aviation master,


the leading military aeronautical engineer and


The leading military aeronautical engineer-contender.

(2) In order to obtain the validity of the military aeronautical technology card with the respectively registered certificates, a use at a workplace in the workplace in accordance with § 1 (3) shall be used for the purposes of the military-aviation technical/logistical services. The military aeronautical/logistical services provided for in this Regulation shall include all military aeronautical operators operating in the military aviation sector, carrying out tasks related to the determination or maintenance of the airworthiness of Military aircraft or operational activity of military aircraft. This includes in particular all the tasks necessary for the operation, the material conservation including modifications as well as the associated material management. The valid competence of a military aeronautical warts I. Class includes the acquired skills of the military aviation product at the appropriate level. The valid competence of a leading military aviation technician includes all previously acquired skills such as those of a military aviation war, a military aviation war I. Class, or military aviation master.

(3) Military aeronautical engineers carrying out activities on board military aircraft in flight must be capable of carrying on board operations. § 22 on the suitability of the on-board suitability shall be applied.

Military aeronautical assistants and military aeronautical assistants in training to become the military aeronautical warden

§ 36. (1) The qualification "Military aeronautical assistant" shall be the competence to carry out supporting activities in the military-aviation technical/logistical services.

(2) Conditions for the registration of the qualification "Military Aviation Technical Assistant" are in any case


the required military aeronautical/logistical knowledge and


the workplace-related instruction by military aeronautical engineers with the minimum qualification according to § 35 para. 1 Z 4.

(3) In any case, the prerequisite for the beginning of the technical training to become the military aviation warden is the conclusion of a technical training corresponding to the requirements profile.

(4) Before the beginning of the technical training to the military airforce, a military aeronautical technician card with the qualification "Military aeronautical assistant in training to the military aviation warden" shall be issued. In this case, the holder or the holder of the military aeronautical technician card shall be registered on which aircraft system or aeronautical device. With the achievement of the qualification "Military Aviation wart", this qualification is to be deleted together with the registration.

Military Aviation Observatory

§ 37. (1) The qualification "Military aeronautical authority" shall be the competence


carry out self-employed activities in the field of material conservation,


to document the result of the work and


to decide on flight clarity or usability

and is to be entered in the military aeronautical engineering certificate as a qualification "Military Aircraft System Warm" or as a qualification "Military Aircraft Warden".

(2) The qualification "Military aircraft system presence" shall be the competence to carry out the activities referred to in paragraph 1 (1) (1) to (3) on an aircraft system in principle in all types of specialisation relevant to the type.

(3) The qualification "Military aeronautical equipment" means the ability to carry out the activities referred to in paragraph 1 (1) (1) to (3) of the aeronautical appliance in the particular field of expertise or, due to the technical complexity, the necessary subdivisions in the field of aeronautical equipment. Technology areas.

(4) Conditions for the registration of the qualifications "Military Aircraft System wart" or "Military aeronautical equipment" are, in any case,


a relevant training in accordance with section 36 (3) and


the successful completion of the required practice, training and examinations.

(5) Any further competence shall be entered into the military aeronautical engineering certificate after the conditions set out in paragraph 4 have been fulfilled.


as a type extension for any other aircraft system referred to in paragraph 2 above, and


as a training/technology extension for any other field of expertise or any other technology area referred to in paragraph 3.

(6) For the renewal of the validity of the dormant competence "Military Aircraft System wart" and "Military aeronautical equipment" as well as the respectively registered extensions, corresponding training modules are to be successfully completed.

Military Aviation Observatory I. Class

§ 38. (1) The qualification "Military aeronautical warden I. Class" is the competence


to carry out, independently of the competence referred to in § 37, specialised materials maintenance activities,


to monitor specialised materials conservation activities,


to document the outcome of the work,


to decide on flight clarity or usability, and


Military aeronautical engineer training

and is to be entered in the military aeronautical engineering certificate as a qualification "Military Aircraft System Warm I. Class" or as a qualification "Military aeronautical equipment class I. Class".

(2) The qualification "Military Aircraft System wart I. Class" shall be the competence to carry out the activities referred to in paragraph 1 (1) (1) to (4) on an aircraft system in a type-relevant specialist direction.

(3) The qualification "Military aeronautical equipment class I. class" shall be the competence, the activities referred to in paragraph 1 (1) (1) to (4) in a specialisation or due to the technical complexity of the necessary subdivisions in technology areas Aeronautical equipment.

(4) Conditions for the registration of the qualifications "Military Aircraft System Warrior I. Class" or "Military aeronautical equipment wart I. Class" are, in any case,


the existence of a valid qualification as a military airforce in the relevant area and


the successful completion of the required practice, training and examinations.

(5) Any further competence shall be entered in the military aeronautical engineering certificate after the conditions set out in section 4 (2) are fulfilled.


as a type extension for any other aircraft system referred to in paragraph 2 above, and


as a training/technology extension for any other field of expertise or any other technology area referred to in paragraph 2 or (3).

(6) § 37 (6) on the renewal of validity is to be applied.

Military Aviation Master

§ 39. (1) The qualification "Military Aviation Master" shall be the competence


To comply with the control and control functions in the military-aviation technical/logistic services in the respective field of activity and on the basis of the regulations governing flight clarity or usability in force in the military aviation decide,


carry out checks on the function and assessments of aircraft or aeronautical equipment on the ground and/or in the flight;


to train military aviation technicians and


on the activities referred to in Z 1 to 3 certificates.

(2) The qualifications referred to in paragraph 1 (1) (1) and (3) shall cover all areas of the type and subject area, the qualification element referred to in paragraph 1 (2) shall apply to those types and fields of expertise and technology for which a valid Qualification is available for the military aeronautical warden I. Class.

(3) Conditions for the registration of the qualification "Military Aviation Master" are, in any case,


the completion of a training in a subject or technology specific area;


the inversion of a valid qualification as a military aeronautical warden I. Class and


the successful completion of the required practice, training and examinations.

(4) Any further extension of the type and technology/technology extension, which is acquired in the qualification element according to paragraph 1, Z 2 as an aeronautical warden I class and for which the conditions of paragraph 3 are fulfilled, is in the military aeronautical technology card shall be entered.

(5) § 37 (6) on the renewal of validity is to be applied.

Senior military aeronautics and senior military aeronautics technicians-Warrior

§ 40. (1) The qualification "Conducting Military Aeronautical Engineer" is the ability to


to establish and verify compliance with the rules governing the detection or maintenance of the airworthiness of military aircraft or the operational capability of the military aircraft;


to perform guidance, monitoring and control functions;


to carry out checks on the function and assessments of aircraft and aircraft on the ground or in the flight;


To release aircraft and aeronautical equipment for operation and to decide whether or not to clarify or to use air,


carry out activities on aircraft and aeronautical equipment;


to train military aviation technicians,


to issue certificates for the activities of Z 1 to 6, and


to be entrusted with the senate chairmanship of an examination board in accordance with § 5 and the chairmanship of a subject senate pursuant to § 6 paragraph 2 Z 1 concerning military aviation technicians.

(2) Conditions for the registration of the qualification "Leitender Military Aviation Technician" are in any case the successful completion of a technical training corresponding to the requirements profile as well as the successful completion of the required practice, training and examinations.

(3) The establishment of the technical training and practice referred to in paragraph 2 shall be based on the technical requirements for the detection or maintenance of the airworthiness of military aircraft or the operational capability of the military aircraft. ,

(4) § 37 (6) on the renewal of validity is to be applied.

(5) Before the beginning of the technical training as a leading military aeronautical engineer, a military aeronautical technician's ID must be issued with the qualification of "leading military aeronautical engineer-candidate". In this context, it is necessary to enter in which area of the military aviation technical/logistical services the owner or the owner of the military aeronautical technology card is trained. With the attainment of the qualification "Leitender Military-Aviation Engineer" according to paragraph 1, this empowerment is to be deleted together with the registration.

Section 2

Military Air Flight Staff

Qualifications for the military flight crew

§ 41. (1) The following qualifications shall be considered for the military flight identification card


the Military Flight Advisory Service (Air Traffic Information Service),


the teaching qualification for the Military Flight Consultation Service,


the military air traffic service with the areas


Military Flight Information Service and


Military Air Traffic Control Service,



the military flight crews in senior function.

(2) The qualifications referred to in paragraph 1 shall be the conditions for the performance of the duties of air traffic control in accordance with Section 119 of the LFG in the respective area of responsibility for the military flight personnel.

Military Flight Advisory Service (Aviation Information Service)

§ 42. (1) The qualification "Military Flight Consulting Service" shall be the competence


to carry out the fixed air-communications service;


to carry out the flight guidance service;


to carry out the tasks of an air traffic reporting unit;


to carry out the Fliegerleitdienst,


to carry out the locally limited air information service;


to the alarm service.

(2) Conditions for the registration of the qualification "Military Flight Consultation Service" are, in any case,


the successful completion of the necessary training and examinations,


the successful practical training in the workplace, under the guidance of a teacher for the duration of at least two months; and


for the pursuit of the activities referred to in (1), (4) and (5), the inexutation of a general mobile radio service in accordance with Section 4 (1) (1) (lit). c FZG.

(3) In order to obtain the validity of the qualification "Military Flight Consultation Service", the qualified or capable person must be used in an appropriate workplace in the field of air traffic control or in a service with the qualification in a service. direct technical connection. In addition, participation in at least one further training in the specialist service is required. By way of derogation from Section 3 (3), the intellectual aptitude shall be assessed continuously by the Head of Service.

(4) An examination of the required knowledge spectrum shall be successfully completed for the renewal of the validity of the dormant qualification.

Teaching qualification for the Military-Flight Advisory Service (Aviation Information Service)

§ 43. (1) The qualification "Teaching qualification for the Military-Flight Consultation Service" is the ability to train contenders for the Military Flight Consultation Service.

(2) Conditions for the registration of the qualification "Teaching qualification for the Military-Flight Consultation Service" are in any case


the existence of a valid qualification for the Military Flight Consultation Service,


A proven education in the field of pedagogy and didactics, as well as


A proven, supportive activity in the relevant training.

(3) In order to obtain the validity of the qualification "Teaching Qualification for the Military Flight Advisory Service", a valid qualification "Military Flight Adviser Service" and a teaching practice are to be proven.

(4) For the renewal of the validity of the dormant qualification "Teaching qualification for the military flight advisory service", a valid qualification according to § 42 as well as the fulfilment of the condition according to paragraph 2 Z 3 are required.

Military Air Traffic Service

§ 44. (1) The military air traffic service in accordance with § 41 (1) Z 3 comprises the areas "Military Flight Information Service" and "Military Air Traffic Control Service".

(2) The qualification "Military Flight Information Service" shall be the competence


to provide advice and information for the safe and effective execution of flights;


to carry out the Fliegerleitdienst,


to carry out the flight information service; and


to the alarm service.

(3) The qualification "Military Air Traffic Control Service" shall be the competence


prevent collisions between aircraft in the air and on manoeuvring surfaces, as well as between aircraft and obstructions on maneuvering surfaces,


to ensure the rapid, fluid and orderly flow of air traffic;


to carry out the Fliegerleitdienst,


to carry out the flight information service; and


to the alarm service.

(4) Conditions for the registration of the qualifications referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 are:


The existence of a valid military air traffic controller license. More detailed rules for the implementation of the military air traffic controller licence are to be laid down by the Federal Minister for National Defence and Sport and, in any event, have the requirements of Regulation (EU) No 805/2011 laying down the requirements for the granting of the military air traffic controller licence. detailed rules for air traffic controller licences and certain certificates referred to in Regulation (EC) No 216/2008, OJ L 145, 31.5.2008, p. No. OJ L 206 of 11.8.2011 p. 21.


The holding of a general mobile radio service for mobile radio services in accordance with § 4 Z 1 lit. c FZG.


The successful training of the military flight advisory service in accordance with § 42 para. 2 Z 1.

(5) The military air traffic controller licence shall be issued anew every 12 months at the request of the service manager.

(6) For the maintenance of the validity of the qualification "Military Flight Information Service" and the qualification "Military Air Traffic Control Service" are:


a valid military air traffic controller license and


the activity at an appropriate workplace in the field of air traffic control or the use in a service which is directly related to the subject;

is required.

(7) For the renewal of the validity of the dormant competence "Military Flight Information Service" and the dormant qualification "Military Air Traffic Control Service", a valid military air traffic controller license as well as the successful completion of a test about the necessary knowledge spectrum.

Military flight crews in senior function

§ 45. (1) The qualification "Military flight staff in senior function" shall be the competence


to establish and verify compliance with air traffic control or its sub-sectors as a whole,


Exercise control, monitoring and control functions in the area of responsibility;


carry out verifications of the functions of the department and the assessment of the qualifications in day-to-day operations; and


ensure the service of air traffic control for flight operations in a senior function or as an expert.

(2) In addition to the actual exercise of the activities referred to in paragraph 1, the conditions for the registration of the qualification for "military aircraft sliding personnel in a senior function" are in any case a valid qualification in accordance with § 41 para. 1 Z 1 or Z 3.

(3) An adequate use is required for the maintenance of the validity of the qualification "Military flight personnel in a senior function", which corresponds to the quality standard in accordance with § 1 (3).

(4) For the renewal of a dormant qualification, "Military flight staff in a senior function", a test with a theoretical and a practical part of the test is required.

Section 3

Military radar personnel

Radar conductivity

§ 46. (1) Military radar control personnel have the radar conductivity as physical and mental aptitude in accordance with § 3 paragraph 1 Z 2. This is to be differentiated according to military-based medical and military-flying psychological criteria.

(2) The examinations in the context of the determination of the radar conductivity shall include the medical areas or sub-areas according to § 9, which are indicated by the respective competence and the potential use spectrum.

(3) By way of derogation from the interval in accordance with section 3 (3), a period of examination of the periodic review is to be determined, corresponding to the quality standard in accordance with § 1 (3).

Capabilities for the military-radar personnel

§ 47. (1) For the military radar identification, the following qualifications are to be considered in addition to the basic qualification


the teaching qualification and


the officer of the mission.

(2) The basic qualification is to be certified by issuing a military radar certificate. The corresponding extensions are to be entered in the military radar ID card.

Basic qualification

§ 48. (1) The basic qualification is the ability to bring military aircraft to destinations using radars.

(2) Conditions for the issuing of a military radar certificate are in any case


the successful completion of the necessary training and examinations,


the inversion of a general radio service for the mobile radio service according to § 4 Z 1 lit. c FZG and


the completed training of the military flight advisory service in accordance with § 42 para. 2 Z 1.

(3) In order to obtain the validity of the basic qualification, a corresponding practical use as well as a confirmation by a supervisor within the framework of the professional supervision or the use at a corresponding workplace in the specialist service is "Military Radar Service" is required.

(4) § 42 (4) on the renewal of the validity of the dormant qualification shall be applied.

Teaching qualification

§ 49. (1) The teaching qualification is the ability to train contenders and candidates for a military radar identification.

(2) Conditions for the registration of the teaching qualification are, in any case,


a valid basic qualification,


an experience in the military radar service beyond the basic qualification; and


the training of a candidate in order to obtain the basic qualification according to § 48 under the supervision of a teacher.

(3) In order to obtain the validity of the teaching qualification,


a valid basic qualification and


a corresponding teaching practice

is required.

(4) For the renewal of the dormant teaching qualification


a valid basic qualification and


the fulfilment of the condition referred to in paragraph 2 Z 3

is required.

Field Officers Intercepted

§ 50. (1) The qualification "Officer Abfang" is the qualification


for the orderly and safe management of the military pilots used in the Diensthabenden System airspace surveillance, the military radar control personnel and the flying uses, as well as


for the orderly and safe handling of military training and operations in the framework of the military radar service.

(2) Conditions for the registration of the qualification "Operations officer Abfang" are in any case


a valid basic qualification,


an experience in the military radar service beyond the basic qualification; and


the successful completion of the necessary training and examinations.

(3) In any case, it is necessary to obtain the validity of the qualification "Operations Officer Abfang".


a practical use as an operational officer, and


A confirmation by a supervisor within the framework of the supervision of the subject.

(4) § 42 (4) on the renewal of the validity of the dormant qualification shall be applied.

Section 4

Military Flight Service Consultative Staff (Military Dispatch Staff)

Capabilities for military flight service personnel (Military Dispatch Staff)

§ 51. (1) In addition to the basic qualification, the military flight service advisory card (Military Dispatch ID) shall be eligible for the teaching qualification.

(2) The basic empowerment is to be certified by issuing a military flight service adviser (military dispatch ID). The teaching qualification is to be entered as an extension in the Military Flight Service Card (Military Dispatch ID).

Basic qualification

§ 52. (1) The basic qualification shall be the ability to prepare and monitor military flights from the point of view of the safety of the flight operations.

(2) Conditions for the issuing of a military flight service adviser (military dispatch ID) are, in any case,


the inversion of a general radio service for the mobile radio service according to § 4 Z 1 lit. c FZG,


the completed training in the Military Flight Services Advisory Service,


the laying down of a theoretical test; and


a practical use of at least two months under the supervision of a teaching qualification.

(3) For the receipt of the validity of the basic qualification is


the use as military flight service adviser for at least six months within the last 24 months, or


the supervision of at least twelve military flights as the responsible military flight service adviser required by the quality standard in accordance with § 1 (3)


(4) In any case, the renewal of the validity of a dormant basic qualification shall be required


the fulfilment of the criteria in accordance with § 11 (4) Z 1 and


the deposition of a theoretical test.

Teaching qualification

§ 53. (1) The teaching qualification is the ability to train contenders for the basic qualification.

(2) The conditions for the registration of this extension are, in any case,


an at least five-year activity as a military flight service adviser,


the completion of a military flight instructing course "Theory",


the laying down of a theoretical test; and


the training of a contender or a candidate for military air service guidance under the supervision of a teacher.

(3) For the maintenance and renewal of the validity of the dormant teaching qualification, § 52 (3) and (4) shall apply with the proviso that, for the renewal of the dormant teaching qualification, a documented supporting activity in the training is required.

Section 5

Military aviation meteorologists

Qualifications for the military-flight meteorology staff

§ 54. (1) The following may be considered for the Military Flight Meteorological Identity Card.


the basic qualification with the following areas:


Military meteorologist,


Military weather adviser,


Military Weather Adviser and


Military Weather Observer



the teaching qualification, including the basic option.

(2) The basic qualification shall be certified by the issuing of a military aeronautical meteorological identity card and registration of the area. The teaching qualification is to be entered as an extension in the military aeronautical meteorology ID card.

Basic and teaching qualification

§ 55. (1) The basic qualification shall be the ability to collect, process and display information for military aircraft, the Military Flight Service and the Military Flight Adviser Service, for the purpose of flight safety and flight safety; in particular by


Recording of the overall meteorological condition and


Creation and dissemination of weather observations, weather information and weather warnings as well as conduct of weather consulting.

(2) Conditions for the issuance of a military aeronautical meteorological identity card are, in any case,


the conclusion of a training corresponding to the requirements profile of the respective area pursuant to section 54 (1) Z 1;


Completion of a training programme to include meteorological modules and modules dealing with the interaction between meteorological situations and aeronautical aspects of the flight; and


the filing of a test with a theoretical and a practical test piece.

(3) In any case, in order to obtain the validity of the basic qualification, an activity in the areas referred to in § 54 (1) Z 1 shall be proven to the extent of 250 working hours per year.

(4) For the renewal of the validity of a dormant basic qualification, it is, in any case, necessary to lay down a test with a theoretical and a practical test piece.

(5) The teaching qualification is the ability to train contenders for a military aeronautical meteorology ID card. In addition to a valid basic qualification, the prerequisites for the registration of the teaching qualification are, in any case, an experience in the military aviation meteorology service that goes beyond the basic qualification. For the teaching qualification, paragraphs 3 and 4 apply to the receipt of validity and the renewal of the dormant validity. In addition, in order to obtain the teaching qualification, a teaching practice is required, for the renewal of the validity of the dormant teaching qualification, in any case, a proven, supportive activity in the corresponding training. The basic option can be entered in the Military Aviation Meteorological Identity Card for teaching staff with specific experience and qualification to be assessed, specific experience and qualification. Teaching staff, for which this option is registered, has guidelines for the department to develop and to perform control, monitoring and control functions in the military aviation meteorology service.

4. Main piece

Common provisions and special provisions

Roll-on capability

§ 56. The ability to roll a military aircraft of a certain type from its own force on the movement surfaces of airfields is the capacity to roll. This is to be entered as an extension by the registration "Rollbequalification" for the respective type in the military on-board technician card or military aviation technology pass. The prerequisite for the registration of the rolling qualification is the successful relevant training and a technically adequate examination by an individual examiner.

Special certificates and special qualifications

§ 57. (1) For non-regulated qualifications in this Regulation which are of importance for the safety of military aviation and require technical or operational knowledge, military requirements shall be subject to military requirements for military service. To issue a special certificate or to register as a special qualification in an existing military air travel ID card.

(2) Special statements shall be valid for 24 months from the date of the exhibition. Such extensions shall be permitted under the conditions laid down in paragraph 1.

(3) Special qualifications shall be valid for 24 months from the date of registration, without prejudice to the validity of a military aviation identity card according to § 3. Paragraph 2 on the extension is to be applied.

Accounting for other trainings

§ 58. For the purposes of the transfer of civilian training to military capabilities and military capability acquired abroad, in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation, the Fachsenat shall, in accordance with § 6, have for each case in question or each one of the following: a recommendation to be adopted by the case group.

Operational provisions

§ 59. In the case of an insert according to § 2 para. 1 lit. a or b of the Wehrgesetz 2001 (WG 2001), BGBl. I No 146, or the immediate preparation of such an operation, shall be subject to the following measures:


In any case, the continued existence of the possible suitability for military flying in accordance with Section 9 (3) shall apply up to two months after the end of the operation.


By way of derogation from Section 16 (2), the extension of a military parachute jumper card requires an opinion of a teaching or examination certificate with special regard to the use of the application for the affected qualification.


By way of derogation from Section 44 (5), the extension of the validity of a military air traffic controller licence shall require an opinion of a teaching or examination certificate with special regard to the use of the application for the competence concerned.

5. Main piece

Transitional and final provisions

Transitional provisions

§ 60. (1) At the time of entry into force of this Regulation, valid military aircraft identity certificates and registered certificates as well as any extensions according to the Military Aviation Staff Regulation 1968 are valid for a limited period of time, without prejudice to § § 16 up to 21 concerning military parachutists and section 57 (2) on special certificates and special qualifications, in accordance with the conditions laid down in paragraphs 2 and 4 of this Regulation, in an open-ended military-aviation identity-ID-ID. The overwriting shall take place no later than the expiry of the current period of validity. The time of the overshoot shall be deemed to be the date of the exhibition pursuant to § 3 Any qualifications or dormant extensions resting on the date of entry into force of this Regulation in accordance with the Military Aviation Staff Regulation 1968 shall be deemed to be dormant after the date of entry into force of this Regulation as provided for in this Regulation shall be taken into account in accordance with the relevant time limits pursuant to Article 3 (4)

(2) Paragraph 1 shall apply with the following measures:


Military aircraft driver's licence and military helicopter licence are to be overwritten in military pilots ' ID. This shall also apply to registered qualifications and any extensions which are provided for under this Regulation.


Military instrument flight training equipment-Teacher's training certificate must be overseen in military flight simulator instructor's ID or entered in military pilot's ID as an extension.


At the time of the entry into force of this Regulation valid military parachutists according to § 58 MLPV 1968 retain their validity until the next corresponding extension in accordance with section 16 (1) second sentence of this Regulation.


The special empowerment in military parachutists is to be overseen on the occasion of the next extension into the free-fall competence.


Existing special certificates or special military parachutists registered in accordance with § 96 of the MLPV 1968 with regard to tandem master empowerment and tandem teaching qualification are included in the "Tandemmeisterbecapabilities" or in the "Tandemmeisterbequalification" or "Tandemmeisterbequalification" or "Tandemics". "Tandem teaching qualification" to be overwritten.


The special ID military chargers are to be overloaded in military charging technology ID.


Military aerial photography certificates are to be overwritten with the appropriate qualification in military air reconnaiation certificates.


Completed training modules in the area of the Military Medical Patient Air Transport Personals are to be expected to overwrite completed trainings in a military patient air transport personnel ID card.


Personnel without a military aeronautical ID card, which is classified at workplaces in the military aeronautical/logistic services for supporting activities, the required military aeronautical/logistic knowledge , and has been instructed by qualified military aviation technicians, a military aeronautical technician card with the qualification of "Military Aviation Technical Assistant" must be issued.


A military aeronautical engineering card with the ability to provide personnel without a military aeronautical ID card, which is at work in the military aeronautical/logistic services in training as a military aeronautical engineer, is a military aeronautical technician's card "Military aeronautical assistant in training to become a military aviation warden" or "leading military aeronautical engineer-contender".


Military aircraft, military aircraft, I. Class, military aircraft factory tickets, military aircraft test certificates as well as the ID for the conducting military aviation technicians are available in the Military aeronautical engineering card with the appropriate ability and any extensions to be overwritten, each corresponding to


the Military Aircraft Wartschein, depending on the training and activity focus of the qualification "Military Aircraft System wart" and/or "Military aeronautical equipment presence",


the Military Aircraft Wartschein I. Class depending on the training or activity focus of the qualification "Military Aircraft System Warrior I. Class" and/or "Military aeronautical equipment warden I. Class",


the Military Aircraft Factory Certificate and the Military Aircraft Test Certificate of Empowerment "Military Aviation Master",


the identity card for the military aeronautical technicians of the qualification "Leitender Military-Aviation Technician" and


The special certificate for military air cargo security equipment-technicians of the qualification "Military aeronautical equipment".


For personnel without military air travel-identity card on workplaces in a workshop of military-aviation technical/logistic services such as in a fly-yard for material preservation of air traffic control equipment is a To issue a military aeronautical technician's card with the appropriate qualification and any extensions, each corresponding to


in the field service with radar use test 1 with at least two years of practice in the military-aviation technical/logistic services of the qualification "Military aeronautical equipment",


in the field service with radar use test 2 with at least five years of practice in the military-aviation technical/logistic services of the qualification "Military aeronautical equipment service I. class",


In specialist service with radar usage test 3 with civilian (work) master test, military aircraft, work or test master course and at least five years of practice in the military aviation technical/logistic services of the qualification "Military Aviation Master",


in the upper-class service with radar usage test 3 with at least five years of practice in the military-aviation technical/logistic services of the competence "Leitender Military-Aviation Technician".


The qualifications in the military flight performance service are as follows


the competence of the flight advisory service in accordance with § 90 MLPV 1968 of the qualification "Military Flight Consultation Service" and


the qualification for the air traffic control service in accordance with § § 91ff MLPV 1968 according to the training and activity focus of the qualification "Military Flight Information Service" or "Military air traffic control service".

The employment qualifications in accordance with § 91 (3) and (4) MLPV 1968 are replaced by the respective military air traffic controller licenses in accordance with § 44 (4) of this Regulation.


Military radar equipment is to be overwritten in the military radar system, with the registration of the appropriate qualifications based on the activities already carried out.


The special statements on the perception of the flight service advisory are to be overwritten in military flight service advisory ID (military-dispatch-ID-ID).


Completed training modules in the field of military aviation meteorology personnel are to be expected to overwrite completed training courses in a military aeronautical meteorology ID card.


At the time of entry into force of this Regulation other valid special certificates and special qualifications according to § 96 MLPV 1968 retain their validity until the end of their validity period.

(3) According to the provisions of the Military Aviation Personnel Regulation 1968


Training or


tests or


Flight hours or


Practice times or


corresponding parts of elements according to Z 1 to 4,

provided as a condition for the issuing of a military aircraft identity card or for the registration of a qualification, shall, insofar as they have been filed before the entry into force of this Regulation, and insofar as they are subject to the quality standard in accordance with § 1 (3), to be applied to the issuing of a military aircraft identity card or to the registration of a qualification under this Regulation.

(4) In the case of the overrides referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, or the settlement of elements referred to in paragraph 3, or their parts, there are doubts as to the overwriting or settlement arrangements, or if a supplementary training or examination appears to be To achieve a material equivalence which corresponds to the quality standard in accordance with § 1 para. 3, a subject senate shall be convened hereafter in accordance with § 6, who shall make a recommendation on this subject.

In-and out-of-power

§ 61. (1) This Regulation shall enter into force 1. Jänner 2013 in force.

(2) With the expiry of 31 December 2012, the Military Aviation Staff Regulation 1968 (MLPV 1968), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl), is to be held. No. 395, out of force.
