Key Benefits:
356. Regulation of the Federal Parliamentary Office of the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, which sets the minimum wage rate for Housebesorgers for Tyrol
The Federal Office of the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection is in accordance with Section 22(2). 1 Labour Law, BGBl. No 22/1974, as amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No. 71/2013 empowers to set the minimum wage tariff at the request of a collective agreement with a collective agreement for the sector concerned.
The Federal Council of the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection has decided on 16. November 2015, after the implementation of a Senate Act, set the following minimum wage tariff:
Minimum wage tariff for house owners – Tyrol
M 15/2015/XXVI/99/12
§ 1. This minimum wage tariff applies:
1. | Spatial:for the Land of Tyrol; | |||||||||
2. | Personal and professional:for housebesorger, on which the Law on the Interior, BGBl. No 16/1970, applies and whose employers: | |||||||||
(a) | who are not members of a collective agreementable body in their capacity as an employer of housebesorgers/homebeswers; or | |||||||||
(b) | if, after the entry into force of the minimum wage tariff, they acquire collective capacity or adhere to a collective agreement as long as they are not concluded. |
Services according to sections 3 and 4(2). 1 Housebesorger Law
§ 2. (1) The monthly fee for the following paragraphs 3 and 4(2). 1 of the Services to be provided by the Housebesorger Act is set as follows:
1. | for apartments and for other premises per square metre area €0.2546 | |||||||||
2. | € 0.4807 for the cleaning of the pedestrians and their care at brieis per square meter. |
(2) As a substitute for the costs of purchasing the materials necessary for cleaning work, a remuneration (material replacement) will be paid in the form of a supplement to pay after paragraph. 1 Z 1 to a maximum of 20 %. This award is not part of the fee.
(3) If, during the mandatory blocking period, the services of the Housebesorgers/Housecarerin or of the appointed representative/treat are used to open the door, the Housebesorger/in (tretretreter/in) has to pay a blocking payment of €4,50, after midnight, such a €5, after midnight.
(4) The total sum resulting from paragraphs 1 and 2 is rounded to the next higher cents.
Services referred to in Section 4(1). 3 Housebesorger Law
§ 3. (1) The housebesorger/in charges, in addition to the fee which he/she is insured by the provisions of Articles 7 and 12 of the House ofbesorger Act, for the following work carried out at a house, the additional charge consists of the sum for residential users, other premises, pedestrians, other accessible areas and lift care.
1. | Once again, the simple fee: | |||||||||
(a) | in the case of repair, insertion of a heat or shower of an enlight (or backside) or lanes (or front). In the presence of Stiegenhaus windows, a 75% supplement is charged. | |||||||||
(b) | at the outtime of the Stiegenhaus, where several Stiegen houses are in place and only individual of them are disbursed, which is due to this total ratio. In the presence of Stiegenhaus windows, a 75% supplement is charged. | |||||||||
(c) | in the case of repair, insertion of a heat or insulation of the rest of the façade during general remediation. | |||||||||
(d) | if this is not carried out at the same time with the departure of the Stiegen House. The aliquot part pays for individual floors or bulls. | |||||||||
(e) | for the installation of lifts (if any aliquot is similar to that of Lithuania). | |||||||||
(f) | for window exchange or Reconstruction (if any aliquot is similar to that of Lithuania). | |||||||||
(g) | at standstill or Development (for possible aliquot similar to Lithuania). | |||||||||
2. | The fee for work after Z 1 is in principle due after completion of the respective works. For a period of more than three months, half of the payment to Z 1 is to be paid for the fourth month after the start of the actual construction work, the other half after completion of the work. The additional fee under Z 1 and 2 shall not be charged if the house owner/in otherwise perform these additional cleaning work, including the cleaning process. |
(2) A monthly flat-rate for the cleaning of waste areas, as well as for filling and exchanging of waste tonnes as well as for the cleaning of waste outlets, the amount of which is calculated on the basis of actual work output and on the basis of the lower. 3 defined hourly wages must be counted.
(3) For extraordinary other work carried out by the housebesorger/in and demonstrated, an hourly wage of € 9.09. This fee shall be calculated in advance in such a way that the work carried out in the previous month must be repaid at the latest to 10 of the following month. This hourly wage applies only insofar as the minimum wage price for the care and servicing of installations and facilities on real estates (houses with apartments and other premises), M 16/2015/XXVI/99/13, other rates are set.
(4) For the cleaning of a toilet benefiting from the house parties, each of these parties should pay € 22.51 per month. For the cleaning of toilets at laundry rooms, € 57.09 per month.
(5) A flat-rate amount of € 61.61 is charged for an agreed purification of ekeletal pollution (in particular blood, urine, faeces) in generally accessible spaces. A flat-rate amount of 50% of the above lump sum should be charged for an agreed purification of ekeletal pollution in generally accessible external installations (Rasen Area, walking, etc.).
(6) The fee after paragraph. 1 to 5 will be added to the contract applicable in accordance with § 8 of the Law on the Interior if it is cleaning.
(7) Do the extraordinary cleaning work after paragraph. 1 to 3 for special reasons to be carried out on a holiday or holiday, fee an additional fee of € 9.09 per hour.
(8) For agreed on the § 4(1). 4 Housebesorger Act, which goes beyond the obligation of presence, pays an hourly wage of € 6.38. On Saturday and holidays, this wage rises to 12.76 €.
(9) up to four machines (wax machines, dry machines, ironing machines, etc.) fees per laundry room € 51.60 per month; The same charge is proportional to spaces where only dry or ironing machines are installed and installed. The double charge is charged for car hire with more than four machines. If a collection of funds is carried out by the mentor/in for the use of the facilities, it also charges a 5% fee of the sum.
§ 4. For the cleaning of walking and other accessible areas, provided that they are not in the calculation of the fee under Section 2(2). 1 Z 2 is included, payable per square metre walk or Area covered by § 2(2). 1 Z 2 fixed remuneration.
Travel subsidies and Christmas reunification
§ 5. (1) In each year, the housebesorger/in pay a holiday grant at the level of the remuneration due for the month of May and a Christmas redundancies at the level of the remuneration due for the month of November, but at least one holiday grant and a Christmas redundancies of a twelfth of the year.
(2) The holiday subsidy is to be paid at the beginning of the holiday, but at the latest with the disbursement of the wages to be paid for June, the Christmas reunification must be paid no later than 30 November of each year.
(3) Start or end of the working relationship during the calendar year, pay proportionately to the housebesorger/in holiday grant and Christmas reunification according to the time spent this calendar year.
Promotion clause
§ 6. Existing more favourable agreements are not affected by this minimum wage tariff.
Date of application
§ 7. This minimum wage tariff changes the minimum wage rate of 24 November 2014, M 11/2014/XXVI/99/6, BGBl. II No 312/2014 and enters into force on 1 January 2016.