Key Benefits:
361. Regulation of the Federal Minister of Finance, amending the Regulation on the definition of the parameter for the variable area of statutory unemployment insurance (parameter regulation-unemployment insurance)
On the basis of § 12 (5) of the Federal Budget Act 2013 (BHG 2013), BGBl. I n ° 139/2009, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 62/2012, is assigned in agreement with the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection:
The regulation on the definition of the parameter for the variable area of statutory unemployment insurance (parameter regulation-unemployment insurance), BGBl. II No 327/2012, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 382/2014, shall be amended as follows:
1. § 1 (1) reads:
" (1) The sum of the disbursements for benefits pursuant to § 6 (1) of the 1977 unemployment insurance act (AlVG), BGBl. No. 609/1977, and disbursements for insurance companies granted to recipients of these benefits are provided as parameters for the variable range of statutory unemployment insurance (§ 1 Z 2 of the Regulation of the Federal Minister of Finance) The definition of areas where variable payout limits are allowed, BGBl. II No 325/2012). "
2. § 1 (2) reads:
" (2) In the financial years 2011 to 2019, the disbursements pursuant to Section 1 also include those for short-time work in accordance with Section 37b of the Labour Market Service Act (AMSG), BGBl. No 313/1994, as well as aid for short-time work with qualification in accordance with Section 37c of the AMSG, in which the disbursements in 2015 were 30 million. € 20 million each in 2016 to 2019. Do not exceed €. "
Article 1 (5) reads as follows:
" (5) In the years 2014 to 2017, the disbursements referred to in paragraph 1 shall also include those for aid and measures for persons who are responsible for the 50. have been completed and have been more than 180 days in the labour market service. The disbursements from this may be 100 million for the financial year 2014. € 120 million for the financial year 2015 € 250 million for the financial years 2016 and 2017. Do not exceed €. "
(4) The following paragraph 6 is added to § 3:
" (6) § 1 (1), (2) and (5) in the version BGBl. II No 361/2015 will enter into force with 1.1.2016.