Key Benefits:
475. Regulation of the Board of Management of E-Control concerning the arrangement of statistical surveys on gaseous energy sources of all kinds (Gas Statistics Regulation 2012-GStat-VO 2012)
On the basis of § 147 Gaswirtschaftsgesetz 2011 (GWG 2011), BGBl. I n ° 107/2011 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No. 138/2011, iVm § 7 para. 1 Energy Control Act (E-ControlG), BGBl. I No 110/2010 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 51/2012, shall be arranged:
Part 1
General provisions
§ 1. (1) Statistical surveys are to be carried out in the field of natural gas management, statistics are to be compiled and published in accordance with Section 13 (2).
(2) The surveys and statistics refer to gaseous energy sources of any kind which can be used in the original or converted form by burning for the purpose of energy production.
(3) The following statistics shall be compiled:
1. |
Day, monthly and annual statistics on the loading of the networks, the application and consumption of natural gas (operating statistics); |
2. |
Statistics on the plant inventory of network operators, storage companies and producers (stock statistics); |
3. |
Statistics on market activity (market statistics); |
4. |
Statistics on prices and quantities of balancing energy (balancing energy statistics). |
(4) For the purpose of determining the average energy prices for natural gas for final consumers, the E-Control survey may also be carried out in the form of a sample survey.
§ 2. (1) For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply
1. |
"supply to end users" means the quantities of gaseous energy sources which a final consumer refers to for their own use from a transmission or distribution system; |
2. |
"inactive system" means a house connection with existing network access, but without a valid network access contract; |
3. |
"operator of production facilities" means a natural or legal person or a registered partnership which is responsible for the technical operation and maintenance of a production facility; |
4. |
"storage facility operator" means a natural or legal person or a registered personal company responsible for the technical operation and maintenance of a storage facility (storage station); |
5. |
"reference and supply" means the physically measured quantities of gaseous energy carriers, measured by appropriate methods, at the point of transfer, where reference and levy are to be recorded separately and not to be salted; |
6. |
"balance-of-balance energy" means the difference in each balance group between all the nominees and/or gas volumes declared by the market area manager by road map and the difference per balance sheet group between the actual final consumer acceptance and the final consumer timetables for which the balance sheet group coordinator is responsible for the final consumer withdrawal is identified; |
7. |
"biogenic gases" means the biogenic gases which are prepared for natural gas quality and are also fed into the natural gas network; |
8. |
"own consumption" means the quantities of gaseous energy sources which are |
a) |
a network operator needs to be able to operate the Fern and distribution lines without interference (including compressor operation), |
b) |
requires a producer in order to be able to operate the production in a trouble-free way, |
c) |
a storage company needs to be able to maintain the storage operation in a trouble-free way, |
where network losses, including measurement differences, are to be identified separately from their own consumption; |
9. |
"Export" means the quantities of gaseous energy sources which are transported abroad abroad; |
10. |
"gaseous energy source" means natural gas and biogenic gases; |
11. |
"gas-fired power plant" means the totality of the technical equipment and installations which are used for the conversion of gaseous energy sources into thermal energy and/or in electrical energy, whether or not the gaseous energy sources are used exclusively or only partially; |
12. |
"Import" means the quantities of gaseous energy sources which are brought into Austria in a cross-border manner; |
13. |
"Components of the levy (consumption)" |
a) |
the non-performance end consumers (customers), |
b) |
the final consumer (customers) measured, |
c) |
self-consumption and |
d) |
network losses and measurement differences, |
where the non-performance-measured final consumers (customers) according to standard load profiles, household, commercial and other groups, by size class of the levy (consumption) and by the Federal States and the final performance consumers (customers) by size class of the levy (of consumption) and by federal states; |
14. |
"performance measurement" means a measurement carried out with a power meter to determine the maximum hourly load per month; |
15. |
"maximum storage and removal rate (capacity) of a storage facility" means the maximum possible amount per unit of time that can be inserted into or removed from the storage system; |
16. |
"maximum production rate (capacity)" means the maximum possible quantity per unit of time, which can be taken from a production plant; |
17. |
"maximum storage volume" means the quantity of the maximum technically available volume, the cushion gas being to be withdrawn; |
18. |
"measured value" means a value indicating the extent to which power/quantity was fed or taken as the measured power or quantity average value in a constant time grid (measurement period) at specific points in the network; |
19. |
"Normal condition" means the state of a gas, marked by the state variables of absolute pressure of 1013.25 mbar and temperature of 0 degrees C; |
20. |
"local network" means the lines of level 3 with a maximum operating pressure not exceeding 100 mbar, which are used to supply end-users and which include a part of the network geographically limited to one or more localities; |
21. |
"physical balancing energy" by the market area manager or Distribution area manager actually called balancing energy quantity; |
22. |
"cushion gas" means that part of the gaseous energy source contained in the storage system, which is not used for the regular storage use but for maintaining the storage operation; |
23. |
"storage content" means the amount of the storage facility at the date of the closing date, the cushion gas being to be withdrawn; |
24. |
"Change of supply" means any new assignment of a counting point from the current one to a new provider. |
(2) In addition, the definitions in accordance with § 7 GWG 2011 and § 2 Gas-Marktmodell-Ordination 2012 (GMMO-VO 2012), BGBl. II No 171/2012, as amended.
(3) All quantities (measured values) collected in the framework of this Regulation for gaseous energy sources, or shall be subject to the normal condition and shall be subject to the application of the provisions of Section 2 (1) Z 13 of the Gas-System Use-charges Regulation 2013, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I 309/2012, as amended, to be converted into kWh for the current version. The quantity data to be reported by the balance group coordinators shall be based on the calorific value used for clearing.
Part 2
1. Main item
Operating Statistics
Hourly values
§ 3. (1) In each case for the period from 6 a.m. on the previous day (d-1) to 6 a.m. of the current day (d), the balance group coordinators as hourly measured values are the total supply to final consumers as well as to the balance sheet group network losses, separately according to to report network operators. Corrections due to the second clearings must be reported immediately.
(2) In the event that other time intervals are used for the settlement (for clearing), the information referred to in paragraph 1 shall be converted to these time intervals.
Daily values
§ 4. (1) In each case for the period from 6 a.m. on the previous day (d-1) to 6 o'clock of the current day (d), the market area manager shall report the weighted average calorific value of the total gaseous energy carrier fed into the market area.
(2) In each case for the period from 6 a.m. on the previous day (d-1) to 6 o'clock of the current day (d), the weighted average calorific value of the entire market area to be fed into the market area by the distribution area managers for market areas without market area manager gaseous energy sources.
Monthly Values
§ 5. For the period from 0 p.m. to the last month of the month, the following must be reported:
1. |
by the network operators |
a) |
the supply to the final consumer; |
b) |
self-consumption separately from transmission and distribution systems; |
c) |
network losses, including measurement differences, |
d) |
physical imports and exports, separately after transfer points, |
e) |
the physical feed into the remote control and/or Distribution network of storage facilities and production facilities at the delivery points, |
f) |
the physical discharge from the remote control and/or Distribution network in storage facilities (press-in) at the transfer points, |
g) |
the physical feed-in of biogenic gases, |
h) |
the amount of the final consumer (customer) measured in total, |
i) |
the supply of gas-fired power stations with a contractually agreed maximum output of at least 50,000 kWh/h; |
2. |
by the operators of storage facilities and the operators of production facilities, the physical imports and exports via lines which form part of the storage and/or storage facilities. the production plant, in each case separately after crossing points; |
3. |
from the storage companies or by the operators of storage facilities for all storage facilities located on the Federal territory |
a) |
the storage movement, indicating the withdrawal and storage in the month, and the contents of the storage on the last month of each month, in each case separately by storage, |
b) |
self-consumption for the storage operation, separated by storage facilities; |
4. |
by the producers or by the operators of production facilities of natural gas for all production plants located on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, the total production as well as the self-consumption for the production separately according to production plant. |
Annual Values
§ 6. In each case, the reference date and the for the period of 1. Jänner 0 o'clock to 31st December 24h shall be reported in addition to the annual values according to § 5:
1. |
by the network operators |
a) |
the number of final consumers (customers) measured at 31 December 24 o'clock, broken down by size class of the levy (consumption), with the gas-fired power stations having a contractually agreed maximum output of at least 50,000 kWh/h as the sum of the sum shall be given separately; |
b) |
the number of final consumers (customers) not measured at 31 December 24 h, broken down on the one hand by standard load profiles and, on the other hand, by the household, trade and other groups and, on the other hand, by size class of the levy (consumption); |
c) |
the number of end-users (customers) at 31 December 24h, broken down by network level; |
d) |
the number of home connections at 31 December 24h, broken down on the one hand to network levels and on the other hand to active and inactive home connections; |
e) |
the number of network access refusals; |
f) |
the levy on final consumers (customers), broken down by size of the levy (consumption), in which the gas-fired power stations with a contractually agreed maximum power of at least 50,000 kWh/h shall be given separately as the sum value are; |
g) |
the supply of non-performing final consumers (customers), broken down on the one hand by standard load profiles and, on the other hand, by the household, trade and other groups and, on the other hand, by size classes of the levy (consumption); |
h) |
the supply to final consumers (customers), broken down by network level; |
2. |
by the suppliers |
a) |
the number of final consumer (customers) measured at 31 December 24h, broken down by size of the levy (consumption), with the gas-fired power stations with a contractually agreed maximum output of at least 50,000 kWh/h must be given as a sum value separately, and on the other hand according to federal states; |
b) |
the number of non-performance-measured final consumers (customers) supplied at 31 December 24 h, broken down on the one hand by standard load profiles and, on the other hand, by the household, trade and other groups, and the other by size class Levy (consumption) and, on the other hand, by federal states; |
c) |
the levy on final consumers (customers), broken down by size of the levy (consumption), in which the gas-fired power stations with a contractually agreed maximum power of at least 50,000 kWh/h shall be given separately as the sum value are; |
d) |
the supply of non-performing final consumers (customers), broken down on the one hand by standard load profiles and, on the other hand, by the household, trade and other groups and, on the other hand, by size classes of the levy (consumption); |
3. |
by natural gas undertakings the quantities of natural gas imported, broken down by country of origin (production) countries. |
2. Main piece
Inventory Statistics
Annual Values
§ 7. In each case for the survey date of 31 December 24h, please report:
1. |
by the network operators |
a) |
the transmission lines and distribution lines of the network level 2, indicating technical parameters such as line length, diameter, nominal pressure, year of commissioning, in each case separately by lines and network levels, and their geographical representation in digital form for the creation of an Austrian control plan; |
b) |
the number of local networks and their length, and the length of the lines of network level 3 (excluding local networks); |
c) |
for the distribution lines of the network level 3 outside of local networks, their geographical representation in digital form for the preparation of an Austrian control plan; |
d) |
the maximum technical capacity per input and output per limit coupling point; |
2. |
by the producers or by the operators of production facilities |
a) |
the maximum production rate in kWh/h; |
b) |
the lines of production facilities, including technical characteristics such as line length, diameter, nominal pressure, year of commissioning, separated by lines and their geographical representation in digital form for the production of a Austria's management plan; |
c) |
the maximum technical capacity in total for each entry and exit direction for each border crossing point abroad; |
3. |
from the storage companies or by the operators of storage facilities |
a) |
the maximum working gas volume (storage volume) in MWh; |
b) |
the maximum technical storage and storage rate in kWh/h; |
c) |
the lines of storage facilities, specifying technical characteristics such as line length, diameter, nominal pressure, year of commissioning, separated by lines and their geographical representation in digital form for the creation of a Austria's management plan; |
d) |
the technical maximum capacity, in total, per input and output direction for each border crossing point abroad. |
3. Main piece
Market Statistics
Market data
§ 8. (1) For market statistics have to be reported:
1. |
the suppliers for the survey periods of 1. January 30 to June 30 and from 1 July to 31 December of the reference year, the average quantity weighted price components in Eurocent/kWh |
a) |
pure energy price excluding taxes and charges; |
b) |
non-refundable taxes and charges and other government-related charges on energy; |
c) |
Eligible taxes and charges and other government-related charges on energy, excluding VAT |
for final consumers (customers) which are not measured, on the one hand, on the one hand, by standard load profiles and, on the other hand, by the household, trade and other groups and, on the other hand, by size classes of the levy (consumption); |
2. |
the caretaker for each calendar year |
a) |
The number of new customers with the existing network connection of end consumers (customers), change of supply are to be stated separately; |
b) |
the number of new customers for newly built terminals of end consumers (customers); |
c) |
the number of customers on the basis of a supplier of last instance of end-users (customers); |
d) |
the number of exits from end consumers (customers); |
e) |
the number of last reminders with registered letter in accordance with § 127 (3) last sentence of the GWG 2011 |
for performance-measured final consumers (customers), on the one hand, broken down by size class of the levy (consumption), the gas-fired power stations being separated by a contractually agreed maximum output of at least 50,000 kWh/h as the sum value , as well as by federal states and for non-performance-measured end-users (customers), on the one hand by standard load profiles, and on the other by the household, trade and other groups, in addition, by size class of the Levy (consumption) and, on the other hand, by federal states; |
3. |
the network operators for each calendar month |
a) |
the number of changes in the supply of supply, broken down by network level; |
b) |
the number of changes in the supply of power-measured end consumers (customers), broken down by size of the levy (consumption), with the gas-fired power stations having a contractually agreed maximum output of at least 50,000 kWh/h as the sum of the sum shall be given separately; |
c) |
the number of changes in the supply of non-performing end consumers (customers), broken down on the one hand by standard load profiles and, on the other hand, by the household, trade and other groups, and by size class of the levy (consumption); |
d) |
the number of last reminders with registered letter in accordance with § 127 (3) last sentence GWG 2011 separately for final consumer (customers) measured and not measured; |
e) |
the number of counting points shutdowns and the number of resumption of deliveries after switching off each separately for power-measured and non-performance-measured end-users (customers), the number of shutdowns in the case of suspension and the number of shutdowns in the event of termination of contract for breach of contractual obligations shall be disclosed separately; |
4. |
the network operators for each calendar year |
a) |
the number of new registrations when there is a connection between end users (customers), the actual change of supply must be given separately; |
b) |
the number of new registrations for new terminals of end consumers (customers); |
c) |
the number of logins from end consumers (customers) |
for final performance consumers (customers), broken down by size class of the levy (consumption), in which the gas-fired power stations with a contractually agreed maximum power of at least 50,000 kWh/h shall be given separately as the sum value and are broken down by standard load profiles, on the one hand, and by the household, trade and other groups, and on the other hand, by size class of the levy (consumption), for final consumers (customers) which are not measured in terms of performance; |
5. |
the distribution area manager for each calendar month is the number of network users in accordance with section 18 (7) and § 37 para. 6 GMMO-VO 2012 GMMO-VO 2012 as well as the sum of the contractually agreed maximum services of these network users; |
6. |
the operator of the virtual trading point as daily values for the period from 6 o'clock of the previous day (d-1) to 6 o'clock of the current day (d) the total volume of the trading volumes of the standardized products according to § 33 para. 1 GMMO-VO 2012. |
(2) For the purposes of the determination of average energy prices for final consumers, the E-Control shall carry out representative sample surveys.
1. |
The exchange of information for the final consumers measured shall be made on a voluntary basis; |
2. |
In particular, annual consumption (annual reference), energy prices excluding taxes, levies and system usage tariffs, the network level to which the final consumer is connected and information relevant to the contract are to be collected. |
4. Main piece
Balancing Energy Statistics
Balancing energy data
§ 9. (1) In each case for the period from 6 a.m. on the previous day (d-1) to 6 a.m. of the current day (d), the balance sheet group coordinators shall be reported separately after purchase and sale as well as by market areas:
1. |
the quantity of total allocated balance-of-balance energy shall be separated according to |
a) |
daily account balance as daily values, |
b) |
Hourly account balance as hourly values; |
2. |
The physical balancing energy procurement via the Merit Order list separately after purchase and sale; |
3. |
for the physical compensation of compensation via the exchange at the virtual trading point, the trade volumes of the standardized products and the respective price in Eurocent/kWh, separately after purchase and sale, each as hourly values; |
4. |
The respective clearing prices for balancing energy in Eurocent/kWh |
a) |
for an hourly balance according to § 18 (6) and Section 37 (6) of the GMMO-VO 2012, including the on-and-off charges to be issued separately and the relevant quantitative weighted average prices as hourly values; |
b) |
for daily account in accordance with § 18 (5) and (7) and Section 37 (5) and (7) of the GMMO-VO 2012, including the relevant marginal prices and any circumstances, as daily values; |
c) |
for distribution networks, including the special balance sheet groups and the quantities of biogas feed as daily values. |
(2) In each case for the period from 6 a.m. on the previous day (d-1) to 6 a.m. of the current day (d), the market area manager shall report as hourly values separately after purchase and sale as well as to market areas:
1. |
the quantity of total allocated hourly balance-of-balance energy in accordance with § 26 (6) of the GMMO-VO 2012; |
2. |
the quantity of balancing energy allocated in accordance with Article 26 (4) of the GMMO-VO 2012; |
3. |
for the physical compensation of compensation in accordance with § 26 para. 7 GMMO-VO 2012, in each case the trading quantities of the standardized products made by the market area manager according to § 33 para. 1 GMMO-VO 2012. |
(3) In each case for the period from 6 a.m. on the previous day (d-1) to 6 o clock of the current day (d), the operator of the virtual trading point as hourly values, separately after purchase and sale as well as in market areas, are the prices of the hourly values. Report auctions in Eurocent/kWh.
(4) For the last month, the market area manager and/or the market area manager respectively to report the registered groups of balance sheets per market area from the balance sheet group coordinator, whereby the registered groups of balance sheet groups also handle volumes in the distribution area, as well as balance sheet groups supplying final consumers, in each case separately.
Part 3
Implementation of surveys and evaluations and publications
Implementation of the surveys
§ 10. (1) The surveys carried out under this Regulation shall be carried out by:
1. |
periodic reporting by the companies subject to reporting requirements; |
2. |
Use of the management data of E-Control. |
(2) For reasons of simplicity and desirability, the reporting of data shall be that of the market area manager, the distribution area manager, the balance sheet group coordinators and the operator of the virtual trading point as part of the performance of their duties shall be made available directly from them, in particular with respect to the quality, reporting and data formats to the E-Control. In this case, the reporting requirements are exempt from their reporting obligations.
(3) The implementation of statistical surveys and other statistical work and the processing of the data collected under this Regulation, as well as the use of administrative data for statistical purposes, shall be carried out under the appropriate conditions. Application of the provisions of the Federal Statistics Act 2000, BGBl. I No 163/1999, in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 125/2009.
(4) E-Control shall, at the request of the Federal Statistical Office, transmit electronically, free of charge, individual data collected under this Regulation to the extent that these data are used for the compilation of short-term economic statistics in the production area, performance and structural statistics, statistics on the use of goods and statistics under the Trade Statistics Act.
Reporting obligation
§ 11. (1) Reporting obligations shall be the proprietor or the body responsible for the external representation of a reporting company.
(2) Reported undertakings within the meaning of this Regulation are:
1. |
Operators of production facilities, |
2. |
storage facility operators, |
3. |
the operator of the virtual trading point, |
4. |
Balance group coordinators or clearing houses (clearing houses), |
5. |
Balance group responsible, |
6. |
Natural gas dealers, |
7. |
Transmission system operators, |
8. |
Market Area Manager, |
9. |
producers, |
10. |
storage companies, |
11. |
Supplier, |
12. |
distribution system operators and |
13. |
Distribution Area Manager. |
(3) The data constituting the subject-matter of the reporting obligation shall be the subject of the data provided by the
E-Control must be sent in electronic form and by electronic means (such as e-mail or data carrier) to E-Control. The relevant survey forms are made available in electronic form on the homepage of E-Control. The transmission of the data in accordance with § § 3 (hourly values) and 9 (compensation energy statistics) is carried out by means of formats which have been defined according to the other market rules for the transmission of hourly data.
§ 12. (1) The data in accordance with § § 3 (hourly values) and 9 (compensation energy statistics) shall be made by the notifiers at the latest by the time of the 20. Submit the calendar day to the E-Control after the last month of the reporting month. Data which have been changed after the clearing has been made are to be transmitted immediately to E-Control.
(2) The data in accordance with § 8 (1) (market statistics) shall be provided by the information providers at the latest by the time of the 20. The calendar day of the month following the survey period or the survey date to be transmitted to the E-Control.
(3) Melting dates for surveys in accordance with Section 8 (2) shall be defined in the course of the sample survey.
(4) All other data shall be transmitted to the E-Control by the parties responsible for providing information at the latest by 15 February of the year following the reporting year and the survey date.
Evaluation and Publications
§ 13. (1) The data collected under this Regulation shall be:
1. |
for the implementation of national and international statistical obligations, and |
2. |
for publications and previews |
is used. |
(2) The following publications shall be produced annually by the E-Control and shall be published on the Internet by the end of September of the year following the reporting year in a suitable form (in particular tables, graphics and long-time series):
1. |
Operating statistics, which shall include in particular: |
a) |
daily load history, |
b) |
Monthly and annual values of the use of natural gas, on an annual basis, in addition to the federal states and network levels, and for the non-performance-measured final consumers (customers) according to the household, commercial and other groups as well as in accordance with The size of the levy (consumption) and the final consumer (customers) measured by the size of the levy (consumption), the gas-fired power stations being given separately as a sum value |
c) |
Monthly and annual values of production, |
d) |
Monthly and annual values of storage management and storage at the end of each reporting period, |
e) |
Monthly and annual values of physical imports and exports, separately by country; |
2. |
Inventory statistics, which shall include in particular: |
a) |
Inventory of the transmission and distribution of natural gas, broken down by network level, broken down by type of plant, |
b) |
Stock of production facilities, |
c) |
Inventory of storage facilities; |
3. |
Market statistics, which shall include in particular: |
a) |
Development of prices for final consumers (customers) not measured, broken down by household, trade and other groups, and by size of the levy (consumption); |
b) |
Seasonal and regional development of the change of supply, broken down by network level and for the non-performance-measured final consumers (customers) according to the household, trade and other groups as well as by size class of the levy (consumption) and for the final consumers (customers) measured by size of the levy (consumption), the gas-fired power stations being given separately as the sum value; |
c) |
Consumer structure separated by federal states and network levels as well as for the non-performance-measured end-users (customers) according to the household, commercial and other groups, as well as by size class of the levy (consumption) and for the the final consumer (customer) measured according to the size of the levy (consumption), the gas-fired power stations being given separately as the sum value; |
d) |
Supply structure separated by federal states and for the non-performance-measured final consumers (customers) according to the household, commercial and other groups and for the final consumers (customers) measured, with the gas-fired power stations separately indicating are; |
4. |
Compensatory energy statistics, which shall include in particular: |
a) |
number of balance sheet groups per market area; |
b) |
Prices for balancing energy for market area managers and balance group coordinators per market area on the basis of hours or daily values as well as average prices, marginal prices, surcharges and surcharges, structural contribution and the transfer; |
c) |
Quantity of balancing energy for market area managers and balance group coordinators per market area based on hourly and daily values. |
Part 4
Transitional and final provisions
§ 14. (1) This Regulation shall enter into force 1. Jänner 2013 in force.
(2) The Regulation of Energy-Control GmbH concerning the arrangement of statistical surveys on gaseous energy sources of all types (gas statistics-Regulation 2005), published in the Official Journal on 28 April 2005, in the version of the Vienna newspaper no. 83 Regulation of the Energy-Control GmbH, with which the Gas Statistics Regulation 2005 is amended (1. Gas Statistics-Regulation-Novelle 2008), published in the Official Journal of the Vienna newspaper no. 56 on 19 March 2008), enters into force on 31 December 2012 with the proviso that all pending work for the period from 1 June 2005 to 31 December 2012 will be repeal. December 2012 will be completed in accordance with the rules of the Gas Statistics Regulation 2005.
(3) The date-related information in accordance with § 6 Z 1 lit. a to c and § 6 Z 2 lit. a and b shall be from the network operators or by the suppliers for the calendar year 2013 in addition to the reference date 1. Jänner 2013, 0 clock. This notification shall be made no later than 30 March 2013.
Boltz Graf