Key Benefits:
491. Regulation of the Federal Minister of Finance and of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth on the assessment of the macroeconomic aspects of economic policy implications in the context of the impact-oriented impact assessment Regulatory and other projects (WFA-General Economy-Regulation-WFA-GWV)
On the basis of § 17 paragraph 3 Z 3 of the Federal Budget Act 2013 (BHG 2013), BGBl. I n ° 139/2009, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 62/2012, shall be assigned in agreement with the Federal Chancellor:
Subject matter
§ 1. (1) This Regulation regulates the assessment of the macroeconomic aspects of economic policy implications in the context of the impact assessment of the impact assessment according to § 17 BHG 2013.
(2) It contains methodological requirements for the simplified and in-depth assessment of the effects of regulatory projects and of projects of exceptional financial significance in accordance with § 58 (2) of the BHG 2013.
§ 2. For this regulation, the definitions of the Federal Chancellor ' s Regulation on principles of impact-oriented impact assessment in the case of regulatory projects and other projects (WFA-principle-WFA-GV), BGBl. II No 489/2012, as well as the following authoritative:
1. |
The Economic performance , measured in terms of gross domestic product (GDP), the total value of all goods and services produced within one year in an economy for final consumption. |
2. |
The Demand Page an economy is composed of the total demand of the public and private sectors as well as the net demand of the foreign country (exports minus imports) by goods and services. |
3. |
Demand-side measures are those that influence the demand for goods and services of an economy. |
4. |
The public demand includes public consumption as well as public investment in accordance with national accounts (VGR). |
5. |
The private demand includes private consumption as well as private investment, according to the VGR. |
6. |
The Foreign demand is the demand for domestic goods and services by foreign countries according to the VGR. |
7. |
The Value added effect is the change in economic performance induced by additional or lower demand. |
8. |
The Employment effect is the change in the volume of employment induced by additional or lower demand. |
9. |
The Offer Page an economy covers the whole production of the goods and services available. |
10. |
Offer-side measures are those which influence the supply of the factors of production (labour and capital) or their combination, and thus the total economic supply of goods and services. |
Simplified Estimation
§ 3. In the context of the simplified assessment, the requirements of the Appendix 1 to examine whether the macroeconomic aspects of economic policy impact are substantially affected in accordance with Annex 1 of the WFA-GV.
In-depth estimation
§ 4. In the context of the in-depth assessment, the expected significant macroeconomic aspects of economic policy impact are according to the requirements of the Appendix 2 more precisely.
Period of in-depth estimation
§ 5. Calculations of demand-side measures shall be carried out for the current calendar year as well as for the next four calendar years.
entry into force
§ 6. This Regulation shall enter into force 1. Jänner 2013 in force.