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Change Of The Arbeitnehmerinnenschutzgesetzes And Of The Labour Inspection Act Of 1993

Original Language Title: Änderung des ArbeitnehmerInnenschutzgesetzes und des Arbeitsinspektionsgesetzes 1993

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118. Federal law, which amalds the Workers ' Protection Act and the Labour Inspectorate Act 1993

The National Council has decided:

Article 1

Amendment of the Employees ' Protection Act

The Employees ' Protection Act-ASchG, BGBl. N ° 450/1994, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 50/2012, shall be amended as follows:

1. In the table of contents, the entry to § 4 of the parenthesis "(workplace evaluation)" added, in the entry to § 86 the word "Maladministration" by the word "Defects" The entry is to § 93: "consideration of worker/internal protection in authorisation procedures" and No entry " § 123. Other provisions shall apply ".

2. In § 2 para. 1 shall be 3. Phrase the phrase ", civil society of commercial law or registered labour force" through the phrase "or registered partnership" replaced.

3. In § 2 para. 6 the word "Preparations" by the words "Mixtures (preparations)" replaced.

4. In § 2 (7), the following second sentence is added:

"The dangers within the meaning of this federal law are to be understood as meaning work-related physical and mental stress which leads to misloads."

5. In § 2, the following paragraph 7a is inserted after paragraph 7:

"(7a) Health in the sense of this Federal Law is to be understood as physical and mental health."

6. § 2 (9) reads:

"(9) To the extent that personal designations are not yet formulated in a gender-neutral manner in this federal law, the chosen form shall apply to both sexes."

7. In § 3 (1), third sentence, the word order shall be "and the morality" through the phrase "as well as integrity and dignity" replaced.

8. In the heading to § 4, after the word "Measures" the parenthesis expression "(workplace evaluation)" added.

9. In Section 4 (1), the introductory part of the second sentence shall be replaced by the following second sentence and the following introductory part of the now third sentence:

" The principles of risk prevention shall be applied in accordance with § 7. In particular, account shall be taken of: "

10. In § 4 (1) Z 5, the word shall be given at the end "and" is replaced by a dash and is the Z 6 and 7:

" 6.

the design of the work tasks and the nature of the activities, the working environment, the work processes and the organisation of work; and


the state of training and training of workers. "

11. In Section 4 (5), the following Z 2a is inserted after Z 2:

" 2a.

After incidents with increased work-related mental stress, "

12. In § 4 (6), in the second sentence, after the word "occupational physicians" the phrase "as well as other suitable experts, such as chemists, toxicologists, ergonomists, but especially working psychologists," inserted.

13. In Section 6 (3), the phrase "that they suffer from physical weaknesses or infirmanes to an extent that they would be exposed to a particular risk in certain works" through the phrase "that they would be exposed to a particular risk in certain work due to their health condition" replaced.

14. In § 7 the following Z 4a is inserted after Z 4:

" 4a.

to take account of the design of the tasks and types of activities, the working environment, the work processes and the organisation of work; "

15. In § 7 Z 7, after the word "Technology," the phrase "Activities and tasks," , after the word "Labour Organisation," the word "Work flows," and after the word "Working conditions," the word "Working Environment," inserted.

16. In § 10 (1), the following sentence is added:

"Safety trusts are employee representatives with a special function in the safety and health protection of workers."

17. In § 10 (6), the first sentence is replaced by the following two sentences:

" Only employees may be appointed as security trusts. They must fulfil the personal and professional requirements necessary for their tasks. "

18. In § 15 (1) the word "Sittliness" through the phrase "Integrity and dignity" replaced.

In § 18, § 32 (1), § 39 (1) and (2), § 48 (1) and (2), § 56 (2), 5 and 7, § 59, § 72 (1), § 74 (1), § 75 (2) and (4), § 80 (2) and (4), § 89 (1), § 90, § 91 (1), § 99 (2) and (4), § 101 (1) and (2), § 112 (3)), the RessortLabels "Labour and Social Affairs" or "Work, Health and Social Affairs" or "Economy and Work" in each case by the name of the place "Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection" replaced.

20. The following paragraph 7 is added to § 20:

" (7) Employers must ensure that the necessary communication, warning and alarm systems are in place at workplaces in the mining sector, so that emergency, evacuation and rescue operations are immediately initiated if necessary. "

21. In § 23 (5), the second sentence reads:

"They must be firm, slip-proof and slip-proof."

(22) The following paragraph 7 is added to § 40:

' (7) Insofar as the working materials are in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67 /548/EEC and 1999 /45/EC and amending Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008. 1907/2006 (CLP Regulation), OJ L 327, 28.12.2006 No. 1), they are subject to the provisions of this Federal Act and of the regulations issued thereto, as well as the provisions adopted pursuant to the provisions of this Act (9). Section of this federal law further legislation with the following measures:


Provisions applicable to working materials with explosive properties also apply to working materials


the 1. Hazard class (explosive substances/mixtures and products with explosives), other than subclasses 1.5 and 1.6,


of the 8. Hazard class A and B (self-decomposing substances and mixtures),


of the 15. Hazard class type A and B (organic peroxides);


Regulations for working materials with oxidizing properties also apply to working materials of 4., 13. and 14. Hazard class (oxidising gases, liquids and solids);


Regulations for working materials with flammable properties also apply to working materials


of the 6. Hazard class (flammable liquids) hazard category 3,


of the 7. Hazard class (flammable solids),


of the 15. Hazard class (organic peroxides) Type C to F;


Regulations for working materials with slightly flammable properties also apply to working materials


of the 6. Hazard class (flammable liquids) hazard category 2,


of the 8. Hazard class types C, D, E and F,


the 9. and 10. Hazard class (pyrophoric liquids and pyrophoric solids),


of the 11. Hazard class (self-heating-capable substances or mixtures),


of the 12. Hazard class (substances or mixtures which develop flammable gases in contact with water) Class 2 and 3,


of the 15. Hazard class types C, D, E and F;


Regulations for working materials with highly flammable properties also apply to working materials


the second hazard class (flammable gases),


the 3. Hazard class (flammable aerosols),


of the 6. Hazard class (flammable liquids) hazard category 1,


of the 12. Hazard class (substances or mixtures which develop flammable gases in contact with water) hazard category 1;


Provisions applicable to working materials with toxic properties also apply to working materials


of the 17. Hazard class (acute toxicity) hazard category 1 to 3,


of the 24. and 25. Hazard class (specific target organ toxicity in case of single or repeated exposure), hazard category 1 and category 2,


of the 26. Hazard class (aspiration hazard);


Provisions applicable to working materials with harmful properties also apply to working materials


of the 17. Hazard class (acute toxicity) hazard category 4,


of the 24. Hazard class (specific target organ-single exposure toxicity) hazard category 3;


Regulations for working materials with corrosive properties also apply to working materials


of the 18. Hazard class (etch effect on the skin) Hazardous categories 1A, 1B and 1C,


of the 19. Hazard class (severe eye damage) hazard category 1;


Regulations for working materials with irritant properties also apply to working materials


of the 18. Hazard class (irritable effect on the skin) hazard category 2,


of the 19. Hazard class (severe eye irritation) hazard category 2,


of the 24. Hazard class (specific target organ-single exposure toxicity) hazard category 3;


Provisions relating to working materials with sensitising properties also apply to working materials of the 20. Hazard class (sensitisation of the respiratory tract or the skin);


Regulations for working materials with mutagenic properties also apply to working materials of the 21. Hazard class (germ cell mutagenicity);


Regulations for working materials with carcinogenic properties also apply to working materials of the 22. Hazard class (carcinogenicity);


Provisions for working materials with toxic properties for reproduction also apply to working materials of the 23. Hazard class (reproductive toxicity). "

23. In Section 41, Section 4, Z 1, the quote shall be " Plant Protection Products Act 1997, BGBl. I No 60/1997 ' by quoting " Plant Protection Products Act 2011, BGBl. I No 10/2011 " and the quote " Waste Management Act (AWG), BGBl. No. 325/1990 " by quoting " Waste Management Act 2002 (AWG 2002), BGBl. I No 102/2002 replaced.

24. In § 52 Z 5 the word order is deleted "in two-way design" .

25. In § 56 (2), the previous numbers 1 and 2 are given the number designation "2" and "3" and shall be inserted before the new Z 2 following Z 1:

" 1.

on the self-employed exercise of the medical profession in the sense of the Medical Act 1998, BGBl. I n ° 169/1998, is entitled and has completed an occupational health training recognised by the Federal Minister of Health in accordance with § 38 of the Medical Law 1998, "

26. In § 56 (5), the number 2 is deleted and the digit number 3 has been replaced by the previous paragraph 3. "2" ; in accordance with paragraph 5, the following paragraph 5a is inserted:

"(5a) The empowerment shall be issued if the empowerment has not carried out any such investigations within the last five years."

27. In Section 56 (7), the phrase "To submit to the statutory representations of interests of employers and employees as well as to other persons on request" replaced by the phrase "to publish on the Internet" .

28. In § 57 (6), no more than the words "Doctors" , "Doctors" and "Doctor" the word "authorized" .

Section 60 (2) reads as follows:

" (2) Work processes shall be designed in such a way as to avoid forced holding and to avoid burdens due to monotonous work processes, one-sided loading, loads by cycle-based work and time pressure, as well as other psychological stresses. as low as possible and mitigate their health-damaging effects. "

30. The following paragraph 4 is added to § 60:

" (4) Employers have, in the context of the identification and assessment of the hazards in the mining industry, hazardous work or normally unsafe work which overlap with other work processes and thus cause a serious risk , it is possible to establish a working release system, together with the necessary protection and rescue measures, and to designate a qualified person who has the necessary professional knowledge and experience and who is aware of the possible risks and the necessary protection and rescue measures. It is necessary to ensure that the work is carried out only after the designated person has satisfied himself that the protection and rescue measures laid down in the working release system are carried out and that the Release of work has been granted. "

31. In § 62 (5) the word order shall be "demonstrate the necessary expertise" replaced by the phrase "possess technical knowledge" .

32. § 62 (6) deleted; the previous paragraphs 7 and 8 shall be awarded the sales names "(6)" and "(7)" .

33. On the basis of § 62 (7), after the phrase "Activities within the meaning of (2) to (5)" a dash and the phrase "except for the driving of cranes and forklifts," inserted.

34. In § 67 (5) (4), the word "are" by the word "is" replaced.

(35) The following paragraph 7 is added to § 69 (6):

"(7) Employers have to make available in the mining sector any employed/in each case an independent self-stretcher (oxygen-self-stretcher)."

36. In § 72 (1) (1) (1), after the quotation "according to § 63" the phrase "including the basic training courses to provide the necessary expertise" inserted.

37. In Section 75 (1) (1) (1) and in Section 80 (1) (1) (1), the word sequence shall be "to the extent of the weekly normal working time" by the word "main occupation" replaced.

38. In Section 75 (4), the phrase "To submit to the interests of employers and employees and to other persons on request" and in § 80 (4) the phrase "To submit to the representations of interests of employers and employees, to the Austrian Medical Association, and to other persons on request" in each case replaced by the word sequence "to publish on the Internet" .

39. In § 78a (6) (2) and (7) (2) (2), the annual number shall be deleted "1995" .

40. In § 79 (2), the designation of the place of resettlement "Social Security and Generations" is replaced by "Health".

41. In Section 82a (3), the quote becomes "354/1998" by quoting "354/1981" replaces and eliminates the word sequence " in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 181/1999 " .

42. In § 84 (1) the second sentence reads as follows:

"Preventive specialists shall, at their request, have the institutions of the labour inspectorate inspect these documents or submit copies of such documents."

43. In § 84, paragraph 3, the phrase in the first sentence shall be the following: "If there is no work-protection committee, then the preventive experts" through the phrase: "Preventive specialists have" replaced.

44. In the title of § 86 as well as in § 86 (1) and (3), the word shall be "Maladministration" or "Maladministration" by the word "Defects" or "Defects" replaced.

45. In § 88 (3) (3) (3), after the word "Head" the phrase "or his representative" inserted.

46. In § 91 (3) the expression "Insurance institution of the Austrian Railways" by the expression "Insurance Institute for Railways and Mining" , the expression "the Association of the Electricity Works of Austria" by the expression "of Austria's energy" and the expression "Electricity plants" by the expression "Electricity economy" replaced.

47. The title of § 93 reads:

"Consideration of worker/internal protection in authorisation procedures"

48. § 93 (1) reads:

" (1) The following approval procedures shall take into account the interests of the worker/interior protection:


Approval of operating systems according to the 1994 Commercial Code, BGBl. No 194/1994,


Approval of mining plans and mining facilities, as far as workplaces are concerned, according to the Mineral Raw Materials Act, BGBl. I No 38/1999,


Approval of pharmacies according to the pharmacy law, RGBl. 5/1907,


Approval of railway systems according to the railway law 1957, BGBl. No 60/1957,


Approval of shipping facilities within the meaning of § 47 and of other facilities within the meaning of Section 66 of the Maritime Law, BGBl. I No 62/1997,


Approval of baths according to the Bäderhygienegesetz, BGBl. No 254/1976,


Approval of waste and waste oil treatment plants According to § § 37 to 65 of the Waste Management Act 2002 (AWG 2002), BGBl. I No 102/2002 ,


Approval of facilities and civil airfields within the meaning of the Aviation Act 1957, BGBl. No 253/1957,


Approval of warehouses according to § 35 of the Explosives Act 2010-SprG, BGBl. I No 121/2009,


Approval of cableway installations according to the cable car law 2003-SeilbG 2003, BGBl. I No 103/2003. '

49. In § 93 (2), the first sentence is deleted and the phrase in the second sentence shall be deleted. "The respective permit application shall be" replaced by the phrase "In these procedures, the respective permit application" .

50. In accordance with § 93 (5), the following paragraph 6 is added:

"(6) The places of work referred to in paragraph 1 do not require a work place permit in accordance with § 92."

51. In Section 94 (1), in Z 9 the expression " Gaswirtschaftsgesetz-GWG, BGBl. I No 121/2000. ' by the expression " Gaswirtschaftsgesetz 2011-GWG 2011, BGBl. I No 107/2011, " shall be replaced by the following points Z 10 and 11:

" 10.

Procedures for the approval of facilities and work equipment according to the cable car law 2003-SeilbG 2003, BGBl. I No 103/2003,


Procedure for the approval of mobile treatment plants according to § 52 of the Waste Management Act 2002-AWG 2002, BGBl. I n ° 102/2002. '

(52) The following paragraphs 5a and 5b are inserted in accordance with Article 94 (5):

" (5a) Are for several identical workplaces of an employer/employer, or for several identical work equipment to be used in different workplaces of an employer/employer, and for the total number of jobs, identical conditions are available, such prescriptions are required, the competent authority responsible for the head office shall be responsible for the procedure.

(5b) Where this is appropriate in the sense of laziness, simplicity and cost savings, the measures necessary to protect the safety and health of workers may also be taken by one of the employers/persons in question. , as in particular the approval advertiser in proceedings pursuant to § 93 (1) and (3) and § 94 (1) or the proprietor (s) of an operator (s) comprising a number of workplaces. "

53. In § 94 (6) the reference " 1 to 5 " replaced by " 1 to 5b " .

54. In § 99 (3) Z 3 the quote shall be: "the Health Care Act" by quoting "the Federal Act on hospitals and health care institutions (KAKuG)" replaced.

55. § 99 (3) (3a) is deleted.

56. In § 99 (3) Z 5, the quote shall be: " The Electricity Economy Act, BGBl. N ° 260/1975 " by quoting " of the Electricity Economic and Organization Act 2010-ElWOG 2010, BGBl. I No 110/2010 " replaced.

57. In § 105, the sales designation shall be deleted. "(1)" .

58. In § 106 (3), the Z 1 and 2 are:

" 1.

§ 6 para. 4, first and second sentence, for walls and ceilings in operating rooms, § 7 para. 4, second sentence, for the heating of working rooms and of rooms at risk of fire § 14 para. 2 with the proviso that the word order "and explosion-endangered spaces" is no longer necessary.


Section 22 (5) shall apply to exits and traffic routes in workplaces, with the proviso that the phrase "and the rooms at risk of explosion" shall not be used, and section 26 (10), with the proviso that in the first sentence the phrase "explosion-endangered rooms and rooms" shall be deleted. "

59. In § 107 (1), the quote shall be: "§ § 74" through the phrase: "§ § 74 with the proviso that in para. 1 the word order" and in explosion-prone areas " and in paragraph 2, the first sentence is deleted " replaced.

60. In § 108 (2) the word order is deleted "and for recreation rooms § 87 (1), last sentence, AAV," .

61. § 109 para. 2 reads:

§ 41 (8), section 59 (1) to (7), (8) with the exception of the last sentence, (9) to (12), (14) and (15), further § 60 (1) to (3) and (10) shall apply until the entry into force of a regulation under this Federal Act which regulates the relevant subject-matter. up to 12 AAV as federal law. "

62. In § 110 (8), the second sentence is the quote "§ 16 (3), (4), (5), first sentence and (6) to (11)" replaced by "§ 16 (4), (5), first sentence, (6) and (7) and 9 to 11" , the quote "§ 52 (3) to (6)" replaced by "§ 52 (4) to (6)" , the quote "§ 54 (2) to (9)" replaced by " § 54 (6) with the proviso that the phrase 'fire-hazardous materials and' shall not be used ' , the quote "§ 55 (2) to (10)" replaced by "§ 55 (2) to (5) and (7) to (10)" .

63. In Section 112 (3), the second sentence of the reference shall be: "§ 56 (3) and (5)" replaced by "§ 56 (3), (5) and (5a)" .

64. In § 113, paragraphs 2 and 3 are deleted and paragraph 4 is deleted:

" (4) As proof of professional knowledge in accordance with § 62 of this Federal Act, certificates of proof of expertise under the Regulation on the proof of expertise for certain works, BGBl, also apply. No 441/1975, or in accordance with the Regulation on the proof of expertise in the preparation and organisation of certain works under electrical voltage above 1 kV, BGBl. No. 10/1982, further information on the recognition of certificates of institutions which were not entitled to issue certificates of proof of professional knowledge in accordance with the above-mentioned regulations, as well as the atrocity pursuant to § 10 (2) of the Regulation BGBl. No 441/1975 and Article 8 (2) of the BGBl Regulation. No. 10/1982. § 63 (4) to (6) shall apply to the withdrawal of this proofs. "

65. § 113 (5) deleted.

66. § 114 (2) and (4) (5).

67. In Section 114 (4) (1), the quote shall be: "§ 48 (4) and (5) AAV" by quoting "§ 48 (5) AAV" replaced.

68. In § 114 (4) (4) (4), the quote shall be: "§ 62 para. 1 to 3 AAV" by quoting "§ 62 para. 2 second sentence and para. 3 AAV" replaced.

69. In Section 114 (4) Z 6, after the quote "§ 16 para. 1 AAV" the phrase "with the proviso that the words" Dazzled light, harmful rays " " , inserted.

70. In § 114 (4) (7), the citation shall be § § 66 to 72 AAV " replaced by "§ 66, § 67 (3) and § § 68 to 72 AAV" .

71. In Section 114 (4) (8) (8), after the quotation "§ 73 AAV" the phrase "with the proviso that the second sentence is deleted in paragraph 2," inserted.

72. § 117 (4) reads:

" (4) In a regulation pursuant to this Federal Act, a work permit is provided for workplaces which are subject to the provisions of Section 2 (3) of the Regulation BGBl. No 116/1976 need to be authorised, it is necessary to lay down in this Regulation whether or how long the workplaces already existing at the date of entry into force of such a Regulation may be continued without a working permit, and within which period, from the date of entry into force of the Regulation, an application for consent which may be required must be submitted. "

73. In § 118 (3), the Z 1 and 3 are deleted and is the Z 4:

" 4.

§ § 158 (1) and (2) as well as 160 BauV are not required. "

74. In Section 118 (4) (2) (2) the phrase is deleted. "and § 109 (6), second sentence, concerning acceptance tests and periodic examinations" .

75. In § 119, paragraph 1, the quote shall be "§ § 6 to 50" replaced by § § 6 to 15, § § 17 to 20, § 21 (1) to (3), section 21 (5) and (6), with the exception of the reference to section 4, § 22, § 23 (1) to (5) and (7) to (10), § § 31 (5) and (9), § 32 (1), (3), (4) and (5), § § 33 to 44 and § § 46 to 50a " .

Section 119 (3) reads as follows:

"(3) Annex 5 to the Regulation shall not apply with regard to proof of diving work (training for diving) and training as a diver and as a signal person."

77. § 119 (4) deleted.

78. § 120 deleted.

79. § 122 (1) reads:

" § 122. (1) The following provisions, which govern both the protection of employees and trade-related matters, remain applicable in each case as federal provisions, namely as employee/domestic protection provision until such time as a regulation based on this federal law, a modification or re-regulation of the same subject, and as long as a regulation, based on the 1994 trade order, has been amended by a regulation amending the law on the basis of a regulation or re-regulation of the same item. "

80. § 122 (2) deleted.

81. § 123 with headline shall be deleted.

82. In § 124 (3) Z 14, after quoting "§ 33 (9)," the citation "§ 37," inserted and will be the quote "§ 55 (1)" by quoting "§ 55 (1) and (11)" replaced.

83. In § 124 Abs.4, at the end of the first sentence, the point is replaced by a colon and the sentence is deleted. "The validity as a commercial law remains unaffected:"

Section 124 (6) is deleted.

(85) The following paragraph 3 is added to § 127:

"(3) On the date referred to in § 131 (12), pending authorisation procedures pursuant to section 56 (2) shall be continued in accordance with the legal situation in force until then."

86. In § 130 (1), (2), (3), (5) and (6), the criminal case shall be "145 € to 7 260 €" replaced by "166 bis 8 324 €" and the criminal framework "290 € to 14 530 €" replaced by "333 to 16 659 €" .

87. In § 130 (1) Z 19, the phrase "Design of work processes" replaced by the phrase "Preparation, design and implementation of work processes" and the phrase "Design or creation of jobs" replaced by the phrase "Creation, quality and preservation of jobs" .

88. In § 130 (1) Z 27, the quote shall be "§ 78 (1)" by quoting "§ 78 (1) (2)" replaced.

89. In § 130 (4) the amount shall be "218 €" replaced by the amount "250 €" and the amount "360 €" by the amount "413 €" .

(90) The following paragraph 12 is added to § 131:

" (12) There are


with the expiry of 31 December 2012, with the exception of force: § 56 (5) Z 2, § 62 (6), § 99 (3) Z 3a, § 113 (2), (3) and (5), § 114 (2) and (4) (5), § 118 (3) Z 1 and 3, § 119 (4), § 120, § 122 (2), § 123, § 124 (6);


with 1. January 2013 in force: the table of contents, § 2 para. 1, 6, 7, 7a and 9, § 3 para. 1, the headline to § 4, § 4 para. 1, 5 and 6, § 6 para. 3, § 7 Z 4a and Z 7, § 10 para. 1 and 6, § 15 para. 1, § 20 para. 7, § 23 para. 5, § 40 para. 7, § 41 para. 4 Z 1, § 52 § 56 (7), § 57 (6), § 60 (2) and (4), § 62 (6) and (7), § 67 (5) Z 4, § 69 (7), § 72 (1) (1) (1), § 75 (1) (1) and (4), § 78a (6) (2) and (7) (2), § 79 (2), § 80 (1) (1) (1) and (4), § 82a (3), § 84 (1) and (3), the title of § 86, § 86 (1) and (3), § 93 (3), the title of § 93, § 93 (1), (2) and (6), § 94 (1) (9), (10) and (11), (5a), (5) and (6), § 99 (3) (3) (3), § 3 (3) (3), § § 106 (3), § 107 (1), § 108 (2), § 109 (4), § 110 (8), § 112 (3), § 113 (4), § 114 (3) (4) and (4), § 117 (1) and (3), § 122 (1) and (3), § 122 (1), § 124 (3) (3) (3) (3), Section (3), Section (3), Section and (4), § 127 (3), § 130 (1) to (6) and § 132, respectively, as amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 118/2012. "

91. § 132 Z 1 is deleted; the previous Z 2 and 3 receive the number designations "1" and "2" .

Article 2

Amendment of the Labour Inspectorate Act 1993

The Federal Act on the Labour Inspectorate (Labour Inspectorate Act 1993-ArbIG), BGBl. No 27/1993, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 35/2012, shall be amended as follows:

1. In § 3 paragraph 1 Z 1 as well as in § 10 para. 1 shall be after the word "Sittliness" the phrase "as well as integrity and dignity" inserted.

2. In Section 20 (3), the end of the period shall be deleted and the following shall be added:

" and this, if need be after consultation with the competent public prosecutor's office, the relevant facts, the employer as well as in the case of accidents at work on construction sites, also the client, the name and date of birth of the accident and the date of birth. to provide additional information to the extent that such information is necessary for the performance of the tasks assigned to the labour inspectorate by law, and that the purpose of the investigation is not put at risk. "

3. In § 24 (1), in the rate of introduction of the criminal penalties "36 € to 3 600 €" replaced by "41 € to 4 140 €" and the criminal framework "72 € to 3 600 €" replaced by "83 € to 4 140 €".

(4) The following paragraph 8 is added to § 25:

" (8) § 3 (1) (1) (1), § 10 (1), § 20 (3) and § 24 (1) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl (Federal Law Gazette). I n ° 118/2012 will be 1. Jänner 2013 in force. "

