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Personnel Capacity Controlling Regulation 2013 - 2013 Perskapcovo

Original Language Title: Personalkapazitätscontrollingverordnung 2013 – PersKapCoVo 2013

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24. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Women and Public Service on the Controlling of Personality Capacity (Personalkapacity Control Regulation 2013-PersKapCoVo 2013)

On the basis of § 44 (10) of the Federal Budget Act 2013 (BHG 2013), BGBl. I n ° 139/2009, as last amended by the Federal Law Gazette BGBl. I n ° 62/2012, shall be arranged:


§ 1. (1) Personalkapacity controlling includes all measures that support the planning, implementation and control of the Federal Government's personnel management and, in any case, includes:


the controlling of the effective personnel capacities (full-time equivalents), the binding target values in accordance with § 44 (3) BHG 2013 and the personnel plan as well as


the controlling of gender distribution in the Federal Service as a contribution to the achievement of the goal of actual equality between women and men.

(2) The term "full-employment equivalent" (VBÄ) shall be regarded as the measured value of the actual personnel input for which performance charges are paid out of the personnel costs for a particular reference date.

(3) The binding target values in accordance with § 44 (3) BHG 2013 shall determine the maximum number of employees in full-time equivalents (VBÄ) per household management body in accordance with § 6 BHG 2013 in a financial year. Pursuant to § 6 BHG 2013, the budgetary management bodies shall ensure that these binding target values are fulfilled or fallen below the end of the financial year, in each case as at 31 December 2013, in accordance with Section 44 (3) of the BHG 2013.

(4) The ceilings per breakdown shown in the staff plan shall determine the maximum number of posts that can be filled in each day of the year. A post empowered to employ staff to the extent of a full-employment equivalent.

Objectives and tasks

§ 2. (1) The aim of personal capacity controlling is to achieve, in particular, the observance of the Federal Government's personnel-economic objectives. In any case, the following limits must be observed:


the basic principles of the Staff Plan, as laid down in the recently adopted Federal Financial Framework Act,


the planning points per breakdown in both qualitative and quantitative terms, in accordance with the applicable Federal Finance Act as well as


the applicable binding target values in accordance with § 44 (3) BHG 2013.

(2) In order to be able to ensure compliance with the upper limits in accordance with paragraph 1, a ressortinternal personnel capacity controlling is to be carried out by the budgetary management bodies in accordance with § 6 BHG 2013.

(3) Personalkapacity controlling has to support the management of personnel deployment and should as early as possible the human impact of planning, decision-making and execution processes as well as substantial changes with regard to the Development of the planning points, the binding target values according to § 44 (3) BHG 2013 and the resource-effective personnel capacities to be identified as well as suggestions for the necessary control measures.

(4) In the context of the personal capacity controlling, notifications pursuant to § 4 (4) and (5), § 5 and § 6 of the budgetary governing bodies pursuant to § 6 BHG 2013 shall be submitted to the Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor. The Federal Chancellor, or the Federal Chancellor, has to inform the Federal Minister of Finance or the Federal Minister of Finance of the results of the personal capacity controllings.

Organisation and implementation

§ 3. (1) Cross-disciplinary personnel capacity controlling is carried out by the Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor and serves as a support for a nationwide personnel management system. The internal staff capacity controlling is carried out by the budgetary management bodies according to § 6 BHG 2013.

(2) In any case, the internal staff capacity controlling is to be set up for the scope of a subdivision and comprises the personnel management from the central office to the post-ordered service. Personnel capacity controlling has to depict both the organizational view and the budget view (subdivisions, global budgets and detailed budgets).

(3) Information technology is to be used for the implementation of personal capacity controllings. The necessary data for personnel capacity controlling are to be found in particular in the personnel information systems or other systems.

(4) All-due in comparison to § § 4, 5 and 6 further or more detailed contents of the personal capacity controllings are to be coordinated by the budgetary governing bodies according to § 6 BHG 2013 and the Federal Chancellor Request to be made available.

(5) The merging and interpretation of the data of the personal capacity controlling at the federal level is the responsibility of the Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor.

(6) If, at the time of the preparation of the reports pursuant to § 4 (2) and (3) for the financial year, no federal financial law has been decided by the National Council and also no preliminary provision has been made by the federal law pursuant to Art. 51a (4) B-VG, so is the most recently decided staff plan to lay down the controlling reports.

Controlling of the effective personnel capacities (full employment equivalents), the binding target values according to § 44 para. 3 BHG 2013 and the personnel plan

§ 4. (1) Cross-disciplinary controlling of the full-employment equivalents effective in the use of funds, in particular in connection with the binding target values in accordance with § 44 (3) of the Federal HG 2013 and the plan office upper limits specified in the staff plan Breakdown by the Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor in the course of the preparation of the monthly, quarterly and annual reports in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3, respectively. the reports on the federal government's admission and pragmatisation policy in accordance with paragraph 5.

(2) The annual report shall be issued at the reporting date of 31 December and average staff levels of the previous calendar year, and shall be up to the end of the first year. To forward the quarter of the following year to the budgetary management bodies according to § 6 BHG 2013. Other content to be taken into account in the annual report is:


a comparison of the full-employment equivalent equivalents and the binding target values in accordance with § 44 (3) BHG,


a comparison of the full-employment equivalent equivalents and the ceilings for the current financial year per subdivision,


Fluctuation data,


the number of retirements and the average retirement age of the federal civil servants,


the number of federal employees with contractual and public-legal service; and


Personnel and pension expenses in accordance with § 6 para. 2.

(3) The monthly and quarterly reports have personnel status data on the reporting date of the 1. of the previous calendar month and shall be up to 5. for the second following month to the budgetary management bodies according to § 6 BHG 2013. Additional content to be taken into account in the monthly reports is:


a comparison of the full-employment equivalents effective in the use of funds and the binding target values in accordance with section 44 (3) of the BHG 2013,


a comparison of the full-employment equivalent equivalents and the ceiling for the current financial year per breakdown;


Personnel and pension expenses in accordance with § 6 para. 3.

In the quarterly reports, the number of retirements as well as the average retirement age of the federal civil servants are to be reported.

(4) In the course of the preparation of the quarterly reports, the budgetary management bodies according to § 6 BHG 2013 of the Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor have a well-founded prognosis at the latest by the end of the respective quarter (31 March, 30 June, 30 September). on the future human resources development in full-employment equivalents at 31 December of the current calendar year.

(5) The report on the federal government's policy of admission and pragmatisation is to be submitted by the Federal Chancellor or by the Federal Chancellor of the Federal Government every six months:


In the semi-annual report on the Federal Government's policy on admission and pragmatisation, the number of employees with the effective date of 1 June is the target values in accordance with § 44 (3) BHG 2013 at the latest by the end of the 3. Quarter of the current year.


In the Annual Report on the Federal Government's Reception and Pragmatising Policy, the number of staff members is at the end of December 31, 2013, at the latest by the end of the first year of the first year. Quarter of the following year. In case of non-submission of the target values in accordance with § 44 (3) BHG 2013, the relevant budgetary authority has to submit a justification to the Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor pursuant to § 6 BHG 2013 by 10 February of the following year at the latest, from what was the reason why it was not possible to achieve a goal.

(6) The controlling of the full-employment equivalents effective in the use of funds, in particular in connection with the binding target values in accordance with Section 44 (3) of the Federal HG of BHG 2013 and the plan office ceilings designated in the staff plan, includes the following: Reporting obligations:


Actual comparisons and


Divergence analysis.

Controlling gender distribution in the Federal Service as a contribution to the achievement of the goal of effective equality between men and women

§ 5. (1) The controlling of the gender distribution in the Federal Service is carried out, in particular, by the report to the Federal Government in relation to the objective and compliance of the parameters with regard to the proportion of women in the highest standards of employment law. Classification per household management body according to § 6 BHG 2013.

(2) The budgetary management bodies according to § 6 of the Federal Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (BHG) 2013 have all the objectives of the women's share in the highest grades according to Table F of the Staff Plan every two years (Annex IV of the Staff Plan) Federal Finance Act) in the course of the preparation of the staff plan.

(3) The report with regard to the objectives and objectives of the indicators concerning the proportion of women in the highest grades of salary per household management body is by the Federal Chancellor or by the Federal Chancellor at the latest. to the end of the second quarter of the following year of the Federal Government.

(4) In the event of failure to attain the objectives, the budgetary management body concerned shall have the Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor at the latest by the end of the first paragraph in accordance with Section 6 of the BHG 2013. To submit an explanatory statement in electronic form to the following year after exceeding the target date, for which reasons it was not possible to achieve a target.

Reporting on staff and pension expenses

§ 6. (1) The Federal Minister of Finance or the Federal Minister of Finance has to provide the Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor with data relating to the Federal Government's personnel and pension expenses by electronic means.

(2) In the annual report according to § 4 (2), the staff costs are to be charged in millions of euros with at least three decimal places and, in any case, to be presented separately: expenses for money-deductions, foreign allowances, other expenses for expenses, Remuneration for ancillary activities, other multi-services, overtime allowances, jubilee grants, rewards, money supply and performance bonuses, difficulty allowances, security allowances, employer contributions and social benefits and dopings of provisions in accordance with the Ordinance on Account Planning 2013, BGBl. II No 74/2012. In addition, the personnel costs are to be broken down by subdivision and the personnel costs for federal staff, which provide services for legal entities and their successor companies, which are outsourced from the federal budget, are to be identified separately.

(3) The personnel expenses for the monthly and quarterly reports pursuant to § 4 (3) shall in any case be to be broken down into remuneration, other additional services, as well as overtime allowances and shall be listed in millions of euros with at least three decimal places. The quarterly reports shall also provide a forecast of staff costs and pension expenses. In addition, the personnel costs are to be broken down by subdivision and the personnel costs for federal staff, which provide services for legal entities and their successor companies, which are outsourced from the federal budget, are to be identified separately.

(4) The staff and pension expenses for the annual report shall be no later than 10 February of the following financial year, and the staff and pension expenses for the monthly and quarterly reports shall be no later than 20 February. of the following month to the Federal Chancellor, or to the Federal Chancellor, by electronic means.

Transitional provisions

§ 7. The target values according to § 5 (2) are to be reported by the budgetary management bodies according to § 6 BHG 2013 of the Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor in the course of the personnel planning 2014 for the year 2017.
