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Amending The By-Laws Of The Federal Chancellor Concerning The Amendment Of The Annexes To The European Agreement On Social Security And The Additional Agreement To The Implementation Of The European Cast.

Original Language Title: Berichtigung der Kundmachung des Bundeskanzlers betreffend Änderung der Anhänge zum Europäischen Abkommen über Soziale Sicherheit und der Zusatzvereinbarung zur Durchführung des Europäischen Abk...

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30. Reaction of the Federal Chancellor concerning the corrigendum to the proclamation of the Federal Chancellor concerning the amendment of the Annexes to the European Convention on Social Security and the Additional Agreement on the implementation of the European Agreement on Social security

The manifestation in BGBl. III No 15/2013 is supplemented by the fact that the following statutory arrangements for amendments to the Annexes to the European Convention on Social Security and to the Additional Agreement on the implementation of the European Agreement on Social Security Security by the Netherlands, as set out in the note by the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe of 2 March 2007, which will be preceded by supplementary explanations already made.

In accordance with Article 81 of the Convention, the Netherlands authorities propose to adjust the provisions of Annexes II and VII to the Convention as follows:

I. In Annex II to the Convention, a new subsection g. is added, reading:

" g.  health care allowances. "

II. In Annex VII to the Convention, a new subsection F is added, reading:

" F.  Health care insurance


As regards entitlement to benefits in kind under Netherlands legislation, persons entitled to benefits in kind for the purpose of the implementation of Chapters 1 and 3 of Title III of this Convention shall mean:


persons who, under Article 2 of the Zorgverzekeringswet (Health Care Insurance Act), are obliged to take out insurance with a health care insurer, and


oned as they are not already included under point (i), persons who are resident on the territory of another Contracting Party and who, under this Convention, are entitled to health care in their State of residence, the costs being borne by the Netherlands.


The persons referred to in point a (i) must, in accordance with the provisions of the Zorgverzekeringswet (Health Care Insurance Act), take out insurance with a health care insurer, and the persons referred to in point a (ii) must register with the College voor zorgverzekeringen (Health Care Insurance Board).


For the purpose of determining entitlement to benefits pursuant to Chapters 1 and 3 of Title III of this Convention, '' members of the family '' means: a spouse, registered partner or child under the age of 18.


The provisions of the Zorgverzekeringswet (Health Care Insurance Act) and the Algemene Wet Bijzondere Ziektekosten (Exceptional Medical Expenses Act) concerning liability for the payment of contributions shall apply to the persons referred to under point a. and the members of their families. In respect of family members, the contributions shall be levied on the person from whom the right to health care is derived.


The provisions of the Zorgverzekeringswet (Health Care Insurance Act) concerning late insurance shall apply mutatis mutandis in the event of late registration with the College voor zorgverzekeringen (Health Care Insurance Board) in respect of the persons referred to in a (ii).


Persons entitled to benefits in kind by virtue of virtue of the legislation of a Contracting Party other than the Netherlands who reside in the Netherlands or stay temporarily in the Netherlands shall be entitled to benefits in child in accordance with the policy offered to insured persons in the Netherlands by the institution of the place of residence or the place of stay, taking into account Article 11 (1), (2) and (3) and Article 19 (1) of the Zorgverzekeringswet (Health Care Insurance Act), as well as to benefits in kind provided by the Algemene Wet Bijzondere Ziektekosten (Exceptional Medical Expenses Act).


For the purposes of Article 24 of this Convention, the following pensions shall be treated as pensions payable under the legal provisions mentioned in subparagraphs (b) (invalidity) and (c) (old age) of Article 2, paragraph 1, of this Convention:


pensions awarded under the Law of 6 January 1966 on pensions for civil servants and their survivors ( Algemene burgerlijke pensioenwet ) (Netherlands Civil Service Pensions Act);


pensions awarded under the Law of 6 October 1966 on pensions for military personnel and their survivors ( Algemene militaire pensioenwet ) (Military Pensions Act);


disablement benefits awarded under the Law of 7 June 1972 on measures provided on behalf of servicemen and persons regarded as such against the financial consequences of disablement ( Wet arbeidsongeschiktheidsvoorziening militairen );


pensions awarded under the Law of 15 February 1967 on pensions for employees of the Netherlands Railway Company ( NV Nederlandse Spoorwegen ) and their survivors ( Spoorwegpensioenwet ), (Railway Pensions Act);


pensions awarded under the Reglement Dienstvoorwaarden Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Regulation governing conditions of employment of the Netherlands Railway Company);


benefits awarded to retired persons before reaching the pensionable age of 65 years under a pension scheme designed to provide income for former employed persons in their old age, or benefits provided in the event of premature exit from the labour market under a scheme set up by a State or by an industrial agreement for persons aged 55 or over.


Persons residing in the Netherlands, who are entitled to benefits in kind at the expense of another Contracting Party under Chapters 1 and 3 of Title III of this Convention, are not insured under the Exceptional Medical Expenses Act.


For the purposes of Chapters 1 and 3 of Title III of this Convention, the no-claim refund provided for in the Netherlands scheme in the event of limited use of health care facilities, shall be deemed to be a sickness benefit in cash. "

In accordance with Article 92 of the Supplementary Agreement, the Netherlands authorities propose to adjust the provisions of Annexes 1 to 4 and 7 to the Supplementary Agreement as follows:

III. In Annex 1 to the Supplementary Agreement, the section '' the Netherlands '' will read as follows:

'' The Netherlands

Minister van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid (Minister of Social Affairs and Employment), The Hague. Minister van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport), the Hague. "

IV. Annex 2 to the Supplementary Agreement is amended as follows:

A. In

the section Netherlands, subsection 1. Sickness maternity, under a. "Benefits in kind", the words " the sickness insurance fund ( Ziekenfonds ) with which the person concerned is registered ", are replaced by:


for persons who, under Article 2 of the Health Care Insurance Act ( Zorgverzekeringswet) are admitted to take oute insurance with a health care insurer: the health care insurer with which the person concerned has concluded health care insurance within the meaning of the Health Care Insurance Act; or


for persons not included in the category in the previous indent who are resident abroad and who, in application of the Convention are entitled to health care in their country of residence, the costs being borne by the Netherlands:


For the registration and levying of the statutory contributions: the College voor zorgverzekeringen (Health Care Insurance Board) in Diemen;


For health care: the healthcare insurer appointed by the competent authority. "


After subsection b) a new subsection c) is added:


" health care allowances: Burdening service Toeslagen , Utrecht. "

V. In Annex 3 to the Supplementary Agreement, section Netherlands, subsection 1. "Sickness-maternity-occupational injuries and diseases" under a) Benefits in kind, subsection (i) the phrase "one of the sickness funds in the place of residence, as chosen by the person concerned" is replaced by " the healthcare insurer appointed by the competent authority ", and under (ii) the words" Algemeen Nederlands Onderling Ziekenfonds (General Mutual Sickness Fund of the Netherlands), Utrecht. "are replaced by" the health care insurer appointed by the competent authority ".

VI. In Annex 4 to the Supplementary Agreement, section Netherlands, subsection 1. "Sickness-maternity-occupational injuries and diseases", under a) benefits in kind the words " Ziekenfondsraad (Counsel of the Sickness Funds), Amsterdam "are replaced by" College voor zorgverzekeringen (Health care insurance board), Diemen "and a new subsection c) is inserted:" c) Health care allowance: Stress service Toeslagen, Utrecht ".

VII. In Annex 7 to the Supplementary Agreement, section Netherlands, under 2 the words " Ziekenfondsraad (Council of the Sickness Fund), Amstelveen "are replaced by" College voor zorgverzekeringen (Health care insurance board), Diemen ".

Conformément à l' article 81 de la Convention, les autorités néerlandaises proposent de mettre à jour les dispositions des annexes II et VII à la Convention comme suit:

I. Un nouvel alinéa g. est ajouté à l' annexe II à la Convention, se lisant:

" g. les allocations de soins de santé. "

II. Un nouvel alinéa F est ajouté à l' annexe VII à la Convention, se lisant:

" F.  Assurance de soins de santé


En ce qui concerne le droit aux prestations en nature dans la législation néerlandaise, les personnes ayant droit au prestations en nature aux fins de l' application des Chapitres 1 et 3 du Titre III de la présente Convention signifie:


les personnes qui, au titre de l' article 2 de la Zorgverzekeringswet (Loi sur l' Assurance des soins de santé), sont obligées de souscrire une assurance auprès d' un assureur de soins de santé, et al.


dans la mesure où elles ne sont pas déjà incluses dans le point (i), les personnes qui résident sur le territoire d' une autre signment contractance et qui, au titre de la présente Convention, ont droit aux soins de santé dans leur Etat de résidence, les coûts en étant supportés par les Pays-Bas.


Les personnes mentionnées au point a (i) doivent, conformément aux dispositions de la Zorgverzekeringswet (Loi sur l' Assurance des soins de santé), souscrire une assurance auprès d' un assureur de soins de santé, et les personnes mentionnées au point a (ii) doivent s' enregistrer auprès du College voor zorgverzekeringen (Conseil de l' Assurance des soins de santé).


Afin de déterminer les droits aux prestations en application des Chapitres 1 et 3 du Titre III de la présente Convention, les termes "membres de la famille" signifient: un conjoint, un partenaire enregistré ou un enfant de moins de 18 ans.


Les dispositions de la Zorgverzekeringswet (Loi sur l' Assurance des soins de santé) et de la Algemene Wet Bijzondere Ziektekosten (Loi sur les Dépenses médicales exceptionnelles) concernant la responsabilité du paiement des contributions s' appliquent aux personnes mentionnées au point a. et aux membres de leur famille. En ce qui concerne les membres de la famille, les contributions doivent provenir de la personne de laquelle découle le droit aux soins de santé.


Les dispositions de la Zorgverzekeringswet (Loi sur l' Assurance des soins de santé) concernant l' assurance tardive s' appliquent mutatis mutandis dans le cas d' un enregistrement tardif auprès du College voor zorgverzekeringen (Conseil de l' Assurance des soins de santé) à l' égard des personnes mentionnées au point a (ii).


Les personnes ayant droit aux prestations en nature en vertu de la législation d' une Partie contractante autre que les Pays-Bas, qui résident aux Pays-Bas ou séjournent temporairement aux Pays-Bas, ont droit aux prestations en nature conformément à la police offerte aux personnes assurées aux Pays-Bas par l' institution du lieu de résidence ou du lieu du séjour, en prenant en considération l' article 11 (1), (2) et (3) et l' article 19 (1) de la Zorgverzekeringswet (Loi sur l' Assurance des soins de santé), ainsi qu' aux prestations en nature fournies par la Algemene Wet Bijzondere Ziektekosten (Loi sur les Dépenses médicales exceptionnelles).


Aux fins de l' article 24 de la présente Convention, les pensions suivantes doivent être traitées comme des pensions payables au titre des dispositions légales indiquées aux alinéas (b) (invalidité) et (c) (vieillesse) de l' article 2, paragraphe 1, de la présente convention:


les pensions accordées au titre de la Loi du 6 janvier 1966 sur les pensions pour les fonctionnaires et leurs survivants ( Algemene burgerlijke pensioenwet ) (Loi sur les Pensions des fonctionnaires néerlandais);


les pensions accordées au titre de la Loi du 6 octobre 1966 sur les pensions pour le personnel militaire et leurs survivants ( Algemene militaire pensioenwet ) (Loi sur les Pensions militaires);


les prestations de handicap accordées au titre de la Loi du 7 juin 1972 sur les mesures fournies aux militaires et personnes considérées comme telles contre les conséquences financières d' un handicap ( Wet arbeidsongeschiktheidsvoorziening militairen );


les pensions accordées au titre de la Loi du 15 février 1967 sur les pensions pour les employés de la Compagnie des Chemins de Fer des Pays-Bas ( NV Nederlandse Spoorwegen ) et leurs survivants ( Spoorwegpensioenwet ), (Loi sur les Pensions des chemins de fer);


les pensions accordées au titre du Reglement Dienstvoorwaarden Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Règlement gouvernant les conditions d' emploi de la Compagnie des Chemins de Fer des Pays-Bas);


les prestations accordées aux personnes étant retraitées avant d' avoir atteint l' âge de 65 ans ouvrant droit à la pension, au titre d' un arrangement de pensions conçu pour fournir un revenu de vieillesse aux personnes ayant travaillé auparavant, ou les prestations fournies dans le cas d' une sortie prématurée du marché de l' emploi au titre d' un arrangement établi par un Etat ou un accord industriel pour les personnes âgées de 55 ans ou plus.


Les personnes résidant aux Pays-Bas, ayant droit aux prestations en nature aux frais d' une autre signment contractante au titre des Chapitres 1 et 3 du Titre III de la présente Convention, ne sont pas assurées au titre de la Loi sur les Dépenses médicales exceptionnelles.


Aux fins des Chapitres 1 et 3 du Titre III de la présente Convention, le remboursement du trop-perçu prévu par le système néerlandais dans le cas d' un usage limité des ressources en soins de santé, sera considéré comme une prestation maladie en espèces. "

Conformément à l' article 92 de l' Accord complémentaire, les autorités néerlandaises proposent de mettre à jour les dispositions des annexes 1 à 4 et 7 à l' Accord complémentaire comme suit:

III. A l' annexe 1 à l' Accord complémentaire, la section "Pays-Bas" se lira comme suit:

" Pays Bas

Minister van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid (Ministre des Affaires sociales et de l' Emploi), La Haye. Minister van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (Ministre de la Santé, des Affaires sociales et du Sport), La Haye. "

IV. L' annexe 2 à l' Accord complémentaire est amendée comme suit:


Dans la section Pays-Bas, alinéa 1. Maladie-maternité, sous a. "Prestations en nature", les termes " (Caisse de maladie) Ziekenfonds à laquelle l' intéressé est affilié " sont remplacés par:


pour les personnes qui, au titre de l' article 2 de la Loi sur l' Assurance des soins de santé ( Zorgverzekeringswet ), sont obligées de souscrire une assurance auprès d' un assureur de soins de santé: l' assureur de soins de soins de santé avec lequel l' intéressé a conclu une assurance de soins de santé au sens de la Loi sur l' Assurance des soins de santé; ou


pour les personnes ne faisant pas partie de la catégorie indiquée au paragraphe précédent, qui résident à l' étranger et qui, en application de la Convention, ont droit aux soins de santé dans leur pays de résidence, les coûts en étant supportés par les Pays-Bas:


Pour l' enregistrement et la perception des contributions statutaires: le College voor zorgverzekeringen (Conseil de l' Assurance des soins de santé) à Diemen;


Pour les soins de santé: l' assureur de soins de santé désigné par l' autorité compétente. "


Après l' alinéa b), un nouvel alinéa c) est ajouté:


" prestations de soins de santé: Burdening service Toeslagen , Utrecht. "

V. A l' annexe 3 de l' Accord complémentaire, section Pays-Bas, alinéa 1. "Maladie-maternité-accidents du travail-des caisses de maladie compétentes pour le lieu de résidence, au choix de l' intéressé" est remplacée par "l' assureur de soins de santé désigné par l' autorité compétente", et sous l' alinéa (ii), les termes " Algemeen Nederlands Onderling Ziekenfonds (Caisse mutuelle générale de maladie des Pays-Bas), Utrecht. "sont remplacés par" l' assureur de soins de santé désigné par l' autorité compétente ".

VI. A l' annexe 4 de l' Accord complémentaire, section Pays-Bas, alinéa 1. "Maladie-maternité-accidents du travail-maladies professionnelles", sous a) Prestations en nature, les termes " Ziekenfondsraad (Conseil des Caisses de maladie), Amsterdam "sont remplacés par" College voor zorgverzekeringen (Conseil de l' Assurance des soins de santé), Diemen "et un nouvel alinéa c) est inséré:" c) allocation de soins de santé Burdening service Toeslagen , Utrecht ".

VII. A l' annexe 7 de l' Accord complémentaire, section Pays-Bas, alinéa 2, les termes "Ziekenfondsraad (Conseil des Caisses de maladie), Amstelveen" sont remplacés par "College voor zorgverzekeringen (Conseil de l' Assurance des soins de santé), Diemen".


In accordance with Article 81 of the Agreement, the Dutch authorities propose to adapt the provisions of Annexes II and VII to the Agreement as follows:

I. In Annex II to the Agreement, a subsection (g) shall be added, which reads as follows:

" g. Health insurance supplement. "

II. A sub-section F shall be added to Annex VII to the Agreement, which shall read as follows:

" F. Health insurance


As regards entitlement to benefits in kind, the Netherlands legislation implementing the provisions of Chapters 1 and 3 of Title III of the Agreement shall mean:


Persons referred to in Article 2 of the Health Insurance Act (Zorgverzekeringswet) are obliged to insure themselves with a health insurance institution and


insofar as not already covered by point (i), persons residing in another Contracting State and entitled to medical care in their place of residence under this Agreement to the detriment of the Netherlands.


The persons referred to in point (a) (i) shall be subject to the Health Insurance Act (Zorgverzekeringswet) in the case of a sickness insurance institution, and the persons referred to in point (a) (ii) must be insured with the Association of Sickness Insurance Institutions (College voor Zorgverzekeringen) Enter.


For the purpose of determining entitlement to benefits under Chapters 1 and 3 of Title III of the Agreement, the term "member of the family" means the spouse, the registered partner or a child under the age of 18 years.


The provisions of the Health Insurance Act (Zorgverzekeringswet) and the General Law on Exceptional Disease Costs (Algemene Wet Bijzondere Ziektekosten) the obligation to pay contributions shall apply to the persons entitled to benefit referred to in point (a) and to their family members. In respect of the members of the family, the contributions shall be made to the person from which the health insurance claim is derived.


The provisions of the Health Insurance Act (Zorgverzekeringswet) on the late termination of an insurance policy shall apply in the event of a late registration of the persons referred to in point (a) (ii) of the Association of Health Insurance Institutions (College voor Zorgverzekeringen) .


Persons who, under the legislation of a Contracting State other than the Netherlands, are entitled to benefit and who are resident or temporarily reside in the Netherlands shall be entitled to benefits in kind, in accordance with the provisions of the its own insured insurance cover by the institution of the place of residence or of the place of stay in accordance with Article 11 (1), (2) and (3) and Article 19 (1) of the Health Insurance Act (Zorgverzekeringswet) as well as to benefits in kind under the General Law on Exceptional Sickness Costs (Algemene Wet Bijzondere Ziektekosten) .


For the purposes of applying Article 24 of this Agreement, the following benefits shall be treated as pensions due under the legislation referred to in the first subparagraph of Article 2 (1) (b) Invalidity and (c) age of this Agreement:


Pensions under the Act of 6 January 1966 on pensions for civil servants and their survivors (General civil service provision act) (Algemene burgerlijke pensioenwet) ;


Pensions in accordance with the law of 6. October 1966 on pensions for members of the armed forces and their survivors (General Soldatenpensions Act) (Algemene Militaire Pensioenwet) ;


Benefits in the event of incapacity for work under the Act of 7 June 1972 on benefits in the event of incapacity for work for members of the armed forces (Law on the provision of soldiers in the event of incapacity for work) (Wet Arbeidsongeschiktheidsvoorziening Militairen) ;


Pensions under the Law of 15 February 1967 on pensions for staff of the Dutch Railways (NV Nederlandse Spoorwegen) and their survivors (Railways Supply Act) (Spoorwegpensioenwet);


Pension benefits under the conditions of working conditions of Dutch railways (Rule of Service voorwaarden Nederlandse Spoorwegen) ;


Benefits due to retirement before the completion of the 65. Life-year as a result of a retirement scheme aimed at the supply of old-age workers, or benefits for early retirement from the labour market as a result of a state or collective agreement on the persons of at least 55 years;


Persons who are resident in the Netherlands and who are entitled to benefits in kind at the expense of another Contracting State pursuant to Chapters 1 and 3 of Title III of this Agreement shall not be insured under the General Law on exceptional Disease cost.


For the purposes of implementing the provisions of Chapters 1 and 3 of Title III of this Agreement, the refund provided for in the Netherlands legislation in the event of a minor use of healthcare shall be deemed to be a cash benefit. '

In accordance with Article 92 of the Additional Agreement, the Dutch authorities propose to adapt the provisions of Annexes 1 to 4 and 7 to the additional agreement as follows:

III. In Annex 1 to the additional agreement, the "Netherlands" section shall read as follows:

" Netherlands

Minister van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid (Minister for Social Affairs and Employment), The Hague. Minister van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (Minister for Health, Welfare and Sport), The Hague. ".

IV. Annex 2 to the additional agreement shall be amended as follows:


In the section "The Netherlands", subsection 1 " Sickness, maternity " under a. "benefits in kind" shall be the terms " Ziekenfonds (sickness insurance fund) in which the person concerned is insured ", replaced by:


for persons referred to in Article 2 of the Health Insurance Act (Zorgverzekeringswet) in the case of a health insurance institution are subject to insurance: the health insurance institution in which the person concerned has completed health insurance within the meaning of the Health Insurance Act; or


for persons who are not covered by the category of the previous indent and who reside abroad and who, under the Agreement, are entitled to medical care in their home state at the expense of the Netherlands:


For the collection and collection of statutory contributions: College voor Zorgverzekeringen (Association of Health Insurance Institutions), Diemen;


For medical care: the health insurance institution authorised to do so by the competent authority. ".


A new sub-section (c) is inserted after subsection (b):


" Health insurance allowance: Burdening service Toeslagen (Tax Office Allowances), Utrecht. ".

V. In Annex 3 to the Additional Agreement, Section "The Netherlands", Subsection 1 "Sickness, maternity, industrial accidents, occupational diseases", subsection (a) "benefits in kind", subsection (i): the phrase " for the free choice of the person concerned one of the health insurance companies responsible for the place of residence "shall be replaced by" the sickness insurance institution authorized by the competent authority ", and under (ii) the text" Algemeen Nederlands Onderling Ziekenfonds (General Dutch health insurance scheme), Utrecht; 'shall be replaced by' the sickness insurance institution empowered by the competent authority ';

VI. In Annex 4 to the Additional Agreement, Section "The Netherlands", Subsection 1 "Sickness, maternity, industrial accidents and occupational diseases", under (a) "benefits in kind" shall be the text " Ziekenfondraad (Sickness Fund Council), Amsterdam; 'replaced by' College voor Zorgverzekeringen (Association of Health Insurance Institutions), Diemen; 'and a new subsection c) shall be inserted:' c) Health insurance allowance: Burdening service Toeslagen (Tax Office Allowances), Utrecht. ".

VII. In Annex 7 to the Additional Agreement, Section "The Netherlands", under 2, the text " Ziekenfondsraad (Sickness Insurance Council), Amstelveen "replaced by" College voor Zorgverzekeringen (Association of Health Insurance Institutions), Diemen. ".
