Key Benefits:
93. Ordination of the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management on the Women's Development Plan of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (FrauenförderPlan BMLFUW 2013)
Due to § 11a of the Federal Equal Treatment Act (B-GlBG), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). N ° 100/1993, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 6/2011, shall be arranged:
§ 1. The Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management is committed to an active equality policy in order to ensure equal opportunities for women and men. The objectives of the implementation of the women's support plan are as follows:
1. |
Support for measures to promote women by all employees, in particular by managers; |
2. |
The integration of women's promotion into human resources planning and development; |
3. |
The promotion of a positive attitude towards women's professional activities among all employees at all levels of the hierarchy; |
4. |
The promotion and strengthening of the professional identity of women and the promotion of recognition at all levels of the hierarchy, that women make decisions as equal and equal partners in the professional world, influence and Assume responsibility; |
5. |
The reduction of the disadvantages of women, which are defined by existing socio-political conditions and which have an impact on working life; |
6. |
Ensuring the reconciliation of work and family life; |
7. |
The increase in the proportion of women according to the provisions of § § 11 ff B-GlBG in the use and pay groups in which women are under-represented (see annex). The urgency of the advancement of women is determined by the extent of the under-representation. In any case, an already achieved quota of women is to be respected; |
8. |
The equal participation of women in decision-making and advisory bodies in proportion to their share in employment; |
9. |
The increase in the number of women in management positions according to the mandatory requirements of § 19; |
10. |
The promotion of acceptance for the use of Väterkarenz and/or Part-time work on the basis of child-care obligations by men. |
Measures to achieve objectives
§ 2. The implementation of the Women's Development Plan will, in particular, pursue the following measures:
1. |
Measures to promote women, such as mentoring programmes for women, should be integrated into the system of human resources planning and human resources development; |
2. |
The representatives of the service provider, in particular the departments responsible for personnel agendas, as well as the managers of the department, have to contribute to the measures to be taken, to participate in the preparation of these measures and thus to participate in the development of the Take over the role of role model; |
3. |
Within the framework of the employees ' discussions, it is the responsibility of managers to actively support women in the development of their careers; |
4. |
It is necessary to raise awareness of the implementation of measures to promote women through accompanying measures (e.g. training). |
5. |
The strategy of gender mainstreaming (the equality of women and men in all political and social concerns) and gender budgeting is enshrined as a continuous principle in all activities of the BMLFUW. |
Protection of human dignity at work
§ 3. (1) The dignity of women and men in the workplace must be protected. Manners, behaviors. Representations and publications of all kinds and statements that violate the dignity of the people, including sexual harassment and bullying, are to be subdued and must not be tolerated by superiors. The service provider shall take appropriate measures to raise awareness.
(2) The employees are the legal and other means of combating discrimination in the sense of the B-GlBG, bullying and sexual harassment in the workplace, above all also on the occasion of a To inform employees and staff.
(3) It is necessary to respect a working atmosphere, which is carried out by mutual respect.
(4) In application interviews, women discriminating against women (such as family planning). In assessing the suitability of applicants, it is not allowed to use application criteria based on a discriminatory, role-stereotypical understanding of the sexes.
Linguistic equality
§ 4. (1) In order to promote the principle of equal treatment, names of persons are to be used in all internal and external documents and publications of the BMLFUW in a gender-fair form and are unobjective differentiations between women and avoid men.
(2) All designations in question, as well as all official titles and designations of use of women, shall be used in the female form, in so far as it is linguistically possible to do so.
(3) In the context of the current and future use of EDP software, consideration should be given to gender-appropriate language use.
Information of the employees
§ 5. (1) All employees, including new members of staff, shall be notified in an appropriate manner by the service provider of the women's promotion plan. Access to this information as well as to the report according to § § 12 and 12a B-GlBG shall be provided in each service.
(2) All staff members shall be informed of the function and duties of the Equal Treatment Officer.
(3) An intranetlink shall be made available by the service provider.
(4) All employees must participate in information sessions of the equal treatment officers or individual contact with the responsible equal treatment officer within the service period. .
(5) In the relevant publications of the portfolio, in particular in internal newspapers and digital media, questions of equal treatment should be given in accordance with space.
(6) In the business and personnel divisions is a contact person for women and/or persons. Issues relevant to parental rights (e.g. B. Part-time, Karenz, etc. , and to issue relevant and relevant legal and related issues.
Information rights of the Working Party on Equal Treatment
§ 6. (1) The Working Party on Equal Treatment Questions shall provide the following information from the service provider:
1. |
The educational report, which shows the proportion of women in the respective educational measures and the number of days of schooling, separated by gender; |
2. |
The rate of women among all staff members in accordance with the provisions of Section 11a B-GlBG, at a distance of two years from 31 December; |
3. |
If the increase in the quota of women as defined by this Regulation is not achieved in one case, in accordance with § 19, this shall be justified in writing by the Head of Service or by the Head of Service. The planned measures to achieve the goal of the women's funding plan are to be set out in the Working Group on Equal Treatment Issues; |
4. |
Information on planned organisational changes; |
5. |
Information on planned new appointments of permanent commissions; |
6. |
The responsible personnel responsible have written to the Federal Equal Treatment Commission and the Working Group on Equal Treatment Questions in writing about the measures of the Federal Equal Treatment Commission set up under the opinion of the Federal Equal Treatment Commission. to report. |
(2) Prior to the occupation of all functions of the central management by the service manager or the head of service, the chairman of the Working Group on Equal Treatment Questions, in the subordinated areas, shall be appointed. the person responsible for equal treatment, the following information (documents), with the possibility of providing an opinion in writing, with the possibility of:
1. |
the tender; |
2. |
the composition of the review board. |
(3) The current state of implementation of the measures referred to in the Women's Development Plan shall, at the request of the Working Party on Equal Treatment Questions, provide the employer with a half-yearly Jour fixe.
Working Group on Equal Treatment
§ 7. (1) The equal treatment officers shall be provided with the personnel and material resources necessary for the performance of their functions (§ § 30, 31 B-GlBG) and the working time necessary for the performance of their duties. In order to fulfil its duties, the Working Party on Equal Treatment Questions shall be provided with the necessary financial resources.
(2) The members of the working group shall be taken into account in the division of business and personnel.
(3) The equal treatment officer and the women's representative is the participation in training events, in particular on issues such as equal treatment and promotion of women, service, budget and organisational law, as well as rhetoric and negotiation technology beyond the usual extent to the extent to which the service requirements are permitted.
(4) The activities of equal treatment officers and women's representatives are part of their official duties. The service provider shall take particular care in this area of the administration for all service provisions. Because of the activity as an equal treatment officer (r), there must be no discrimination against any kind of professional disadvantage.
(5) Travel movements in the performance of the function as equal treatment officer (s) and women's representative as well as, in particular, participation in meetings and submissions to the Federal Equal Treatment Commission shall be deemed to be a business trip within the meaning of Federal travel fee in the current version, which is to be assigned to the cost center of the Working Group on Equal Treatment Questions.
(6) At least 60% of the Working Party on Equal Treatment shall be women.
Education and training
§ 8. (1) In the educational concept of the resort, provision should be made for a special chapter for women-specific events.
(2) Training courses, in particular those which qualify for acquisition in higher-quality uses and functions, must, until the achievement of the women's quota specified in § § 11 ff B-GlBG, primarily be allowed to women. This also applies to initial and continuing training courses with limited participation.
(3) The persons responsible for education shall draw the attention of the employees to appropriate internal and external training events. It should be noted that applications for women are particularly welcome.
(4) The participation in education and training events is also to be made possible for employees who are part-time. Furthermore, it is necessary to take care of a family-friendly organisation in the planning of training seminars. Part-time workers participating in training events shall be subject to the obligation to pay the hours worked there, which exceed their normal weekly service period, within the framework of the applicable statutory regulation.
(5) Female staff members shall be allowed to participate in events referred to in paragraph 1 above the time scale provided for in the training place, provided that they permit the service requirements.
(6) In the preparation of the annual internal education manual and programme, the agreement with the equal treatment officers shall be established in respect of the chapter referred to in paragraph 1.
(7) The competent staff/training department shall be informed of the number of male and female participants in internal and external training events, on request, on the number of male and female participants in the relevant equality bodies.
(8) The service provider must ensure that personnel managers and all staff members exercise the statutory role of the B-GlBG, the related issues of the promotion of women and equal treatment, as well as the ressortspecific Women's promotion plan is informed. In the course of their training, managers are particularly aware of their obligation to promote women and to draw attention to the ressortspecific women's promotion plan and the contents of the B-GlBG.
(9) The provision of training courses for managers and managers has also to cover the issues of "women's discrimination", "bullying" and "equal treatment".
Special measures for the users of the use/remuneration groups C/c and D/d or A3/v3 and A4/v4
§ 9. (1) Courses for use/pay groups C/c and D/d, respectively, are to be increased. A3/v3 and A4/v4, the basic qualifications, such as B. Communication, language skills and teamwork.
(2) The increase in the job satisfaction of the staff referred to in paragraph 1 shall be increased by the following measures on the part of the service provider or The target group is:
1. |
intensification of knowledge and information on work processes and content; |
2. |
Co-design of ergonomic workplaces and participation in the design of the working environment and the work processes; |
3. |
To facilitate working conditions and work processes through improved internal organisation and information on staff rights and obligations. |
Promotion of career advancement-junior managers
§ 10. (1) Promotion of women has to be carried out at all organisational levels.
(2) In addition to the task and goal agreement, the employees ' side of the executive staff is also to discuss the professional development of the staff members. In particular, a plan for the further development of professional and personal competence is to be drawn up with the respective female staff members and the person responsible for education is to be announced.
(3) In view of the development of a ressortinternal junior management programme, the managers-irrespective of the occupation of specific management positions-report appropriate junior managers to the service provider, with particular reference to: Eligible women should be taken into account. Based on this, the service provider develops a junior management pool.
(4) The participation of female (including part-time) staff in management telephones is to be encouraged. The participation of interested women in mentoring programmes for personal and professional development is to be promoted at all levels.
(5) The skills and qualifications acquired in a Karenz according to the Maternity Protection Act or the Väterkarenzgesetz (e.g. B. social competence) should be appropriately paid in the course of career planning. Professional interruptions of women and men must not be a disadvantage for those affected.
(6) § 11 of this Regulation shall apply mutatily to the occupation of alternates.
(7) In the absence of an application by women for a management function, appropriate measures must be taken by the service authority in order to qualify and motivate women in the context of succession planning for the assumption of leadership responsibility.
(8) The objectives and contents of the Federal Equal Treatment Act and the Ordinary of the Internal Women's Promotion Plan are informed in the course of leadership telephones.
(9) Participation in individual supervision as well as coaching by the employer is offered for women in management positions, equal treatment officers and women's representatives as well as women in professional problem situations.
Occupation of posts
§ 11. For all functions, applicants who are equally suitable as the best-suited competitor should, in any case, order as long as the proportion of women in the total number of employees permanently employed in the area of action of the respective service authority according to § § 11 ff B-GlBG is reached.
§ 12. (1) Tendering texts shall be drawn up in a female and male form and shall not contain any additional observations which may be made to indicate a particular gender.
(2) Tendering texts have to contain the indication that the service authority (office) seeks to increase the proportion of women and therefore explicitly calls for qualified women to apply and women with equal qualifications according to § 5 Paragraph 2b of the Law on Tendering for 1989, BGBl. No 85/1989 in the current version (50%).
(3) In the case of the call for tenders of a function, it is necessary to check whether this function can also be carried out with a reduced weekly service time (partial employment). An indication should be included in the call for tenders.
(4) Requirement profiles for functions need to be clearly defined to correspond to the actual requirements of the function and should be formulated in such a way that women are not disadvantaged either directly or indirectly.
Selection procedure
§ 13. (1) The selection decision shall not discriminate against the following criteria in particular:
1. |
existing or prior interruption of employment; |
2. |
existing or former part-time work, |
3. |
Age and age |
4. |
Family stand. |
(2) The existence of a pregnancy must not be grounds for refusal of inclusion in the service relationship.
(3) Criteria catalogues for interviews must be drawn up in such a way that they do not discriminate against women either directly or indirectly.
(4) In order to assess leadership qualities, social competence should also be used as a criterion.
(5) The skills and qualifications acquired in a Karenz are to be appropriately appreciated.
Measures to promote the reconciliation of work and family life
§ 14. (1) For persons with care obligations, individual regulations of their working time and their division of work are to be sought within the scope of the legal possibilities.
(1a) All staff, in particular men, shall be informed by the Human Resources Department of all models of flexible working time arrangements relating to parenthood and the legal capacity to use them of karating holidays, paternal or part-time work, etc.
(2) In the case of the setting of meeting times, the working time of part-time workers is possible, if possible. Staff with supervision duties shall be taken into account. Meetings shall be
1. |
to set within normal working hours, |
2. |
planning in the long term and |
3. |
to inform the staff member concerned in good time. |
(3) In view of the reconciliation of work and family life, it is important to consider that training opportunities are offered within the normal working hours. From or Further training events are to be held in the vicinity of the office. If necessary, the need for childcare needs to be taken into account.
(4) In the case of the arrangement of overtime or additional work, consideration should be given to the time requirements which arise from care obligations.
(5) Personnel planning and development should take into account the possibility of a family break in the career planning of both sexes.
(6) In the case of all employees, the acceptance of the use of paternal carence and part-time work on the basis of child-care obligations by men must be promoted.
(7) Flexible, innovative forms of work, such as B. Telework, priority should be given to persons with care obligations.
§ 15. (1) The employer shall allow the intended part-time work to be carried out, insofar as this is possible with the maintenance of an orderly service. Part-time employment is to be made possible in all areas of work and at all qualification levels, in particular by promoting teamwork and project responsibility.
(2) The employer creates the organisational conditions that lead positions are also accessible to part-time employees. In principle, part-time employment has no reason to be a management responsibility.
(3) The use of part-time employment shall not result in any discrimination for staff members; in particular, the employer must point out that the reduction in working time may be fixed on a fixed-term basis and thus: a return to normal working hours is guaranteed.
Childcare facilities
§ 16. The creation of Cooperation possibilities with childcare facilities close to the services are to be checked by a needs survey by the employer and the information available to the staff.
§ 17. (1) The Human Resources Department has the respective staff who have reported the occurrence of a pregnancy about their rights and opportunities concerning maternity protection, caring leave and/or Information on the exchange of cares, re-entry and possible flexible working time models.
(2) The information can also be provided by means of information sheet or any brochures on this subject.
(3) In particular, reference should be made to the use and participation of the child's grandfather in the carence.
(4) Not later than three months before the re-entry, the carded staff member shall be informed about the future use by the supervisor (s) or the supervisor (s). to be informed by the Human Resources Department.
(5) In the event that a return to the previous workplace is not possible, a friendly solution for future use between the staff member, the superiors and the superiors shall be a solution in accordance with the requirements of the service. Human Resources Department.
(6) The respective education programme shall be transmitted annually to the Carenzeans. Above and beyond that ex-or internal training events are to be informed separately and in a timely way.
(7) It is possible for Karenzierte to have the possibility of having to be noted before the end of the grace period for further training events with the persons responsible for education.
(8) In particular, in the last three months prior to the re-entry, the flow of information to the Karenzered by transmission of up-to-date information relating to the workplace, or Documents to be maintained on the part of the respective departmental head, provided that the carded person requires this.
(9) The department head shall be given the opportunity to participate in departmental meetings three months before the re-entry of the department.
(10) The Karenzered are also to be invited to internal events of the resort such as company outings and Christmas parties.
(11) Immediately after the re-entry, special seminars for rapid reintegration, such as: B. EDP training and information on current projects in the workplace.
(12) The specific needs for training and information on a case-by-case basis shall be in consultation with the service provider or the service provider. To collect those responsible for education.
(13) Re-entrants and returnees are to be admitted as a priority to advanced training seminars.
(14) A sliding re-entry is also to be made possible in qualified areas. This has to be proven to lead to an employee interview.
Commissions and Advisory Councils-Composition
§ 18. (1) In the case of the composition of commissions according to § 10 B-GlBG, the women's promotion bid must be taken into account.
(2) For the purpose of ordering the commissions provided for in the rules of service, consideration should be given to the numerical relationship between the female and male service providers.
(3) In the case of the persons to be ordered by the service provider, women shall be appointed in the number corresponding to the numerical ratio of the male and female service takers.
(4) The Chairman of the Working Party on Equal Treatment Questions or a staff member of the Working Party shall have the right to participate in the meetings of the Commissions or the Senate concerned with a consultative vote. This includes, in particular, the right to take the floor, to submit applications and questions, to participate in an advisory role, and to take account of the documents and documents, respectively. documentation in this regard.
(5) Inrespect of the provisions of § 10 B-GlBG is in the composition of commissions and advisory boards other than those provided for in the rules of service, such as in particular working groups, project groups, delegations, podiums, decision-making bodies. in the course of restructuring or comparable decision-making or advisory bodies, to ensure that the service provider has a gender balance. In particular, women are also to be ordered as chairmen. In any case, a member of the Working Group on Equal Treatment Questions is to be ordered.
Secondary activity
§ 18a. In the case of the transfer of secondary activities, which are perceived by employees, a gender-specific balance must be carried out in the case of an equivalent qualification.
Mandatory preferences
§ 19. (1) In accordance with Section 11a (3) B-GlBG, the increase in the proportion of women in accordance with the applicable personnel reception regulations of the Federal Government must be achieved by the following guidelines:
1. |
The proportion of women as at 31 December 2012 must not be undershot. |
2. |
The proportion of women is to be increased as follows: |
(2) A written evaluation of the implementation and impact of the measures for the promotion of women is to be submitted by the employer of the Working Group on Equal Treatment by 1 August of each year at the latest, beginning on 1 August 2013.
(3) In the event of non-compliance with the binding requirements, the evaluation shall be accompanied by a written statement of reasons as well as specific information on the achievement of the requirements.
(4) This report shall be published in an appropriate manner (Intranet, Focus).
(5) The implementation of the measures referred to in this Regulation shall be one of the duties of the competent organ walters.
(6) The internal audit has to include compliance with the B-GlBG and the regulation in its audit report.
Entry into force and external force
§ 20. With the entry into force of this Regulation, the Regulation of the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management shall enter into force on the women's promotion plan BMLFUW, BGBl. II No 110/2011, except for force.