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Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeits Adjustment Act Federal Ministry For Labour, Social Affairs And Consumer Protection

Original Language Title: Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeits-Anpassungsgesetz – Bundesministerium für Arbeit, Soziales und Konsumentenschutz

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71. Federal Law, with which the Disabled Persons Act, the Federal Disabled Persons Act, the War sacrificial Supply Act 1957, the Sacrifice Welfare Act, the Heeresver-sorgungsgesetz, the Vaccine Damage Act, the Crime Law, the Federal Care Money Act, the Unemployment Insurance Act 1977, the Labour Market Service Act, the Labour Market Promotion Act, the IEF-Service-GmbH-Gesetz, the Workplace-Backup Act 1991, the Labour Law, the Labor Time Act, the Children's and Young People's Employment Act 1987, which Land employment law 1984, the maternity protection law 1979, the construction workers 'leave and departure law, the Equal Treatment Act, the Labour Constitution Act, the Labour Contract Law Adaptation Act, the Workers' Protection Act, the Labour Inspection Act 1993 and the Product Safety Act 2004 are amended and the Federal Employment Commissions Act is repealed (Administrative Court Adaptation Act-Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection)

The National Council has decided:

table of contents

Art. Subject matter


Amendment of the Disabled Persons Act


Amendment of the Federal Disabled


Amendment of the War sacrificial Supply Act 1957


Amendment of the Victim Welfare Act


Amendment of the Army Supply Act


Amendment of the Vaccine Bill


Amendment of the Crime Rights Act


Amendment of the Federal Nursing Money Act


Repeal of the Federal Employment Commissions Act


Amendment of the 1977 Unemployment Insurance Act


Amendment of the Labour Market Service Act


Amendment of the Labour Market Promotion Act


Amendment of the IEF-Service-GmbH-Act


Amendment of the Workplace-Safety Act 1991


Amendment of the Labour Code Act


Amendment of the Working Time Act


Amendment of the Children's and Young People's Employment Act 1987


Amendment of the Land Labour Act 1984


Amendment of the Maternity Protection Act 1979


Modification of the construction worker-Holiday and Abortion Act


Amendment of the Equal Treatment Act


Amendment of the Labour Constitution Act


Amendment of the Working Contract Law Adaptation Act


Amendment of the Employees ' Protection Act


Amendment of the Labour Inspectorate Act 1993


Amendment of the Product Safety Act 2004

Article 1

Amendment of the Disabled Persons Act

The disability employment law, BGBl. N ° 22/1970, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 51/2012, shall be amended as follows:

1. The title of § 7k reads as follows:

"Assertion of claims in the ordinary courts"

2. In § 7m (1), the word order shall be "in court" through the phrase "in the ordinary courts" replaced.

§ § 13a to 13g shall be deleted.

4. In § 14 (8) the word order is deleted "or in the appeal proceedings of a summons of the Federal Appointment Commission or the Appellate Commission (§ 13a)" .

5. The title of § 19 reads as follows:

"Procedure and administrative jurisdiction"

6. § 19 Paragraph 1 is:

" (1) The appeal period for proceedings pursuant to § § 8, 9, 9a and 14 (2) shall be different from the provisions of the Administrative Court Procedure Act, BGBl. I No 33/2013, six weeks. "

7. § 19a reads:

" § 19a. (1) In the event of proceedings pursuant to section 19 (2), which are not subject to an investigation procedure


on the basis of stored data or


on the basis of social security institutions or other institutions, data transmitted on machine-usable data carriers

in the case of computerized data processing, the authority which issued the communication may be notified in writing within two weeks of the date of notification of the date of the decision. After examining the legal and legal situation, the Authority has to decide on the matter again. The presentation will have suspensive effect. The appeal to the Federal Administrative Court can only be raised after a decision has been taken on the performance.

(2) The compensation fund (§ 10 para. 1) shall be subject to party positions in the appeal proceedings via compensation boxes or premiums. "

8. According to § 19a, the following § 19b is inserted:

" § 19b. (1) In proceedings concerning complaints in cases in the affairs of § § 8, 9, 9a and 14 para. 2, the Federal Administrative Court shall decide by the Senate.

(2) In the case of senate decisions in dismissal proceedings (§ 8), two representatives of the employers, a representative or a representative of the employees and a representative or representative of the representation of interests of the people with Disability to be involved as expert lay judges or lay judges.

(3) The representatives of the employers shall be sent from the Austrian Chamber of Commerce in the case of senate decisions pursuant to Section 2 of the Austrian Economic Chamber. The representative or representative of the employees shall be sent by the Federal Chamber of Labour. The association referred to in Section 10 (1) Z 6 of the Federal Disabled Persons Act shall send the representative or representative of the representative of the interests of the people with a disability. With regard to the distribution of the nomination right to similar associations, Section 10 (2) of the Federal Disabled Law is to be applied. For each representative and each representative, the required number of replacement members must be sent.

(4) In the case of senate decisions in proceedings in accordance with § § 9 and 9a, a representative of the employer and of the employees shall have to participate as expert lay judges or lay judges.

(5) The representative or the representative of the employer shall be sent from the Austrian Chamber of Commerce in the case of senate decisions pursuant to Section 4 of the Directive. The representative or representative of the employees shall be sent by the Federal Chamber of Labour. For each representative and each representative, the required number of replacement members must be sent.

(6) In the case of senate decisions in proceedings pursuant to § 14 para. 2, a representative or a representative of the advocacy of the interests of the people with disabilities shall have to participate as an expert lay judge or professional lay judge. Third and fourth sentences are to be applied. For the representative or the representative, the required number of replacement members must be sent.

(7) The competent amateur judges (substitute members) in the procedures referred to in paragraphs 2, 4 and 6 shall have the necessary qualifications (in particular technical studies in the area of social and labour law) for the respective agendas. "

Article 22 (4) reads and the following paragraph 4a is inserted after paragraph 4:

" (4) The Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection and the Federal Office of Social Affairs and the Disabled are to the extent to the use of personal data in the sense of the 2000 Data Protection Act, BGBl. I n ° 165/1999, concerning service providers, including their employees, beneficiaries (sections 2 and 5 (3)), grant-holders (§ 10a), integrative enterprises (§ 11) and training facilities (§ 11a), as this is to the satisfaction of the (§ § 1, 6, 7k, 7l, 7m, 7n, 8, 8a, 9, 9a, 10, 10a, 11, 11a, 12, 14, 15, 17, 17a, 18 and 26) is an essential requirement. Data relating to a disability within the meaning of Z 3 may be provided by the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection and the Federal Office of Social Affairs and the Disabled only for the purposes of determining the degree of disability. (§ § § 7k, 7l, 7m, 7n), consent to dismissal (§ 8) as well as the granting of support measures and support measures (§ § 6, 10a, 11, 11a and 15) will be processed. For the purposes of the matters relating to the verification of employment obligations (§ § 1, 9, 9a, 16 to 18), the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection and the Federal Office for Social Affairs and the Disabled may use the data in the sense of the Z 3 concerning membership of the circle of beneficiaries of the handicapped. Obligations arising from other legislation shall remain unaffected.

The following types of data are:


Master data of the beneficiaries, including applicants (§ § 2 and 5 (3)) and promotional advertising material (§ 10a):


Names (first names, surnames),


Social security number and date of birth,




Nationality, residence and work rights,


Address of residence or place of residence,


telephone and fax number,


Email address,


bank account and account number,


Data on economic and social conditions:


Family status (including living community),


Dependent family members,


Education, employment and status of the person (employed, unemployed, pensioner, in school or vocational training, self-insured, membership of the beneficiary disabled person, holder of an official certificate or certificate of proof),


Income (own income, partner income, household income),


Data relating to a disability:


functional limitations,


Degree of disability,


Data on care courses:


Data and information on procedures in accordance with § § 7k, 7l, 7m and 8,


the nature, content, duration and amount of the support and support measures provided,


Employer's master data:


names, company names and operating names,


company headquarters and registered office as well as the place of jurisdiction,


Operating Size,


Industry membership,


Social security data, information on status, number, structure and master data (Z 1 lit. (a) and (b) persons employed, including disabled persons with disabilities,


business owners and responsible members of the management,




the service account number and company measures,


telephone and fax number,


Email address,


bank account and account number,


Data on mandatory posts:


Total number, height of the compensation boxes,


mandatory places,


mandatory posts,


Working time (situation and extent),



(4a) Data applications for the provision of the tasks referred to in paragraph 4 shall ensure data protection and data security. In particular, data protection measures corresponding to the state of the art are to be taken in accordance with Section 14 of the Data Protection Act 2000. The data security measures taken shall be documented. "

10. The following sentence shall be added to § 23:

"The waiver shall also apply in proceedings before the Federal Administrative Court, the Administrative Court and the Constitutional Court."

11. The following paragraph 16 shall be added to section 25 (15):

" (16) The title of § 7k, § 7m (1), § 14 (8), the title of § 19, § 19 (1), § 19a, § 19b, § 22 (4) and (4a) as well as § 23 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 71/2013 are due to 1. January 2014 in force; at the same time, § § 13a to 13g are repeal. "

Article 2

Amendment of the Federal Disabled

The federal disability law, BGBl. No 283/1990, as last amended by BGBl. I No 51/2012, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 45 (3) to (6) are:

" (3) The decision of the Federal Administrative Court shall be made by the Senate in proceedings for the issue of a disability passport, on the acceptance of additional entry or on the assessment of the degree of disability.

(4) In the case of senate decisions in proceedings pursuant to paragraph 3, a representative or a representative of the advocacy of the interests of the people with disabilities shall be involved as an expert lay judge or professional lay judge. The competent amateur judges (substitute members) have the necessary qualifications (in particular in the field of social law) for the respective agendas.

(5) The association referred to in § 10 (1) Z 6 of the Federal Disabled Persons Act shall send the representative or representative of the advocacy of the interests of persons with disabilities. With regard to the distribution of the nomination right to similar associations, Section 10 (2) of the Federal Disabled Law is to be applied. For each representative and each representative, the required number of replacement members must be sent.

(6) Travel expenses that are caused by a disabled person by means of a procedure for the issue of a disability passport issued by the Federal Social Office shall be subject to the provisions of Section 49 of the War Victims Supply Act 1957 to replace the volume specified in 1957. The replacement of the travel expenses shall not be required if the journey distance (km of road) between the place of residence and the location of the examination does not exceed 50 km (simple route). "

§ 46 reads as follows:

" § 46. The notice of appeal is different from the provisions of the Administrative Court Procedure Act, BGBl. I No 33/2013, six weeks. "

3. The following sentence shall be added to § 51:

"The waiver shall also apply in proceedings before the Federal Administrative Court, the Administrative Court and the Constitutional Court."

4. § 52 (2) reads:

" (2) The institutions of the Social Security are obliged to participate in the investigation procedures within the meaning of this Federal Law at the request of the Federal Office for Social Affairs and Disability. In the context of this obligation to act, they shall have the necessary data for the purposes set out below in the sense of the Data Protection Act 2000, BGBl. I n ° 165/1999, concerning the general interest of the applicant, the insurance number, the reduction of the disability/degree of disability, health damage and the nature and amount of cash benefits to the Federal Office for Social Affairs and the Disabled for the purpose of: the granting of grants from the Support Fund for persons with disabilities, the issuance of a disability passport, promotional, advisory and support measures or the granting of a fare reduction. "

5. The following paragraphs 3 and 3a are added to Article 53 (2):

" (3) The Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection and the Federal Office for Social Affairs and the Disabled are authorized to use personal data in the sense of the Data Protection Act 2000 insofar as this is intended to fulfil the requirements of the German Data Protection Act. by law, for the purpose of granting benefits from the Support Fund for persons with disabilities, the issue of a disability passport, the granting of a reduction in the fare or the enforcement of such a passport, Federal law is an essential condition. Data relating to a disability within the meaning of Z 3 may be obtained from the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection and the Federal Office for Social Affairs and the Disabled only for the purposes of the matters relating to the granting of benefits from the Support funds for persons with disabilities, the exhibition of a disability passport, the granting of a fare reduction or the support, advice and support measures are processed. Obligations arising from other legislation shall remain unaffected.

The following types of data are:


Master data of persons with disabilities, including applicants (§ § 40 et seq.), advising persons with disabilities (§ § 14, 17) and promotional advertising material (§ 22):


Names (first names, surnames),


Social security number and date of birth,




Nationality, residence and work rights,


Address of residence or place of residence,


telephone and fax number,


Email address,


bank account and account number,


Data on economic and social conditions:


Family status (including living community),


Dependent family members,


Education, employment and status of the person (employed, unemployed, pensioner, in school or vocational training, self-insured, membership of the beneficiary disabled person, holder of an official certificate or certificate of proof),


Income (own income, partner income, household income),


the nature, content, duration and amount of the support and support measures provided,


Data of a disability:


functional limitations,


Degree of disability.

(3a) Data applications for the concern of the tasks referred to in paragraph 3 shall ensure data protection and data security. In particular, data protection measures corresponding to the state of the art are to be taken in accordance with Section 14 of the Data Protection Act 2000. The data security measures taken shall be documented. "

6. The following paragraph 15 is added to Section 54 (14):

" (15) § § 45 (3) to (6), § 46, § 51, § 52 (2) and § 53 (3) and (3a) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl (Federal Law Gazette). I n ° 71/2013 are due to 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "

Article 3

Amendment of the War sacrificial Supply Act 1957

The War Sacrifice Supply Act 1957, BGBl. No 152/1957, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 96/2012, shall be amended as follows:

Section 64 (2) reads as follows:

" (2) All official acts, submissions, attainments and other documents relating to legal transactions, as well as certificates in matters relating to the implementation of the provision of the victims of war, including the care measures, to the extent that these shall be carried out with the provision of the victims of the war victims The authorities responsible are subject to fees and administrative charges regulated by the federal law, with the exception of judicial and judicial administrative charges in accordance with the Court Fees Act, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No. 501/1984. The waiver shall also apply in proceedings before the Federal Administrative Court, the Administrative Court and the Constitutional Court. "

Section 76 (1) reads as follows:

" (1) If special hardships arise from the provisions of this Federal Law, the Federal Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection may, in agreement with the Federal Minister for Finance, on request or on his behalf, compensate for . A complaint can be made to the Federal Administrative Court against a humble decision by the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection. "

2a. § 76 (3) reads:

"(3) The German Federal Administrative Court has the right to complain to the Federal Administrative Court against the German Federal Office for Social Affairs and Disability Act (Bundesamt für Soziales und handicapped wesen), which is adopted pursuant to paragraph 2."

§ 78 reads as follows:

" § 78. The Federal Office of Social Affairs and Disabled Persons decides on the recognition of damage to health as a damage to the service (§ 4) as well as the benefits provided for under this Federal Act (§ 6). "

3a. § 86 (1) deleted, the previous paragraphs 2 to 5 receive the sales names "(1)" to "(4)" .

4. In the new § 86 para. 3 and in § 92 Z 3 the word order is deleted "and the Federal Commission of Appeal" .

5. In accordance with § 91a, the following § 91b is inserted:

" § 91b. The authorities responsible for the enforcement of this federal law are empowered to collect the data of claimants or claimants under this federal law, in particular concerning general information, insurance number, type and assessment of the Damage to health, data from medical findings and expert opinions, as well as the type and amount of income to establish membership of the eligible group of persons and the fee for benefits under this Federal law to be used to the extent that this is the fulfillment of the laws of law is an essential condition. As a service provider pursuant to § 4 Z 5 DSG 2000, BRZ GmbH has to cooperate in the processing and enforcement of the law accordingly. The data applications for the errands of these tasks have to ensure data protection and data security. In particular, data protection measures corresponding to the state of the art are to be taken in accordance with Section 14 of the Data Protection Act 2000. The data security measures taken shall be documented. "

6. The heading of Section VI of the III. Main item is "Appeals against the sheider" .

Section 93 (1) reads as follows:

" (1) In all cases where the Federal Office for Social Affairs and Disabled Persons is informed of the recognition of damage to health as a service damage or a pension entitlement based on this Federal Law, the right of appeal to the Federal Administrative Court shall be entitled to the utility and any other parties. A complaint with the Federal Administrative Court can also be filed against the federal minister for labour, social affairs and consumer protection. "

7a. § 93 (3) reads:

" (3) The complaint and the performance shall be submitted within six weeks of the notification or oral delivery of the complaint to the authority which has issued the notice. The complaint may also be lodged with the authority concerned. If a complaint is filed with the Federal Administrative Court within this period, this shall be deemed to have been filed in good time; the Federal Administrative Court shall immediately forward the appeal brought to it to the competent authority. "

8. Under Section VI of the III. The main part shall be inserted in the following Section VII:

" Section VII

Decisions of the Federal Administrative Court-Laicier Participation

§ 94. (1) The Federal Administrative Court shall decide on complaints against charges under this Federal Act by a Senate, to which an expert lay judge belongs.

(2) For the order of the lay judge (substitute judge), who must have the necessary legal knowledge for the performance of this office, the representation of interest, which shall be made in matters of the War Victims Supply Act 1957, shall be reimbursed of the Army Supply Act, the Vaccine Bill Act and the Crime Law Sacrifice Act represents the largest number of persons entitled to supply under these federal laws, the proposal on a timely basis prior to the respective order. "

9. The following paragraph 15 is added to § 115:

" (15) § § 64 (2), 76 (1) and (3), 78, 86, 91b, 92 Z 3, 93 (1) and (3), and the title of Section VI of the III. Main item and Section VII of the III. Main piece in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 71/2013 and the repeal of Section 86 (1) of the previous paragraph will be 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "

Article 4

Amendment of the Victim Welfare Act

The victims ' welfare law, BGBl. No. 183/1947, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 59/2013, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 2 para. 2 reads:

"(2) The provisions of Sections 11a, 14, 18, 19 to 22, 32, 35a, 46b, 49, 51 to 54a, 55a to 55c, 61, 62, 64, 91a, 91b, 93, 113 and 113a (8) and (9) of the War Victims Supply Act 1957 shall apply mutasensitily."

2. § 3 (4) reads:

"(4) The Federal Office of Social Affairs and Disabled Persons shall decide on applications pursuant to para. 2 and 3."

3. In accordance with § 3, the following § 3a together with the heading is inserted:

" Decisions of the Federal Administrative Court-Laicier Participation

§ 3a. (1) The Federal Administrative Court shall decide on complaints against charges under this Federal Act by a Senate, to which an expert lay judge belongs.

(2) For the appointment of the lay judge and of three substitute judges who must have the legal knowledge required for the performance of this Office, the members of the Commission for the Management of the Victims ' Welfare Commission (§ 17) shall reimburse the Victims ' associations with a majority decision in time before the respective order the proposal. "

4. § 13d (4) reads:

"(4) The Federal Administrative Court shall decide on appeals against decisions pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 3."

4a. The following paragraph 5 is added to § 13d:

"(5) The Federal Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection shall, in agreement with the Federal Minister for Finance, decide upon requests pursuant to Section 13a (3) for the hearing of the Opferfürsorkommission (§ 17)."

Section 15a (1) reads as follows:

" (1) If special hardships arise from the provisions of this Federal Law, the Federal Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection can provide compensation after the hearing of the Opferfürsorkommission (§ 17). A complaint can be made to the Federal Administrative Court against a humble decision by the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection. "

5a. § 15a (3) reads:

"(3) The right of appeal to the Federal Administrative Court shall be against the federal office of the Federal Office for Social Affairs and the Disabled, issued in accordance with paragraph 2 above."

6. § 16 (1) reads:

" (1) With regard to the filing of claims with a non-competent authority, a social security institution or a municipal office, the notice of appeal and the lodging of the appeal and in the case of the amendment or correction of a The provisions of the War Victims Supply Act 1957, BGBl, apply to a modest number of officates in accordance with § 68 of the General Administrative Procedure Act 1991 and for the release of a description as a result of such a disposal. No. 152, sensual. "

7. § 17 (1) reads:

" (1) At the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, a sacrificial welfare commission is formed. The members of this commission and the necessary deputits shall be appointed by the Federal Government. The Victim Welfare Commission has the task of advising the Federal Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection on matters relating to the implementation of this federal law. It is to be heard in the allocation of funds from special care in emergency cases. "

8. The following paragraph 17 is added to § 19:

" (17) § § 2 para. 2, 3 para. 4, 3a, including the title, 13d (4) and (5), 15a (1) and (3), 16 (1) and (17) (1), as amended by the Federal Law BGBl (Federal Law). I n ° 71/2013 are due to 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "

Article 5

Amendment of the Army Supply Act

The Army Supply Act, BGBl. No 27/1964, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 96/2012, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 68 (2) reads:

" (2) All acts, submissions, attainments and other documents relating to legal transactions and certificates in matters relating to the implementation of the supply of armies, including the care measures, to the extent that these are entrusted to those responsible for the supply of armies. Authorities and institutions are subject to fees and administrative charges regulated by federal law, with the exception of judicial and judicial administrative charges under the court fees act, BGBl. No. 501/1984. The waiver shall also apply in proceedings before the Federal Administrative Court, the Administrative Court and the Constitutional Court. "

Section 73a (1) reads as follows:

" (1) If special hardships arise from the provisions of this Federal Law, the Federal Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection may, in agreement with the Federal Minister for Finance, on request or on his behalf, compensate for . A complaint can be made to the Federal Administrative Court against a humble decision by the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection. "

2a. § 73a (3) reads as follows:

"(3) The German Federal Administrative Court has the right to complain to the Federal Administrative Court against the German Federal Office for Social Affairs and Disability Act (Bundesamt für Soziales und handicapped wesen), which is adopted pursuant to paragraph 2."

§ 74 reads as follows:

" § 74. The Federal Office of Social Affairs and Disabled Persons decides on the recognition of damage to health as a damage to the service (§ 2) as well as the benefits provided for under this Federal Act (§ 4). "

§ 82 (1) deleted, the previous paragraphs 2 to 5 receive the sales denominations "(1)" to "(4)" .

4. In the new § 82 (3), the word order is deleted "and the Federal Commission of Appeal" .

5. In accordance with § 87a the following § 87b is inserted:

" § 87b. The authorities responsible for the enforcement of this federal law are empowered to collect the data of claimants or claimants under this federal law, in particular concerning general information, insurance number, type and assessment of the Damage to health, data from medical findings and expert opinions, as well as the type and amount of income to establish membership of the eligible group of persons and the fee for benefits under this Federal law to be used to the extent that this is the fulfillment of the laws of law is an essential condition. As a service provider pursuant to § 4 Z 5 DSG 2000, BRZ GmbH has to cooperate in the processing and enforcement of the law accordingly. The data applications for the errands of these tasks have to ensure data protection and data security. In particular, data protection measures corresponding to the state of the art are to be taken in accordance with Section 14 of the Data Protection Act 2000. The data security measures taken shall be documented. "

6. The heading of Section V of the III. Main item is " Legal remedies against foes " .

Section 88 (1) reads as follows:

" (1) In all cases where the Federal Office for Social Affairs and Disabled Persons is informed of the recognition of damage to health as a service damage or a pension entitlement based on this Federal Law, the right of appeal to the Federal Administrative Court shall be entitled to the utility and any other parties. A complaint with the Federal Administrative Court can also be filed against the federal minister for labour, social affairs and consumer protection. "

7a. § 88 (3) reads:

" (3) The complaint and the performance shall be submitted within six weeks of the notification or oral delivery of the complaint to the authority which has issued the notice. The complaint may also be lodged with the authority concerned. If a complaint is filed with the Federal Administrative Court within this period, this shall be deemed to have been filed in good time; the Federal Administrative Court shall immediately forward the appeal brought to it to the competent authority. "

8. Under Section V of the III. The main item shall be inserted in the following Section VI:

" Section VI

Decisions of the Federal Administrative Court-Laicier Participation

§ 88a. (1) The Federal Administrative Court shall decide on complaints against charges under this Federal Act by a Senate, to which an expert lay judge belongs.

(2) For the order of the lay judge (substitute judge), who must have the necessary legal knowledge for the performance of this office, the representation of interest, which shall be made in matters of the War Victims Supply Act 1957, shall be reimbursed of the Army Supply Act, the Vaccine Bill Act and the Crime Law Sacrifice Act represents the largest number of persons entitled to supply under these federal laws, the proposal on a timely basis prior to the respective order. "

9. The following paragraph 18 is added to § 99:

" (18) § § 68 (2), 73a (1) and (3), 74, 82, 87b, 88 (1) and (3), and the title of Section V of the III. Main section and Section VI of III. Main piece in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 71/2013 and the repeal of the previous § 82 para. 1. 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "

Article 6

Amendment of the Vaccine Bill

The Vaccine Damage Act, BGBl. No. 371/1973, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 59/2013, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 3 (2) reads:

"(2) The Federal Office of Social Affairs and the Disabled Persons shall decide on claims for compensation under this Federal Act."

2. § 3 (3) reads:

§ § 2, 31a, 54 to 60, 65 to 67, 69 to 72, 73a, 82, 83 (1), 85 (1), first sentence, and (2), 86, 87, 87a (1) to (3), 87b, 88, 88a, 92 to 94a and 98a (7) and 8 HVG (HVG) shall apply mutaly to the "

Section 6 (2) reads as follows:

" (2) All official acts, entries, attimations and other documents relating to legal transactions and certificates in matters relating to the performance of the vaccine damage compensation, including the care measures, to the extent that these are the case with the The authorities responsible for vaccinating the vaccine are subject to fees and administrative charges regulated by federal law, with the exception of judicial and judicial administrative charges in accordance with the Court Fees Act, BGBl. No. 501/1984. The waiver shall also apply in proceedings before the Federal Administrative Court, the Administrative Court and the Constitutional Court. "

4. The following paragraph 8 is added to § 9:

" (8) The § § 3 (2) and (3) and 6 (2) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 71/2013 are due to 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "

Article 7

Amendment of the Crime Rights Act

The Crime Victim Law, BGBl. No 288/1972, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 59/2013, shall be amended as follows:

1. In § 5 (4), the parenthesis shall be "(§ 9d)" by the parenthesis expression "(§ 9e)" replaced.

2. § 9 para. 2 reads:

"(2) The Federal Office of Social Affairs and the Disabled Persons shall decide on applications for assistance pursuant to § 2."

3. In accordance with § 9 (4), the following paragraph 5 is inserted:

" (5) The authorities responsible for the enforcement of this federal law are empowered to collect the data of claimants or claimants under this federal law, in particular concerning general-general, insurance number, type and assessment of the Damage to health, data from medical findings and expert opinions, as well as the type and amount of income to establish membership of the eligible group of persons and the fee for benefits under this Federal law to the extent to which they are to be used for the fulfilment of the This is an essential condition for the statutory tasks. As a service provider pursuant to § 4 Z 5 DSG 2000, BRZ GmbH has to cooperate in the processing and enforcement of the law accordingly. The data applications for the errands of these tasks have to ensure data protection and data security. In particular, data protection measures corresponding to the state of the art are to be taken in accordance with Section 14 of the Data Protection Act 2000. The data security measures taken shall be documented. "

3a. § 9b (1) deleted, the previous para. 2 to 6 receive the sales designations "(1)" to "(5)" .

4. In the new section 9b (3), the word order shall be deleted "and the Federal Commission of Appeal" .

5. The title of § 9c and § 9c (1) and (3) are:

" Appeals against foes

(1) In all cases in which the decision of the Federal Office for Social Affairs and the Disabled is to be decided on applications for assistance, the benefit and any other parties shall have the right to complain to the Office. Federal Administrative Court. A complaint with the Federal Administrative Court can also be filed against the federal minister for labour, social affairs and consumer protection.

(3) The complaint and the performance shall be submitted within six weeks of the notification or oral delivery of the complaint to the authority which has issued the notice. The complaint may also be lodged with the authority concerned. If a complaint is filed with the Federal Administrative Court within this period, this shall be deemed to have been filed in good time; the Federal Administrative Court shall immediately forward the appeal brought to it to the competent authority. "

6. In accordance with § 9c, the following § 9d, together with the heading, is inserted, the previous § 9d is given the name "§ 9e." :

" Decisions of the Federal Administrative Court-Laicier Participation

§ 9d. (1) The Federal Administrative Court shall decide on complaints against charges under this Federal Act by a Senate, to which an expert lay judge belongs.

(2) For the order of the lay judge (substitute judge), who must have the necessary legal knowledge for the performance of this office, the representation of interest, which shall be made in matters of the War Victims Supply Act 1957, shall be reimbursed of the Army Supply Act, the Vaccine Bill Act and the Crime Law Sacrifice Act represents the largest number of persons entitled to supply under these federal laws, the proposal on a timely basis prior to the respective order. "

7. The following sentence is added to Article 11 (2):

"The waiver shall also apply in proceedings before the Federal Administrative Court, the Administrative Court and the Constitutional Court."

8 14a (1) reads as follows:

" (1) If special hardships arise from the provisions of this Federal Law, the Federal Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection may, in agreement with the Federal Minister for Finance, on request or on his behalf, compensate for . A complaint can be made to the Federal Administrative Court against a humble decision by the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection. "

8a. 14a (3) reads as follows:

"(3) The applicant shall have the right to complain to the Federal Administrative Court against the German Federal Office for Social Affairs and Disability Act (Federal Office for Social Affairs and Disabled Persons) issued in accordance with paragraph 2 above."

9. The following paragraph 16 is added to § 16:

" (16) § § 5 (4), 9 (2) and 5, 9b, 9c (1) and (3) together with the title, 9d, title, 9e, 11 (2) and 14a (1) and (3), as amended by the Federal Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (BGBl). I n ° 71/2013 and the repeal of the previous section 9b (1) will take place with 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "

Article 8

Amendment of the Federal Nursing Money Act

The Federal Nursing Money Act, BGBl. N ° 110/1993, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 3/2013, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 6 (5) reads:

"(5) The Federal Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, who is responsible for decision-making and decision-making doubts, determines which decision-maker is responsible for decision-making and performance."

2. The following sentence shall be added to Article 21 (2):

"The liberation shall also apply in proceedings before the administrative courts of the countries."

3. § 24 reads:

" § 24. The provisions of § § 354, 358 to 361, 362a to 367 ASVG, and before the other decision-makers, the provisions of the AVG with the exception of the social insurance institutions are to be found in the proceedings, insofar as this federal law does not determine otherwise. § § 45 (3) and 68 (2) of the AVG application. "

(4) The following paragraph 22 is added to § 49:

" (22) § § 6 (5), 21 (2) and (24) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 71/2013 are due to 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "

Article 9

Repeal of the Federal Employment Commissions Act

Federal Law, which establishes a Federal Employment Commission for Social Disability and Disability Affairs, BGBl. I No 150/2002, as amended by the Federal Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (BGBl). I No 48/2005, will expire on 31 December 2013.

Article 10

Amendment of the 1977 Unemployment Insurance Act

The Unemployment Insurance Act 1977, BGBl. N ° 609/1977, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 67/2013, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 48 (1) reads:

"(1) If in cases of strike or lockout within the meaning of § 13 the question is disputed whether the unemployment is the consequence of a downtime caused by strike or lockout, the state office decides on this."

Section 56, together with the title, reads:

" Decision

§ 56. (1) The regional office shall decide on claims for benefits. The State Office shall decide on the recognition of measures pursuant to § 18 paragraph 6.

(2) The Federal Administrative Court shall decide on complaints against the employment of a branch office by a Senate consisting of two competent lay judges, one each from the circle of the employers and from the circle of employees. The time limit for the issue of a decision of appeal by the office shall be ten weeks.

(3) Complaints against the defection of a branch office and requests for claims shall not have suspensive effect. The suspensive effect may be granted in the context of a preliminary appeal decision if:


the application for suspensive effect of the appeal shall be filed within the time limit for appeal;


the complaint does not appear to be out of the box, and


there are no reasonable doubts as to the fact that there are any recovery claims.

(4) The right of proposal for the appointment of the required number of qualified lay judges and substitute judges shall be for the circle of employers of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and for the circle of workers of the Federal Chamber of Workers and Employee. The persons proposed must have special technical knowledge of the labour market and unemployment insurance. In addition, the provisions of the Federal Administrative Court Act (BGBl) apply. I No 10/2013). "

Section 69 is added to the following paragraph 5:

"(5) The obligations existing in accordance with paragraphs 1 to 4 with regard to the regional offices also exist in relation to the Federal Administrative Court, insofar as the relevant data form an essential condition for the performance of its tasks."

(4) The following paragraph 133 is added to § 79:

" (133) § § 48 para. 1, 56 including the title and 69 para. 5 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 71/2013 are due to 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "

Article 11

Amendment of the Labour Market Service Act

The Labour Market Service Act, BGBl. No. 313/1994, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 67/2013, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 17 (3) reads:

' (3) In the interests of rapid and appropriate business treatment, the Director of the State may, in respect of certain matters relating to certain matters, be entitled to the powers conferred upon him by law in respect of his alternate or institution of certain functions or named employees of the labour market service for self-employment. However, the Director of the State retains the responsibility for the proper execution of the affairs even in the event of a transfer. The right of assignment of the institutions to be held shall not be affected by the transfer to self-discharge of certain matters. "

2. § 23 (3) reads:

The head of the regional office may, in the interests of rapid and appropriate business treatment, be entitled to the powers conferred upon him by law in respect of certain matters on the basis of certain matters relating to the institution of certain parties. Functions or named employees of the labour market service for self-employed execution. The head of the office, however, also retains responsibility for the proper execution of the affairs during a transfer. The right of assignment of the institutions to be held shall not be affected by the transfer to self-discharge of certain matters. "

3. § 24 (3) reads:

"(3) In so far as the State Secretariat has an official function, it is the responsibility of the national managing director."

4. § 24 (4) is deleted.

5. In § 25 (1), first sentence, the expression "Labour Market Service" by the expression "Labour market service, the Federal Administrative Court" replaced.

6. § 42 (1) reads:

" (1) The expenditure on financial benefits under this Federal Act, the Unemployment Insurance Act 1977 and other federal laws transferred to the Labour Market Service for the enforcement of the law, disputes the Labour Market Service in the name and on the Bill of the federal government. This includes all expenditure relating to proceedings before the Federal Administrative Court and other administrative courts, the Constitutional Court, the Administrative Court and the ordinary courts, in particular also concerning: Costs and damages, including in the context of official liability procedures. Revenue in connection with these procedures shall be paid to the labour market backlog (§ 50). "

7. § 69 (1) and (2) reads:

" (1) An office of the labour market service is set up for each federal state and for the federal organisation. For those officials who serve at the respective State Secretariat or the associated regional offices, the respective office is at the State Secretariat and for those officials who are serving at the Federal Office of the Service , the Office shall be responsible for the Federal Office.

(2) The Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection is the supreme service authority for those officials who serve in the offices of the Labour Market Service. The offices are subordinated to the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection. The Office at the State Secretariat is headed by the respective Land Managing Director. The Office at the Federal Office is headed by the Chairman of the Board of Management. The heads of the offices are bound in this function to the instructions of the Federal Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection. "

8. The following paragraph 30 is added to § 78:

" (30) § § 17 (3), 23 (3), 24, 25 (1), 42 (1) and 69 (1) and (2) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl (Federal Law Gazette). I n ° 71/2013 are due to 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "

Article 12

Amendment of the Labour Market Promotion Act

The Labour Market Promotion Act, BGBl. No 31/1969, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 12/2009, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 45a (8) is added to the following sentence:

"If the consent is not granted, a decision shall be taken on this."

(2) The following paragraph 21 is added to § 53:

" (21) § 45a (8) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 71/2013 comes with 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "

Article 13

Amendment of the IEF-Service-GmbH-Act

The IEF-Service-GmbH-Gesetz, BGBl. I n ° 88/2001, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 29/2010, is amended as follows:

1. § 7 (4) reads:

" (4) In the event of a decision in the case, the legal suit shall be directed against the employment of the company in accordance with § 10 IESG. Process arrangements cannot be challenged separately. A complaint to the Federal Administrative Court shall be admissible against procedural decisions of the company. "

2. § 31 together with the title is:

" Entry into force of the Novelle BGBl. I No 71/2013

§ 31. Section 7 (4) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 71/2013 comes with 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "

Article 14

Amendment of the Workplace-Safety Act 1991

The Workplace Safety Act 1991, BGBl. N ° 683/1991, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 56/2005 is amended as follows:

1. § 24 (2) reads:

"(2) In proceedings pursuant to § 6 (2), (14) and (15), the employee is party to the party position."

2. In accordance with § 29 (1c), the following paragraph 1d is inserted:

" (1d) § 24 (2) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 71/2013 comes with 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "

Article 15

Amendment of the Labour Code Act

The Labour Rare Act, BGBl. No 144/1983, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 35/2012, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 26 (2). The previous paragraphs 3 and 4 have been awarded the sales names "(2)" and "(3)" .

2. In accordance with § 33 (1r) the following paragraph 1s is inserted:

" (1s) § 26 and § 34 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 71/2013 are due to 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "

3. § 34 shall read together with the title:

" Enforcement

§ 34. (1) With the enforcement of this federal law are entrusted:


the Federal Chancellor in agreement with the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection with regard to the employees in companies of the Federal Government; insofar as financial matters are affected, also in agreement with the Federal Minister for Finance;


the Federal Minister of Finance with regard to section 26 (3);


In addition, the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, in agreement with the Federal Chancellor, with regard to the employees of companies in the Länder, municipalities and associations of municipalities, where financial matters are affected, are also in the Agreement with the Federal Minister for Finance;


The Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection with regard to all other employees.

(2) The Federal Ministers referred to in paragraph 1 (1) (1) (1) and (4) shall also be entrusted with the enforcement of Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 and Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85. "

Article 16

Amendment of the Working Time Act

The Labor Time Act, BGBl. No. 461/1969, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 3/2013, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 27 (3). The previous paragraph 4 receives the sales designation "(3)" .

2. In accordance with § 33 (1y), the following paragraph 1z is inserted:

" (1z) § 27 and § 33 (3) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 71/2013 are due to 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "

3. § 33 (3) reads:

" (3) With the enforcement of this federal law are entrusted:


as regards Section 26 (7) and Article 27 (3) of the Federal Minister of Finance;


with regard to § 15f of the Federal Minister of Justice;


as regards Section 15e (2), the Federal Government;


Moreover, the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection. "

Article 17

Amendment of the Children's and Young People's Employment Act 1987

The Children's and Young People's Employment Act 1987, BGBl. No 599/1987, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 35/2012, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 6 (8) is deleted.

2. In § 12, para. 4, the expression "vocation" by the expression "Complaint" replaced.

(3) The following paragraph 10 is added to § 34:

" (10) § 6 and § 12 (4) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 71/2013 are due to 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "

Article 18

Amendment of the Land Labour Act 1984

The Landarbeitsgesetz 1984, BGBl. No 287/1984, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 67/2013, shall be amended as follows:

1. (Policy determination) § 117 reads:

" § 117. In the cases of § § 115 (5) and (116), the agricultural and forestry inspection of the decision of the competent administrative authority shall be subject to the complaint, if the decision to the application or the application submitted by the Agricultural and Forestry Inspection Authority , or if it has not been consulted prior to the release of decisions and orders (§ 116). "

2. (Policy determination) In section 227, the sales designation shall be deleted "(1)" and the second paragraph.

3. (Federal Law Applicable directly) The following paragraph 55 is added to section 285:

" (55) (federal law directly applicable) The implementing laws of the Länder on § 117 and § 227 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 71/2013 shall be adopted within six months of the date of the presentation and shall have to provide for the amendment to be made on 1 January 2013. January 2014 will enter into force. "

Article 19

Amendment of the Maternity Protection Act 1979

The Maternity Protection Act 1979, BGBl. No. 221/1979, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 120/2012, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 35 (2) reads:

" (2) Arrest pursuant to § 6 (3) and § 7 (3) are to be limited. In accordance with § 6 (3) and § 7 (3), the modesty is to be revoked or amended if the conditions are no longer available. Complaints against charges in accordance with Section 4 (2) (9), (4) and (5), § 5 (4) and (9) (3) do not apply to any suspensive effect. "

(2) The following paragraph 20 is added to § 40:

" (20) § 35 (2) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 71/2013 comes with 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "

Article 20

Modification of the construction worker-Holiday and Abortion Act

The Construction Workers ' Vacations and Abortion Act, BGBl. No. 414/1972, as last amended by the Federal Act BGBl. I No 117/2012, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 25 (7) reads:

" (7) If the Regional Administrative Court decides on a complaint against a decision pursuant to paragraph 6, it shall send the Federal Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection a written copy of the recognition or decision. The Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection is entitled to raise the administrative court against findings and decisions of the administrative court. "

(2) The following paragraph 24 is added to § 40:

" (24) § 25 (7) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 71/2013 comes with 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "

Article 21

Amendment of the Equal Treatment Act

The Equal Treatment Act, BGBl. I n ° 66/2004, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 7/2011, is amended as follows:

1. In § 10 (4), last sentence, § 24 (4), last sentence, and § 37 (2) last sentence, the expression "vocation" by the expression "Complaint" replaced.

(2) The following paragraph 7 is added to § 63:

" (7) § 10 para. 4, § 24 para. 4 and § 37 para. 2 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 71/2013 are due to 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "

Article 22

Amendment of the Labour Constitution Act

The Labour Constitution Act, BGBl. N ° 22/1974, as last amended by the Federal Act BGBl. I No 67/2013, shall be amended as follows:

1. In accordance with § 144 (2a), first sentence, the following sentence shall be inserted:

"The Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection can reconvene the members of the Schlichtungsstelle at any time for important reasons."

2. § 146 (2) last sentence reads:

"The Federal Administrative Court may lodge a complaint against the decision of the Schlichtungsstelle (Schlichtungsstelle)."

Section 158 (2) reads as follows:

"(2) An appeal to the Federal Administrative Court may be brought against a decision by the Federal Office for the Unification Of The United States."

(4) The following paragraph 29 is added to § 264:

" (29) § § 144 (2a), 146 (2) and 158 (2) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 71/2013 are due to 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "

Article 23

Amendment of the Working Contract Law Adaptation Act

The Labour Contract Law Adaptation Act, BGBl. No 459/1993, as last amended by the Federal Law, BGBl. I No 67/2013, shall be amended as follows:

1. In § 7e (6) the word order shall be "independent administrative senates" by the word "Administrative Courts" replaced.

2. In § 7i (6) to (8), the word order shall be in each case in the last half-sentence. "Complaint" by the word "Revision" replaced.

3. In § 7k (5) the word "Appointments" by the word "Complaints" replaced.

4. In § 7l (1), first sentence, the word shall be: "Modest" through the phrase "Modest and insights" replaced.

5. § 7l (2) reads:

" (2) The District Administrative Authorities and the Administrative Courts of the Länder shall without delay, in the form of automated proceedings, have copies of legally binding records and findings which they have issued in criminal proceedings pursuant to Section 7i or § 7j. to the Competence Centre LSDB. In the same vein, they have granted copies of legally binding acts and findings that have been punishable under Section 7i against responsible agents within the meaning of the last sentence of Article 9 (2) and (3) of the VStG to deliver to that company, the such punishment is to be attributed in accordance with the second sentence of paragraph 4. In the communication or in the knowledge, an indication should be added to the fact that the registration of the accused person and that company to which the punishment is to be attributed is linked to the evidence with the final punishment. "

6. In § 7l (3), after the word "Modest" the phrase "or discovery" inserted.

7. § 7l (4) third and fourth sentence are:

" The information provided is either the number of punishments, including the relevant data of the criminal and criminal records (criminal authority, file number, date of communication, recognition and legal force date, name and date of birth of the punishable offence, ), or to declare that there is no punishment. Such information may no longer be granted five years after the date of the settlement of the respective criminal case or criminal code. "

8. In accordance with § 19 (1) (28), the following Z 29 is added:

" 29.

§ 7e (6), § 7i (6) to (8), § 7k (5), § 7l (1), first sentence, § 7l (2) and (3) and (4) third and fourth sentences in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 71/2013 are due to 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "

Article 24

Amendment of the Employees ' Protection Act

The Workers ' Protection Act, BGBl. N ° 450/1994, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 118/2012, shall be amended as follows:

1. In § 9 (5) the expression "modest determination of the health non-suitability" and the expression "modest determination of the non-expropriation" in each case by the expression "Determination of the non-suitability of health in accordance with § 54" replaced.

2. In § 53 (8), the word "vocation" through the phrase "Complaint to the Administrative Court" replaced.

(3) In § 58 (5), after the phrase "The seizure of the Labour Inspectorate" the phrase "and any findings of the Administrative Court" inserted.

4. In § 96, paragraph 3, the word "Appointments" through the phrase "Complaints to the Administrative Court" replaced.

5. The following sentence is added to Article 96 (4):

"This shall also apply to findings of the Administrative Court, which have been issued on the basis of complaints against shelling pursuant to paragraph 1."

6. § 99 (2) and (4) are deleted; in paragraph 3, the sales denomination is deleted and the names of the numbers Z 7 and 8 are given the number of digits "6." and "7." .

7. In § 119, paragraph 1, the quote shall be "§ 31 (5) and (9)" by quoting "§ 31 (1) to (5) and (9)" replaced.

8. In § 125 (2), the reference "§ 99 (3)" replaced by "§ 99" and the second sentence is deleted.

9. In Section 130 (2), the phrase "modest prescriptions under this federal law" through the phrase "obligations to which he is subject in accordance with a communication or administrative judicial knowledge issued pursuant to this Federal Law," replaced.

10. The following paragraph 13 is added to § 131:

" (13) § 9 para. 5, § 53 (8), § 58 (5), § 96 (3) and (4), § 99, § 119 (1), § 125 (2) and § 130 (2) in the version of the Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I n ° 71/2013 are due to 1. Jänner 2014 in force. Section 99 (2) and (4) shall expire on 31 December 2013. "

Article 25

Amendment of the Labour Inspectorate Act 1993

The Labour Inspectorate Act 1993, BGBl. No 27/1993, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 118/2012, shall be amended as follows:

1. In § 10 (3), in the last sentence, after the word "Workers ' Union" the phrase "and the district administration authority" inserted.

2. In § 10 (7) the word "Appointments" by the word "Complaints" is replaced by the last sentence.

3. The following sentence shall be added to section 10 (8):

"This shall also apply to findings of the Administrative Court, which have been issued on the basis of complaints against claims pursuant to paragraph 3 or paragraph 5."

4. In the heading to § 11, the word "administrative criminal proceedings" through the phrase "Proceedings in administrative criminal matters" replaced.

5. The following sentence shall be added to Article 11 (1):

"This also applies to the proceedings of the administrative courts."

6. In Section 11 (3), the word "vocation" by the word "Complaint" replaced.

7. In the heading to § 12, the word order shall end at the end "and on administrative court proceedings" added.

8. The following sentence is added to Article 12 (1):

"This also applies to the proceedings of the administrative courts."

9. In Section 12 (3), the phrase "independent administrative senates" by the word "Administrative Courts" replaced.

10. In § 12, para. 4, the word "vocation" by the word "Complaint" replaced.

11. § 12 (5).

12. § 13 together with the headline is:

" Revision of the Administrative Court

§ 13. The Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection is entitled, in the case of proceedings in accordance with § § 11 and 12, to raise the findings and decisions of the Administrative Court in the Administrative Court. "

13. In § 15 (6) the word shall be given in the first sentence. "administrative criminal proceedings" through the phrase "Proceedings in administrative criminal matters" is replaced by the last sentence.

14. In § 15 (7) the word shall be given in the first sentence, in the second sentence, and in the third sentence "Administrative procedure" in each case by the word "Procedure" replaced.

15. In § 15, para. 8 and 9, the sales denominations shall be given "(9)" and "(10)" , and shall be inserted in accordance with paragraph 7 of the following new paragraph 8:

" (8) In the proceedings of the Administrative Court, an oral proceedings are held outside the supervisory district of the labour inspectorate to be held in accordance with paragraph 6 or 7, the Labour Inspectorate may, by means of an institution of that labour inspectorate, be held in the supervisory district of which the negotiation is taking place. "

16. § 22 together with the title shall be deleted.

17. The following paragraph 9 is added to § 25:

" (9) § 10 (3), (7) and (8), the title of § 11, § 11 (1) and (3), the title of § 12, § 12 (1), (3) and (4), § 13 including the title, § 15 (6) to (10) in the version of the BGBl. I n ° 71/2013 are due to 1. Jänner 2014 in force. § 12 (5) and § 22 shall expire on 31 December 2013. "

Article 26

Amendment of the Product Safety Act 2004

The Product Safety Act 2004, BGBl. I n ° 16/2005, is amended as follows:

1. In § 18 (1) and (2), the phrase "Appointment to the independent administrative Senate, in its Sprengel" through the phrase "Complaint to the administrative court of the country in which" replaced.

2. In § 18 (3), the word order shall be "independent administrative senates" by "Administrative Courts of the Countries" as well as the phrase "Appeal addressees/in complaint of illegality to the Administrative Court" by "address/in the recognition or decision of the Administrative Court Revision due to illegality in the administrative court" replaced.

3. § 29 deleted.

4. In accordance with § 33, the following § 34 shall be added together with the heading:

" Entry into

§ 34. (1) § 18 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 71/2013 comes with 1. Jänner 2014 in force.

(2) § 29 shall expire on 31 December 2013. "

