Key Benefits:
126. Announcement by the Federal Chancellor concerning the corrigendum to the agreement between the Government of the Republic of Austria and the Government of the United States of America on the deepening of cooperation in the prevention and enforcement of the Agreement. Combating serious crime
On the basis of § 10 Z 1 of the Federal Law Gazette Act-BGBlG, BGBl. I No 100/2003, shall be made known:
The manifestation in BGBl. III No 89/2012 shall be corrected in such a way as to make the following corrections to be made in the respectively published German and English language versions of the Agreement:
German language version:
(1) In the preamble (5) of the preamble, it is "signed in Prüm on 27 May 2005 and with it" right "signed in Prüm on 27 May 2005 and the thus".
(2) In Article 9 (1), the first sentence shall be: "pursuant to Article 7 and the subsequent transmission" right "in accordance with Article 7 and the subsequent transmission" .
3. In Art. 10 Abs.1 it is "specific national law in individual cases," right "individual national law in individual cases," .
4. In Art. 10 (1) lit. c is it instead "Serious offences with" right "serious offences with".
5. In Art. 11 (3), the last sentence of "existing rights of private persons, including the right to information and the right to rectification," right "existing rights of private persons, including the right to information and the right to rectification," .
6. In Art. 13 (2), it is "Not without the previous, in a suitable manner documented consent" right "Not without the prior, in a suitable manner documented consent" .
7. In Article 15 (2) (lit). b is it in the first sentence "the position shall be recorded, including the communication" right "the position shall be recorded, including the communication" .
8. In Art. 19 it is "The use of their personal data in accordance with this Agreement, or in accordance with their national laws" right "Use of your personal data in accordance with this Agreement, or in accordance with the national laws" .
9. In Art. 26 (2), it is "may be changed at any time by written means." right "shall be amended at any time by mutual agreement of both Parties." .
English language version:
10. In Art. 26, second paragraph, it is "may be amended by written agreement of the parties" right "may be amended by written mutual consent of both parties" .
11. In the Annex, the first sentence begins "To Article 3, automated dactyloscopic" right "Automated dactyloscopic identification systems".
12. In the Annex, it is lit. (a) "or any system of the same scope replacing it," right "or any comparable system replacing it,".
13. In the Annex, it is lit. (b) "or any system of the same scope replacing it." right "or any comparable system replacing it."