Key Benefits:
135. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management and of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth, which amends the Waste Incineration Regulation (AVV-Novelle 2013)
1. | § 82(2). 1 of the 1994 Commercial Code - GewO 1994, BGBl. No 194, last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 85/2012, and | |||||||||
2. | the § 4(2). 3 and 4, 9 paragraphs. 7, 13(2), 14 paragraphs 8, 15 paragraphs. 6 and 17 paragraphs. 2 of the emission laws for boiler installations - EC-K, BGBl. I No 150/2004, last amended by BGBl. II No 153/2011, | |||||||||
by the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, the Family and Youth, in agreement with the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management, | ||||||||||
3. | Articles 23 and 65 of the Waste Management Act 2002 (AWG 2002), BGBl. I No 102, last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 35/2012, and | |||||||||
4. | § 59a of the Water Law 1959 – WRG 1959, BGBl. No 215, last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 14/2011, | |||||||||
by the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management, in agreement with the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, the Family and Youth, and on the ground | ||||||||||
5. | Articles 4 and 5 of the Waste Management Act 2002 (AWG 2002), BGBl. I No 102, last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 35/2012, | |||||||||
is prescribed by the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management: |
The Waste Incineration Regulation (AVV), BGBl. II No 389/2002, last amended by Regulation BGBl. II No 476/2010, as follows:
1. The promulgation clause is:
"For reasons
1. | Articles 23 and 65 of the Waste Management Act 2002 (AWG 2002), BGBl. I No 102, last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 35/2012, will be joined by the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management in agreement with the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, the Family and Youth, | |||||||||
2. | § 82(2). 1 of the 1994 Commercial Code - GewO 1994, BGBl. No 194, last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 85/2012, will be agreed by the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, the Family and Youth in agreement with the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management, | |||||||||
3. | the § 3(2). 4. 3 and 4, 9 paragraphs. 7, 13(2), 14 paragraphs 8, 15 paragraphs. 6, 16 paragraphs 8 and 17 paragraphs. 2 of the emission laws for boiler installations - EC-K, BGBl. I No 150/2004, last amended by BGBl. II No 153/2011, will be agreed by the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, the Family and Youth, in agreement with the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management, | |||||||||
4. | § 59a of the Water Law 1959 – WRG 1959, BGBl. No 215, last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 14/2011, will be agreed by the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management in agreement with the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, the Family and Youth and | |||||||||
5. | Articles 4 and 5 of the Waste Management Act 2002 (AWG 2002), BGBl. I No 102, last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 35/2012, will be implemented by the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management | |||||||||
" |
2. In § 2(2). 1 after the word “dens” the words "fixed or liquid" inserted.
3. In § 2, 1a and 1b:
"(1a) This Regulation does not apply to gasification or pyrolysis installations if the gases generated during this thermal treatment of waste are cleaned as far as they are incinerated, they can no longer be considered waste and do not cause higher emissions than in the case of gas combustion. The cleaned gases must comply with limit values Annex 10 compliance.
(1b) If, for the thermal treatment of waste, other processes than oxidation such as pyrolysis, gasification or plasma procedures are carried out, the combustion plant or co-incineration plant must include both the thermal treatment process and the subsequent combustion process. “
4. The second paragraph is the following. 5:
(5) Incineration plants and co-incineration plants include all combustion lines or co-incineration lines, the adoption and storage of the waste, the pre-treatment facilities on the site, the waste, fuel and air supply system, the boilers, exhaust treatment plants, the installations on the site for the treatment and storage of residues and wastewater, the chimneys, the equipment and systems for the control of combustion or co-incineration operations and for recording and monitoring of combustion or co-incineration conditions. “
5. § 3 Z 7 is:
"7. | value of assessment: value to check compliance with limit values; “ |
6. § 3 Z 24 is:
"24. | Hazardous waste: waste according to a Regulation pursuant to Section 4 AWG 2002;" |
7. In § 3, the following Z 26a is inserted after Z 26:
"26a. | annual funding value: the arithmetical means of daily appropriations for a calendar year; “ |
8. § 3 Z 33 is:
"33. | Co-incineration plant: any stationary or mobile technical unit whose main purpose is to produce energy or to produce material products, used in waste as a rule or additional fuel, or treated with a view to eliminating the mixture, using incineration of waste through oxidation of waste and other thermal treatments such as pyrolysis, gasification and plasma procedures, when the substances produced in the treatment are subsequently incinerated. If co-incineration is carried out in such a way that the main purpose of the plant is not in the production or production of material products, but in the thermal treatment of waste, the plant is considered as an incinerator;" |
9. § 3 Z 34 is:
"34. | nominal capacity: the sum of the combustion capacity of all lines of an incinerator or co-incineration plant, as indicated by the manufacturer and confirmed by the owner of the plant, taking into account the heating value of the waste, expressed in the amount of waste burned per hour;" |
10. In § 3, the following Z 40a is inserted after Z 40:
"40a. | Schornstein: a design that has one or more channels will be derived from exhaust gases into the air; “ |
11. In § 3 Z 44, the word sequence will be "ÖNORM CEN/TS 15403 "Definitive Secondary fuels - Procedures for determining the ash content" issued on 1st January December 2006," by the words "ÖNORM EN 15403 "Definitive Secondary fuels - determination of the ash content" issued on 15th July May 2011" replaced.
12. § 3 Z 45 is:
"45. | incinerator: any stationary or mobile technical unit or plant used for thermal treatment of waste with or without use of incineration heat by combustion through oxidation of waste and other thermal treatment procedures such as pyrolysis, gasification and plasma procedures when the substances produced during treatment are subsequently incinerated; “ |
13. In § 5(1). 1 will be inserted after Z 4 following Z 4a and 4b:
"4a. | limit values for air and water emissions; | |||||||||
4b. | the requirements for pH, temperature and wastewater quantity per unit of time; “ |
14. § 6(2). 3 Z 2 is:
"2. | physical properties; “ |
15. § 9(2). 6 second to four second sentence will be replaced by the following sentence:
"A continuous mercury measurement can also be avoided if the assessment values for emissions to the air have been proven to be no more than 0,01 mg/m3, relating to the combustion or co-incineration plant in accordance with Annex 1 or 2 defined oxygen content. “
16. The following paragraphs 12 and 13 are added to § 9:
"(12) The Authority can reduce the frequency of measurement for heavy metals, except mercury, up to a measurement of every two years and for dioxins and furans up to an annual measurement if emissions from co-incineration or incineration of waste are less than 50% of the emission limit values or are exclusively non-hazardous substitute fuels (with).
(13) The calculation of the emission concentration to the standard percentage of oxygen concentration must be based on Annex 11 . “
17. § 10. 4 is:
“(4) Registration emission meters and evaluations systems must be calibrated every three years in the reduction attempt. The calibration has been issued in accordance with ÖNORM EN 14181 on 1st September 2004. Measurement uncertainties are determined by calibration, with the value of the 95% confidence interval not exceeding the following percentages of emission limit values:
Carbon monoxide: | 10% |
Sulphur dioxide: | 20% |
Nitrogen oxides: | 20% |
dust-shaped emissions: | 30% |
Organisch bound total hydrocarbons: | 30% |
Chloride: | 40% |
Hydrofluorocarbons: | 40% |
Mercury: | 40% |
Each year, a function test according to ÖNORM EN 14181 must be carried out to the registered emission meters. “ |
18. § 11a. 2 p. is:
"(d) | hazardous wastes: hazard-related properties; physical properties and chemical composition and other information as necessary to assess the suitability of the planned combustion process; substances that cannot be mixed with the waste at any time and precautionary measures to deal with waste; “ |
19. § 12. 1 is:
"(1) The assessment value must be calculated from the measurement results. In case of continuous measurements, the assessment value of semi-hour medium values must be deducted within the actual operating time (excl. take-off and take-off) after deduction of the 95% confidence interval specified in calibration, in accordance with Section 10. 4 will be determined, in the case of discriminatory measurements from the arithmetical means of at least three individual measurements, taking into account the range of errors according to Annex 4 will be determined. The daily average values must be calculated on the basis of the assessment values relating to the oxygen content defined for the respective combustion or co-incineration plant. “
20. § 12. 3 is:
"(3) In case of discriminatory measurements, an emission limit value is observed when the assessment value is based on the emission limit values according to Annex 1 or 2 not above. “
21. The § 12 is the following paragraph. 5:
"(5) If a continuous mercury measurement is carried out, it is not possible to do so. 2 of the emission limit value as observed if maximum 10% of the half-hour average and 5% of the daily average (dependency levels) are the emission limit values according to Annex 1 or 2 with no daily value (dependence value) above 0,05 mg/m3, in relation to the combustion or co-incineration plant according to Annex 1 or 2 defined oxygen content. “
22. In § 14, 3 of the following paragraph. 3a inserted:
"(3a) Will the total emission limit for the annual amount of mercury and its compounds according to Annex 2 Chapter 2.1a exceeds the cement production plant, which differs from paragraphs 2 and 3, for a maximum period of one calendar year, provided that the owner proves that this overrun is caused on the basis of the raw materials, and sets out a concept of measures to prevent further exceedances of the annual mercury value. This exception can only be invoked once."
23. The following paragraphs 5 to 7 are added to § 17:
"(5) Humans and dusts from power plants that meet the requirements of Annex 8 Chapter 1.2 and only waste with an assessment certificate is subject to Annex 8 Chapter 2.12 is incinerated, the key number 31305 "carbons".
(6) Human and dusts from other co-incineration plants that meet the requirements of Annex 8 Chapter 1.3 and only waste with an assessment certificate are subject to Annex 8 Chapter 2.12 is incinerated, the key number 31301 "Air and dusts from other combustion plants".
(7) The vertebral column is the key number 31301 "Air and dusts from other combustion plants". “
24. In § 18a. 8 will follow the word "ÖNORM CEN/TS 15358 "Definitive Secondary Fuels – Quality Management Systems - Special requirements for the use of solid secondary fuels" issued on 1st July 2006" by the words "ÖNORM EN 15358 "Definitive Secondary Fuels – Quality Management Systems - Special requirements for the application in the manufacture of solid secondary fuels" issued on 15. May 2011" replaced.
25. The following paragraphs 5 and 6 are added to § 20:
"(5) The promulgation clause, § 2(2). 1, 1a, 1b and 5, § 3 Z 7, 24, 26a, 33, 34, 40a, 44 and 45, § 5(2). 1 Z 4a and 4b, § 6(2). 3 Z 2, § 9. 6, 12 and 13, § 10. 4, § 11a. 2 Z 5 Lithuania. d, § 12 1, 3 and 5, § 17(2). 5 to 7, § 18a(2), § 20 5 and 6, § 21(2). 1 and 2, Annex 1, Chapter 2 h, Annex 2 to the heading, Chapter 1.3, Chapter 2.1. a and f, Chapter 3.1 to 3.3 and 3.5, Annex 4, Annex 5, Annex 6 point B Z 7, Z 10, Z 18 and Z 20, Annex 8 Chapter 1.7, Chapter 2.1, Chapter 2.2, Chapter 2.3.1, Chapter 2.3.2, Chapter 2.3.2, Chapter 2.5, Chapter 2.6, Chapter 2.7, Chapter 2.9, Chapter 2.10, Chapter 2.12, Chapter 2.13 and Chapter 2.14, Annex 9, Chapter 2.1, Chapter 2.1, Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Chapter 2 and Annex 2, and Annex 10 and Annex 10, Annex 10, Annex 10, Annex 10, Annex 10, Annex 2, Annex 10, Annex 2, Annex 2, Annex 10, Annex 2, Annex 2, Annex 2, Annex 2, Annex 2, Annex 10, Annex 2, Annex 10, Annex 2, Annex 2, Annex 2, Annex 2, Annex 2, Annex 2, Annex 10, Annex 2, Annex 2, Annex 2, Annex 2, Annex 2, Annex II No. 135/2013 enters into force with the following day.
(6) § 14(2). 3a and Annex 2 Chapter 2.1a as amended by Regulation BGBl. II No. 135/2013 enters into force on 1 January 2016. “
26. The previous text of § 21 shall be the title of the paragraph "(1)" advanced; 2 is added:
"(2) This Regulation will amend Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control), OJ No L 334 of 17.12.2010 S 17, as amended by the amendment. No. L 158 of 19.06.2012 S 25. “
27. Annex 1 Chapter 2 is:
| 0,03 | mg/m3" |
28. In Annex 2, the following text is inserted:
"Co-incineration plants have an annual average of 10 mg/m for dust-shaped emissions from 1 January 2016.3, indicated in mg per m3 dry exhaust and related to 11% oxygen. This limit will apply from 1 January 2020 for existing co-incineration plants with electric filters."
29. Annex 2, Chapter 1.3:
"1.3 | Total emission limit (GM) for Hg and its compounds, as indicated as Hg: |
| 0,05 | mg/m3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| 0,03 | mg/m3" |
30. In Annex 2, Chapter 2.1 (a) the footnote 2 shall be deleted.
31. Annex 2, Chapter 2.1, f:
| 500 | mg/m3" |
32. The following chapter 2.1a is inserted after Annex 2, Chapter 2.1:
"2.1a | Total emission limit value (GM) as annual average: |
| 0,03 | mg/m3“ |
33. In Annex 2, Chapters 3.1 and 3.2, each of the words will be the following: "Contract oxygen content 6%" by the words 6% for solid fuels and 3% for liquid fuels replaced.
34. Annex 2 Chapter 3.3:
"3.3 | Total emission limit (GM) for Hg and its compounds, as indicated as Hg: | |||||||||
(reference oxygen content 6% for solid fuels and 3% for liquid fuels) |
| 0,05 | mg/m3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| 0,03 | mg/m3" |
35. Annex 2 Chapter 3.5:
"3.5 | Emission limit values (GG) fire ) as a half-hour and daily average for the calculation of the mixture rule: | |||||||||
The following values are as a limit value for the energy production process by the combustion plant (GMO)fire) use the calculation form of the mixture rule (chapter 1.4); The total emission limit is to be calculated according to the proportion of fuel heat generated from the incineration of waste. The reference oxygen content for the total emission limit is to be calculated in accordance with Chapter 1.5. | ||||||||||
New installations within the meaning of this chapter are installations for which A permit will be issued on January 2013. These are installations for which the 7th A full permit application was submitted in January 2013 and no later than 7. On 1 January 2014. | ||||||||||
If the exhaust gases are derived from two or more separate combustion plants via a common chimney, the combination of such installations is considered as a single combustion plant and the calculation of fuel heating will add their capacities. If two or more separate combustion plants are constructed in such a way that their exhaust gases could be derived through a common chimney, taking into account technical and economic factors, the combination formed by such installations is considered as a single combustion plant and their capacity is added to the calculation of fuel heating. Individual combustion plants with a fuel heat output of less than 15 MW are not taken into account for the calculation of the fuel heat performance of a combination of separate combustion plants described in the previous rates. |
Gfire for solid fuels, excluding biomass (reference oxygen content 6%): |
Pollutants | Total fuel heat | |||
OUT 50 MW | 50 to 100 MW | +100 to 300 MW | +300 MW | |
Sulphur dioxide (SO)2) | 200 | 200 | 200 New installations: 150 | |
Nitrogen oxides as NO2 | 200 | 200 | 200 New installations: 150 | |
Plastic emissions | 20 | 20 | 15*) | 15*) New installations: 10 |
Carbon monoxide (CO) | 150 | 150 | 150 |
*) The half-hour average for dust-shaped emissions is 20 mg/m3.
Gfire for biomass (reference oxygen content 6%): |
Pollutants | Total fuel heat | |||
OUT 50 MW | 50 to 100 MW | +100 to 300 MW | +300 MW | |
Sulphur dioxide (SO)2) | 200 | 200 | 200 New installations: 150 | |
Nitrogen oxides as NO2 | 350 from 1.1.2016: 300 New plants: 250 | 300 from 1.1.2016: 250 New plants: 200 | 200 New installations: 150 | |
Plastic emissions | 30 | 30 New installations: 20 | 15 | 15 |
Carbon monoxide (CO) | 200 | 200 | 200 |
Gfire for liquid fuels (reference oxygen content 3%): |
Pollutants | Total fuel heat | |||
OUT 50 MW | 50 to 100 MW | +100 to 300 MW | +300 MW | |
Sulphur dioxide (SO)2) | 350 | 200 | 150 | |
Nitrogen oxides as NO2 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
Plastic emissions | 35 | 20 | 10 | 10 |
Carbon monoxide (CO) | 80 | 80 | 80" |
36. In Annex 4, the parenthes printed“ (to § 3 Z 20)” by the parenthes printing "(to § 12). 1)" replaced.
37. Annex 5 is:
"Annex 5 |
(to § 4). 1 Z 9, § 7 1, § 9. 1, § 10. 3 and 4 and § 11(2). 1) |
Testing and Analysis Mechanism for Emission Measurements 1)
Parameters | Rules | |
Organic substances (C)org) | ÖNORM EN 12619 1999 09 01 | Emissions from stationary sources – determination of the mass concentration of the whole gaseous organically bound carbon in low concentrations in exhaust gases – continuous process using a flame ionizing detector |
Carbon monoxide (CO) | ÖNORM EN 15058 Issues 2006 08 01 | Emissions from stationary sources – determination of the mass concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) – Reference procedure: Non-dispersive infrared spectrometry |
Chloride (HCl) | ÖNORM EN 1911 2010 edition 10 15 | Emissions from stationary sources – determination of the mass concentration of gaseous chlorides, as HCl – Standard Reference Procedure |
Hydrocarbons (HF) | Frankfurt 2470 sheets 1 | measurement of gaseous emissions; fair gaseous fluorine compounds; absorption process |
(Note: The analytical provision using ionenchromatography is also permissible – ÖNORM EN ISO 10304-1 “Water – determination of dissolved anions by fluid chromatography – Part 1: determination of bromode, chlorid, fluoride, nitrate, nitrit, phosphate and sulphate”, issued on 1st August 2009) | ||
Sulphur dioxide (SO)2) | ÖNORM EN 14791 edition 2006 04 01 | Emissions from stationary sources – determination of the mass concentration of sulphur dioxide – reference procedure |
Nitrogen oxides (NO + NO)2) | ÖNORM EN 14792 edition 2006 04 01 | Emissions from stationary sources - determination of the mass concentration of nitrogen oxides (NOx) - Reference procedure: Chemiluminence |
dusty emissions | ÖNORM EN 13284-1 edition 2002 03 01 | Emissions from stationary sources - Investigation of dust mass concentration at low dust concentrations - Part 1: Manuals gravimetrics |
ÖNORM EN 13284-2 Issues 2004 12 01 | Emissions from stationary sources - Identification of dust mass concentrations at low dust concentrations - Part 2: Automatic measuring devices | |
ÖNORM M 5861-1 1993 04 01 | Manual determination of dust concentrations in flux gases – Gravimetric process – General requirements | |
ÖNORM M 5861-2 1994 04 01 | Manual determination of dust concentrations in flux gases – Gravimetric procedure – Special marine requirements | |
IP/09/2066 sheet 1 | Measures of particles – dust measurements in flow gases – Gravimetric determination of dust loading | |
Heavy metals: Antimon (Sb) Arsen (As) | ÖNORM EN 13211 Issue 2005 05 01 | Air quality – emissions from stationary sources – manual method to determine the overall resilient concentration (consolidated version) |
Lead (Pb) Cadmium (Cd) Chromium (Cr) | ÖNORM 148 EN84 edition 2006 03 01 | Air quality emissions from stationary sources – determination of the total resilient concentration: Automatic measuring devices |
Kobalt (Co) Copper (Cu) Manganese (Mn) Nickel (Ni) Mercury (Hg) Thallium (Tl) Vanadium (V) Tin (Sn) | ÖNORM EN 14385 Issues 2004 05 01 | Emissions from stationary sources - determination of the total mission of As, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Tl and V |
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurane (PCDD/F) | ÖNORM EN 1948 edition 2006 05 01 | Emissions from stationary sources - determination of the mass concentration of PCDD/PCDF and dioxin-like PCBs |
Part 1 | Sample of PCDD/PCDF | |
Part 2 | Extraction and purification of PCDD/PCDF | |
Part 3 | Identification and quantification of PCDD/PCDF | |
ammonia (NH)3) | Frankfurt 3496 sheet 1 | fairs of gaseous emissions; Identifying the basic nitrogen compounds that can be found by absorption in sulphuric acid |
oxygen oxygen (O)2) | ÖNORM EN 14789 edition 2006 04 01 | Emissions from stationary sources - determination of the volume of oxygen (O)2) - Reference procedure: Paramagnetism |
Water vapour content | ÖNORM EN 14790 edition 2006 04 01 | Emissions from stationary sources – determination of water vapour in pipelines |
Equivalence of reference procedures | ÖNORM CEN/TS 14793 Issue 2005 07 01 | Emissions from stationary sources – laboratory internal validation of alternative methods by comparison with a reference procedure |
Emission metering and systems | ÖNORM M 9410 1991 01 01 | air pollution; measurement; Definitions and characteristics of continuous concentrating devices for emissions and emissions |
ÖNORM M 9411 1999 edition 11 01 | Contin constantly working concentration measurement systems for emissions of air pollutants – requirements, installation and maintenance | |
ÖNORM M 9412-1 Issue 2008 12 01 | Requirements for continuous emission measurements of air pollutants – Part 1: Data collection and disclosure | |
ÖNORM M 9412-2 Issue 2008 12 01 | Requirements for continuous emission measurements of air pollutants – Part 2: Fitness check | |
ÖNORM M 9412-3 2010 03 01 | Requirements for continuous emission measurements of air pollutants – Part 3: Control of parametry on the ground and recurring testing | |
ÖNORM EN 15259 2007 edition 12 01 | Air - Measurement quality of emissions from stationary sources – requirements for metros and measuring stations and the measurement function, measurement plan and measurement report | |
ÖNORM EN 15267-3 2008 04 01 | Air - Certification of automatic measuring devices - Part 3: Minimum requirements and test procedures for automated measuring devices to monitor emissions from stationary sources | |
Quality assurance for automatic | ÖNORM EN 14181 Issues 2004 09 01 | Emissions from stationary sources - Quality assurance for automatic measuring devices |
measuring devices, measurement insecurity | IP/09/3950 | Emissions from stationary sources - Quality assurance for automated measuring and electronic equipment |
Analysis procedure for residues
Parameters | Rules | |
Total organic carbon (TOC) | ÖNORM EN 13137 2001 edition 12 01 | characterisation of waste - determination of total organic carbon (TOC) in waste, mud and sediments |
incancer loss | ÖNORM EN 15169 2007 05 01 | characterisation of waste - determination of the incinerator loss in waste, mud and sediments" |
38. Annex 6 point B Z 7 is:
"7. | Type of plant: | |||||||||
Type of installations*1, Total fuel heat in nominal load in MW, if appropriate energy efficiency in accordance with Annex 2 Z 1 AWG 2002 |
39. Annex 6 point B Z 10:
"10. | Authorisation: | |||||||||
Approval of deviations in accordance with § 7(1). 1 to 5, § 9. 5, 6 and 12 AVV" |
40. In Annex 6, point B Z 18, the reference "§ 3 Z 25 AVV" by reference "§ 3 Z 5 AVV" replaced.
41. Annex 6 point B Z 20:
"20. | file attachments: | |||||||||
Name, name, when using the efficiency criterion set out in Annex 2 Z 1 AWG 2002 Report on compliance with energy efficiency, if applicable report on the approval of deviations in accordance with § 7 1 to 5, § 9. 5, 6 and 12 AVV" |
42. In Annex 8, Chapter 1.7, second paragraph is inserted after the third sentence of the following sentence:
“In case of waste streams, + 40 000 t/a per lot more than 10 analytical results are used to determine the median and 80 percentile. “
43. Annex 8 Chapter 1.7 sixth paragraph of first parenthes printing is:
"(for waste, excluding waste streams, + 40 000 t/a, in the context of the first batch investigation after each of the quantities examined)"
44. Annex 8 Chapter 1.7 sixth paragraph last sentence is:
"The current assessment certificate is valid from the date of transmission to the existence of the next evidence of assessment, a long time but a year and three months for waste streams, except waste under Chapter 2.6. “
45. In Annex 8, Chapter 2.1 and Annex 9, Chapter 2.1, each of the words will be the following: "ÖNORM CEN/TS 15442 "Definitive Secondary Fuels - Procedure Procedures" issued on 1st January 2007,“ by the wordinge "ÖNORM EN 15442 "Determined Secondary Fuels - Procedure Procedures" issued on 1st May 2011," replaced.
46. In Annex 8 Chapter 2.2, Chapter 2.3.1, Chapter 2.3.2, Chapter 2.5, Chapter 2.9, Chapter 2.13 and Chapter 2.14 as well as in Annex 9 Chapter 2.2.1, Chapter 2.2.2, Chapter 2.3, Chapter 2.6 and Chapter 2.9, each of which will be the following: "ÖNORM CEN/TS 15442" by the words "ÖNORM EN 15442" replaced.
47. In Annex 8 Chapter 2.3.1 second paragraph and sixth paragraph first sentence, Chapter 2.3.2 first sentence, third paragraph first sentence and sixth first sentence, and in Annex 9 Chapter 2.2.1 second paragraph and fourth paragraph and Chapter 2.2.2 first paragraph, before the word ‘represented’ the word "parallel" inserted.
48. Annex 8 Chapter 2.6 is added to the following sentence:
" Assessment certificate is to be created on a unique basis, if the contents are unchanged under Chapter 2.12. “
49. Annex 8 Chapter 2.7 second sentence is:
"The determination of the heating value must be carried out in at least one in 10 laboratory samples and at least once a calendar year. “
50. In Annex 8, Chapter 2.9 and Annex 9, Chapter 2.6, each of the words will be the following: "ÖNORM CEN/TS 15443 "Definitive Secondary fuels - Process for the production of laboratory samples", issued on 1st January January 2007," by the words "ÖNORM EN 15443 "Definitive Secondary Fuels - Process for the production of laboratory samples", issued on 15th May 2011" replaced.
51. In Annex 8 Chapter 2.9 and Annex 9 Chapter 2.6, the word sequence will be "ÖNORM CEN/TS 15413 "Determined Secondary Fuels - Process for the production of the laboratory sample" issued on 1st January December 2006," by the words "ÖNORM EN 15413 "Definitive Secondary Fuels - Procedures for the production of the sample from the laboratory sample, issued on 15th October 2011"replaced.
52. In Annex 8, Chapter 2.10 and Annex 9, Chapter 2.7, each of the words will be the following: "ÖNORM CEN/TS 15411 "Definitive Secondary Fuels - Procedures for determining the salary of trace elements (As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Tl, V and Zn)" issued on 1st December 2006," by the words "ÖNORM EN 15411 "Definitive Secondary Fuels - Procedures for determining the salary of trace elements (As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Tl, V and Zn)" issued on 15th July 2001. October 2011" replaced.
53. In Annex 8, Chapter 2.10 and Annex 9, Chapter 2.7, each of the words will be the following: "ÖNORM CEN/TS 15400 "CEN/TS" December 2006," by the words "ÖNORM EN 15400 "Definitive Secondary Fuels - Procedures for determining the fuel value", issued on 15th July May 2011" replaced.
54. In Annex 8, Chapter 2.10 and Annex 9, Chapter 2.7, each of the words will be the following: "ÖNORM CEN/TS 15414-1 "Define Secondary fuels - determination of the water content using the method of kiln drying - Part 1: determination of the total water content by reference method" issued on 1st January December 2006," by the words "ONR CEN/TS 15414-1 "Determined Secondary fuels - determination of the water content using the method of kiln drying - Part 1: determination of the total water content by reference method" issued on 15. August 2010" replaced.
55. In Annex 8, Chapter 2.10 and Annex 9, Chapter 2.7, each of the words will be the following: "ÖNORM CEN/TS 15414-3 "Determined Secondary fuels - determination of the water content using the method of kiln drying - Part 3: Water content in ordinary analyses" issued on 1st December 2006," by the words "ÖNORM EN 15414-3 "Determined Secondary fuels - determination of the water content using the method of kiln drying - Part 3: Water content in ordinary analyses samples" issued on 1st May 2011" replaced.
56. In Annex 8, Chapter 2.10 and Annex 9, Chapter 2.7, each of the words will be the following: "ÖNORM CEN/TS 15407 "Definitive Secondary fuels - Procedures for determining the carbon content (C), hydrogen (H) and nitrogen (N)" issued on 1st December 2006," by the words "ÖNORM EN 15407 "Definitive Secondary Fuels - Procedures for determining the carbon content (C), hydrogen (H) and nitrogen (N)", issued on 1st May 2011" replaced.
57. Annex 8 Chapter 2.10 and Annex 9 Chapter 2.7 are added to the following paragraph:
"Test results are on two fronts significant Points to round. Compared to the limit values, no further round may be taken. “
58. Annex 8 Chapter 2.12 Lithuania. g iv is:
“iv) | hazardous wastes: hazard-related properties; physical properties and chemical composition and other information as necessary to assess the suitability of the planned combustion process; substances that cannot be mixed with the waste at any time and precautionary measures to deal with waste; “ |
59. Annex 8 Chapter 2.14 last sentence is:
“In accordance with Chapters 2.1 to 2.10 and 2.13, the investigations are carried out by a competent expert or specialist body or are carried out exclusively for the incineration of waste under Chapter 2.6, no external monitoring is required under Chapter 2.14. “
60. Annex 9 Chapter 1.3 First paragraph:
“The provision of the Median and the 80-er Percentils will use the ten last results of the investigation. The verification of limit values is therefore only possible after the presence of (at least) ten investigation results. If there are more than ten results of the investigation, all the results of the respective lots are used to determine the median and the 80 percentile. “
61. Annex 9 Chapter 1.3 The last sentence is:
"The current assessment certificate is valid from the date of transmission to the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management until the presence of the next assessment certificate, but for a long time, except waste under Chapter 2.4. “
62. In Annex 9, Chapter 1.5, second paragraph, the last sentence is deleted.
63. In Annex 9 Chapter 2.2.1, second and fifth paragraph, the word is deleted "at least".
64. In Annex 9, Chapter 2.4, the word is at the end of Lithuania. “and” by an indent and at the end of the Lithuania. e of the point by the word “and” replacement; f is added:
“f) | from the processing of tree and bar smoke-cut, SN 92105 67, wood waste originating from SN 17201 02 and comply with the following criteria: |
Content | maximum 10% (concerning dry matter) |
Mass share of the group < 8 mm | maximum 10% |
Compliance with these criteria is to be reviewed at least once a calendar year in a quantity (150 t) per 500 t. Two qualified samples must be manufactured and tested according to Chapter 2.2.1. The criteria are deemed to be respected when the average of the two tested qualified samples is kept at the respective limit value. The determination of the ash content is issued in accordance with ÖNORM EN 15403 "Definitive Secondary fuels - determination of the ash content", issued on 15th July. May 2011 and the determination of the proportion of the group OUT 8 mm in accordance with ÖNORM EN 15415-1 "Determined Secondary Fuels - determination of particle size distribution - Part 1: Small particulates" issued on 15. October 2011. Testing and investigations must be carried out by a competent expert or specialist body. “ |
65. Annex 9 Chapter 2.4 is added to the following sentence:
"The certificate of assessment is to be made unique if the contents are unchanged under Chapter 2.8. “
66. Annex 9 Chapter 2.7 is added to the following Lithuania. e and f:
"e) | The determination of chlorine and fluorocarbons must be made in accordance with ÖNORM EN 15408 "Definitive Secondary Fuels - Procedures for determining the content of sulphur (S), Chlor (Cl), Fluor (F) and Brom (Br)", issued on 1st May 2011 For the sample rebate, the incineration is also allowed after meltle. | |||||||||
(f) | The provision of PAK must be made on 1 September 2008, in accordance with ÖNORM EN 15527 "Characterisation of waste - determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAK) in waste through gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). By way of derogation to Chapter 2.6, a reduction in the size of grain is sufficient to 1 mm and the amount of test must be increased. “ |
67. In Annex 9, Chapter 2.8 is in Lithuania. i and Lithuania. k each word Wood waste by the word "About" and last sentence Wood wastes by the word "waste" replaced.
68. The following sequence is added to the Annex 9 Chapter 2.8.j before the point:
"(except waste in Chapter 2.4)"
69. Annex 9 Chapter 2.9 is added to the following paragraph:
“In accordance with Chapters 2.1 to 2.7, the investigations are carried out by a competent expert or specialist organisation or the waste disposal is clarified in accordance with Chapter 2.4, no external monitoring is required under Chapter 2.9. “
70. After Annex 9, the following installations are added 10 and 11:
"Annex 10 (to § 2(1)a) |
Limit values for purified gas from gasification or pyrolysis plants
Total sulphur | 10 | mg/m3 |
sulphur water | 5 | mg/m3 |
Carbon Oxide | 5 | mg/m3 |
The volume unit of the gas relates to 0 °C and 1013 mbar.
A mixture of gas with other gases with the aim of lowering limit values is not allowed.
With regard to the salary of solid and liquid components, halogen compounds and ammonia, the ÖVGW Indicaline G 31 "Erdgas in Austria".
A well-expected proof is to show that compliance with the requirements set out in Section 2(2). 1a is guaranteed.
The sample is to be carried out according to ÖNORM EN ISO 10715 ‘Erdgas – sampling directives’, issued on 1 April 2000.
In accordance with ÖNORM EN ISO 6326-5, "Erdgas - determination of sulphur compounds - Part 5: Incineration after the Lingener procedure", issued on 1st March 1998, or pursuant to ÖNORM EN 24260 ‘mineral oil products and hydrocarbons – determination of the sulphur content – incineration after meltle’, issued on 1 March 1998. May 1994.
The determination of sulphur hydrocarbons and carbon oxidesulfid is issued in accordance with ÖNORM EN ISO 19739 "Erdgas - determination of sulphur compounds by gas chromatography" on 15th July. November 2011.
Annex 11 (to § 9). 13) |
Formula to calculate emission concentration to the standard percentage of oxygen concentration
ES = calculated emission concentration to the standard percentage of oxygen concentration
EM = measured emission concentration
OS = standard oxygen concentration
OM = measured oxygen concentration"
Berlakovich Mitterlehner