Key Benefits:
75. Federal Law, with which the school teaching law, the school-teaching-law-novella BGBl. I No. 9/2012, the school-teaching-law-Novelle BGBl. I n ° 52/2010, the Law on Education for Vocational Education and Training, the Federal Act on the Occupational Tyre Test, the compulsory school-leaving examination law, the "Schulpflichtgesetz" 1985, the Student Assistance Act 1983, the Private school law, the Federal School Supervision Act, the Pupil Representation Act, the School Organization Act, the School Time Act 1985, the Federal Law on Agriculture and Forest Law, the Federal Law on the Legal Personality of Religious Confessional communities and the federal law on the Regulation of the instance train at the time of the release of charges in matters of state cult administration (administrative justice adjustment law for the school and cult areas)
The National Council has decided:
table of contents
Art. |
Subject matter |
1 |
Amendment of the school teaching law |
2 |
Amendment of the school teaching law Novelle BGBl. I N ° 9/2012 |
3 |
Amendment of the school teaching law Novelle BGBl. I No 52/2010 |
4 |
Amendment of the school teaching law for working persons, colleges and preparatory courses |
5 |
Amendment of the Federal Act on the Professional Tyre Test |
6 |
Amendment of the compulsory school leaving certificate-examination law |
7 |
Amendment of the compulsory schooling law 1985 |
8 |
Amendment of the Student Aid Act 1983 |
9 |
Amendment of the Private School Act |
10 |
Amendment of the Federal Education and Training Act |
11 |
Amendment of the Pupil Representation Act |
12 |
Amendment of the School Organisation Act |
13 |
Amendment of the school-age law 1985 |
14 |
Amendment of the Federal Law on Agriculture and Forestry |
15 |
Amendment of the federal law on the legal personality of religious confessional communities |
16 |
Amendment of the Federal Act on the settlement of the instance train in the case of the dismissal of charges in matters of state cult administration |
Article 1
Amendment of the school teaching law
The school teaching law (SchUG), BGBl. No 472/1986, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 74/2013, shall be amended as follows:
1. In § 7 (3), § 9 (4) and 5, § 10 (1), § 32 (2), (2a) and 3a, § 44 (1) and (2), § 47 (1), § 59 (5), § 63a (16) and (17), § 64 (15) and (16), § 65 (1), § 65a (2), first sentence and § 73 (1), third sentence, the turn of the "School Authority of First Instance" through the turn "competent school authority" replaced.
2. In § 16 (3), § 26 (3), § 35 (1), § 36 (3), § 37 (1) Z 1, 3 and 4; § 37 (5) (1), § 42 (4), § 49 (2), (3) and (4), § 65a (2), second sentence, and § 73 (1), second sentence, and (4), the turn of the "School Authority of First Instance" through the turn "competent school authority" replaced.
3. § 17 (4) last sentence is deleted.
4. § 17 (5) last sentence reads:
"This decision shall be notified to the legal guardian without delay, stating the reasons and an instruction on the possibility of objection." |
5. In § 20 (6) the word "Appeal for the right to appeal" through the turn "Instruction on the possibility of contradiction" replaced.
6. In Article 26a (3), the word "Appeal for the right to appeal" through the turn "Instruction on the possibility of contradiction" replaced.
(7) In Section 31c (6), the word shall be: "Appeal for the right to appeal" through the turn "Instruction on the possibility of contradiction" replaced.
8. In § 46 (1) the turn shall be "School Authority of First Instance" through the turn "competent school authority" replaces and reads the sentence between the dashes:
-for general education compulsory schools of the Landesschulrat-".
9. § 46 para. 2 third sentence reads:
" In addition, the authorization may be granted by the competent school authority; provided that the participation of pupils from several schools for which different school authorities are responsible is to be organised, the authorization may be granted by the competent authority for all these schools. Schools are to be given to the relevant joint school authority. "
10. § 49 (6) deleted.
The first sentence of Article 70 (1) reads as follows:
" (1) Where the institutions other than the federal authorities are called upon to carry out proceedings, the general procedural provisions of the AVG shall not apply and, in the matters referred to below, paragraphs 2 to 4 shall apply. to apply: "
12. In § 70 para. 4 lit. f will be the word "Appeal for the right to appeal" through the turn "Instruction on the possibility of contradiction" replaced.
13. § 70 para. 1 lit. g to j receive the names "h)" , "(i)" , "j)" and "k)" . After lit. f is the following lit. g inserted:
" (g) |
Measures for the promotion of talent (§ § 26, 26a, 26b, 26c), " |
14. § 71 (1) and the title are:
" Provisional procedure (contradiction)
§ 71. (1) Contradiction to the competent school authority is admissible against decisions in the matters of Section 70 (1). The objection shall be submitted in writing (in any technically possible form, but not by e-mail) within five days at the school, in the case of external examinations at the examination board. "
15. In § 71 para. 2, first sentence, the turn "the appeal" through the turn "a contradiction" as well as the turn "School Authority of First Instance" through the turn "competent school authority" replaced.
16. In § 71 para. 2, second sentence, the turn "The vocation" through the turn "The contradiction" replaced.
17. In § 71 (2), third sentence, the turn "the appeal" through the turn "the contradiction" as well as the turn "School Authority of First Instance" through the turn "competent school authority" replaced.
18. § 71 para. 2 lit. c is:
" (c) |
that the student is not entitled to ascend or has not successfully completed the last stage of the school type visited (decision in accordance with § 20 para. 6, 8 and 10, decision after filing one or two repeat exams, each in connection with § 25) or is not entitled to transfer to a middle or higher school for at least three years (decision in accordance with § 20 para. 6a), " |
19. The following paragraph 2a is inserted in Section 71 (2):
" (2a) With the introduction of the opposition, the (provisional) decision of the institutions arises in the affairs of Section 70 (1) and Section 71 (2). In such cases, the competent school authority shall initiate the administrative procedure and make the decision. "
20. In § 71 (3), the turn-of-the- "the appeal" through the turn "the contradiction" replaced.
21. In § 71 (4), first sentence, the turn "School Authority of First Instance" through the turn "competent school authority" and the turn "the appeal" through the turn "the contradiction" replaced.
22. In § 71 (6), the turn-of-the- "the appeal" through the turn "the contradiction" and the word "these" by the word "this" replaced.
23. § 71 (7).
Section 71 (8) is deleted.
25. § 71 (9).
"(9) In the case of decisions of school bodies other than those referred to in (1) and (2) above, an objection to the competent school authority shall not be allowed."
26. In Section 73 (3), the word "Appointments" by the word "Contradictions" replaced.
27. § 73 (4) reads:
" (4) In the cases of Section 71 (2), the competent school authority has to decide on the objections which have been received within three weeks in a modest way. In the cases of § 71 para. 2 lit. c has the competent authority to make a modest decision on the objections which have been received within two weeks. Until the decision of the competent school authority in the opposition proceedings in the cases of § 71 (2) (lit). c is the student entitled to attend the lesson in the next school level. "
28. The following paragraph 5 is added to Section 73 (4):
" (5) The time limit for the lodging of a complaint with the Administrative Court is four weeks. In the cases of § 71 para. 2 lit. c is in principle two weeks, in the cases of the decision after the deposition of one or two repeat examinations (in each case in connection with § 25) five days. The Administrative Court shall have three months to decide on complaints pursuant to this Federal Act as of the submission of the appeal. In the cases of § 71 para. 2 lit. c has the administrative court, in principle, within four weeks from the submission of the appeal, to decide within three weeks in the cases of the decision after the filing of one or two repeat examinations (in each case in connection with § 25). Until the decision of the Administrative Court in the appeal proceedings in the cases of § 71 para. 2 lit. c is the student entitled to attend the lesson in the next school level. "
29. In § 77 lit. c becomes the word "appeal procedure" through the turn "Provisional" replaced.
30. In § 82, the following paragraph 5v is inserted after paragraph 5v:
" (5w) § 7 para. 3, § 9 para. 4 and 5, § 10 para. 1, § 16 para. 3, § 17 para. 5, § 20 para. 6, § 26 para. 3, § 26a para. 3, § 31c para. 6, § 35 para. 1, § 36 para. 3, § 37 para. 1 Z 1, 3 and 4, § 37 para. 5 Z 1, § 42 para. 4, § 49 para. 2, 3 and 4, § 65a para. 2 second Sentence, section 73 (1), second sentence, § 32 (2), (2a) and (3a), § 44 (1) and (2), § 47 (1), § 59 (5), § 63a (16) and (17), § 64 (15) and (16), § 65 (1), § 65a (2), first sentence, and § 73 (1), third sentence, § 46 (1), § 46 (2), third sentence, § § 46 (1). 70 (1), first sentence, § 70 (1) (h), (i), (j) and (k) and (4) (lit). f § 71 (1) and title, § 71 (2), (2a), (3), (4), (6) and (9), § 73 (3), (4) and (5), § 74 (4) and § 77 (lit). c in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 75/2013 will be 1. Jänner 2014 in Kraft, § 70 Abs. 1 lit. g shall enter into force on 1 September 2017. At the same time, Section 17 (4) of the last sentence, § 49 (6), § 71 (7) and (8) shall be repeal. "
Article 2
Amendment of the school teaching law Novelle BGBl. I N ° 9/2012
The school teaching law Novelle BGBl. I No 9/2012 shall be amended as follows:
1. In Z 43 (Section 71 (7a)) the turn is made in the first sentence "School Authority of First Instance" through the turn "competent school authority" , in the last sentence the turn "School Authority of First Instance" through the turn "competent school authority" and the word "Occupation advertiser" by the word "Objection-value" replaced.
Article 3
Amendment of the school teaching law Novelle BGBl. I No 52/2010
The school teaching law Novelle BGBl. I No 52/2010 is amended as follows:
1. In Z 7 (section 35, paragraph 2, last sentence, § 36 (1), § 36 (4) Z 2 and 3, § 37 (2) (2) and (3)), the turn shall be: "School Authority of First Instance" through the turn "competent school authority" replaced.
2. In Z 7 (§ 35 para. 2 Z 1 and § 37 para. 2 Z 2) the turn is "School Authority of First Instance" through the turn "competent school authority" replaced.
3. In Z 7 (§ 36 para. 4 last sentence) the turn "The School Authority of the First Instance" through the turn "The competent school authority" replaced.
Article 4
Amendment of the school teaching law for working persons, colleges and preparatory courses
The school teaching law for professionals, colleges and preparatory training courses (SchUG-BKV), BGBl. I No 33/1997, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 9/2012, is amended as follows:
1. In § 11 (3), § 34 (1), § 37 (3), § 46 (1) and (3), last sentence, section 62 (1) of the last sentence, section 63 (1) of the third sentence of the third sentence of the third sentence of the third sentence of the third sentence of the third sentence, the turn shall be "School Authority of First Instance" through the turn "competent school authority" replaced.
2. In § 17 (3), § 37 (2) (1) and (4) and 6 (6) (1), § 62 (3), first sentence, § 63 (1), second sentence, § 63 (4) and § 65, the turn shall be: "School Authority of First Instance" through the turn "competent school authority" replaced.
(3) In § 57 (6), the turn shall be "ordinary appeal" by the word "contradiction" replaced.
4. § 61 (1) reads:
" (1) For decisions on the basis of this federal law, which are to be adopted by bodies other than the federal school authorities (principal, department head, teacher's conference, examination commission, etc.), the general procedural provisions shall apply the AVG shall not be applied and shall be subject to paragraphs 2 to 4. "
5. § 61 (3) becomes the word "Deadline for appeal" by the word "Appeal period" replaced.
6. In § 61 (4) (6), the word "Appeal for the right to appeal" through the turn "Instruction on the possibility of contradiction" replaced.
7. The title of § 62 reads as follows:
"Provisional procedure (contradiction)"
8. § 62 (1) first sentence reads:
"Contrary to the decisions referred to in § 61, if such a decision is not excluded, the competent school authority shall be entitled to appeal."
9. In § 62 (1), second sentence, the turn "The vocation" through the turn "The contradiction" replaced.
10. In the third sentence of § 62 (1), the turn shall be "the appeal" through the turn "the contradiction" replaced.
11. In § 62 (2), the turn-of-the- "the appeal" through the turn "the contradiction" replaced.
(12) In § 62 (3), first sentence, the word shall be: "vocation" by the word "contradiction" replaced.
13. In § 62 (3) last sentence, the word "Occupation advertiser" by the word "Objection-value" replaced.
14. § 62 (4) reads:
" (4) With the introduction of the objection, the (provisional) decision of the institutions shall be repealed in the affairs of Section 61. In such cases, the competent school authority shall initiate the administrative procedure and make the decision. "
15. In § 63 (3), the word "Appointments" by the word "Contradictions" replaced.
16. In § 63 (4), the turn "the appeal" through the turn "a contradiction" replaced.
17. The following paragraph 5 is added to Section 63 (4):
"(5) The Administrative Court shall have three months to decide on complaints pursuant to this Federal Law from the submission of the appeal."
18. In § 64 (1) the turn-of-the-turn "First Instance" .
19. The following paragraph 8 is added to § 69:
" (8) § 17 para. 3, § 37 para. 2 Z 1 and 4 as well as paragraph 6 Z 1, § 57 para. 6, § 61 paragraph 4 Z 6, § 62 para. 1 first sentence and para. 3 first sentence, § 63 para. 1 second sentence, § 63 para. 4, § 65, § 11 para. 3, § 34 para. 1, § 37 para. 2 Z 3, § 46 para. 1 and 3, § 58 para. 7, Section 59 (3), section 63 (1), third sentence, § 61 (1) and (3), the title of § 62, § 62 (1), (2), (3) and (4), § 63 (3), (4) and (5) and Section 64 (1), as amended by the Federal Law BGBl (Federal Law Gazette). I No 75/2013 will be 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "
Article 5
Amendment of the Federal Act on the Professional Tyre Test
The Federal Act on the Professional Tyre Test, BGBl. I n ° 68/1997, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 89/2012, will be amended as follows:
1. The title of the Federal Act shall be the abbreviation of the short title, together with the abbreviation "(Professional ripening law-BRPG)" .
2. In § 10, the turn shall be "the appeal" through the turn "a contradiction" replaced and the word "Request for appeal" by the word "Appeal Request" replaced.
(3) The following paragraph 10 is added to § 12:
" (10) The title as well as § 10 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 75/2013 will be 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "
Article 6
Amendment of the compulsory school leaving certificate-examination law
The mandatory school-leaving examination law, BGBl. I n ° 72/2012, shall be amended as follows:
1. In § 10, the turn shall be "the appeal" through the turn "a contradiction" replaced and the word "Request for appeal" by the word "Appeal Request" replaced.
2. In § 13, the previous text receives the sales designation "(1)" and shall be added to the following paragraph 2:
" (2) § 10 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 75/2013 will be 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "
Article 7
Amendment of the compulsory schooling law 1985
The Compulsory Education Act 1985, BGBl. No. 76/1985, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 74/2013, shall be amended as follows:
1. In § 6 (2c), § 7 (5) and § 9 (6), the turn-of-the-turn "School Authority of First Instance" through the turn "competent school authority" replaced.
2. In § 6 (2c), fifth sentence, the word "Appeal for the right to appeal" through the turn "Instruction on the possibility of contradiction" replaced.
3. In § 6 para. 2c sixth sentence, the turn "the appeal" through the turn "a contradiction" replaced and in the seventh sentence the turn "The vocation" through the turn "The contradiction" .
4. § 6 para. 2c last sentence is deleted.
5. In § 7 para. 5, second sentence, the word shall be: "Appeal for the right to appeal" through the turn "Instruction on the possibility of contradiction" replaced.
6. In § 7 (5), third sentence, the turn "the appeal" through the turn "a contradiction" replaced.
7. In § 7 para. 5, fourth sentence, the turn shall be "The vocation" through the turn "The contradiction" and the word "Request for appeal" by the word "Appeal Request" replaced.
8. § 7 (5) last sentence is deleted.
9. Section 8 (4) is deleted.
10. In § 9 para. 6, second sentence, the turn-of-the-turn "in the administration instance train" and the word shall be "Legal remedies" by the word "contradiction" replaced.
11. In the last sentence of § 9 (6), the turn-of-the- " , whose decision does not allow a proper legal remedy " and shall be made after the word "responsible" a point attached.
12. § 10 para. 2 second sentence is deleted.
13. § 10 (3) second sentence is deleted.
14. § 11 (3) last sentence is deleted.
15. § 11 (4) last sentence is deleted.
16. § 13 (4).
17. § 22 (4) last sentence is deleted.
18. § 23 (3) last sentence is deleted.
19. According to § 24a, the following § 24b and the heading are inserted:
" Procedure
§ 24b. To the extent that other institutions (e.g. principals) are appointed as the federal authorities responsible for the implementation of procedures, the general procedural provisions of the AVG shall not apply. "
20. The following paragraph 15 is added to Article 30 (14):
" (15) § 6 para. 2c, § 7 para. 5, § 9 para. 6 and § 24b, together with the title in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 75/2013 will be 1. Jänner 2014 in force. At the same time § 6 para. 2c last sentence, § 7 para. 5 last sentence, § 8 para. 4, § 10 para. 2 second sentence, § 10 para. 3, second sentence, § 11 para. 3 last sentence, § 11 para. 4 last sentence, § 13 para. 4, § 22 para. 4 last sentence and § 23 para. 3 last sentence except for power. "
Article 8
Amendment of the Student Aid Act 1983
The Student Assistance Act 1983, BGBl. No. 455/1983, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 89/2012, will be amended as follows:
1. In § 13 the entry rate shall be:
"In the case of student aid matters, the following shall be the responsibility of:"
2. In § 13 Z 2 the twists are eliminated "in first instance" and " , in second instance of the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture " .
3. In § 13 Z 3 the twists are eliminated "in first instance" and " , in second instance of the Federal Minister of Health " .
4. In § 13 Z 4 the twists are eliminated "in first instance" and " , in second instance of the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture " .
5. In § 14 (3), the turn-of-the-turn "in first instance" .
6. In Section 16 (2), the word "Procedure" through the turn "the administrative procedures to be carried out by the competent authorities in accordance with § 13" replaced.
7. § 16 (4).
8. The following paragraph 7 is added to § 16:
"(7) The Administrative Court shall have three months to decide on complaints in student assistance matters from the submission of the complaint."
9. The following paragraph 16 is added to § 26:
" (16) The introduction of § 13 as well as § 13 Z 2, 3 and 4, § 14 para. 3 as well as § 16 para. 2 and 7 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 75/2013 will be 1. Jänner 2014 in force. At the same time, Section 16 (4) shall not apply. "
Article 9
Amendment of the Private School Act
The private school law, BGBl. No 244/1962, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 36/2012, shall be amended as follows:
1. § 23 (1) reads:
" (1) Competent school authority within the meaning of this Federal Law is, insofar as paragraph 2 does not specify otherwise, the locally competent national school council. The Federal Minister of Education, Arts and Culture is the subject of the relevant upper authority. "
2. In § 23 (2) the turn-of-the-turn "in first instance" .
3. The following paragraph 6 is added to § 29:
" (6) § 23 (1) and (2) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 75/2013 will be 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "
Article 10
Amendment of the Federal Education and Training Act
The Federal School Supervision Act, BGBl. No 240/1962, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 28/2011, shall be amended as follows:
1. § 3 (1) Z 1 to 3 reads:
" 1. |
the district school council for the general education compulsory schools; factually relevant senior authorities are the Landesschulrat (Landesschulrat) and the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture; |
2. |
the Landesschulrat (Landesschulrat) for the vocational schools and for the middle and higher schools, with the exception of the central institutions (par. 4); factually relevant upper authority is the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture; |
3. |
Federal Minister for Education, the Arts and Culture for the Central Hospitals (paragraph 1) 4). " |
(2) The following paragraph 6 is added to § 24:
" (6) § 3 paragraph 1 Z 1 to 3 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 75/2013 will be 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "
Article 11
Amendment of the Pupil Representation Act
The Student Representative Act (SchVG), BGBl. No 284/1990, shall be amended as follows:
1. In § 1, § 2 (2), § 4 (4), § 24 (1), § 27 (1) and (2), § 30 (1) and (3), § 31 (2), § 34 (4) and (37), the turn of the turn shall be: "Education, art and sport" in each case by the turn "Education, art and culture" replaced.
2. In § 9 para. 3, the turn-of-the- "ordinary appeal" by the word "contradiction" replaced.
3. § 18 (2), last sentence shall be deleted.
4. § 38 receives the title "Entry into force, external force".
Section 38 (4) reads as follows:
" (4) § 1, § 2 para. 2, § 4 para. 4, § 9 para. 3, § 24 para. 1, § 27 para. 1 and 2, § 30 para. 1 and 3, § 31 para. 2, § 34 para. 4, § 37, the title of § 38 and § 39, together with the title in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 75/2013 will be 1. Jänner 2014 in force. At the same time, the last sentence of Section 18 (2) shall be repeal
6. The following § 39 together with the title is added:
" Enforcement
§ 39. With the enforcement of this federal law, the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture is entrusted. "
Article 12
Amendment of the School Organisation Act
The School Organization Act (SchOG), BGBl. No 242/1962, as last amended by BGBl. I No 74/2013, shall be amended as follows:
§ 4 (4), § 6 (3), fourth sentence, § 8a (2), second sentence, § 16 (5), § 21b (4), § 29 (2), § 43 (1), § 55a (2), § 57 (1), § 68a (2), § 71 (1), § 100 (1), § 108 (1), § 128c (3) and 4 (4), the turn-of-turn is "School Authority of First Instance" through the turn "competent school authority" replaced.
2. In § 6 (1), section 8a (2), first half-sentence, the turn-of-the-turn "School authorities of first instance" through the turn "competent school authorities" replaced.
3. In § 6 para. 3, § 8a para. 2, second half sentence, § 8b para. 2, § 128c para. 8, the turn shall be made "School Authority of First Instance" through the turn "competent school authority" replaced.
4. § 7 (6), first sentence reads:
"(6) The school experiments are to be supervised, controlled and evaluated by the responsible school authority, in the case of general education compulsory schools of the Landesschulrat (Landesschulrat), whereby institutions of teacher education and training can be used."
(5) The following paragraph 29 is added to § 131:
" (29) § 4 (4), § 6 (3) fourth sentence, § 8a (2) second sentence, § 16 para. 5, § 21b para. 4, § 29 para. 2, § 43 paragraph 1, § 55a paragraph 2, § 57 paragraph 1, § 68a para. 2, § 71 para. 1, § 100 para. 1, § 108 para. 1, § 128c para. 3 and 4, § 6 para. 1, § 8a para. 2 first Half-sentence, § 6 para. 3, § 8a para. 2 second half sentence, § 8b para. 2, § 128c para. 8 and § 7 para. 6 first sentence in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 75/2013 will be 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "
Article 13
Amendment of the school-age law 1985
The School Time Act 1985, BGBl. No 77/1985, as last amended by BGBl. I n ° 36/2012, shall be amended as follows:
1. In § 2 para. 4 Z 3, the turn shall be "School Authority of First Instance" through the turn "competent school authority" replaced.
2. In § 2 (5) and (7) as well as § 4 (1) the turn shall be made "School Authority of First Instance" through the turn "competent school authority" replaced.
(3) The following paragraph 9 is added to § 16 (8):
" (9) § 2 (4) (3), (5) and (7) and § 4 (1) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl (Federal Law Gazette). I No 75/2013 will be 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "
Article 14
Amendment of the Federal Law on Agriculture and Forestry
The federal law on agriculture and forestry, BGBl. No. 175/1966, as last amended by BGBl. I n ° 36/2012, shall be amended as follows:
1. In § 31c (3), turn "School Authority of First Instance" through the turn "competent school authority" replaced.
(2) The following paragraph 5 is added to Article 35 (4):
" (5) § 31c (3) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 75/2013 will be 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "
Article 15
Amendment of the federal law on the legal personality of religious confessional communities
The federal law on the legal personality of religious confessional communities, as last amended by BGBl. I No 78/2011, shall be amended as follows:
1. In § 2 para. 1 the quote shall be "§ 27 VwGG" by quoting "§ 73 AVG" replaced.
2. In § 12, the previous text receives the sales designation "(1)" and shall be added to the following paragraph 2:
" (2) § 2 para. 1 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 75/2013 will be 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "
Article 16
Amendment of the Federal Act on the settlement of the instance train in the case of the dismissal of charges in matters of state cult administration
The Federal Act on the settlement of the instance train in the case of the release of charges in matters of state culture administration, BGBl. II No 156/1934, shall be amended as follows:
With the entry into force of this Federal Act, the Federal Act on the settlement of the instance train in the case of the dismissal of charges in matters of state administration of cult de cultment shall not be effective.