Key Benefits:
192. Regulation of the Management Board of E-Control, which changes the regulation of the Board of Management of E-Control on the quality of the network services (NetzdienstleistungsVO Strom 2012, END-VO 2012) (NetzdienstleistungsVO Strom 2012 -Novelle 2013, END-VO) 2012 -Novelle 2013)
On the basis of § 19 Electricity Economic and Organization Act 2010-ElWOG 2010, BGBl. I No 110/2010 idF BGBl. I n ° 06/2013, iVm § 7 para. 1 Energy Control Act-E-ControlG, BGBl. I No 110/2010 idF BGBl. I n ° 51/2012 will be the regulation of the Board of Management of E-Control on the quality of the network services (NetzdienstleistungsVO Strom 2012, END-VO 2012), BGBl. II No 477/2012, as amended:
1. § 2 para. 1 Z 7 reads:
" 7. |
"interruption of supply" means a random and/or fault-related (unplanned) or planned and/or operationally necessary (planned) interruption of the supply or the feed-in possibility of one or more network users. " |
2. § 2 (4) reads:
"(4) Where reference is made in this Regulation to provisions of other federal laws or regulations, the provisions shall be applied in their respective versions."
Section 3 (6) reads as follows:
" (6) The distribution system operator shall agree with the network user an appropriate and binding time limit for the implementation of the network access. If the network access is made in the absence of the network user, the network user shall be informed immediately in writing about the implementation. If the presence of the network user is necessary for the implementation of the network access, § 11 sentence 1 shall apply mutatis mutuelly. "
4. § 11 reads:
" § 11. If the presence of the network user is required for the execution of repairs and maintenance, the distribution system operator has to agree time windows of two hours with the network user and in so doing as far as possible to the network user's wishes. consideration. If the presence of the network user is required during the reading, a two-hour time window shall also be indicated in the information on the date of the reading according to § 10 (2). "
Section 12 (2) reads as follows:
Requests and complaints from network users to the distribution system operator shall be answered by the distribution system operator within five working days from deposits and shall be finalised in the process. If an initial charge is not possible within this period, the answer shall at least be informed of the further procedure, the expected duration of the processing, and the contact details of a contact person. "
6. § 14 (3) Z 1 and 2 reads:
" 1. |
Measurements shall be carried out annually at 360 different measuring points in the entire Federal territory for at least three weeks following each other. The selection of these measuring points shall be carried out annually on the basis of a statistical selection procedure, corresponding to the state of the art, which shall be submitted to the regulatory authority and shall be in agreement with it. 40 other measuring points are to be measured in the same three calendar weeks each year. The selection of these measuring points shall be justified and shall be submitted to the regulatory authority and shall be coordinated with it. |
2. |
In all substations of the entire Federal territory, the measurements of voltage interruptions, increases and interruptions are to be carried out throughout the year and throughout in accordance with section 16 (3) of the German Federal Republic of Germany. " |
7. In § 15, the expression "§ 17" by the expression "§ 16" replaced. The previous text of § 15 receives the sales designation "(1)" ; § 15 the following paragraph 2 is added:
" (2) § 2 para. 1 Z 7, § 2 para. 4, § 3 para. 6, § 11, § 12 para. 2, § 14 para. 3 Z 1 and 2, § 16 para. 1 and § 16 para. 3 in the version of the regulation BGBl. II No. 192/2013 will enter into force on 1 July 2013. "
8. § 16 (1) reads:
" (1) Network operators shall, for the first time, have the obligation to publish and transmit to the regulatory authority pursuant to Article 14 (1) (1) to (6) as well as the obligation to transmit the measures referred to in Article 14 (2) and (3) to the regulatory authority on 31 March 2015 Basis of the data collected in 2014. The key figures in accordance with § 14 (1) Z 7 and 8 are to be published for the first time until 31 March 2015 on the basis of the data from 2012 to 2014 and transmitted to the regulatory authority.
9. § 16 (3) reads:
" (3) In accordance with § 14 (3) Z 2, measurements shall be made in 10% of the substations as of 1. January 2014, in 50% of the substations from 1. Jänner 2016 and 100% of the substations from 1. Jänner 2020. The respective selection of the measuring points shall be coordinated with the regulatory authority. "
Boltz Graf