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Change The Basic Training Regulation-Bka

Original Language Title: Änderung der Grundausbildungsverordnung-BKA

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216. Regulation of the Federal Chancellor, amending the Regulation on basic training for staff of the department of portfolios (Basic Training Regulation (KA)).

On the basis of § § 25 to 31 of the Civil Service Act 1979 (BDG 1979), BGBl. No. 333, in the current version and § 67 of the Contract Order Act 1948 (VBG 1948), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No 86, in the current version:

The Federal Chancellor's Regulation on basic training for staff of the department of the department of training (Grundausbildungsverordnung-BKA), BGBl. II No 248/2009, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 1 (1) is accompanied by the title:

" Scope

§ 1. (1) This Regulation lays down the basic training for staff members in the department of the Federal Chancellery, who are obliged to complete a basic training in accordance with the provisions of the contract law of 1948 or the contractual agreements, or for which, in accordance with the Staff Regulations Act 1979, the successful completion of a basic training is provided for as a requirement for appointment or definitive employment.

Within the meaning of this Regulation, the area of the portfolio shall include the following training areas:


Central management of the Federal Chancellery (including the equal treatment attorney, permanent representation at the OECD and KommAustria)


Austrian State Archives


Asylgerichtshof, from 1.1.2014 Federal Administrative Court


Data Protection Commission, from 1.1.2014 Data Protection Authority. "

2. 2 (2) Z 4 reads as follows:

" 4.

Comprehensive knowledge of the functioning of the portfolio, of the Austrian state institutions and of the European Union as well as of the administrative divisions of the Federal Government "

3. § 3 together with headline:

" Training Director/Training Manager, Mentor, Lecturer

§ 3. (1) Training Manager/Training Manager is


In the area of training of the central management of the Federal Chancellery, the Head of the Personnel Department of the Federal Chancellery or the representative/representative of the Federal Chancellery responsible for this task,


In the training area of the Austrian State Archives, the Head of the Directorate of Personnel and Administration,


in the field of training of the Asylum Court or from 1.1.2014 of the Federal Administrative Court, the Head of the Presidential Department,


in the training area of the Data Protection Commission or As of 1 January 2014, the Data Protection Authority shall be the head of the Data Protection Commission, or the data protection authority or the representative/representative of the data protection authority responsible for this task.

(2) The training manager shall provide each trainee with the assistance of a mentor from the circle of staff members of the respective training area. In the mentoring model, the mentoring and promotion of staff is carried out by a manager or by a suitable experienced force appointed by the latter. The exercise of the function as mentor/mentor is voluntary. In case of appointment of a judge of the Federal Administrative Court (Bundesverwaltungsgericht) to the Mentor/Mentor, it must be made by the President of the Federal Administrative Court and can be revoked at any time by the President of the Federal Administrative Court.

(3) As a lecturer (lecturer) in the individual modules, suitably qualified staff members shall be used. "

4. § 4 (2) reads:

" (2) The basic training shall be based on the different requirements for jobs of the


Usage or Remuneration groups A1, A, v1 for right-handed use;


Usage or Remuneration groups A1, A, v1 for other uses;


Usage or Pay groups A1, A, v1 for the archival service;


Usage or Remuneration groups A2, B, v2 for the administrative and accounting service;


Usage or Pay groups A2, B, v2 for the archival service;


Usage or Pay groups A3 to A5, C, D, v3 and v4;


Usage or Pay groups A3 to A5, C, D, v3 and v4 for the archival service;


Pay groups h1, h2 and h3

either completely or partially separate. "

5. § 5 (2), (3) and (4) are:

" (2) The training in the individual subjects is done in the form of training modules. The individual modules are available as




electronic distance learning (e-learning system),





or from a combination of these forms of training.

(3) Participation in training modules according to paragraph 2 (2) (1) and (2) shall be considered as a service.

(4) The theoretical training is based on the requirements of the trainee/trainee for jobs of the following use and/or trainee. To complete pay groups to the following extent:


A1 and v1, 200 to 280 hours;


A2 and v2, 190 to 240 hours;


A3 to A5 respectively v3 and v4, 170 to 220 hours;


h1, h2 and h3, 60 to 90 hours "

6. § 5 (5) Z 2 reads:

" 2.

Part of the educational programme offered by the Administrative Academy of the Federal Government and "

7. § 6 para. 1 Z 2 reads:

" 2.

if necessary for a period of up to two months on a workplace different from the main workplace (rotational workplace) "

8. § 7 (1) reads:

" § 7. (1) The training manager has to draw up a training plan for each trainee for the basic training. In the preparation of the training plan, the skilled person as well as the apprentier are to be included. The personal circumstances of the staff member and the interests of the service shall be duly taken into account. "

9. In Section 7 (3), the last sentence is deleted.

10. § 10 (1) and (2) are:

" (1) For each training area, a Service Examination Commission shall be ordered, whose members act as individual examiners or as members of an examination board. An examination senate consists of one chairperson and two other members.

(2) The Chairperson and the other members of the Service Examination Committee shall be ordered for a period of five years. In the training area of the Federal Administrative Court, the chairperson of the Service Examination Committee is to be appointed from the circle of judges/judges. "

11. § 11 (2) reads:

" (2) The credit transfer has to be made after the performance of an equivalence and expediency assessment of the service authority or The staff office must be carried out by the training manager. By way of derogation, the equivalence and expediency test in the training area of the Federal Administrative Court has been carried out by nationals of the use and/or Pay groups A, A1, v1, B, A2 or v2 are to be made by the President of the Federal Administrative Court. "

12. In § 12, the following paragraphs 3 to 5 are added:

" (3) § 1 (1), § 2 (2) Z 4, § 3 (1) and (3), § 4 (2), § 5 (2), (3), (4) and (5) Z 2, § 6 (1) Z 2, § 7 (1) and (3), § 10 (1) and Appendixes 1 and 2 in the BGBl version. II No. 216/2013 will enter into force on 1 August 2013.

(4) § 3 para. 2, § 10 para. 2, § 11 para. 2 and the annex 3 in the version BGBl. II No. 216/2013 will be 1. Jänner 2014 in force.

(5) Basic training, which began before 1 August 2013, shall be completed in accordance with the provisions in force until 1 August 2013. "

13. The plants are:

(see annexes)
