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Psychologist Law 2013

Original Language Title: Psychologengesetz 2013

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182. Federal Law on the Leadership of the Label "Psychologist" or "Psychologist" and on the Exercises of Health Psychology and Clinical Psychology (Psychologists Act 2013)

The National Council has decided:

table of contents

I. Main piece

§ 1

General provisions and definitions

§ 2

Linguistic equality

§ 3


§ 4

Name "Psychologist" or "psychologist"

§ 5

Criminal provisions

II. Main item

Section 1

Health Psychology and Clinical Psychology
(Common provisions)

§ 6


§ 7

Prerequisite for post-graduate education in health psychology as well as in clinical psychology

§ 8

Principles for the acquisition of technical theoretical and practical competence in health psychology and clinical psychology

§ 9

Training facilities for the acquisition of theoretical technical competence

§ 10

Main areas of activity for the acquisition of practical technical competence

§ 11


§ 12

Examinations and final certificates

Section 2

Health Psychology

§ 13

Occupational rewriting of health psychology

§ 14

Acquisition of theoretical technical competence in health psychology

§ 15

Acquisition of practical professional competence in health psychology

§ 16

Prerequisite for the self-employed exercise of health psychology

§ 17

List of health psychologists and health psychologists (professional list)

§ 18

Application for entry in the list of health psychologists and health psychologists

§ 19

Entry in the list of health psychologists and health psychologists

§ 20

Professional title "Health psychologist" or "Health psychologist"

Section 21

Erasing the right to work

Section 3

Clinical psychology

Section 22

Rewriting of Clinical Psychology

Section 23

Acquisition of theoretical technical competence in clinical psychology

§ 24

Acquisition of practical technical competence in clinical psychology

Section 25

Prerequisites for the independent exercise of clinical psychology

Section 26

List of Clinical Psychologists and Psychologists (Professional List)

§ 27

Application for registration in the list of Clinical Psychologists

§ 28

Registration in the list of clinical psychologists and psychologists

§ 29

Professional title "Clinical Psychologist" or "Klinischer Psychologe"

§ 30

Erasing the right to work

Section 4

Professional duties of health psychologists and health psychologists, as well as
Clinical psychologist and clinical psychologist

Section 31

Reporting requirements

Section 32

Professional practice to the best of your knowledge and conscience

§ 33

Obligation to continue

Section 34

Obligation to provide information

§ 35

Documentation Light

§ 36

Obligation to provide information

Section 37

Confidentiality of Obligations

§ 38

Advertising restriction and ban on commission

§ 39

Professional indemnity insurance

Section 5

§ 40

Administrative cooperation and information obligations


Psychologists ' Advisory Council

Section 41

Establishment of the Psychologists ' Advisory Board

§ 42

Tasks of the Psychologists ' Advisory Board

Section 43

Meetings of the Psychologists ' Advisory Board

Section 44

Committee of the Psychologists ' Advisory Council

§ 45

Rules of Procedure of the Psychologists ' Advisory Council

Section 7

Section 46


8. Section

§ 47

Criminal provisions

Section 9

§ 48

and § 49 Transitional provisions

III. Main item

§ 50

Implementing and enforceable provisions

I. Main piece

General provisions and definitions

§ 1. (1) Within the scope of this Federal Act, the following definitions shall apply:


"Professional list" describes the list of health psychologists as well as the list of Clinical Psychologists and Psychologists.


"psychologically" In the exercise of health psychology refers to health care and in the exercise of clinical psychology on clinical psychological services.


"Professionals" Clinical psychologist and health psychologist, as well as health psychologist.


"Fachapprentices" refers to those persons who are in training in Clinical Psychology or Health Psychology.


"professional" refers to the regular, prolonged or recurrent application of one or more psychological benefits for employment purposes.


"Device" means a time measure of 45 minutes.


" Hour " means a time measure of 60 minutes.


"postgraduate" means a period after a degree in psychology after a five-year diploma or with a total of 300 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System-ECTS gem. Decision No 253 /2000/EC on the implementation of the second phase of the Community action programme in the field of general education Socrates, OJ L 327, 31.12.2002, p. No. OJ L 28 of 03.02.2000. 1)

(2) Where reference is made in this Federal Act to provisions of other federal laws, those provisions shall, unless otherwise specified, be applied in their respectively applicable version.

Linguistic equality

§ 2. To the extent that, in this Federal Act, designations relating to natural persons are listed only in a specific gender-specific form, they relate to women and men in the same way. In applying the names to certain natural persons, the gender-specific form shall be used.


§ 3. This federal law goverts


the authority to lead the term "psychologist" or "psychologist";


the training and the vocational training requirements in the field of health psychology and clinical psychology, in particular


vocational training,


the professional exercise,


the professional title and


Professional duties


Implementation of the following EU directives in Austrian law:


Directive 2011 /24/EU on the exercise of patients ' rights in cross-border healthcare, OJ L 206, 22.7.2011, p. No. OJ L 88, 04.04.2011 p. 45, and


Directive 2011 /95/EU on standards for the recognition of third-country nationals or stateless persons as a person with the right to international protection, for a uniform status for refugees or for persons with a right to subsidiary protection and for the content of the protection granted, OJ C 327, 30.4.2004, No. OJ No L 337, 20.12.2011 p. 9.

Name "Psychologist" or "psychologist"

§ 4. (1) For the purposes of the designation, 'psychologist' or 'psychologist', he or she shall be entitled to participate in a recognised national post-secondary educational institution or recognised post-secondary educational institution of another Member State of the EU or of a recognised post-secondary education institution. other contracting party to the EEA Agreement or to the Swiss Confederation has successfully completed studies in psychology with a total of at least 300 ECTS credits.

(2) For the management of the term, "psychologist" or "psychologist" is also entitled to who in Austria


Psychology with the academic degree Magister of Philosophy or Magister of Natural Sciences or


the study of psychology as the first subject in accordance with the Ordination on the Philosophical Rigorosenordnung, StGBl. No. 165/1945, with the Doctorate of Philosophy


(3) In order to lead the term, "psychologist" or "psychologist", he or she is equally entitled to have a degree in psychology, nostrified in Austria, of the psychology referred to in paragraph 1, which is successful outside the Contracting Parties referred to in paragraph 1 above. has been completed.

(4) Any designation which is capable of pretending to lead the name referred to in paragraphs 1 to 3 shall be prohibited.

Criminal provisions

§ 5. Those who, contrary to the provisions of Section 4 (1) to (3), have unauthorised access to the designation protected by this Federal Act or who are contrary to the provisions of Section 4 (4), are to be treated, provided that the facts do not constitute the responsibility of the courts or tribunals. , an administrative surrender and a fine of up to EUR 15 000 must be punished.

II. Main item

Section 1

Health Psychology and Clinical Psychology
(Common provisions)


§ 6. (1) Health Psychology and Clinical Psychology may only be exercised in accordance with the provisions of this Federal Law.

(2) The exercise of health psychology and clinical psychology includes the application of health-psychological and clinical-psychological insights and methods in the study, learned through the acquisition of professional competence, Treatment, interpretation, modification and prediction of the life and behaviour of people and their living conditions, including prevention, health promotion, rehabilitation and evaluation.

(3) The exercise of health psychology and clinical psychology as set out in paragraph 2 consists in the exercise of self-responsibility in the activities circumscribed in this Federal Act, whether or not these activities are self-employed or within the scope of the of an employment relationship.

(4) This federal law is the subject of the law of the Medical Law of 1998, BGBl. I n ° 169/1998, by the Musiktherapiegesetz, BGBl. I n ° 93/2008, or by the Psychotherapy Act, BGBl. No 361/1990, regulated level of authorisation. Likewise, this federal law does not affect the activities of psychologists to the extent that special legal regulations exist for these activities.

(5) On the exercise of health psychology and clinical psychology, the Commercial Code of 1994, BGBl. No. 194/1994, no application.

(6) Military psychologists are those professionals who, on the basis of an up-to-date public service or private-law service in the framework of the professional service, are responsible for the psychological service of the Federal Ministry of Defense and Sport are subject to the agreement. The term "military psychologist" or "military psychologist" is reserved for these persons.

(7) With regard to its activities as an official in the field of office, this federal law shall not apply to military psychologists (military psychologists).

Prerequisite for post-graduate education
in Health Psychology as well as in Clinical Psychology

§ 7. (1) Postgraduate training in health psychology or in clinical psychology may only be started by


the term "psychologist" or "psychologist" may lead in accordance with section 4 (1) to (3); and


in the course of a study of psychology according to § 4 demonstrably acquired knowledge and skills in the field of empirical-scientific psychology to the extent of at least 180 ECTS credits and on the general psychological Basic principles such as psychological models, fundamentals of scientific work, basic psychological skills, in any case demonstrably following study contents, including proof of practical application in the course of exercises or Internships, in the extent of at least 75 ECTS credits completed and corresponding competencies in as equal parts as possible in:


Psychopathology, Psychopharmacology, Psychiatry and Neurology,


psychological diagnosis with particular reference to health-related experience and behavior and to mental disorders including exercises,


methods and fields of application in the field of health promotion, disease prevention and rehabilitation,


Psychological interventions in the field of health psychology and clinical psychology, including exercises

has acquired and


the training institution according to § 9 of the physical fitness on the basis of a general medical certificate, the mental aptitude on the basis of a clinical-psychological or a specialist psychiatric expert opinion as well as the personal Suitability as part of an admission interview with representatives of the training institution in accordance with § 9 has been proven.

(2) An exclusion reason for post-graduate training is in particular obvious defects of somatic or mental aptitude or trustworthiness, which are a reliable fulfilment of the training and future professional duties not to be expected.

Principles for the acquisition of technical theoretical and practical competence
in Health Psychology and Clinical Psychology

§ 8. (1) The acquisition of professional competence is achieved by post-graduate training in health psychology at the overall level of 1940 hours or in clinical psychology at a total of 2,500 hours within the scope of at least five Years from the admission in accordance with § 9 paragraph 7 Z 1 into the training institution for the acquisition of theoretical professional competence in accordance with § 9 to the


Acquisition of theoretical technical competence within the framework of at least twelve months in the overall measure of at least 340 units


a general education (basic module) and


special training (advanced module) as well as


Acquisition of practical technical competence for


Health psychology at the overall level of at least 1 628 hours by


a practical training activity in accordance with § 15 (1) (1) (1), under the guidance of professionals in the context of employment relationships to the extent of at least 1 553 hours, and


a supervison accompanying the training at the same time to the extent of at least 100 units, or


Clinical psychology at a total of at least 2 188 hours by


a practical training activity in accordance with § 24 (1) (1) (1), under the guidance of professionals in the context of employment relationships to the extent of at least 2 098 hours, and


a supervison of at least 120 units at the same time, accompanying this training activity.


76 units of self-experience in connection with vocational training under this federal law.

The regulation regarding instruction, supervision and self-experience is addressed in the field of health psychology according to § 15 and in the field of clinical psychology according to § 24.

(2) At least 500 hours of practical training activity in accordance with paragraph 1 Z 2 lit. a or lit. b are at the same time accompanying the theoretical training in the basic module as well as in the build-up module.

(3) Times


of a disease,


a presence or training service,


civil service,


an employment ban or an employment restriction in accordance with the maternity protection act 1979 -MSchG, BGBl. No 221/1979,


A Karenz according to the Maternity Protection Act 1979 as well as the Väter-Karenzgesetz-VKG, BGBl. No 651/1989,


A family hospice carency or part-time according to § § 14a and 14b AVRAG, BGBl. No 459/1993, or in accordance with similar national or national legislation, and


A nursing care or part-time according to AVRAG

during training, account should be taken of reasons worthy of consideration for the possible overrun of the five-year total duration of training to the extent of the necessary interruption. If the five-year time frame is exceeded for other reasons and the beginning of the training period, the following shall apply with regard to the possibilities of settlement § 11.

Training facilities for the acquisition of theoretical technical competence

§ 9. (1) The teaching content of the training modules according to § 14 as well as § 23 shall be provided in the private or public-sector bodies authorised by the Federal Minister (Federal Minister) for health as a training institution. including the university institutes and university clinics. In the case of an application for authorisation as a training institution, the Committee of the Psychologists ' Advisory Board shall be consulted.

(2) The institutions of such bodies shall have a detailed curriculum, corresponding to the state of the art, on the language of instruction, as well as corresponding information on the language of instruction for each training module, upon the grant of the authorisation. To submit documents on the number, the order and the technical and didactic qualification of the required teaching staff, as well as the financing and the location of the training activity. In any case, the professional qualifications of the teaching staff must be proven by means of relevant training and specific qualifications in the teaching contents to be mediated. In addition, lecturers from the circle of members of the profession have to prove an upright entry in the respective professional list, which has been in place for at least five years.

(3) The authorization shall be granted if the teaching of the teaching objectives is guaranteed by the content and scope of the curriculum as well as by the knowledge and skills of the teaching staff and appropriate room and material equipment for the teaching at the Location is given. In principle, a training group may consist of a maximum of 15 persons.

(4) The authorized training facilities shall be accessible on the Internet on the homepage of the Federal Ministry of Health in general. Insofar as the facilities referred to in paragraph 1 do not offer the placement of all the training modules, it is to be pointed out that the limitation with regard to the training modules in accordance with § 14 (2) or (3) or section 23 (2) or (3) is to be mentioned.

(5) The institutions of the institutions referred to in paragraph 1 have the Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) for health up to 10 September each year, each year, a written report on the teaching activities of the last year in the basic module, as well as in the building module, on the date of 1 August of each year, in each case.

(6) Any amendment to the conditions set out in paragraph 2 above shall be notified immediately to the Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) for health, without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 5. The Federal Minister for Health (the Federal Minister) can arrange individual contents of the curriculum which do not correspond to the training goal according to § 14 or § 23 and the appointment of individual teachers in the absence of appropriate training courses. Undersay qualification. If any of the conditions laid down in paragraph 3 are no longer fulfilled or if it has not existed originally, the granted authorisation shall be withdrawn. In so far as the accusation is made that:


the training objectives are essentially not met,


issued final certificates repeatedly containing gross inaccuracies,


in spite of a reminder, a training institution is in breach of its reporting obligations; or


the sustainability of their activities is not guaranteed,

, the representatives of the training institutions should be given sufficient opportunity to give their opinion and, if necessary, to consult the Committee of the Psychologists ' Advisory Board. If the accusations prove to be justified, the Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) has to take back the granted authorisation for health.

(7) The training institutions shall have each participant (each participant)


a confirmation of the successful admission in accordance with § 7 (1) and


a final certificate according to § 12 para. 9


Main areas of activity for the acquisition of practical technical competence

§ 10. The post-graduate acquisition of the practical professional competence in accordance with § 8 paragraph 1 Z 2 lit. a and b, has to be guided by the educational objectives of the general theoretical and special theoretical training. With due regard to the special provisions concerning the instructions and contents according to § 15 and § 24, the specialist training activities have the aim of practically implementing the content to be mediated in the basic module and in the build-up module. A change in the employment relationship is admissible at most three times, with the exception of those cases in which a continuation of the specialist training activity is unreasonable for the skilled person (s).


§ 11. (1) Under the conditions of equivalence, periods of study, training or further training completed within the last ten years, as well as post-graduate practical training activities, have been completed within the last ten years, with due regard for the highly permissible The extent to which the recognised training establishment is to be set up in accordance with § 9 and to give reasons in writing for the duration provided for the acquisition of the technical competence in accordance with paragraph 2 and paragraph 3. This written justification shall be attached to the application for entry in the professional list.

(2) The maximum permissible extent of the calculation of a total of 100 units shall not exceed one third of the training contents prescribed in the general theoretical part (basic module) and of the training contents prescribed in the special theoretical part (building module). . In any case, two thirds of the respective training contents are to be completed in the recognised training facility.

(3) The extent of the calculation of equivalent practical training activities to the five-year total duration of the training is limited by the provision of section 8 (2).

(4) Apart from and exclusively on the equivalence of the content completed, the restrictions on the offsetting referred to in paragraph 2 and (3) may be dissected in the case of a


justifiable alternation of the recognised training body in accordance with § 9 or


New entry into the same recognised training institution according to § 9 after the end of the five-year training period according to § 14 (1) or § 23 (1).

(5) For persons who are entitled to the status of an asylum seeker in accordance with § 3 of the Asylum Act 2005 (Asylum G 2005), BGBl. In accordance with Article 27 (3) of Directive 2004 /83/EC on minimum standards for the protection of human rights, pursuant to Article 27 (3) of Directive 2004 /83/EC, or of a subsidiary entitled to protection under Article 8 of the Asylum Act 2005 or a corresponding status under previous asylum law provisions. the recognition and status of third-country nationals or stateless persons as refugees or as persons who otherwise need international protection and the content of the protection to be granted, OJ L 327, 3:15, p. No. 2, as amended by the corrigendum OJ L 304, 30.9.2004, p. No. 24), the provisions of paragraphs 1 to 3 shall apply even if they cannot provide written evidence of their qualifications, provided that within a reasonable period of time the person concerned credibly makes the case that: the evidence cannot be taught.

Examinations and final certificates

§ 12. (1) In order to assess the acquisition of the general theoretical technical competence, a written theoretical knowledge examination must be carried out on the basis of question catalogues at the end of the basic module. In addition, the teaching staff have to continuously convince themselves of the training success of the apprentices.

(2) In order to assess the acquisition of the special theoretical and practical technical competence, it is necessary to conclude the construction module


in health psychology, a self-made case study and a self-made project work, or


in Clinical Psychology, two self-performed case studies

to create. The case studies and the project work are used to document independent and application-oriented scientific work. The case studies have to be followed by a structure to be presented by the Federal Ministry of Health. The case studies as well as the project work are to be submitted to one (one) lecturer of the training institution in accordance with § 9 for evaluation and serve in the case of a positive assessment as the basis for the oral final examination in accordance with paragraph 5.

(3) In addition, the acquisition of practical professional competence must be demonstrated by means of a form to be provided by the Federal Ministry of Health for this purpose, which is provided by the health psychologist (s) who are responsible for each of these (health psychologists) or the leading clinical psychologist (clinical psychologist) must be signed and submitted for review in good time before the final examination of the training institution.

(4) The evidence of the completed self-experience and the case supervision are for health-psychological training in each case by the persons according to § 15 (2) and (3) and for clinical-psychological training of persons according to § 24 para. 2 and 3 shall be confirmed by their signature and submitted to the training institution in good time prior to the final examination.

(5) After the successful completion of the entire theoretical and practical training for the acquisition of professional competence, an oral final examination in the training institution according to § 9, in which the building module is completed, is completed. was to be deposited.


The purpose of this final examination in the field of health psychology is to determine, on the basis of the case study to be presented as the focal point of the examination and the project work according to paragraph 2 and a consequent expert discussion, whether the Total graduates


are able to create, implement and evaluate health-psychological concepts,


know the most important strategies, methods and techniques of health-psychological diagnostics and treatment and can make their use understandable to clients,


be able to establish health-psychological measures in the context of multiprofessional cooperation, and also make them fit to other disciplines,


Know about issues and topics of current consulting theories and methods, and have methodological know-how to act appropriately in counseling situations (with different settings) or in a differentiated way, and


With regard to the design of public relations and the advice of media, the most important working principles are known to them.


The purpose of this final examination in the field of Clinical Psychology is to determine, on the basis of the two case studies in accordance with paragraph 2, which are to be presented as the focal point of the examination, and a consequent discussion of the subject matter, whether the graduates and Total graduates


Identify strategies of differential diagnostic clarification and identify methods and apply them on a case-by-case basis,


are able to reflect the central aspects of clinical-psychological findings in the context of the factual understanding, and also to discuss these in terms of content, legal status and ethical issues,


The most important techniques and intervention strategies of clinical-psychological treatment and counselling can be mastered and applied in a situational manner, as well as being able to justify their professional actions and in the interdisciplinary dialogue to be classified,


may, in their expertise in central clinical disease and malfunction, identify those psychological measures which are frequently used in practice in accordance with the current state of scientific knowledge, and in which the Interdisciplinary cooperation dominate the basic rules of cooperation with other health professions and


know the framework conditions for a successful patient management and can apply them in practice, as well as in the area of interface management, the special challenges of cooperation between the occupational groups with regard to the patient care, and have the appropriate know-how to be able to act properly.

(6) Each examination committee consists of the chairperson (the chairman) and two co-chairmen, each of which is selected by the Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) for health.


The chairman is made up of a circle of at least 20 professionals who have been appointed by the Federal Minister (by the Federal Minister) for health for a period of five years and at the time of their appointment for at least five years in of the relevant professional list are selected.


The Co-sitters shall be selected from the circle of all the teaching staff of the theoretical training institutions in accordance with § 9 in such a way that, in any case, only one side-sitter (one co-sitter) of the teaching or organizational staff of the Training institution according to § 9 may belong in which the (the) to the examiner (s) have completed the theoretical training.


In selecting the members of the examination board, the Federal Minister of Health (the Federal Minister) can serve the health of Austria GmbH.

In the case of the existence of the members of the examination board, according to § 7 General Administrative Procedure Act 1991-AVG, BGBl. No 51/1991, the person concerned (the person concerned) has to arrange for her (his) representation. The chairman has to veto, provided that she (he) has reason to believe that the candidate (the candidate for examination) does not have the necessary knowledge and skills as well as the qualification for self-employed professional practice. has been sufficiently proven.

(7) If the oral final examination in accordance with section (1) and (5) was not passed, a three-fold repetition is permissible.

(8) The oral examinations are open to the public, whereby the access to a number of persons corresponding to the spatial conditions can be restricted.

(9) Persons who have successfully passed the written examination in accordance with paragraph 1 as well as the oral and oral examination pursuant to paragraph 5 Z 1 or 2 shall each receive a final certificate. In any case, this has the training facility, the persons of the Examination Commission, the person under examination, the success of the examination and the date of the respective examination.

(10) If the theoretical training institution is changed, the final examination in accordance with paragraph 5 shall be deposited in that training institution in which the majority of the training was completed in the construction module.

Section 2

Health Psychology

Occupational rewriting of health psychology

§ 13. (1) The occupational exercise of health psychology, using health psychology, includes tasks for the development of health-promoting measures and projects. These are based on psychological science, their findings, theories, methods and techniques as well as the acquisition of professional competence within the meaning of this federal law. They are linked to the promotion and preservation of health, with the different aspects of health-related behaviour of individuals and groups and with all measures that improve the framework conditions of health promotion and disease prevention and improvement of the system of health care.

(2) The area of activity reserved for health psychologists and health psychologists, which is the subject of the Medical Law 1998, BGBl. I n ° 169/1998, Musiktherapiegesetz, BGBl. I n ° 93/2008, or Psychotherapy Act, BGBl. No 361/1990, does not affect the scope of the authorization provided for in


the health-psychological analysis of persons of all ages and groups, in particular with regard to the various aspects of health behaviour and its causes,


building on Z 1, the preparation of health-psychological findings and expert opinions, in particular in relation to health-related risk behaviour and its causes,


Health-psychological measures in persons of all ages and groups in relation to health-related behaviour, in particular with regard to health-related risk behaviour such as nutrition, exercise, smoking, including advice on the promoting and maintaining health and avoiding health risks, taking into account the life, leisure and work environment;


health-psychological analysis and advice of organisations, institutions and systems in relation to health-related framework conditions and health promotion measures, health care and rehabilitation as well as


the health-psychological development, implementation and evaluation of measures and projects, particularly in the field of health promotion.

(3) The professional exercise of health psychology is reserved for health psychologists and health psychologists. Other persons who do not have the right to practise health psychology are prohibited from the professional exercise of health psychology.

(4) The provisions of paragraph 3 of this article are the subject of the law of the Medical Act 1998, BGBl. I n ° 169/1998, by the Musiktherapiegesetz, BGBl. I n ° 93/2008, or by the Psychotherapy Act, BGBl. No 361/1990, regulated area of activity. Likewise, the provisions of paragraph 3 do not affect activities by psychologists to the extent that special legal regulations exist for these activities.

Acquisition of theoretical technical competence in health psychology

§ 14. (1) The postgraduate training course for the acquisition of theoretical technical competence in health psychology consists of a general part (basic module) and a special part (module) and has in the time frame of at least twelve months, starting from the first theoretical training unit and at the latest five years from the admission in accordance with § 9 (7) Z 1 into the training facility according to § 9 in a total duration of at least 340 units in a practice-oriented way.

(2) In the general theoretical part (basic module) of the training in health psychology, the following contents are to be deepened in a total duration of at least 220 units in a practice-oriented way:


health, occupational and psychosocial conditions, with the aim of applying them in the exercise of mental health care in the duration of at least 15 units,


Ethics, with the aim of examining the basic profession and choice of interventions and questing the extent of at least 15 units,


Communication and communication to the extent of at least 30 units,


psychological health care services in the intra-and extra-murals area, in cooperation with other health professions in the duration of at least 15 units,


Psychological concepts of health care and health promotion with the aim of planning, implementing and implementing these in collaboration with others in the duration of at least 15 units,


Acute intervention, crisis intervention, emergency psychology and first aid in the duration of at least 30 units,


Consulting methods and consulting settings with the aim of working with different patients and persons, groups and in different settings and methods, in particular taking into account methods of supervision and mediation in the duration of at least 30 units,


Strategies, methods and techniques of diagnostics in the duration of at least 15 units,


Psychological treatment measures for persons of all ages and groups, with the aim of improving treatment competences, including the consideration of transcultural and gender aspects in the duration of at least 20 units,


Psychopharmacology and psychopathology in the duration of at least 10 units,


Evaluation of psychological services and quality assurance in the duration of at least 10 units as well as


Preparation of findings and reimbursement of certificates, expert opinions and opinions in the duration of at least 15 units.

(3) The special theoretical part (advanced module) of the training in health psychology has to deepen the following contents in a total duration of at least 120 units in any case:


Development, implementation and evaluation of health-psychological concepts in the duration of at least 30 units,


strategies, methods and techniques of health-psychological diagnostics and treatment in specific fields of activity, such as in particular pain, disease and stress management, as well as their evaluation in the duration of at least 30 units,


health-psychological measures taking into account medical aspects and with a view to cooperation with other health professions in the duration of at least 30 units,


Health psychological counseling, training and coaching for persons of all ages, groups and organizations in the duration of at least 15 units as well as


Health management and public relations in the duration of at least 15 units.

Acquisition of practical professional competence in health psychology

§ 15. (1) The post-graduate acquisition of practical professional competence in the field of health psychology has to be carried out by


a health-psychological activity to the extent of at least 1 553 hours, in compliance with § 8 (2), under guidance and under the supervision of a health psychologist or a health psychologist with at least two years of age Professional experience, which shall include, in particular, the following areas of activity in the same proportion as possible:


Advising persons of all ages and groups with regard to the health-promoting aspects of individual behaviour and of institutions with regard to the personal, social and structural factors influencing the physical and mental health,


Health-psychological diagnostics and treatment of persons of all ages and groups in relation to the various mental aspects of health-related risk behaviour (e.g. nutrition, exercise, substance abuse, stress management),


Planning, implementation and evaluation of health-promoting measures and projects in different settings (kindergarten and school, workplace and operation, social housing environment, facilities of primary health care), in particular in the Framework of projects,


Staff and team-related tasks within the framework of multi-professional cooperation, in particular with other health professions in the extent of at least 300 hours,


A simultaneous case supervision accompanying the activity in accordance with paragraph 1 within the framework of a formal setting in the total duration of at least 100 units, which provide support and advice on the basis of concrete documented case studies , of which at least 30 units are to be completed in individual supervision; and


a self-experience related to training to the extent of at least 76 units, of which at least 40 units in individual self-experience are to be completed for a maximum of two persons.

(2) The case supervision referred to in paragraph 1 (2) may only be carried out by health psychologist or health psychologist with at least five years of relevant professional experience and on the right of professional professional qualification. A person's identity with those members of the profession referred to in paragraph 1 (1) (1) is not admissible in the extent of 50 units and in accordance with paragraph 3.

(3) The self-experience referred to in paragraph 1 Z 3 may only be provided by clinical psychologists, clinical psychologists, health psychologists, health psychologists, psychotherapists, psychotherapists or specialist doctors (specialists) for psychiatry and psychiatry. Psychotherapeutic medicine, which itself has completed at least 120 units of self-experience, are managed. A person's identity with the members of the profession referred to in paragraph 1 (1) (1) and (2) is not permitted.

(4) The existence of reasons of probity in accordance with Section 7 of the AVG shall prevent the persons concerned from the instructions provided for in paragraph 1 Z 1, case supervision pursuant to para. 2 as well as the self-experience referred to in paragraph 3.

Prerequisites for the self-employed exercise of health psychology

§ 16. (1) For the self-employed professional exercise of health psychology, it is justified who


the term "psychologist" or "psychologist" may lead in accordance with § 4,


The acquisition of the professional competence pursuant to § 14 and § 15, in particular by submitting the final certificate in accordance with § 12 para. 9, has been proven,


is self-sufficient;


has demonstrated the somatic and psychological aptitude and trustworthiness required for the fulfilment of the professional duties,


a professional indemnity insurance pursuant to section 39 has been completed,


has announced a place of work, and


listed in the list of health psychologists and health psychologists.

(2) In the case of persons who fulfil all the conditions for the self-employment of the health psychology, the necessity of specifying a place of work and the proof of professional indemnity insurance are not required as long as the occupation is not in Austria shall be exercised.

(3) The evidence pursuant to Section 1 (4) (4) shall be submitted to the Federal Minister (the Federal Minister for Health) at any time on his (their) request.

List of health psychologists and health psychologists (professional list)

§ 17. (1) The Federal Minister (Federal Minister for Health) has, in order to safeguard the public interest in an orderly collection, an electronic list of persons entitled to self-employment of health psychology (List of persons) health psychologist and health psychologist). The Federal Minister of Health (Federal Minister) for Health of Health Austria GmbH can serve as a support in connection with the professional list of professional lists.

(2) The list shall contain the following data:


Entry number,


Date of registration,


Pre- and family-or Surname, where applicable, birth name,


academic degrees, titles awarded as well as foreign titles and dignitarias (optional),




Main residence and/or habitual residence,


date of birth,


delivery address,


Professional title,


References to main areas of work, settings, target groups and specialisations (optional),


Notes on the ability to practise in foreign languages (optional),


Professional seat/s and/or place of service:


the name of the practice or establishment (optional),


postal address,


Phone number,


Web address (optional),


E-mail address (optional),


the start of the professional exercise,


Reference to the non-exercise, interruption, resumption and erasal of the profession,


Name of the health psychologist (of the health psychologist) who, in the case of death, takes over the documentation (optional), and


The area-specific person identification (bPK-GH) according to E-GovG, BGBl. I No 10/2004.

(3) The data referred to in paragraph 2 (2) (1) to (4) and (9) to (14) shall be made publicly available and in a suitable manner on the Internet in general.

(4) The Federal Minister (The Federal Minister) for Health has to include the requested optional data in the professional list, provided that such a recording


is in the public interest,


is in accordance with the obligations to restrict advertising, and


is not hindering for an orderly collection.

Application for entry in the list of health psychologists and health psychologists

§ 18. (1) Persons intending to pursue a self-employed profession in the field of health psychology have entered the list of the Federal Minister of Health (at the Federal Minister for Health) in order to register their self-employed vocational training. to apply for health psychologists and health psychologists and to submit the necessary evidence in accordance with § 16 (1) (1) to (6). The data required for the professional list management in accordance with § 17 (2) (3) to (15) shall be provided by means of a form to be provided by the Federal Ministry of Health for this purpose and under independent subheading or by means of qualified electronic signature.

(2) In the application for registration, the place of work, which is to be separated from a single living area, is to be found, in particular, in view of the place of work which has been envisaged and which has been suitably equipped. In the case of an employment relationship, a certificate of service is to be provided on the job as a health psychologist (health psychologist). If, at the same time as the application for entry in the professional list is submitted, the profession of non-exercise of the profession is notified, it may, until the date of receipt of the profession, be informed of the publication of a place of work and the conclusion of a working place. Professional indemnity insurance will be waived.

(3) The proof of the health fitness required for the fulfilment of the professional duties is to be provided by a medical certificate of a doctor (a doctor) for general medicine. The medical certificate may not be older than three months at the time of the application for registration.

(4) The proof of trustworthiness shall be provided by the submission of a certificate of criminal records or a comparable proof of the State of the last permanent residence in which no conviction appears to be a reliable one, Cannot be expected to pursue a job. The proof of trustworthiness shall not be older than three months at the time of the application for registration.

(5) The Federal Minister (Federal Minister) for Health has to examine, on the basis of the application and its contributions, whether the necessary evidence has been given in accordance with paragraph 1. If necessary, he (she) shall require the applicant (the applicant) to supplement it within a reasonable time. Failure to comply with this request shall be deemed to be withdrawn from the application.

Entry in the list of health psychologists and health psychologists

§ 19. (1) Anyone who fulfils the requirements for entry in the professional list in accordance with § 16 para. 1 shall be entered by the Federal Minister (from the Federal Minister) for health in the professional list as a health psychologist or as a health psychologist. The Federal Minister (The Federal Minister) for Health has, if necessary after obtaining an opinion from the Committee of the Psychologists ' Advisory Board, to refuse registration with persons who do not fulfil these conditions.

(2) In the case of a request for re-entry into the professional list, in addition to the evidence in accordance with § 16 (1) Z 3 to 6, proof of the successful completion of the visit within the last year prior to the application for the re-entry of at least 30 further training units are to be submitted, provided that at least one year has elapsed since the discharge.

(3) If the professional exercise is resumed after an interruption lasting more than five years or for the first time, evidence of the successful completion of the professional exercise within the last year prior to the commensurate of the profession shall be: to submit at least 60 training units pursuant to § 14 (3), in particular content pursuant to § 14 (3) (2) and (3) (3).

Professional title "Health psychologist" or "Health psychologist"

§ 20. (1) Those who are listed in the list of health psychologists according to § 17 and who are entitled to exercise their health psychology independently, have the professional title "Health Psychologist" in the exercise of the profession. or 'health psychologist', and to identify the place of professional activity by affixing at least the name and the professional title.

(2) Jene Persons,


whose professional authorization has been granted pursuant to Article 21 (1) (1) (3) and (4); or


which, pursuant to Article 16 (2), do not pursue their profession in Austria,

their professional title in the private sector, provided that there is no reference to a profession, may continue with an addition as an indication of the non-exercise of the profession.

(3) The management of a professional title in accordance with paragraph 1 is reserved to the persons referred to in paragraph 1 and to the persons referred to in paragraph 2 together with the addition.

(4) Any designation by persons other than those referred to in paragraph 1 and 2, which is capable of pretending to have the right to the self-employed exercise of a health-psychological profession, is prohibited.

(5) The professional title "health psychologist" or "health psychologist" may be added in brackets up to a maximum of four references to specialisations in accordance with section 17 (2) (10), if, after obtaining the right to work, corresponding to the requirements of the professional qualification to be able to demonstrate, psychologically, scientifically based knowledge and skills, in particular within the framework of a multi-annual professional focus-specific activity and an at least 120 units Further education curricula have been acquired. In any case, the method of specialization applied has a certain minimum degree of rationality and, for its implementation, the comprehensive knowledge typically provided by the study of psychology must be required. In this context, designations are permissible, which correspond to priority subjects within the framework of the study of psychology or which have already marked occupational focus.

Erasing the right to work

§ 21. (1) The entitlement to practise the profession of health psychology shall be deleted.


in the absence of a condition necessary for the exercise of health psychology,


if it has emerged that a condition necessary for the exercise of health psychology has not existed in the initial stage, or


on the basis of the waiver of the professional exercise of health psychology.

(2) The grounds for the erasing of the right to work pursuant to paragraph 1 shall also be carried out by officals. The party's obligation to participate in proceedings concerning the erasure of the professional authority relates in particular to the compliance with arrangements with regard to professional assessments of somatic and mental aptitude. The Federal Minister (The Federal Minister) for health may, in the event of an impairment of somatic or mental aptitude or trustworthiness, be subject to conditions for the purpose of ensuring the fulfilment of the professional duties, Prescribe conditions or deadlines. If the prescribed conditions, conditions or deadlines are not fulfilled, the right to practise the profession shall be issued.

(3) The Federal Minister (The Federal Minister) has for health, if necessary after obtaining an opinion from the Committee of the Psychologists ' Advisory Board,


to note, in the cases referred to in paragraph 1 (3), the automatic erasation of the right to work in the list of health psychologists and health psychologists,


in the case of the death of the health psychologist or the health psychologist, the deletion from the list of health psychologists and health psychologists,


in the cases referred to in paragraph 1 (1) (1) and (2), the deletion from the list of health psychologists and the fact that the right to practise health psychology as well as to the management of the health psychology the corresponding professional title, including any specialisation, and


the interruption of the professional exercise, as long as no professional indemnity insurance pursuant to § 39 is available.

In this context, it should also be noted at which point in time the right to work is granted or, if it cannot be ascertained, at which point the right to work is deemed to have been granted. In case of deletion from the professional list, the previous entry is not to be held publicly in evidence.

(4) The trustworthiness shall be taken away in particular when:


the professional (s) of which he or she has been violating (his/her) professional duties or, in spite of a reminder, has repeatedly violated her (his) professional duties and,


provided that the trustworthiness is not completely eliminated by a conduct in accordance with Z 1, no appropriate measures have been taken that can be expected to provide a reliable professional exercise for the future.

(5) Suitable measures pursuant to paragraph 4 (4) (2) for conditions, conditions or deadlines are in particular:


formal apology,


participation in an appropriate and recognised form of alternative dispute resolution,


Completion of self-experience,


Completion of Supervision,


Repetition of training courses in health psychology training,


repayment of the costs borne by the health-psychological activity and borne by the treatment (s),


Cost support for the necessary follow-up treatment of the (the) treatment,


Undertraining of a medical treatment and


Interruption of the professional exercise of health psychology for the duration of the procedure.

(6) The Federal Minister (The Federal Minister) has the right to health, unless the health psychologist or the health psychologist already has the measure to be taken or the measures to be taken pursuant to paragraph 5 not already due to a formless request , it shall be appropriate to arrange them. In determining the measures to be taken by the health psychologist or the health psychologist, the Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) for health has the interests of injured parties, the public good and the existence of The risk of default is to be taken into account. In the case of an advance of one or more of these measures, account shall be taken of the previous nature of the breach of professional duties. In addition, the measure (have the measures) has to be proportionate to the breach of the professional duties.

(7) The burden of proof for the credibility of the existence or the restoration of the trustworthiness shall be borne by the health psychologist or the health psychologist in the sense of the proof of appropriate measures pursuant to paragraph 5.

(8) In the event of a cancellation due to a lack of trustworthiness, a re-entry is possible at the earliest after five years.

Section 3

Clinical psychology

Rewriting of Clinical Psychology

§ 22. (1) The professional practice of clinical psychology comprises the use of clinical psychological means based on psychological science, its findings, theories, methods and techniques as well as the acquisition of professional competence in the Sense of this federal law, the investigation, interpretation and prognosis of human life and behaviour as well as the health-related and perturbations-related influences, furthermore the clinical-psychological treatment of behavioral disorders, mental changes, and Suffering.

(2) The area of activity reserved for the Clinical Psychologists and the Clinical Psychologists, which is the subject of the Medical Law 1998, BGBl. I n ° 169/1998, Musiktherapiegesetz, BGBl. I n ° 93/2008, or Psychotherapy Act, BGBl. No 361/1990, does not affect the scope of the authorization provided for in


Clinical-psychological diagnostics in relation to health-related and health-related behaviour and experience, as well as to clinical pictures and their influence on human experience and behaviour, as well as


Based on Z 1, the preparation of clinical psychological findings and opinions on performance, personality traits or behavioural forms in relation to mental disorders as well as in relation to disease patterns that are influence human experience and behavior, as well as in terms of disease patterns, which are influenced by human experience and behavior.

(3) In addition, the field of activity of clinical psychologists comprises in particular:


the application of clinical-psychological treatment methods in persons of all ages and groups, which is focused on clinical-psychological diagnostics, goal-and solution-oriented.


Clinical-psychological monitoring of affected persons and relatives in crisis situations,


clinical-psychological counseling with regard to various aspects of health impairments, their conditions and possibilities of change, as well as


the clinical-psychological evaluation.

(4) The exercise of the clinical-psychological activities as referred to in paragraph 2 and the professional exercise of the activities referred to in paragraph 3 is reserved for the clinical psychologist.

(5) Persons who are not entitled to practise the profession of Clinical Psychology shall be prohibited from carrying out activities as referred to in paragraph 2 above and the professional exercise of the activities referred to in paragraph 3.

(6) The provisions of Para. 4 and 5 are the provisions of the Medical Act 1998, BGBl. I n ° 169/1998, by the Musiktherapiegesetz, BGBl. I n ° 93/2008, or by the Psychotherapy Act, BGBl. No 361/1990, regulated area of activity. Likewise, the provisions of subsection 4 and 5 do not affect activities by psychologists to the extent that special legal regulations exist for these activities.

Acquisition of theoretical technical competence in clinical psychology

§ 23. (1) The postgraduate training course for the acquisition of theoretical technical competence in Clinical Psychology consists of a general part (basic module) and a special part (module) and has in the time frame of at least twelve months, starting from the first theoretical training unit and at the latest five years from the admission in accordance with § 9 (7) Z 1 into the training facility according to § 9 in a total duration of at least 340 units in a practice-oriented way.

(2) In the general theoretical part (basic module) of the training in clinical psychology, the following contents are to be deepened in a total duration of at least 220 units in a practice-oriented way:


health, occupational and psychosocial conditions, with the aim of involving them in professional activities in the duration of at least 15 units,


Ethics, with the aim of examining the basic profession and choice of interventions and questing the extent of at least 15 units,


Communication and communication to the extent of at least 30 units,


psychological health care services in the intra-and extra-murals area, in cooperation with other health professions in the duration of at least 15 units,


Psychological concepts of health care and health promotion with the aim of planning and implementing these in cooperation with others in the duration of at least 15 units,


Acute intervention, crisis intervention, emergency psychology and first aid in the duration of at least 30 units,


Consulting methods and consulting settings with the aim of working with different patients and persons, groups and in different settings and using different methods, in particular taking into account methods of supervision and Mediation in the duration of at least 30 units,


Strategies, methods and techniques of diagnostics in the duration of at least 15 units,


Psychological treatment measures for persons of all ages and groups with the aim of acquiring treatment competences, including the observance of transcultural and gender aspects in the duration of at least 20 units,


Psychopharmacology and psychopathology in the duration of at least 10 units,


Evaluation of psychological services and quality assurance in the duration of at least 10 units as well as


Preparation of findings and reimbursement of certificates, expert opinions and opinions in the duration of at least 15 units.

(3) The special theoretical part (advanced module) of the training in Clinical Psychology has to deepen the following contents in a total duration of at least 120 units in a practice-oriented way:


Strategies and methods of differential diagnostic information in the duration of at least 30 units,


Create clinical-psychological findings and factual understanding in the field of clinical psychology in the duration of at least 15 units,


Techniques and intervention strategies of clinical-psychological treatment and counselling in the duration of at least 30 units,


Use of clinical-psychological means in various mental disorders, delimiting medical aspects and with a view to cooperation with other health professions in the duration of at least 30 units, as well as


Patient management and interface management in the duration of at least 15 units.

Acquisition of practical technical competence in clinical psychology

§ 24. (1) The post-graduate acquisition of practical technical competence in the field of Clinical Psychology has to be carried out by:


a clinical-psychological activity related to illness-related disorders to the extent of at least 2 098 hours, in compliance with § 8 (2), under the guidance and under the supervision of a clinical psychologist or a clinical Psychologists who have at least two years of professional experience, who in particular have to cover the following areas of activity in the same proportion as possible:


Diagnosis of mental disorders and mental illnesses and of psychological factors influencing other diseases in different questions and different age groups,


clinically-psychological treatment of persons with mental illnesses and disorders in different settings, in different disorders and problems, and with different age groups, with a professional exchange in the multiprofessional team of health professionals, especially with doctors (physicians),


health promotion and health care measures in the area of primary health care,


Participation in team discussions, visits, meetings in multiprofessional cooperation, in particular with other health professionals,


A simultaneous case-supervision accompanying the activity referred to in paragraph 1 in the total duration of at least 120 units, which guarantees support and advice on the basis of concrete documented case studies, of which at least 40 Units in individual supervision must be completed and


a self-experience related to training to the extent of at least 76 units, of which at least 40 units in individual self-experience are to be completed for a maximum of two persons.

(2) The case supervision referred to in paragraph 1 Z 2 may only be carried out by clinical psychologists with at least five years of relevant professional experience and on the right to professional qualifications. A person's identity with those members of the profession referred to in paragraph 1 (1) (1) is not admissible in the extent of 50 units and in accordance with paragraph 3.

(3) The self-experience referred to in paragraph 1 Z 3 may only be carried out by such clinical psychologists, clinical psychologists, health psychologists, health psychologists, psychotherapists, psychotherapists or specialist physicians (specialists) for psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic medicine, which itself has completed at least 120 units of self-experience, are managed. A person's identity with the members of the profession referred to in paragraph 1 (1) (1) and (2) is not permitted.

(4) The existence of reasons of probity in accordance with Section 7 of the AVG shall prevent the persons concerned from the instructions provided for in paragraph 1 Z 1, case supervision pursuant to para. 2 as well as the self-experience referred to in paragraph 3.

Prerequisites for the self-employed professional practice of clinical psychology

§ 25. (1) For the self-employed professional practice of clinical psychology, it is possible to


the term "psychologist" or "psychologist" may lead in accordance with § 4,


Proof of the acquisition of professional competence pursuant to § 23 and § 24, in particular by submitting the final certificate in accordance with § 12 para. 9,


is self-sufficient;


has demonstrated the somatic and psychological aptitude and trustworthiness required for the fulfilment of the professional duties,


a professional indemnity insurance pursuant to section 39 has been completed,


has announced a place of work, and


listed in the list of clinical psychologists and clinical psychologists.

(2) In the case of persons who fulfil all the conditions for the self-employed professional practice of clinical psychology, the necessity of specifying a place of work and proof of professional indemnity insurance are not required as long as the occupation is not in Austria shall be exercised.

(3) The evidence pursuant to Section 1 (4) (4) shall be submitted to the Federal Minister (the Federal Minister for Health) at any time on his (their) request.

List of Clinical Psychologists and Psychologists (Professional List)

§ 26. (1) The Federal Minister (The Federal Minister) for Health has an electronic list of persons entitled to self-employment of clinical psychology in order to safeguard the public interest in an orderly collection (list of persons). of the clinical psychologists). The Federal Minister of Health (Federal Minister) for Health of Health Austria GmbH can serve as a support in connection with the professional list of professional lists.

(2) The list shall contain the following data:


Entry number,


Date of registration,


Pre- and family-or Surname, where applicable, birth name,


academic degrees, titles awarded as well as foreign titles and dignitarias (optional),




Main residence and/or habitual residence,


date of birth,


delivery address,


Professional title,


References to main areas of work, settings, target groups and specialisations (optional),


Notes on the ability to practise in foreign languages (optional),


Professional seat/s and/or place of service:


the name of the practice or establishment (optional),


postal address,


Phone number,


Web address (optional),


E-mail address (optional),


the start of the professional exercise,


Reference to the non-exercise, interruption, resumption and erasal of the profession,


Name of the clinical psychologist (of the clinical psychologist) who takes over the documentation (optional) in the case of death, as well as


The area-specific person identification (bPK-GH) according to E-GovG.

(3) The data referred to in paragraph 2 (2) (1) to (4) and (9) to (14) shall be made publicly available and in a suitable manner on the Internet in general.

(4) The Federal Minister (The Federal Minister) for Health has to include the requested optional data in the professional list, provided that such a recording


is in the public interest,


is in accordance with the obligations to restrict advertising, and


is not hindering for an orderly collection.

Application for registration in the list of Clinical Psychologists

§ 27. (1) Persons intending to pursue a self-employed professional practice in the field of clinical psychology have to register with the Federal Minister of Health (with the Federal Minister for Health) in the list of Clinical Psychology before taking up their self-employed professional practice. To apply for psychologists and clinical psychologists and to submit the necessary evidence in accordance with § 25 (1) Z 1 to 6. The data required for the professional list management in accordance with § 26 (2) (3) to (15) shall be provided by means of a form to be provided by the Federal Ministry of Health for this purpose and under independent subheading or by means of qualified electronic signature.

(2) In the application for registration, the place of work, which is to be separated from a single living area, is to be found, in particular, in view of the place of work which has been envisaged and which has been suitably equipped. In the case of an employment relationship, a proof of service is to be provided as a clinical psychologist (clinical psychologist). If, at the same time as the application for entry in the professional list is submitted, the profession of non-exercise of the profession is notified, it may, until the date of receipt of the profession, be informed of the publication of a place of work and the conclusion of a working place. Professional indemnity insurance will be waived.

(3) The proof of the health fitness required for the fulfilment of the professional duties is to be provided by a medical certificate of a physician (a doctor) for general medicine. The medical certificate may not be older than three months at the time of the application for registration.

(4) The proof of trustworthiness shall be provided by the submission of a certificate of criminal records or a comparable proof of the State of the last permanent residence in which no conviction appears to be a reliable one, Cannot be expected to pursue a job. The proof of trustworthiness shall not be older than three months at the time of the application for registration.

(5) The Federal Minister (Federal Minister) for Health has to examine, on the basis of the application and its contributions, whether the necessary evidence has been given in accordance with paragraph 1. If necessary, he (she) shall require the applicant (the applicant) to supplement it within a reasonable time. The unjustified failure to comply with this request shall be deemed to be a withdrawal of the application.

Registration in the list of clinical psychologists and psychologists

§ 28. (1) Anyone who fulfils the requirements for entry in the professional list in accordance with § 25 (1) is to be entered by the Federal Minister (from the Federal Minister) for health in the professional list as a clinical psychologist or as a clinical psychologist. The Federal Minister (The Federal Minister) for Health has, if necessary after obtaining an opinion from the Committee of the Psychologists ' Advisory Board, to refuse registration with persons who do not fulfil these conditions.

(2) In the case of a request for re-entry into the professional list, in addition to the evidence in accordance with § 25 (1) Z 3 to 6, proof of the successful completion of the visit within the last year prior to the application for the re-entry of at least 30 further training units are to be submitted, provided that at least one year has elapsed since the discharge.

(3) If the professional exercise is resumed after an interruption lasting more than five years or for the first time, evidence of the successful completion of the professional exercise within the last year prior to the commensurate of the profession shall be: to submit at least 60 training units pursuant to section 23 (3), in particular content pursuant to § 23 (3) (3) and (4).

Professional title "Clinical Psychologist" or "Klinischer Psychologe"

§ 29. (1) Anyone who is registered in the list of clinical psychologists in accordance with § 26 and is entitled to practise the profession of clinical psychology in a self-employed capacity shall have the professional title "Klinische Klinische Klinische Klinische Psychologisches Psychology" ("Clinical Psychology") Psychologist "or" Clinical psychologist ", and to mark the place of professional activity by affixing at least the name and the professional title.

(2) Jene Persons,


whose professional authority has been granted access pursuant to Article 30 (1) (3) and (4); or


which, pursuant to Article 25 (2), do not pursue their profession in Austria,

their professional title in the private sector, provided that there is no reference to a profession, may continue with an addition as an indication of the non-exercise of the profession.

(3) The management of a professional title in accordance with paragraph 1 is reserved to the persons referred to in paragraph 1 and to the persons referred to in paragraph 2 together with the addition.

(4) Any name given by persons other than those referred to in paragraph 1 and 2, which is capable of pretending to have the right to self-exercise the clinical-psychological profession, is prohibited.

(5) The professional title "Clinical Psychologist" or "Clinical Psychologist" may be added in brackets up to a maximum of four references to specialisations in accordance with Section 26 (2) Z 10, if, after obtaining the right of professional qualification, the following conditions are applied in accordance with the requirements of the professional qualification. to be able to demonstrate, psychologically, scientifically based knowledge and skills, in particular within the framework of a multi-annual professional focus-specific activity and an at least 120 units Further education curricula have been acquired. In any case, the method of specialization applied has a certain minimum degree of rationality and, for its implementation, the comprehensive knowledge typically provided by the study of psychology must be required. In this context, designations are permissible, which correspond to priority subjects within the framework of the study of psychology or which have already marked occupational focus.

Erasing the right to work

§ 30. (1) The entitlement to practise the profession of Clinical Psychology shall be deleted


by the omission of a prerequisite for the professional practice of clinical psychology,


if it emerges that a prerequisite required for the professional exercise of clinical psychology has not existed in the original or


on the basis of a waiver of the professional practice of clinical psychology.

(2) The grounds for the erasing of the right to work pursuant to paragraph 1 shall also be carried out by officals. The party's obligation to participate in proceedings concerning the erasure of the professional authority relates in particular to the compliance with arrangements with regard to professional assessments of somatic and mental aptitude. The Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) for health may, in the event of impairment of somatic or mental aptitude or trustworthiness, be subject to conditions for ensuring the fulfilment of the professional duties with a decision, Prescribe conditions or deadlines. If the prescribed conditions, conditions or deadlines are not fulfilled, the right to practise the profession shall be issued.

(3) The Federal Minister (The Federal Minister) has for health, if necessary after obtaining an opinion from the Committee of the Psychologists ' Advisory Board,


in the cases referred to in paragraph 1 (1) (3), to mark the automatic erasance of the right to work in the list of clinical psychologists and psychologists,


in the case of the death of the clinical psychologist or the clinical psychologist, the deletion from the list of clinical psychologists and psychologists,


in the cases referred to in paragraph 1 (1) (1) and (2), the deletion from the list of clinical psychologists and the decision to establish that the right to practise the profession of clinical psychology and to the management of the the corresponding professional title, including any specialisation, and


the interruption of the professional exercise, as long as no professional indemnity insurance pursuant to § 39 is available.

In this context, it should also be noted at which point in time the right to work is granted or, if it cannot be ascertained, at which point the right to work is deemed to have been granted. In case of deletion from the professional list, the previous entry is not to be held publicly in evidence.

(4) The trustworthiness shall be taken away in particular when:


the professional (s) of which he or she has been violating (his/her) professional duties or, in spite of a reminder, has repeatedly violated her (his) professional duties and,


provided that the trustworthiness is not completely eliminated by a conduct in accordance with Z 1, no appropriate measures have been taken that can be expected to provide a reliable professional exercise for the future.

(5) Suitable measures pursuant to paragraph 4 (4) (2) for conditions, conditions or deadlines are in particular:


formal apology,


participation in an appropriate and recognised form of alternative dispute resolution,


Completion of self-experience,


Completion of Supervision,


Repetition of training parts of clinical-psychological training,


Repayment of the costs incurred by the clinical-psychological activity and borne by the person (s) to be paid,


Cost support for the necessary follow-up treatment of the (the) treatment,


Undertraining of a medical treatment and


Interruption of the professional exercise of clinical psychology for the duration of the procedure.

(6) The Federal Minister (The Federal Minister) has for health, provided that the clinical psychologist or the clinical psychologist does not already have the measure to be taken or the measures to be taken pursuant to paragraph 5 on the basis of a formless request , it shall be appropriate to arrange them. In determining the measures to be taken by the clinical psychologist or the clinical psychologist, the Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) for health has the interests of injured parties, the public good and the existence of The risk of default is to be taken into account.

(7) The burden of proof for the credibility of the existence of the trustworthiness shall be borne by the Clinical Psychologist or the Clinical Psychologist in the sense of the proof of appropriate measures pursuant to paragraph 5.

(8) In the event of a cancellation due to a lack of trustworthiness, a re-entry is possible at the earliest after five years.

Section 4

Professional duties of health psychologist and health psychologist as well as clinical psychologists

Reporting requirements

§ 31. (1) Professional members who have been registered in the respective professional lists shall, within one month, have every change in the registered data to the Federal Ministry of Health, in particular:


of the name,


the place of work (the place of work or the place of duty);


the delivery address,


any interruption in the exercise of the profession, if it is likely to exceed three months,


any resumption of the profession, and


the constant renunciation of the profession

in writing.

(2) The Federal Minister (The Federal Minister) for Health shall make the necessary changes and additions to the respective professional list.

Professional practice to the best of your knowledge and conscience

§ 32. (1) Professional professionals shall exercise their profession to the best of their knowledge and knowledge and in accordance with the development of knowledge of science. They must respect the well-being of the sick and the protection of the healthy persons in compliance with the existing rules.

(2) Professional members shall have their profession personally and directly, at most in cooperation with representatives of their or any other scientific community. They can, however, use aid workers when they are acting under their supervision and supervision.

(3) Professional members may only treat, advise or diagnose a person with their consent (consent), consent (consent) of their legal representative (representative) or their preventive agent.

(4) Professional professionals shall be restricted in the exercise of their profession to those psychological fields of work and methods of treatment on which they have been proven to have acquired sufficient knowledge and skills.

(5) Professional members who wish to withdraw from the exercise of their profession shall have this intention of the patient (the patient) whose (his) legal representative or representative or their representative is to be informed in good time of the fact that: the further psychological care can be ensured.

(6) Professional employees shall have to issue a clear invoice in accordance with the performance provided, provided that a service is not directly charged with a health insurance institution or with other expenses.

Obligation to continue

§ 33. (1) The professional obligation to practise the profession to the best of their knowledge and conscience have all professional members registered in the respective professional list, in particular through the regular attendance of in-or foreign training courses on current developments and findings of psychological as well as other occupational sciences and through the use of Supervision, in total at least to the extent of 150 units within a period of five years, to .

(2) The completed advanced training is to be credited to the Federal Ministry of Health by means of a form to be provided by the Federal Ministry of Health for this purpose. The obligation to continue as a training person is entitled to self-employment, which is indicated by the entry in the professional list.

Obligation to provide information

§ 34. Members of the profession shall, in particular, before the provision of health psychological or clinical-psychological benefits in accordance with the performance envisaged, have:


the way in which psychological diagnostics are carried out and about planned diagnostic procedures,


the nature, scope and planned course of deliberations and treatment measures, the possible risks of psychological interventions,


the costs of the diagnosis and treatment measures and any possible means of taking over the costs or reimbursements by the institution of a statutory health insurance, a hospital care institution or by other cost-holders and a the associated transfer of data required,


the possible consequences of the treatment or of a lack of treatment;


the reasons for any necessary modification of the planned course of action during a health-psychological or clinical-psychological diagnosis or intervention,


the processing of data, in particular with regard to the transmission of data to third parties,

to inform.

Documentation Light

§ 35. (1) Professional members shall keep records of any clinical-psychological and health-psychological measure they have set. The documentation shall include, in particular, the following contents, provided that they have become the subject of the treatment or have become important to them:


Prehistory of the problem and the possible illness as well as the previous diagnoses and the previous course of the disease and in health-psychological projects the question or question the contract;


the beginning, course and termination of clinical or health care services,


the type and extent of diagnostic services, and significant results and diagnoses,


the nature and extent of the forms of assistance which are to be advised or to be treated, and the results of any evaluation,


the agreed fee and other other agreements resulting from the treatment contract, in particular with any legal representatives,


-reconnations and demonstrable information,


consultation of professionals or other health professionals,


Transmission of data and information to third parties, in particular to health insurance institutions,


any recommendations on supplementary medical, psychotherapeutic, musictherapeutic services or other clarifications,


Inspection of the documentation and


Justification of the refusals of inspection in the documentation.

(2) The patients (patients) or their legal representatives (representatives) or their preventive agents are, with special consideration to the therapeutic relationship, all the information on the To provide documentation as well as insight into the documentation or to enable the production of copies against cost replacement, insofar as these do not jeopardise the relationship of trust with the patient (to the patient).

(3) The documentation shall be kept for at least ten years. Storage in a suitable automation-assisted form is permitted. The patient (the patient) has the right to correct inaccurate data. In the event of an occupational activity being extinguissed, the documentation must be kept for the duration of the retention obligation by professionals who have not been employed by such institutions.

(4) In the event of the death of professionals who are not employed by institutions, the heir (the heir) or other legal successor is obliged, while respecting the data protection, to provide documentation on clinical psychological and/or mental health issues. Health-psychological services for the period corresponding to the retention obligation against cost-compensation


In a timely manner to the Federal Ministry of Health, a person who has been deceased by the (the) deceased members of the profession, who has given his/her written consent in writing to the Federal Ministry of Health (s) in writing and to whom it is to be taken over , or


if these requirements are not available, third parties to be determined by the Federal Ministry of Health

shall be transmitted.

(5) Persons pursuant to paragraph 4 (1) and (2) shall enter into the obligation to keep the documentation and shall be subject to the clinical-psychological or health-psychological confidentiality of the confidentiality. At the request of the patient (the patient), they have to hand over the documentation relating to this person.

Obligation to provide information

§ 36. (1) Professional members shall provide the patient (the patient) with all information on their services upon request.

(2) Professional professionals


the legal representative (the legal representative) or the person (s) of the patient (the patient), and


persons who have been designated by the patient (the patient) as having the right to be informed,

on request, to provide information on the clinical-psychological and health-psychological measures they have set themselves, as these do not endanger the relationship of trust with the patient (to the patient).

(3) As regards those patients (patients) who wish to benefit from the benefits of the statutory health insurance, a hospital care institution or other cost-holders, professionals shall be in a position to the extent that they are in favour of: the addressee, in order to carry out the tasks assigned to him, is essential to provide this information.

(4) Professional professionals shall, in particular, provide information on the professional indemnity insurance completed and, on request, provide information on the subject.

Confidentiality of Obligations

§ 37. (1) Professional members and their assistants, including trainees, shall be subject to secrecy concerning all of them in the course of their profession or in the acquisition of professional competence in the course of their training, or have become known. Secrets committed.

(2) A removal from the obligation of confidentiality, in particular for the purpose of testimony before a court or an administrative authority, is the most personal right only by the patient (s) who are competent and responsible (s) (patients) allowed.

Advertising restriction and ban on commission

§ 38. (1) Professional professionals shall have to abstain from any inaccurate or untrue information related to their professional practice.

(2) Professional members may not give, take, or have a guarantee of remuneration for the assignment or recommendation of persons to clinical psychology or to health psychology. Legal transactions that contravene this prohibition shall be void. Benefits from such legal transactions can be reclaimed.

(3) The activities prohibited under subsection (1) and (2) shall also be prohibited by other physical and legal persons.

Professional indemnity insurance

§ 39. (1) Before taking up their own professional exercise to cover the claims for damages arising from the exercise of the profession, members of the profession shall have a professional indemnity insurance in the case of a person entitled to take part in a business operation in Austria. to be able to complete and maintain them during the period of their professional qualification.

(2) For the insurance contract, the following shall apply:


the minimum amount of insurance shall be EUR 1 million for each insurance case to cover the claims for damages arising from the health-psychological and/or clinical-psychological professional exercise. A limit of liability shall not be less than three times the minimum amount of insurance per one year of insurance,


the exclusion or a time limitation of the insurer's after-liability is inadmissible.

(3) The insurers are obligated to report to the Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) for health unsolicly and promptly any circumstance that would result in an end or restriction of the insurance protection or a deviation from the the original insurance confirmation means or can signify, and at the request of the Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) for health, information on such circumstances.

(4) The members of the profession shall, at any time, prove to the Federal Minister (the Federal Minister of Health) for health at his/her request the corresponding insurance contract.

Section 5

Administrative cooperation and information obligations

§ 40. (1) The courts are obliged to inform the Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) for health about the appointment of a lawyer (a specialist) for a professional (a professional), without delay.

(2) The public prosecutors are obliged to provide the Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) for health


the initiation and termination of an investigative procedure, in so far as there is a connection with the practice of clinical psychology or health psychology, and


from the suspension and the lifting of pre-trial detention

to be notified without delay.

(3) The criminal courts are obliged to state the Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) for health from the termination of the main proceedings in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code 1975 (StPO), BGBl. No 631/1975, concerning a professional (a professional) to be notified without delay.

(4) The administrative authorities are obliged, in so far as they are administrative transgressions in connection with the professional exercise of clinical psychology or health psychology, to the Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) for the health of the initiation and termination of criminal proceedings without delay and sending him (her) a copy of the legally binding criminal code.

(5) The authorities, the legal professional representations, the social insurance institutions and the main association of the Austrian social insurance institutions have within their spheres of action the Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) for To be able to supply the information required for the enforcement of this federal law.

(6) The Federal Minister (The Federal Minister) for Health has information concerning professionals who have been or have been registered in Austria in the professional lists, in particular on the existence of criminal or criminal law matters. administrative criminal measures or other serious, precisely defined situations which may affect the exercise of the health-psychological or clinical-psychological profession, in accordance with Directive 2011 /24/EU on the Exercise of patients ' rights in cross-border healthcare, OJ C No. 45, in particular by way of the Internal Market Information System (IMI).


Psychologists ' Advisory Council

Establishment of the Psychologists ' Advisory Board

§ 41. (1) In order to advise the Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) on health in technical matters of health psychology and clinical psychology, a psychologists ' advisory board is to be set up at the Federal Ministry of Health.

(2) The Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) is in the chair for health with registered office and voting rights, who can be represented by a staff member of the Federal Ministry of Health (Federal Ministry of Health).

(3) As further members (substitute members) of the psychologists ' advisory board with registered office and voting rights, the Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) for health has for the duration of five years at least 15 and at most 20 professionals from different The main focus is on health psychology and clinical psychology, for example, from the area of universities and university clinics. One-third of the members (substitute members) shall be appointed from among the members of the corresponding professional associations of professional interests, the proposal of which shall be taken into consideration. Where there are several voluntary professional advocacy groups, the representative relationship of these interests shall be taken into account in the appointment of these members (replacement members).

(4) Weiters can be sent to the Psychologists 'Advisory Board by the Austrian Medical Association as well as by the Psychotherapists' Council established by the Federal Ministry of Health to a representative (one representative) as a member. The secondment of these representatives (representatives) as well as their deputy (deputy) in the event of the prevention are to be mentioned immediately to the Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) for health.

(5) Re-appointments or remissions are possible.

Tasks of the Psychologists ' Advisory Board

§ 42. The psychologists ' advisory board


the discussion of technical issues and issues presented by the Federal Minister (from the Federal Minister for Health), including the submission of opinions and the reimbursement of opinions,


Participation in the release of regulations pursuant to § 46,


by way of the Committee of the Psychologists ' Advisory Board in accordance with § 44, expert opinions on the qualification of training institutions in accordance with § 9 and, if necessary, the technical involvement in proceedings relating to entries in the Professional lists in accordance with § § 19 (1) and (28) (1), with violations of professional duties and with the erasal of the professional authority in accordance with § § 21 (2) and (30) (2).

Meetings of the Psychologists ' Advisory Board

§ 43. (1) The Federal Minister for Health (Die Bundesminister) shall chair and convene the Psychologenbeirat (Psychologenadvisory Council). In doing so, he (she) can be represented by a staff member of the Federal Ministry of Health.

(2) The meetings of the Psychologist Advisory Board shall not be public. It is a quorum if at least half of the members are present. If less than half of the members are present, the members present shall have the quorum present after a waiting period of 30 minutes after the start of the meeting. The members (substitute members) as well as the persons responsible for providing information shall be obliged to exercise their duties and to carry out their duties in a conscientious and impartial manner.

(3) Decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of the Psychologists ' Advisory Council. In the event of a tie, a proposal or a request shall be rejected. The members of the minority who are in the minority have the right to sign their opinion in writing to the decision of the Psychologists ' Advisory Council.

(4) The members and substitute members of the Psychologist Advisory Council shall abstain from participating in the vote on an item in a meeting or the exercise of their function if, in respect of this subject matter, one of the subjects referred to in § 7 AVG is to be found.

(5) The activities of the members (substitute members) of the Psychologists ' Advisory Board and of the persons involved in the provision of information shall be voluntary. You are entitled to reimbursement of travel expenses and accommodation according to the travel fee rule 1955, BGBl. No. 133/1955.

Committee of the Psychologists ' Advisory Board

§ 44. (1) The Psychologenbeirat shall have a Committee composed of its members entitled to vote for a period of five years, consisting of five members, including substitute members, as well as one of the five persons as Chairperson (Chairperson) and one of the five persons as Chairman. Representative (representative). The operating period ends with the appointment of a new committee. If a member or his substitute member is eliminated, the psychologists ' advisory board has to choose a replacement for the rest of the operating period.

(2) The chairperson (the chairman) has to convene the members of the committee at the request of the Federal Minister for Health (the Federal Minister) for health. Section 43 (2) to (5) shall apply accordingly.

Rules of Procedure of the Psychologists ' Advisory Council

§ 45. The Council of Psychologists shall adopt its rules of procedure for the performance of the tasks assigned to it. The Rules of Procedure require the approval of the Federal Minister for Health (the Federal Minister) for their effectiveness.

Section 7


§ 46. The Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) for health may, taking into account the respective standing of the clinical-psychological and health-psychological findings, if necessary after hearing the Psychological Advisory Council, by Regulation Approximate approximate


the special theoretical contents of training in health psychology,


the special theoretical contents of training in clinical psychology,


the organisational structure and qualification criteria of the training institutions,


the qualifications of the lecturers in accordance with the content to be mediated;


contents for the acquisition of practical professional competence as well as ratios of the professional supervision of leading professionals to specialist trainees,


the audit, in particular its implementation or the appointment of the examination board members,


the designation, nature and extent of the acquisition of the main areas of work to be selected in the professional lists, or target-group-oriented specialisations on health psychology and clinical psychology,


the training.

8. Section

Criminal provisions

§ 47. (1) Who


in the field of health psychology or clinical psychology, without being entitled to be entitled under this Federal Act, or


anyone who does not have the right to use this federal law for their professional exercise of health psychology or clinical psychology,

if the offence does not constitute a criminal offence under the jurisdiction of the courts, an administrative surrender and a fine of up to EUR 15 000 is punishable.

(2) Anyone who pursues an activity circumscribed in § § 13 (2) and 22 (2) (2) without being entitled to be entitled under this federal law or under other statutory provisions shall be entitled, provided that the action does not fall within the competence of the It is a criminal offence, an administrative surrender and a fine of up to EUR 5 000 to be punished. The trial is punishable.

(3) Where


as a result of the act referred to in paragraph 1 or 2 (2), a serious risk to the person's limb, life or health has been created, or


the perpetrator (the offender) already twice as a result of an unauthorised professional exercise of health psychology or clinical psychology or unauthorised use of the professional exercise of health psychology or clinical psychology has been punished or


the perpetrator (the offender) has already been punished twice for unauthorised practice of an activity circumscribed in § § 13 para. 2 and 22 para. 2,

the perpetrator (the perpetrator) is punishable by a fine of up to 25 000 euros.

(4) Who


provisions of the right of designation contained in section 6 (5),


provisions of the right of designation contained in § § 20 and 29;


orders or prohibitions contained in § § 31 to 39; or


in the regulations or prohibitions contained in the regulations adopted pursuant to this Federal Act

, unless the action constitutes the offence of a criminal act falling within the jurisdiction of the courts, it shall be subject to an administrative surrender and shall be punishable by a fine of up to EUR 15 000.

(5) The experiment shall be punishable.

Section 9

Transitional provisions

§ 48. (1) Persons who have been shown to have a theoretical training in a recognised training institution according to the Psychologists Act, BGBl, before the entry into force of this Federal Law. No 360/1990, can continue and terminate their training in accordance with the training regulations in force at the beginning of this training or in accordance with the training provisions of this Federal Law.

(2) If the training which has been demonstrably started is continued in accordance with the previous provisions, it shall be


the theoretical training up to a maximum of two years and


the training for the acquisition of practical professional competence up to a maximum of five years

after the entry into force of this Federal Law. In place of the hearing of the Psychologists ' Advisory Board pursuant to § 16 Section 5 of the Psychologists Act, BGBl. No 360/1990, may, if necessary, be used by the Committee of the Psychologists ' Advisory Committee in accordance with § 44.

(3) If the training begun is continued and terminated in accordance with the provisions in force, the training components completed up to now shall be provided by the training institution in accordance with § 9 on the condition of equivalence and after pre-writing. any compensatory measures to be taken into account.

(4) Persons who have acquired the professional title "health psychologist" or "health psychologist" prior to the entry into force of this Federal Law shall have for the future acquisition of the professional title "clinical psychologist" or "clinical psychologist" In any case, in terms of professional competence, the building module according to § 23 (3) must be completed as well as the acquisition of the practical professional competence in accordance with § 24. § 11 shall apply with regard to the possibilities for the settlement of equivalent content.

(5) Persons who have acquired the professional title "clinical psychologist" or "clinical psychologist" before the entry into force of this Federal Law shall have the right to acquire the professional title "Health Psychologist" or "Health Psychologist" In any case, in terms of professional competence, the building module according to § 14 (3) must be completed as well as the acquisition of the practical professional competence in accordance with § 15. § 11 shall apply with regard to the possibilities for the settlement of equivalent content.

(6) Professional members who are entered in the respective professional list at the time of entry into force of this Federal Law shall have a reference to a specialization, provided that the requirements within the meaning of § 20 (5) or § 29 (5) do not apply. to demonstrate that, pending the entry into force of this Federal Act, an at least five-year continuous occupational focus-specific activity within the scope of an employment relationship in one for the specialisation area relevant institution or professional five-year activity in the Specialisation, completed by a supervision, intervision or theoretical training with a minimum dimension of 50 units, accompanied by this freelance activity.

(7) Professional persons who are registered in the respective professional list at the time of entry into force of this Federal Act shall have a professional indemnity insurance pursuant to § 39 to be completed until 31 December 2015. The insurers have a list of the members of the Federal Ministry of Health who have already been registered in the professional lists at the time of entry into force of this Federal Act, for the purpose of proof of the To submit professional indemnity insurance at the latest within two years from the date of entry into force of this Federal Act.

(8) Professional professionals, psychotherapists, (psychotherapists) or specialist doctors (specialists) for psychiatry and psychotherapeutic medicine, who have been in the respective professional list for ten years at the time of the entry into force of this Federal Act , are also entitled to conduct the self-experience pursuant to § 15 (3) or § 24 (3).

(9) The administrative penalty provision for infringements of orders or prohibitions pursuant to Section 35 shall apply only to facts which occur after the entry into force of this Federal Law.

§ 49. (1) Training facilities in accordance with § 7 of the Psychologists Act have until at least three months after the entry into force of this Federal Act all persons according to § 48 (1) first sentence, stating the name, date of birth and the previously completed theoretical training contents to be announced in writing to the Federal Ministry of Health. A new admission of apprentices is not allowed after the entry into force of this federal law.

(2) Training institutions according to § 7 of the Psychologists Act, which until at least two years after the entry into force of this Federal Law, their teaching curricula for training in health psychology according to § 14 and/or for training in clinical In accordance with § 7 of the German Psychologists Act, Psychology according to § 23 has been redesigned as a training institution in accordance with § 9 (1) of this Federal Law on the homepage of the German Federal Law on Education and Training (Bundesgesetz). Federal Ministry of Health generally accessible, provided that the conditions of the § 9 (2) and (3) are given. Depending on the scope of the training offer, the reference to the corresponding training in the basic module and/or in the respective build-up module is carried out in the publication.

(3) Training facilities according to § 7 of the Psychologists Act shall lose their training entitlement at any rate with the end of the second year after the entry into force of this Federal Law.

(4) Applications submitted for recognition as a training institution pursuant to § 7 of the Psychologists Act, the procedures of which have not yet been completed at the date of the entry into force of this Federal Act, shall be deemed to be amended in respect of review as Training facility in accordance with § 9 and shall be supplemented accordingly.

(5) By way of derogation from Section 73 (1) of the AVG, the decision-making period for proceedings in accordance with § § 48 and 49 shall be one year.

III. Main item

Implementing and enforceable provisions

§ 50. (1) With the enforcement of § § 4 and 5 the Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) is responsible for science and research.

(2) With the enforcement of § 6 (5) and 6 (6), the Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) is responsible for national defence and sport.

(3) The Federal Minister (the Federal Minister) is responsible for health with the enforcement of the remaining provisions.

(4) It shall enter into force:


with 25. October 2013 § § 32 (6), 39 and 40 (6),


with 21 December 2013 § 11 para. 5,


with 1 July 2014 the remaining provisions of this Federal Law.

(5) The Federal Law, BGBl. No 361/1990, will expire at the end of 30 June 2014.

