Key Benefits:
259. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth, the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, the Federal Minister for Justice, the Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology, and the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Finance amending the Regulation on short-term economic statistics in the service sector
On the basis of § § 4 to 10 and 30 of the Federal Statistics Act 2000, BGBl. I No 163/1999, as last amended by BGBl. I n ° 111/2010, shall be assigned in agreement with the Federal Chancellor:
The Regulation of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Labour, the Federal Minister for Social Security and Generations, the Federal Minister for Justice, the Federal Minister of Transport, Innovation and Technology and the Federal Minister of Finance on economic statistics in the service sector, BGBl. II No 233/2003, as last amended by Regulation BGBl. II No 30/2009, shall be amended as follows:
1. The title of the Regulation is: