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Modification Of The Ordinance On Curricula For Vocational Schools; Notice The Curriculum For Religious Education

Original Language Title: Änderung der Verordnung über die Lehrpläne für Berufsschulen; Bekanntmachung der Lehrpläne für den Religionsunterricht

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272. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Education, the Arts and Culture, amending the Regulation on the curricula for vocational schools; Announcement of the curricula for religious education

Article 1

Amendment of the Regulation on curricula for vocational schools

On the basis of the School Organization Act, BGBl. No 242/1962, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 75/2013, in particular Articles 6 and 47 thereof, shall be prescribed:

The regulation of the Federal Minister of Education and the Arts on the curricula for vocational schools, BGBl. No 430/1976, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 224/2010, shall be amended as follows:

1. In § 1 Z 1, the line shall be

" Road maintenance specialist:

Annex A/1/16 "

through the row

" Road maintenance specialist/street maintenance specialist:

Annex A/1/16 "


2. § 1 Z 2 reads:

" 2.

for the professions of clothing, wallpaper and leather-processing, for the

Clothing design:

Annex A/2/1


Annex A/2/2

Gold, silver and pearl stickers, large machine stickers, machine stickers:

Annex A/2/3


Annex A/2/4

Upholstery/upholstery in:

Annex A/2/5

Tapezierer and decorator/decorator and decorator:

Annex A/2/6

Textile technology machinery, web technology:

Annex A/2/7


Annex A/2/8


Annex A/2/9


Annex A/2/10

Top Judges, Shoemakers, Shoe Manufacturing, Orthopaedic Chuhmacher:

Annex A/2/11

Knitwear producer, Weber:

Annex A/2/12 "

3. § 1 Z 4 reads:

" 4.

for the teaching profession of electrical engineering and electronics, for the

Electrical engineering:

Annex A/4/1


Annex A/4/2

Electromechanical engineering:

Annex A/4/3

Information technology-computer science, technology:

Annex A/4/4


Annex A/4/5

Event technology:

Annex A/4/6 "

4. In § 1 Z 7 the line shall be

" Glass building technology:

Annex A/7/1 "

as the first line.

5. In § 1 Z 9 the line shall be:

" Office Clerk /Bürokauffrau, Industriekaufmann/Industriekauffrau, Verwaltungsassistant/Administrative assistant, Immobilienkaufmann/
Immobilienkauffrau, Law Firm Assistant/Law Office Assistant,
Buyer/Buyer, Personnel Service, Accounting :

Annex A/9/3 "

through the row

" Office Clerk /Bürokauffrau, Industriekaufmann/Industriekauffrau, Verwaltungsassistant/Administrative assistant, Immobilienkaufmann/
real estate manager, law firm assistant/law firm assistant, buyer/buyer in, personnel service, tax assistance, sports administration :

Annex A/9/3 "


6. In § 1 Z 9 the lines are deleted

" Drogist:

Annex A/9/6 "


" Gartencenterkaufmann:

Annex A/9/15 "

7. In § 1 Z 11 the lines shall be

" Paint:

Annex A/11/1 "

" Painters and livers:

Annex A/11/2 "

through the rows

" Paint technology:

Annex A/11/1 "

" Painter and coating technician/painter and coating technician:

Annex A/11/2 "


8. In § 1 Z 12 the line shall be deleted

" Bodywork:

Annex A/12/2 "

9. § 1 Z 13 reads:

" 13.

for the teaching profession of metal (installation), for the

Installation and building technology:

Annex A/13/1 "

10. § 1 Z 15 reads:

" 15.

for the teaching profession of metal (mechanic-occupations), for the

Production technicians:

Annex A/15/1

Büchsenmacher, weapon mechanic:

Annex A/15/2

Motor vehicle technology:

Annex A/15/3

Construction machinery technology, agricultural machinery technician:

Annex A/15/4

Scale manufacturer:

Annex A/15/5


Annex A/15/6

Packaging technology:

Annex A/15/7

Surgical instrument generators:

Annex A/15/8

Lightweight aircraft manufacturer:

Annex A/15/9

Crystal grinding technique:

Annex A/15/10

Textile mechanics:

Annex A/15/11

Refrigeration equipment:

Annex A/15/12 "

11. In § 1 Z 16, the line shall be

" Gold and silver smiths and jeweller, gemstone slenders:

Annex A/16/1 "

through the row

" Gold and silver smiths and jeweller:

Annex A/16/1 "


12. § 1 Z 17 reads:

" 17.

for the teaching profession of metal (metal engineering profession), for the

Metal technology:

Annex A/17/1


Annex A/17/2

Sunscreen technology:

Annex A/17/3

Shedding machine:

Annex A/17/5

Cottage Schlosser:

Annex A/17/6

Metal working:

Annex A/17/7 "

13. § 1 Z 19 reads:

" 19.

for the teaching profession of textile production, for the

Textile chemistry:

Annex A/19/1

14. In § 1 Z 21 the line shall be

" Photographer:

Annex A/21/1 "

through the row

" Professional photographer/professional photographer:

Annex A/21/1 "


15. In § 1 Z 22, the line shall be

" Paper technician:

Annex A/22/2 "

through the row

" Paper technology:

Annex A/22/2 "


16. The following paragraph 24 is added to § 4:

" (24) The following provisions of this Regulation as well as the annexes to this Regulation as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 272/2013 shall be as follows: except for power:


§ 1, Z 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21 and 22, Annex A, Section III, Subsections C, F and J, Annexes A/1/15, A/1/16, A/2/1, A/2/5, A/2/6, A/3/3, A/4/1, A/4/2, A/4/6, A/7/1, A/11/1, A/11/2, A/11/3, A/11/4, A/15/3, A/17/1, A/17/7, A/19/1, A/21/1, A/21/2, A/22/2, the heading and substantive changes to Appendix A/16/1, as well as the heading and sections I and III of Annex A/9/3, shall be replaced by 1. and the 2nd class at the end of the day of the event, with regard to the 3. Class with 1. September 2014 and with regard to the 4. Class entered into force on 1 September 2015;


Annexes A/4/4, A/4/5, A/15/1, A/15/10, A/17/2, A/17/3 and A/17/5 shall enter into force on the date of the day of the demonstration, as regards the name of the plant;


Facilities A/4/4, A/9/6, A/9/15, A/12/2, A/13/2, A/15/1, A/15/13, A/15/14, A/17/2, A/17/3, A/17/4, A/17/5, A/17/10, A/19/1, A/19/2 and A/19/3 in the prior to the Novelle BGBl. II No 272/2013 as amended by Regulation (EC) No 272/2013. and the 2nd class at the end of the day of the event, with regard to the 3. Class with expiry of 31 August 2014 and with regard to 4. Class with expiry date of 31 August 2015.

The regulations of the State School Councils may be adopted at the end of the day of the event, but they may not be put into effect before the entry into force of the plant concerned. "

17. Annex A (General provisions, General educational objective, General didactical principles, teaching principles and common subjects of the vocational schools) Section III (Education and teaching duties, teaching material, didactics) The basic principles of the individual common teaching subjects are the subsection C (Professional foreign language):

" C. Vocational foreign language

Education and teaching tasks:

The students should be able to cope with situations of the professional and personal environment in the foreign language.

If necessary, they should be able to understand and express themselves orally and in writing appropriately using dictionaries-the hearing and the read.

They are supposed to be aware of the importance of foreign language skills for the development of their personal and professional communication and action skills.

They are intended to value and respect people of other cultures and language communities and their way of life.

In the sense of "lifelong learning" and individual educational planning, they should be able to independently apply and develop the acquired knowledge and skills.

They are intended to consolidate and develop their level of entry in the "personal and professional environment" in the 4 core competencies, with the level of the Independent User B1 according to the standards laid down in the guidelines of the Council of Europe (European Framework of Reference) common European Framework of Reference for Languages), to be defined in the framework of language competence.

The skills which the pupils are supposed to acquire follow the internationally standardized levels of competence A1, A2 and B1, the attainment of which is achieved by the individual prior knowledge as well as the available teaching hours. is determined.

Competence Level A1

The students can


to understand and use familiar, everyday expressions and very simple sentences that aim to meet concrete needs,


to introduce themselves and others and ask other people questions about their person and answer questions of this kind,


communicate in a simple way when the interlocutors speak slowly and clearly and are ready to help.

Grid to the Ferity Areas
Competence Level A1


The students can understand familiar words and very simple sentences that relate to themselves, the family, or to concrete things around them, provided that it is spoken slowly and clearly.


The students can understand individual familiar names, words and very simple sentences, such as on signs, posters or in catalogues.


The students can


communicate in a simple way, if the interlocutor or the interlocutor is willing to repeat a bit more slowly or to say otherwise, and in doing so helps formulate what he or she is trying to say


ask and answer simple questions, provided that they are directly necessary things and very familiar topics,


used simple twists and sentences to describe people who know them and to describe where they live.


The students can


a short, simple postcard, for example, holiday glands,


on forms (eg in hotels) Name, address, nationality, etc. Enter.

Competence level A2

The students can


understand sentences and frequently used expressions that are related to areas of immediate importance (e.g. information about the person and family, shopping, work, and the surrounding area),


communicate in simple, routine situations in which the exchange of information on familiar and common things is simple and direct,


using simple means to describe their own origin and education, the direct environment and things related to immediate needs.

Grid to the Ferity Areas
Competence level A2


The students can


understand single sentences and the most common words when it comes to important things (eg very simple information about the person and the family, shopping, work, near environment),


understand the essence of short, clear and simple messages and announcements.


The students can


very short, simple texts,


in simple everyday texts (e.g. advertisements, leaflets, menus or timetables) find concrete, predictable information and understand short, simple personal letters.


The students can


communicate in simple, routine situations, in which it is a simple, direct exchange of information and familiar themes and activities,


a very short contact conversation, but usually don't understand enough to keep the conversation going,


with a series of sentences and with simple means to describe the family, other people, the housing situation, education and present or last professional activity.


The students can


to write short, simple notes and messages,


to write a very simple personal letter, to say thank you for something.

Competence level B1

The students can


understand the main points when a clear standard language is used and when it comes to familiar things from work, school, leisure, etc. ,


handle most of the situations you encounter when traveling in the language area,


Express themselves simply and coherently on familiar topics and personal areas of interest,


report on experiences and events, describe objectives, and give short justifications or explanations to plans and views.

Grid to the Ferity Areas
Competence level B1


The students can


understand the main points when a clear standard language is used and when it comes to familiar things from work, school, leisure, etc. ,


The main information can be found in many radio or television broadcasts about current events and on topics from their own professional or field of interest, when speaking relatively slowly and clearly.


The students can


understand texts in which in particular very common everyday or professional language occurs,


understand private letters in which events, feelings and wishes are reported.


The students can comment on the topic, in particular in job-specific discussions, in the normal language of speech, and take part in class discussions.


The students can create notes and concepts for the free speech, write simple letters according to patterns, and simply summarize audio and reading texts.

Level of competence for pupils who prepare for the vocational test

The pupils who prepare for the examination of the profession should be referred to in the language skills described in the following on the basis of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages-competence level B2- Manage knowledge.

Competence level B2

The students can


understand the main contents of complex texts on concrete and abstract topics, and also understand specialist discussions in their own special area,


Communicate spontaneously and fluently in such a way that a normal conversation with native speakers is possible without any major effort on both sides,


to express themselves clearly and in detail on a broad range of topics, explain a position on a topical issue and specify the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities.

Grid to the Ferity Areas
Competence level B2


The students can


with some effort in conversations that are in their of the presence of persons with this first language, follow (for example, the understanding of an interview),


understand the main pronunciations of content and linguistically complex lectures, speeches, reports and other academic or professional presentations,


out of public passages (e.g. travel or events) to the general public,


understand technical information in detail (e.g. operating instructions or specifications for familiar products and services),


understand recordings in standard language, which are usually encountered in social and professional life or in training, and not only record the information content, but also the points of view and attitudes of the speakers,


to understand the standard language in films, TV reports, live interviews, TV games, if the topic is familiar (e.g. creating notes and diagrams based on a video sequence).


The students can


Search long and complex texts quickly and find important individual information (e.g. read an event programme and answer questions),


quickly grasp the content and importance of news, articles, reports and other documents on a wide range of professional topics, and decide whether to read more accurately,


Search longer texts according to the desired information and collect information from different texts or parts of the text in order to solve a specific task (e.g. find out words with certain meaning from a text),


understand, by the occasional use of the dictionary, private and professional correspondence relating to the language of transition or to a familiar area of work,


Articles and reports on topical issues in which the writers represent, read and understand a certain position or position,


take out information, thoughts and opinions from specialised sources in their own subject area,


Articles that go beyond their own territory, with the help of the dictionary, to verify, read and understand the understanding of the terminology used,


long, complex instructions in your own subject area and detailed regulations or warnings, if difficult passages can be read several times, understand


understand selected texts,


open unknown words from the context in texts with topics from their own subject areas or fields of interest,


use a variety of strategies to secure understanding: that is, that it is It takes care of core issues and checks the text comprehension based on clues from the context.


The students can


discussions on a variety of general and professional topics, or on their or their own fluently and spontaneously, and in doing so clearly express points of view, feelings, intentions or wishes (e.g. conduct interviews about the working climate in one holding),


actively participate in formal and informal discussions and meetings in familiar situations, in which they or he takes a position, clearly sets out a position, assesses various proposals, presents hypotheses, or responds to hypotheses,


politely express beliefs and opinions, consent and rejection,


contribute to the progress of a work process or to a common solution of a problem by explaining why something is a problem, discussing what to do next, comparing alternatives and confronting each other,


Negotiate and deal with situations in which it is necessary to negotiate a solution (to settle a debt issue, to agree a reparation and to set the limits for concessions),


Discuss services (e.g. booking a trip or accommodation or booking a trip to the hotel). Dealing with authorities during a stay abroad),


manage less routine language situations (e.g. visiting a post office, a bank, a business, unwinding a complaint),


understand and exchange complex information and advice in relation to all things that have to do with their everyday lives and work,


summarize and reliably pass on detailed information and arguments from different sources,


in an effective and fluid way an interview, spontaneously deviating from prepared questions, will respond to interesting answers, and ask questions,


in an interview-without many help or impulses from the interviewer, or of the interviewer-taking the initiative, thinking and developing ideas,


A comprehensive topic well structured and clearly presented, highlighting key points and relevant supporting details, deviating from the prepared text and responding to follow-up questions,


on an issue or a problem within one's own interests and expertise, argue and relate the advantages and disadvantages of different options, and convincingly represent a point of view,


describe a variety of processes, explain rules, give complex work instructions or instructions, so that others can act after that,


summarize the content from various sources in such a way that the audience becomes aware of the essence,


fluent, clear and detailed information about experiences and experiences, ideas or reading from the private and professional environment,


Precisely formulate intentions and objectives.


The students can


Represent real or fictitious events and experiences clearly structured, vividly and read-wise,


clear, well-structured reports, articles and argumentative texts on complex topics from their own interests and fields of expertise, highlighting key points in this regard,


Provide detailed views and support by sub-points, appropriate examples or justifications,


communicate in written communication (e.g. in the private and public sector, communicate news, express thoughts on abstract or cultural topics such as music and film, or give or ask for information),


Express themselves in a practical way in the areas of professional written communication that are essential for the field of expertise and are flexible in relation to the respective addressees,


Summarize information on topics of one's own interest and expertise from a variety of sources in the sense of comprehensifying and oversight in writing,


present themselves in writing (including a curriculum vitae and a letter of application),


Make clear, easy-to-understand, summary transcripts, protocols or reports (e.g. presentations or meetings),


Write notes with directly relevant information for private and professional purposes, and make the important thing clearly understandable (e.g. writing an Internet blog).

Teaching material:

The following topics are to be treated with increasing difficulty in the sense of the education and teaching tasks mentioned:

Personal environment and current news:

Self-presentation. Family and friends. Living. Health and social services. Location information. Leisure. Travel and tourism. Shopping. Eating and drinking. National and international events taking particular account of youth culture.

Professional environment:

Workplace and training. Job-specific correspondence. Europass CV and job interview. Safety and environmental protection.

Occupation (for annexes A/1/1 to A/1/17):

Basic concepts of construction technology. Building materials and building materials. Tools, machines and equipment. Construction sites. Construction planning and construction. Structures. Building ecology. Construction plans and construction drawings. Working methods and techniques. Customer and customer advice.

Occupation (for annexes A/2/1 to A/2/12):

Basic terms of fashion and clothing technology. Natural, synthetic and mixed materials. Care, cleaners and aids. Tools, machines and working tools. Measuring instruments. Clothing and job-specific products. Colors. Design development. Working methods and techniques. Customer and customer advice and support.

Occupation (for annexes A/3/1 to A/3/10):

Basic concepts of chemistry and environmental technology. Chemicals and excipients. Tools, machines, equipment and equipment. Measuring and testing instruments. Preparations. Chemical processes. Disposal and recycling. Working methods and techniques. Simple customer and customer talks.

Occupation (for annexes A/4/1 to A/4/ 6):

Basic concepts of electrical engineering and electronics. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and equipment. Computer and communication systems. Working methods and techniques. Customer and customer advice

Occupation (for annexes A/5/1 to A/5/ 3):

Basic concepts of botany. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines and equipment. Flowers and plants. Cultures and care. Space and landscape design. Designs and drawings. Working methods and techniques. Customer and customer advice and support.

Garden and green area design-focus on greenkeeping

Basic terms of the golf game. Materials, spare parts. Lawn grasses and diseases. Conversion table. Working methods and techniques.

Occupation (for Appendix A/5/ 4):

Basic concepts of zoology. Equipment, facilities and working conditions. Animals. Animal husbandry. Animal breeding. Animal diseases. Examination and treatment methods. Working methods and techniques.

Occupation (for annexes A/6/1 to A/6/11):

Basic concepts of nutrition and health. Food and food. Goods and products. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Tourism and service. Recipes. Working methods and techniques. Customer and customer advice and support.

Occupation (for annexes A/7/1 to A/7/ 5):

Basic concepts of glass and ceramics technology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Materials and colours. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Glass, ceramics and porcelain products. Design development. Designs and drawings. Working methods and techniques.

Occupation (for annexes A/8/1 to A/8/ 6):

Basic terms of graphics and media technology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, devices and work steps. Computer and communication systems. Design development. Designs and designs. Working methods and techniques. Customer and customer advice and support.

Occupation (for annexes A/9/1, A/9/2 and A/9/14):

Basic terms of trade. Business unit and working materials. Computer and communication systems. Were. Buy and sell. Advertising and presentation.

Occupation (for annexes A/9/3 and A/9/ 4):

Basic terms of office organization, office or office Banking facilities and working materials. Processing of the sales contract. Computer and communication systems. Inquiries, offers, orders and contracts. Terms of delivery and payment. Customer and customer advice and support.

Occupation (for plant A/9/ 7):

Basic concepts of photography. Business unit and working materials. Computer and communication systems. Audio and video technology. Were. Buy and sell. Advertising and presentation. Customer advice and support.

Occupation (for annexes A/9/10 and A/9/11):


Basic concepts of the transport industry. Business facilities and working materials. Computer and communication systems. Modes of transport. Transport geography. Customs. Buy and sell.

Speditionslogistik, warehouse logistics

Basic concepts of warehouse logistics. Business facilities and working materials. Computer and communication systems. Logistical processes in the company.

Occupation (for Appendix A/9/12):

Basic terms of the insurance system. Office equipment and working materials. Computer and communication systems. Insurance contracts. Buy and sell. Customer and customer advice and support. Claim notification.

Occupation (for Appendix A/9/13):

Basic concepts of motor vehicle technology and transport industry. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Rules of conduct, assistance, accident report and repair measures. Location information. Itineraries. Street maps and city maps. Weather and road conditions. Traffic rules. Traffic signs. Cargo and dangerous goods. Freight and customs documents. Auswise. Vehicle documents and registration plates. Transport contracts and insurance. Payment transactions. Government contacts. Customer and customer advice and support.

Occupation (for Appendix A/9/16):

Basic terms of pharmacy, botany and medicinal herbs. Office equipment and working materials. Business unit and working materials. Computer and communication systems. Were. Buy and sell. Advertising and presentation.

Occupation (for annexes A/10/1 to A/10/ 9):

Basic terms of wood and plastics technology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Workpieces and products. Plans, drafts and job-specific drawings. Working methods and techniques. Customer and customer advice and support.

Occupation (for annexes A/11/1 to A/11/ 4):

Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Colors and aesthetics. Plans, drafts and job-specific drawings. Working methods and techniques. Customer and customer advice and support.

Occupation (for annexes A/12/1 and A/12/ 3):

Basic terms of sheet metal processing. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Workpieces and products. Manufacturing drawings. Working methods and techniques. Customer and customer talks.

Occupation (for Appendix A/13/ 1):

Basic concepts of climate and installation technology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Sanitary, heating and ventilation systems. Installation-related drawings. Working methods and techniques. Customer and customer advice and support.

Occupation (for annexes A/14/1 to A/14/ 3):

Basic concepts of casting and model technology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Workpieces and products. Manufacturing drawings. Working methods and techniques.

Occupation (for annexes A/15/ 1):

Basic concepts of mechanics and electronics. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Labor and power machines. Machine elements. Technical drawings. Working methods and techniques. Customer and customer advice and support.

Occupation (for Appendix A/15/ 2):

Basic terms of weapons technology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Weapons, target equipment and ammunition. Technical drawings. Working methods and techniques.

Occupation (for annexes A/15/3 and A/15/ 4):

Basic concepts of motor vehicle technology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Motor vehicles and aggregate groups. Labor and power machines. Basic concepts of automotive electrics and electronics. Working methods and techniques. Customer and customer consultations.

Occupation (for Appendix A/15/ 5):

Basic concepts of mechanics and electronics. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Scales, types and construction types. Technical drawings. Working methods and techniques.

Occupation (for Appendix A/15/ 6):

Basic concepts of mechanics and electronics. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Watches, systems and components. Technical drawings. Working methods and techniques. Customer and customer advice and support

Occupation (for Appendix A/15/ 7):

Basic concepts of mechanics and electronics. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Packaging types and machines. Working methods and techniques. Simple customer and customer talks.

Occupation (for Appendix A/15/ 8):

Basic concepts of mechanics and electronics. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Surgical and medical instruments. Technical drawings. Working methods and techniques.

Occupation (for Appendix A/15/ 9):

Basic concepts of aviation technology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Aircraft, engines and on-board equipment. Technical drawings. Working methods and techniques.

Occupation (for Appendix A/15/10):

Fundamentals of the crystal grinding technique. Crystal glass, precious stones, works and auxiliaries. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Working methods and techniques. Customer and customer talks.

Occupation (for annex A/15/11):

Basic terms of textile technology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Textile machines. Technical drawings. Working methods and techniques.

Occupation (for annex A/15/12):

Basic concepts of refrigeration plant technology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Refrigeration equipment and refrigerating machines. Technical drawings. Working methods and techniques.

Occupation (for annexes A/16/ 1):

Basic concepts of gemmology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Workpieces and products. Working methods and techniques. Specialist drawing. Customer and customer talks.

Occupation (for Appendix A/16/ 2):

Basic concepts of surface technology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Workpieces and products. Technical drawings. Working methods and techniques.

Occupation (for Appendix A/16/ 3):

Basic terms of metal design technology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Workpieces and products. Technical drawings. Working methods and techniques.

Occupation (for Appendix A/17/1 and A/17/ 7):

Basic concepts of metal technology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Metal construction and metal structures. Technical drawings. Working methods and techniques.

Occupation (for Appendix A/17/ 2):

Basic concepts of ship technology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Shipbuilding. Ship operation. Technical drawings. Working methods and techniques.

Occupation (for Appendix A/17/ 3):

Basic concepts of sunscreen technology. Metal-plastic and auxiliary materials. Textile fabrics. Construction materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Sun protection systems. Additional facilities. Technical drawings. Working methods and techniques.

Occupation (for Appendix A/17/ 4):

Basic concepts of tool construction technology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Workpieces and products. Technical drawings. Working methods and techniques.

Occupation (for Appendix A/17/ 5):

Basic concepts of ski technology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Ski types. Standardisation. Characteristics. Construction and components. Manufacture. Working methods and techniques. Customer and customer talks.

Occupation (for Appendix A/17/ 6):

Basic concepts of metallurgical engineering. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Blast furnace and steelworks. Rolling mill. Technical drawings. Working methods and techniques.

Occupation (for annexes A/18/1, A/18/2, A/18/4 and 18/ 5):

Basic concepts of physics and materials technology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Material testing systems. Technical drawings. Working methods and techniques. Customer and customer talks.

Occupation (for Appendix A/18/ 3):

Basic terms of surveying technology. Computer and communication systems. Measuring and testing instruments. Measurements. Geodetic drawings. Working methods and techniques.

Occupation (for annexes A/19/1 and A/19/ 2):

Basic terms of textile technology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Equipment, equipment and machinery. Measuring and testing instruments. Textiles. Designs. Colors and aesthetics. Design drawings. Working methods and techniques. Customer and customer talks.

Occupation (for annexes A/20/1 to A/20/ 5):

Basic terms of the music theory. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and working methods. Musical instruments. Music history. Factory drawings. Working methods and techniques. Simple customer and customer consultation

Occupation (for Appendix A/21/ 1):

Basic concepts of photography. Materials and excipients. Equipment, equipment, cameras and working methods. Photography and film. Recording and elaboration. Image compositions and design concepts. Working methods and techniques. Digital photography. Customer and customer advice and support.

Occupation (for Appendix A/21/ 2):

Basic concepts of optics. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, devices. Measuring and testing equipment. Optical instruments and instruments. Customer and customer discussions and advice.

Occupation (for Appendix A/21/ 3):

Basic concepts of otiatrics. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, equipment, facilities and working methods. Measuring and testing instruments. Hearing aids and otoplastic devices. Working methods and techniques. Customer and customer discussions and advice.

Occupation (for annexes A/22/1 and A/22/ 2):

Basic terms of paper technology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines, equipment and equipment. Products, species and use. Designs and technical drawings. Working methods and techniques.

Occupation (for Appendix A/23/ 1):

Basic concepts of biology. Materials, aids and goods. Tools and apparatus. Working hours and salons. Hair and skin treatments. Working methods and techniques. Customer advice and support. Cutting techniques.

Occupation (for annexes A/23/2 and A/23/ 3):

Basic concepts of biology. Materials, aids and goods. Tools and apparatus. Working hours and salons. Foot care, leg cosmetics and massage. Skin, hair and body care. Working methods and techniques. Customer and customer advice.

Occupation (for Appendix A/23/ 4):

Basic concepts of anatomy and physiology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines and equipment. Measuring and testing instruments. Prosthetics and orthodontics. Hygiene and health. Working methods and techniques.

Occupation (for Appendix A/23/ 5):

Basic concepts of anatomy and physiology. Plant and auxiliary materials. Tools, machines and equipment. Prostheses, orthoses and rehabilitation methods. Works and orthopaedic drawings. Working methods and techniques.

Occupation (for annex A/23/ 6):

Basic concepts of sports biology and nutrition. Terms of movement and training instruction. Were. Buy and sell. Customer and customer advice and support.

Didactic principles:

In order to ensure the achievement of the educational and teaching tasks, it is possible to start from the knowledge and experience of the pupils. To this end, it is appropriate to raise the level of knowledge and skills on the basis of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Differentiation can be expressed both in the degree of achievement of the individual objectives within the competence levels A1, A2 and B1 as well as in the degree of assistance.

In principle, the principle of "simple tasks for complex tasks" is always to be applied. Building on a common basic offer for all pupils, more powerful pupils get more complex tasks, but they should also be accessible to lower-performing students.

The main criteria for the choice of teaching materials are the applicability to situations of the professional and private environment of the pupils, the consideration of their interests and needs, as well as the requirements of the teaching profession and the reference on the content of the specialist teaching.

The pupils are to be motivated and guided by a variety of language courses on the communicative application of the foreign language.

The treatment of the topics is intended to prepare the pupils with the help of foreign-language listening and reading texts on encounters with people from other cultural and language communities and to give them pleasure.

The communicative skills are promoted through extensive use of the foreign language as the language of instruction, as well as by the use of audio texts on phonograms and films and from the internet, among others, electronic media, for example by telephone and telephone. Sales talks, expert interviews, interviews, radio and television reports and learning games.

The use of subject-specific original texts not only promotes reading comprehension, but also reinforces the practical relevance, e.g., operating, maintenance and repair instructions, displays, product and service information, business letters, Professional journals, including electronic text types, professional software and others.

For the training of the speaking skills, special partner exercises and group work, role plays, discussions and the implementation of students ' discussions are particularly suitable. The best results are achieved if the pleasure of the communication takes precedence over the language skills.

Insights into the grammar of the foreign language and the learning of the vocabulary are the most effective of the processing of authentic texts and communicative situations.

Positive feedback to the students as well as self-assessment by the students make individual learning progress consciously (or recognizable), strengthen the self-confidence and increase the willingness to learn.

In order to improve the chances of pupils who have no or only a low level of knowledge of the foreign language, the teaching of the teaching material will give priority to the assessment of learning progress. The emphasis of teaching for these pupils is on the teaching of basic language skills.

School work: two or more one in each school level only for Appendixes A/9/1 to A/9/4, A/9/7, A/9/8 and A/9/10 to A/9/14, provided that the hourly extent on the school level concerned is at least 40 or 20 hours of teaching. "

18. In Annex A, Section III, the subsection F (Living foreign language) is:

" F. Living foreign language

Education and teaching tasks:

The students can expand their word and phrase from everyday life and professional life, and use sources of information.

They can take a written and oral position on current issues from society and their working lives.

The skills that the students are supposed to acquire follow the internationally standardized competence levels A1, A2, B1 and B2. The attainment of the levels of competence depends on the level of choice of a living foreign language, which is already provided as a foreign language in the subject of the curriculum, which is the aim of the specialist teaching programme. is to be reached. If a foreign language is chosen as a living foreign language, which is not intended to be a foreign language in the subject of the curriculum, the level of competence A1 should be pursued.

Teaching material:

Language standards:

Spelling and meaning of words and phrases. Grammatical basic structures. Use of dictionaries.

Sources of information:

Use of libraries, literature and media.

Oral communication:

Extension of the word-and phrase-treasure. Speaking exercises with preparation. Discussion exercises. Free Communicating.

Written communication:

Conception. Outline. Formal and substantive aspects.

Creative writing:

Treatment of topics from the experience area of the pupils: treatment of socially relevant and job-specific topics.

Didactic principles:

The main criterion for the choice of teaching materials is the contribution to oral and written communication skills in the foreign language.

The students ' previous knowledge allows students to use the foreign language as a language of instruction from the very beginning. The communication of communicative competence is the priority to be given priority over cognitive competence and the promotion of speech intelligibility from linguistic perfectionism. It is important that the oral skills are practised on an ongoing basis. This is promoted on the one hand by the change between individual, partner and group work and on the other hand by a varied design of the teaching. The teaching content and motivation of the students are illustrated by authentic materials, relevant school events and teaching projects, as well as the collaboration of Native Speakers.

In the treatment of occupational topics, the cooperation with teachers of the specialist teaching staff is recommended.

Hourly size:

The hourly extent is


Year-round and seasonal vocational schools at least 10 to a maximum of 20 lessons per semester,


Vocational schools at least 2 to a maximum of 4 hours of teaching per week of training. "

19. In Annex A, Section III, the following subsection J (Applied Mathematics) is added after Subsection I (Applied Computer Science):

" J. Applied mathematics

Education and teaching tasks:

The students can solve job-specific mathematical tasks and get additional qualifications to solve complex tasks.

They are familiar with the areas of action required for the examination of the profession, such as modelling, operating, interpreting and documenting, as well as arguing and communicating.

You can independently apply the acquired knowledge and skills and develop them further.

You can use the mathematical symbolism and use calculators, tables, formula collections as well as computer-supported programs.

Teaching material:

Competence Area Figures and Measures

Numbers and measures:

Number quantities. Units of measure. Percentage. Calculate with terms and complex numbers.

Competence Range Linear Algebra and Geometry

Linear algebra and geometry:

Variable, terms and formulas. Linear equations and inequality. Quadratic equations. Systems of equations. Elemental geometry and trigonometry. Vectors. Matrices.

Capabilities functions


Empirical, discreet and continuous functions. Representations. Properties. Reverse functions. Angle functions.

Analysis Competence Area


Number sequences and rows. Limit values. Continuity and differentiability. Differential rules. Functional discussion. Extreme value tasks. Removal rules. Integral term. Root function and specific Integral. Integration rules.

Stochastic competence area


Descriptive statistics. Assessment statistics. Regression and correlation. Probabilistic calculation and distribution.

Didactic principles:

The main criterion for the selection of materials is the contribution to the preparation for the vocational school examination.

Problems, which are based on the experience horizon of the students, are the basis for the task and promote the examination of the work and solution paths.

Exercises should be based on the individual needs of the students and thereby compensate for different prior knowledge and existing deficits, respectively. .

School work: two or more one at each school level, provided that the level at the school level in question is at least 40 or more 20 hours of teaching.

Hourly size:

The hourly extent is


Year-round and seasonal vocational schools at least 10 to a maximum of 20 lessons per semester,


Vocational schools at least 2 to a maximum of 4 hours of teaching per week of training. "

The installations forming part of this Regulation A/1/15, A/1/16, A/3/3, A/4/2, A/11/1, A/11/2, A/11/3, A/11/4, A/15/3, A/17/1, A/17/7, A/19/1, A/21/1, A/21/2, A/22/2 shall be replaced by the corresponding installations.

Annex A/2/1 shall be preceded by Annex A/2/2 to the Annex A/2/1 forming part of this Regulation.

Annex A/2/5, which forms part of this Regulation, shall replace Annex A/2/13 (wallpaper and decorator) and shall be inserted in accordance with Annex A/2/4.

The Annex A/2/6, forming part of this Regulation, shall be inserted in accordance with Annex A/2/5.

Annex A/4/1, which forms part of this Regulation, shall be preceded by Annex A/4/2.

25. The previous Annex A/4/4 is deleted.

26. The previous Appendix A/4/9 (Information Technology Informatics, Technology) will be given the plant designation "A/4/4" and shall be inserted in accordance with Annex A/4/3.

27. The previous plant A/4/10 (Mechatronics) receives the plant designation "A/4/5" and shall be inserted in accordance with Annex A/4/4.

Annex A/4/6, which forms an integral part of this Regulation, shall replace Annex A/4/11 and shall be added to Annex A/4/5.

Annex A/7/1, which forms part of this Regulation, shall be preceded by Annex A/7/2.

The annexes A/9/6, A/9/15, A/12/2, A/13/2, A/15/1, A/15/13, A/15/14, A/17/2, A/17/3, A/17/5, A/17/10 and A/19/3 are omitted.

31. Annex A/9/1 (framework curriculum for the professions of retail, weapons and ammunition) Section III (educational and teaching duties and teaching material and didactic principles of the individual subjects) Subsection In the subject matter of the subject-specific sales internship in the section Industry priorities of the subsection "Fleischfachhandel" is replaced by the following subsection Feinkostfachsale:

" Retail delicatelyselling

Product-related legal provisions:

Safety rules. Hygiene Regulations. HACCP food law. Food labelling regulation. EAN or Bar code. Controls. Control organs.

Commercial products-Fine food products:

Bread and bakery products, cheese, sausage meat, meat and delicatery products. Preparation. Reference sources. Types and commercial names, varieties and group classifications, quality and properties, production and processing, shelf life and freshness, use and preparation (recipes, cooking tips), preservation, storage and presentation, Packaging and compliance, services as well as goods inspection and testing.


Organic products, seasonal products, regional products. Food allergies and intolerances. Healthy eating. Food trends. "

32. The heading of Annex A/9/3 reads as follows:


33. In Annex A/9/3 Section I (timetable), the previous sub-section H (accounting) is omitted and the following sub-sections H (tax assistance) and I (sports administration) are added:


Total number of hours: 3 school levels for a total of 1 260 lessons (excluding religious instruction), of which, in the first, second and third school levels, at least 320 hours of teaching per hour.

Compulsory items


Religion 1

Political Education


German and communication


Vocational foreign language 2


Business lessons

Economic customer with correspondence 3


Accounting 3 4


Specialist teaching

Taxation and management


Computer Science


Text and Information Processing




Total number of hours (excluding religious instruction)

1 260

Free Items

Religion 1

Living foreign language 5

German 5

Applied Computer Science 5



Non-binding exercise

Movement and Sport 5

Promotion lessons 5


Total number of hours: 3 school levels for a total of 1 260 lessons (excluding religious instruction), of which, in the first, second and third school levels, at least 320 hours of teaching per hour.

Compulsory items


Religion 1

Political Education


German and communication


Vocational foreign language 2


Business lessons

Economic customer with correspondence 3


Accounting 3 4


Specialist teaching

Sports Administration


Computer Science


Text and Information Processing




Total number of hours (excluding religious instruction)

1 260

Free Items

Religion 1

Living foreign language 5

German 5

Applied mathematics 5

Applied Computer Science 5

Sport and movement culture


Non-binding exercise

Movement and Sport 5

Promotion lessons 5 "

34. In Annex A/9/3 Section III (educational and teaching tasks as well as teaching material and didactical principles of the individual teaching subjects) Subsection specialized teaching is not required in the compulsory subject financial and accounting (only for accounting purposes) and according to the mandatory subject matter of personnel management (only for personnel service) the following mandatory subjects tax and administration (only for tax assistance) and sports administration (only for sports administration) are added:

(for tax assistance only)

Education and teaching tasks:

The pupils should have a thorough knowledge of the tasks, structure and scope of the financial management and of the business and business managers and should be familiar with the tax system in Austria.

They are supposed to know about the legal basis of income, turnover and corporate tax law and are also fundamentally familiar with the provisions of levies, fees, and contributions as well as the procedural and financial criminal law.

They should have a basic knowledge of the areas of private law related to tax-related matters.

The students should become members of the university. as an employee in the financial administration or in commercial law firms in their service role and responsibility towards the citizens, Be aware of the client.

Teaching material:

Financial management and economic hangout:

Construction. Function. Service and professional regulations.

Tax law:

Income tax, corporate income tax and VAT.

Charges, fees and contributions:

Species. Legal basis. Scope.

Procedural law:

Federal Tax Code. Legal basis.

Financial criminal law:

Legal basis. Scope.

Private law:

Civil law. Company law. Company law. Labour law. Social law.

Didactic principles:

The main criterion for the selection of teaching materials is the frequency and importance of teaching content in professional practice.

The choice of the teaching material or the inclusion of the educational content required for this subject is one of the most responsible tasks for teachers.

The thorough development of selected content is the preferred option for a superficial variety.

The knowledge of the pupils is rounded off by basic knowledge of the areas of private law related to tax-related matters.

To the extent that it appears to be pedagogically appropriate, the standard software and information carriers used in the financial administration and in the commercial law firms are to be used in the standard software and information carriers.

Practice-oriented tasks and action-oriented teaching should lead the pupils to practice real situations and to act responsibly.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that pupils are able to identify independently facts about the relevance of tax and tax law and to correctly classify them into the system of taxes and duties. Everyday life situations of the citizens or Clients should be able to examine the relevance of tax law and assess them from this point of view.

(only for sports administration)

Education and teaching tasks:

The pupils should be familiar with the basics of sports management.

They should have in-depth knowledge of sports administration, the job-specific work area and the office technical infrastructure.

They should know about the sport-specific application in commercial sports companies and public sports organisations.

They should be able to deal safely and with the use of sports marketing tools and public relations in sport.

Teaching material:

Sports Management:

National and international sports systems. Sports structures in Austria. Sports facilities. Sports event management. Quality management.


Workplace, work space and occupational safety. Setup. Communication technologies. Work organisation and work design. Social forms of work. Office culture. Time and travel management.

Sports-specific legal application:

Club law. Sport competition rules. Accounting policies (sponsorship, sponsorship). Federal Sports Promotion Act. Gambling monopoly law.

Sports Marketing:

Marketing tools. Advertising material. Public relations. Corporate identity.

Didactic principles:

The main criterion for the focus of the teaching material is the frequency of the occurrence in the practice of the teaching profession.

The choice of the teaching material or the inclusion of the educational content required for this subject is one of the most responsible tasks for teachers.

The thorough development of selected content is the preferred option for a superficial diversity. "

35. In Annex A/9/3 Section III Subsection of the subject teaching is the subject matter Practical internship:

" Fachpraktikum

Education and teaching tasks:

The pupils should be able to apply their knowledge and skills acquired in other teaching subjects as well as their personal experience in practice-oriented tasks of their teaching profession.

They are supposed to be able to get to know, assess and act in accordance with business goals, organizational structures and relationships, as well as work processes.

They are supposed to be able to perform complex business cases as a summary work and present them with computer support.

Teaching material:

Applies only to the teaching profession office clerk/office clerk, industrial clerk/industrial clerk, administrative assistant/administrative assistant, real estate clerk/real estate clerk, law firm assistant/law firm assistant, buyer/shopper, Personnel service, tax assistance

Practical and job-specific tasks from the following topics:



Goods and/or Site procurement and management:


Purchase Contract:


External stands:




Human resources:


Taxes and charges:

Creation-billing and booking-payment.

Organization of events:


Sales and advertising:

Market research-marketing success control.

Forms of financing:

Performance Comparison-Use-Tilgung.

Complex business cases:

Opening-Plant accounting-Storage accounting-invoicing-Financial accounting-Personnel accounting-Annual balance sheet evaluation.

Applies only to the teaching profession Immobilienkaufmann/Immobilienkauffrau

Real estate management:

Takeover-ongoing business management-administrative return.

Land Stock:


Billing for real estate:

Mietzins-Operating costs-Loan accounting.

Applies only to the teaching profession Purchasers/Buyer

Procurement management:

Procurement Marketing-Supplier Selection-Purchasing Controlling.

Metrics/Tax sizes-Purchase results-Improvement measures.

Applies only to the teaching profession personnel service

Labour force omission:

Initiation-Order Processing-Accounting.

Job placement:


Personnel consulting:

Qualification-Development-employment on the labour market.

Applies only to the teaching profession tax assistance

Income tax, corporate income tax and VAT:

Calculation basis-Calculation-Tax declaration.

Charges and fees:

Calculation basis-Calculation-Statement.

Federal Tax Code:


Personal accounting:

Classification-Recording-Tax Base-Payment-Statement.


More-less-invoice enterprise profit determination.

Applies only to the teaching profession sports administration

Practical and job-specific tasks from the following topics:

members or Consumers/consumers:


Goods and/or Site procurement and management:


Purchase Contract:


External stands:


Commercial sports and public sports organisations:


Human resources management:

Inclusion-Employment-Communications-Teamwork-Employee motivation solution.

Non-profit or Private-sector taxes and duties:

Creation-billing and booking-payment.

Sport and society:

Economic Factor Sport-Media-Politics.

Organization of events:


Sports Marketing:

Market Research-Guideline-Product-Public relations-Success control.

Customer Care:

Customer Talk-Product presentation-Sales.

Forms of financing:

Performance Comparison-Use-Tilgung.


Metrics/Tax sizes-Purchase results-Improvement measures.

Complex business cases:

Opening-Plant accounting-Storage accounting-invoicing-Financial accounting-Personnel accounting-Annual balance sheet evaluation.

Didactic principles:

In the selection of the teaching material or The inclusion of the educational content necessary for this subject is to be taken into account in the vocational specifi c of the teaching profession and the number of hours of compulsory subject.

The thorough development of selected content is the preferred option for a superficial variety.

If it appears to be pedagogically appropriate, it is necessary to use reference works, legal texts, formula collections as well as the standard software and information carriers common in practice in the classroom.

Practice-oriented tasks and action-oriented teaching are intended to lead the students to logical and networked thinking as well as to responsible decision-making and action.

As the teaching materials modules are carried out as project-oriented work, it is recommended to plan in the team and to document the work.

Excursions, training courses and other school events, as well as the drawing up of experts from the field of practice, are intended to help pupils to gain an insight into the complex interrelations of economic processes. They must be carefully prepared and evaluated.

In the sense of a multidisciplinary teaching, the cooperation with the teachers of the other teaching subjects is of particular importance. "

36. In Annex A/9/3, Section III, at the end of the subsection, the following free subject matter of sport and movement culture (only for sport administration) is added:

" Sport and movement culture
(only for sports administration)

Education and teaching tasks:

The pupils are to develop a deeper and critical understanding of the sport and movement culture.

They should be able to recognize and deal with social values as well as the diverse functions of sport and movement in professional practice.

Teaching material:

Phenomenon of movement culture:

Forms of movement-Sporttrends-Health-Leisure-Risk-Safety.

Sport and society:

Sports show event.

Sports Management:

Quality development-Guideline-Product development-Product development.

Customer Care:


Movement and sports practice:

Sports-Movement actions-Can be own.

Didactic principles:

The planning and design of the course is based on the practical experience of the pupils. In particular, emphasis should be placed on the current sports science and sport pedagogical findings.

The content of the course is to be selected by way of example, with the participation of the students taking part in a topic-oriented approach and taking into account a possible focus setting as well as organizational requirements. "

37. The previous plant A/15/15 (production technician) receives the plant designation "A/15/1" and shall be preceded by Annex A/15/2.

38. The previous plant A/15/16 (crystal grinding technique) is given the plant designation "A/15/10" and shall be inserted in accordance with Annex A/15/9.

39. The heading of Annex A/16/1 reads as follows:


40. In Annex A/16/1, the line "A" shall be omitted after the plant heading " A. FOR GOLD AND SILVER BLACKSMITH AND JEWELLER ".

41. In Annex A/16/1, the line "B" shall be deleted after the first hour table. FOR THE STAINLESS STEEL " as well as the next hour board.

42. The previous Appendix A/17/8 (shipbuilder) is given the plant designation "A/17/2" and shall be inserted in accordance with Annex A/17/1.

43. The previous Appendix A/17/11 (sun protection technology) is given the plant designation "A/17/3" and shall be inserted in accordance with Annex A/17/2.

44. The previous Appendix A/17/9 (Skiermmer) will be given the plant designation "A/17/5" and shall be inserted in accordance with Annex A/17/4.

Article 2

Publication of the curricula for religious education

On the basis of § 2 para. 2 of the Law of Religion, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No. 190/1949, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 36/2012, is made known:

The curricula contained in Annexes A/1/15, A/1/16, A/2/1, A/2/5, A/2/6, A/3/3, A/4/1, A/4/2, A/4/6, A/7/1, A/11/1, A/11/2, A/11/3, A/11/4, A/15/3, A/17/1, A/17/7, A/19/2, A/21/1, A/21/2 and A/22/2, respectively, under Section II Religious education has been issued by the churches concerned and is hereby incorporated into the law in accordance with § 2 para. 2 of the Law of Religion, BGBl. No. 190/1949, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 36/2012.
