Key Benefits:
274. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Defence and Sport on the General Staff Training (General Staff Training Regulation 2013)
On the basis of § § 26 to 31 and 149 (5) of the Civil Service Act 1979, BGBl. No. 333/1979, as last amended by the Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I No 147/2013, shall be arranged:
§ 1. This Regulation lays down
1. |
the selection of the General Staff Training, |
2. |
the General Staff Committee and |
3. |
the service test for the use group M BO 1 with use in the General Staff Service. |
§ 2. (1) The General Staff Training has to provide the knowledge and skills necessary for the fulfilment of tasks as military leaders, as experts in military matters and as coordinators and coordinators between the It is necessary to provide leadership areas of the Federal Army in Germany as well as to meet the requirements of the Multinational Armed Forces Network. In addition, the necessary general and subject-specific knowledge required for the officers of the General Staff Service is to be achieved in order to
1. |
evaluate, evaluate and decide on the basis of scientific criteria, |
2. |
Predefine and define objectives, and |
3. |
Developing solution models and guiding projects |
, and thus to fulfil the task of military leaders and coordinators. |
(2) The required knowledge referred to in paragraph 1 shall be obtained by:
1. |
the acquisition of the necessary foundations of national and international security policy, in particular the defence policy of Austria and the European Union; |
2. |
Placement of the principles for the control of leadership and organization, laying down economic standards, as well as the respective scientific methods and techniques, in particular for the production of military processes and structures, |
3. |
Transfer of the principles for the control of military strategic and operational management, |
4. |
the acquisition of the necessary basic and special knowledge to control the tactical leadership of troops using the staff organization, as well as the necessary bases and guidance procedures, including the training methodology; |
5. |
Teaching the fundamentals of training systems and applying the principles of training plans, |
6. |
-to establish the principles governing the functioning of international bodies and bars and to enable international activities to be carried out on the basis of the relevant foreign languages; |
7. |
to provide the necessary expertise in the general administration, in particular in the management of the army; and |
8. |
Promotion and further development of the psychological and physical resilience of the participants in the course of the course, as well as their ability to lead people. |
Conduct of the General Staff Training and Training Forms
§ 3. The General Staff Course lasts six semesters and includes the Annexes 1 and 2 contain training subjects (teaching and timetables). He has to take place at the State Defense Academy and is to be held according to the official needs. The General Staff Committee shall complete the service examination by the end of the sixth semester.
Eligibility requirements
§ 4. (1) Admission requirements for the General Staff Course are
1. |
the successfully completed training of troop officers, |
2. |
a service of at least six years as a military person of the use group M BO 2 or in equivalent use groups or in equivalent uses as military VB according to § 1 para. 3 Z 2 lit. d of the Wehrgesetz 2001 (WG 2001), BGBl. I n ° 146, and |
3. |
the successful completion of the selection procedure under this Regulation. |
(2) The time required for paragraph 1 (2) is to be reckon with those times in which the training of troop officers at the Theresianian Military Academy in another use group or as a military VB or as a person in the training service has been completed.
(3) Admission to the General Staff course shall be requested not later than one month before the start of the General Staff Course on the Service.
Withdrawal of authorisation
§ 5. (1) Admission to the General Staff Committee shall be revoked if a candidate or a candidate
1. |
has failed more than a quarter of the total hours of the General Staff's Office, or |
2. |
A second reexamination in a test subject of the official examination is not completed positively has been rated three times negative, or has been given a three-year negative |
3. |
until the end of the first semester of the General Staff Committee at the latest, the level of entry required for this course in the foreign language has not been proven to be English, or |
4. |
until the beginning of the first semester of the General Staff Committee at the latest, the physical performance required for this course has not been proven. |
(2) In the case of paragraph 1 Z 3, proof of the standardized foreign language performance profile (SFLP) "3/3/3/2 +" in the foreign language is valid according to the applicable examination regulations for language exams in the Austrian Federal Army as required entry level.
(3) In the case of paragraph 1 Z 4, proof of physical performance shall be deemed to be the required entry level in accordance with the applicable performance provisions in the Austrian Federal Army.
Selection procedure
§ 6. (1) The candidates for the General Staff Training shall be selected during a graded selection procedure by determining the personal and professional aptitude of the General Staff Officer. The selection procedure shall consist of:
1. |
the preliminary examination, |
2. |
the selection test and |
3. |
the entrance examination. |
The preliminary examination must be carried out by the command of the Armed Forces Command. The selection examination and the entrance examination are to be carried out by the State Defense Academy. Participation in the selection examination requires the successful completion of the preliminary examination and the participation in the entrance examination to the successful completion of the selection examination. The places of study shall be allocated according to the results of the selection procedure in accordance with the free study places. |
(2) During the selection procedure, evaluation shall be carried out
1. |
in the course of the preliminary examination, knowledge of the areas |
a) |
of tactics, including supply, and |
b) |
of general military knowledge, |
2. |
In the course of the selection test, knowledge from the areas after Z 1 and the teaching of the application |
3. |
In the course of the entrance examination, knowledge from the areas after Z 1, the general knowledge and the military technology. |
(3) The evaluation shall be carried out
1. |
in the course of the preliminary examination by |
a) |
Two exams on topics from the areas according to paragraph 2 Z 1 lit. a and |
b) |
a written examination of subjects in the areas referred to in paragraph 2 Z 1 lit. b, |
2. |
in the course of the selection examination by |
a) |
two examination papers on subjects from the areas referred to in paragraph 2 Z 1 lit. a, |
b) |
a written examination of subjects in the areas referred to in paragraph 2 Z 1 lit. b, and |
c) |
A written exam on topics in the field of the teaching of materials |
3. |
in the course of the entrance examination by |
a) |
two examination papers on subjects from the areas referred to in paragraph 2 Z 1 lit. a, |
b) |
a written examination of subjects in the areas referred to in paragraph 2 Z 1 lit. b, |
c) |
A written exam on topics in the field of defence technology and |
d) |
A written exam on topics from the field of general knowledge. |
(4) In the course of the exams referred to in paragraph 1, the written examination shall be held on consecutive days and shall not last longer than five hours each.
(5) The preparation of the candidates for the respective exams according to paragraph 1 has to be done by self-study. By way of derogation, courses may be held for the preparation of candidates for the preliminary examination and the selection examination. In any case, the candidates must be provided with appropriate teaching methods.
Selection Commissions
§ 7. (1) To be set up for evaluation
1. |
A selection committee in the Armed Forces Command for the Examination Proceedings in the course of the preliminary examination and |
2. |
A selection committee at the National Defense Academy for the examination of the examinations during the selection examination and the entrance examination. |
The Federal Minister for National Defence and Sport has the chairperson or chairperson and the other members of the respective selection committees from the circle of civil servants of the use groups M BO 1 or equivalent use groups or comparable contract staff for a period of three years. If necessary, the selection commissions for the remainder of the respective functional period are to be supplemented by additional members. |
(2) Membership of a selection committee in accordance with paragraph 1 shall end with the expiry of the period of order or with the final imposition of a disciplinary penalty or with the suspension in foreign countries or with the departure from the service.
(3) The selection committees shall each have to decide in senates. The respective Senate shall be composed of at least three members of the selection committee. The members of the senate are to be determined by the chairpersons of the respective selection committee from among the members of the selection committee according to the technical requirements for the respective evaluation according to § 6. A member of the Senate is to be entrusted with the chairmanship of the Council. The Senate has to decide with a simple majority of votes after non-public deliberation. A abstention is inadmissible. In the event of a tie, the vote shall be taken by the chairman or the chairman of the Senate.
Examination Rules
§ 8. (1) The service examination shall include the examination subjects
1. |
Troop leadership I (lower tactical management level including operational support), |
2. |
Troop leadership II (middle tactical management level including operational support), |
3. |
Troop leadership III (upper tactical leadership and partial strike force-specific logistics), |
4. |
Operational Management I (Basics of the planning and management of operations), |
5. |
Operational management II (use of the operational planning procedure), |
6. |
Security Policy I (International dimensions of security policy), |
7. |
Security Policy II (National dimensions of security policy and institutions), |
8. |
Strategy, |
9. |
Austrian constitutional law, including the law of the European Union, |
10. |
Defence Law, |
11. |
The right of service and remuneration, including the right of staff representative, |
12. |
International law, |
13. |
Guide I (Basics of leadership and leadership), |
14. |
Leadership II (application of the leadership process and leadership skills), |
15. |
Military Strategy I (bases of military strategic leadership and organization), |
16. |
Military Strategy II (Armed Forces Planning, Armed Forces Delivery and Armed Forces), |
17. |
English and |
18. |
Body training. |
The level of requirements of the examination subjects is derived from the teaching contents of the Appendix 1 . |
(2) The service examination shall be carried out in partial tests.
(3) The partial examinations are to be deposited in the examination subjects
1. |
pursuant to paragraphs 1, Z 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9 to 12 and 15 in writing, |
2. |
According to paragraph 1 Z 3, 5, 8, 13 and 16, oral, |
3. |
in accordance with paragraph 1 of the Z 14 and Article 18, |
4. |
pursuant to paragraph 1 (1) (17) in writing and oral. |
(4) Written examinations are to be held before individual examiners or individual examiners
1. |
as a written examination with a maximum duration of six hours, or |
2. |
in the form of seminar papers, with the duration of the examination of a period of time appropriately scheduled for the processing of the seminar work. |
Oral examinations are to be held before an examination senate. When determining the result of the examination of practical examinations, an overall assessment of the achievements to date in the respective examination subject has to be included. |
(5) The candidates must be assigned to the respective partial exams by the head of the relevant institute of the State Defense Academy after completion of the teaching content assigned to a respective training subject. (audit plan). In the event of an undue non-isolation of parts of the course contents of a training subject, this director has, on the basis of an overall assessment of the achievements already provided, within the framework of the General Staff Course on the To decide on the allocation of further training subjects. This also applies in the case of an undue non-isolation of the entire course contents of an examination subject assigned to a training subject according to paragraph 1. Section 5 (1) (1) (1) on the revocation of the authorisation shall remain unaffected.
(6) By the end of the fourth semester at the latest, the candidates shall draw up a plan exercise on the subject of "Large Association, including Operations Support" as domestic work and shall be carried out by individual examiners. assess. The candidates have to prove that they are in a position to apply and present such a plan exercise. The commandant or the commander of the General Staff Committee may determine the preparation of the housework according to its extent and the level of requirements to be achieved as a group work of several candidates. In any event, appropriate organisational measures shall ensure that the candidates and candidates are assessed separately.
(7) At the latest by the end of the sixth semester a military-scientific work is to be drawn up as domestic work by the candidates and evaluated by individual examiners. The subject of this work shall be determined by the Chairperson or the Chairperson of the Examination Committee at the beginning of the third semester in accordance with the conditions of service. On the basis of the above-mentioned work, the candidates have to prove that they are able to deal with a topic with scientific methods.
(8) Non-passed examination parts in the examination subjects according to paragraph 1 can be repeated twice. The repeat tests shall be made possible within three months. This also applies to non-existing homework according to paragraph 6.
(9) (8) concerning the repetition of tests shall be applied to domestic work as referred to in paragraph 7, subject to the proviso that repetitions of these domestic works shall be made possible within six months.
Audit bodies
§ 9. (1) The Examination Commission shall be set up in the Central Office of the Federal Ministry of Defence and Sport and shall consist of:
1. |
the chief or the chief of the general staff as chairman or chairman and |
2. |
the required number of other members. |
(2) The other members shall be members of the group of officials of the category M BO 1 or equivalent groups of uses, or the comparable contract staff or the other in the relevant examination subject. To order persons for a period of five years. If necessary, the Examination Committee is to be supplemented by additional members for the remainder of the respective functional period.
(3) The examiners of the examination subjects referred to in § 8 (1) Z 9 to 12 must be right-skirting.
(4) The examination senate shall consist of at least three members of the examination board. Preference is preferably to be taken into account. In any event, the Senate's head office shall be entrusted with the task of entrusting a civil servant or a civil servant of the use group M BO 1 or H 1 with use in the General Staff Service. In the event of a tie, the vote shall be taken by the chairman or the chairman of the Senate. For reasons of expediency, the respective chairpersons may arrange for individual assessments of oral examination parts to be carried out in the examination subjects in accordance with Section 8 (1) by an individual member of the Examination Board.
Transitional provisions
§ 10. (1) The successful completion of the General Staff Training in accordance with the regulations in force at the time of the respective conclusion shall be considered to be a successful completion of the General Staff Training pursuant to this Regulation.
(2) The successful conclusion of the selection procedure in accordance with the Regulation in force until 30 September 2013 shall be considered to be a successful conclusion of the selection procedure provided for in this Regulation.
In-and Out-of-Force Trees
§ 11. (1) This Regulation shall enter into force 1. October 2013 will be in force.
(2) With the expiry of the 30th of September 2013, the Federal Minister for National Defence of the Federal Republic of Germany on the General Staff Training, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl), will enter into force. II. 42/2007, except for force.