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Civil Service Training Regulation - Zidav

Original Language Title: Zivildienst-Ausbildungs-Verordnung – ZiDAV

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285. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Home Affairs, which defines the training of civil service providers, for which a training contribution can be granted to entities of institutions (civil service training regulation-ZiDAV)

Pursuant to Section 38a (4) of the Civil Service Act 1986 (ZDG), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No 679/1986 (WV), as last amended by the Federal Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (BGBl). I n ° 163/2013, is assigned in agreement with the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection and the Federal Minister for Health:


§ 1. This regulation regulates the successful completion of training or successfully completed parts of training in one of the areas mentioned in § 3 para. 2 ZDG a training contribution in accordance with § 38a ZDG can be asserted.

Type and duration of training

§ 2. In accordance with § 38a (2) ZDG, a training contribution can be made for the following successfully completed training courses or individual successfully completed parts of these training courses:


The training module "Support for basic care" according to the basic health and nursing care-basic supply-training ordinance (GuK-BAV), BGBl. II No 281/2006, in which: 1. October 2013, with a total of 100 teaching units theoretical training and 40 hours of practical training;


the basic module according to Appendix 1 of the MAB-Training Regulation (MAB-AV), BGBl. II No 282/2013, to the extent of 120 hours of teaching;


Teaching subjects of the nursing education according to Appendix 1 Z 11, 12 and 14 to 16 nursing education regulations, BGBl. II No 371/1999, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 295/2010, to the extent of at least 80 hours of teaching;


home helper training in accordance with national legislation to the extent of at least 80 teaching units;


without prejudice to paragraphs 1 and 3, training in accordance with the provisions of national law relating to specialist social care workers in the fields of elderly work, the work of disabled persons and the extent to which at least 80 units of teaching are carried out;


Training according to the country-specific regulations concerning the child care worker, the father of the day, the (special) kindergarten helpers, the head of kindergartens and day-care homes and the (special) Horthelfer and/or the (special) Horthelfer or -assistants to the extent of at least 60 teaching units;


Teaching subjects within the framework of colleges at the educational institutions for kindergarten pedagogy and for social pedagogy in accordance with § § 95 (3a) and 103 (3) of the German Education and Training Act (BGBl). No 242/1962, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 75/2013, to the extent of at least 125 teaching units;


Teaching subjects within the framework of higher education courses for leisure pedagogy according to § 8 paragraph 3a Higher Education Act 2005, BGBl. I n ° 30/2006, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 124/2013, to the extent of at least 125 teaching units.

Definition of training

§ 3. (1) The legal entity of the institution shall, in agreement with the civil service provider, determine the nature and scope of the training referred to in § 2. The scope and duration of the training shall not be contrary to the meaning of the civil service and shall not affect the provision of services within the meaning of Section 3 (1) ZDG.

(2) During the specified training periods, including any practical training, the civil service provider shall be exempted from the provision of services in accordance with the notification of assignment. The respective training regulations must be complied with.


§ 4. As a condition for the award of the training contribution, the legal entity of the establishment of the Civil Service Service Agency shall immediately after completion of the relevant training or training part, but at the latest at the end of the training. In the case of the ordinary civil service, a bill on the costs of training and proof of the successful completion of the training and successfully completed parts of an education and its legal basis.

In-and out-of-power

§ 5. This Regulation shall enter into force 1. October 2013 will expire on 31 December 2017 and will expire on 31 December 2017.
