Key Benefits:
429. Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Arts and Culture, Constitution and Media on the remuneration of the costs for members of advisory councils and juries under the Art Promotion Act
On the basis of Section 9 (2) of the Art Promotion Act, BGBl. No. 146/1988, as last amended by the Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I No 91/2015, shall be arranged:
Remuneration of the effort for advisory councils and juries
§ 1. The members of the advisory boards and juries appointed in accordance with Section 9 (1) of the Law on the Promotion of Arts and Arts are to be paid a fee of 200 euros for the participation in a meeting. For a duration of four hours, an additional fee of 38 euros is due for each hour of the session.
§ 2. Members of pure nomination jurys are to be paid a fee of 150 euros for participation in a meeting.
§ 3. In the Department of Literature, the members of the jury for the award of project fellowships are entitled to a payment of 14 euros per application in addition to the remuneration laid down in § 1. The members of the other advisory councils and juries in the Department of Literature, with the exception of the translation advisory council, are to be paid an allowance of 8,50 euros per application in addition to the remuneration set in § 1.
§ 4. In the Film Department, the members of the Advisory Boards and the juries for the award of starting scholarships are to be paid a fee of 5.50 Euro per application in addition to the remuneration laid down in § 1.
§ 5. In the Department of Music and Performing Arts, the members of the juries for the award of starting scholarships are to be paid a fee of 5.50 Euro per application in addition to the remuneration laid down in § 1.
§ 6. The remuneration in accordance with § 1 to 5 shall be subject to all time-and work expenses.
Cash outlays
§ 7. In the course of the work as a member of an advisory board or a jury, cash outlays are to be refunded against presentation of the invoice.
Statement of session money, travel expenses and cash expenses
§ 8. In retrospect, the remuneration and reimbursements are to be shown by the Federal Chancellery in a quarter of a quarter.
entry into force
§ 9. This Regulation shall enter into force 1. Jänner 2016 will be applicable to all newly appointed members of both councils and juries after this date.