Key Benefits:
193. Presentation by the Federal Minister of Arts and Culture, the Constitution and the media concerning the scope of the Protocol to the Madrid Agreement on the International Registration of Marches
According to the announcement by the Director-General of the World Intellectual Property Organization, on 7 December 2015, Laos became a member of the Protocol to the Madrid Agreement on International Registration of Trade Marks (BGBl). III. No 32/1999, as last amended by BGBl. III n ° 88/2008, last proclamation of the BGBl scope. III. No 141/2015), on the occasion of the declarations 1 pursuant to Art. 5 (2) lit. b and Art. 8 (7) lit. a of the Protocol.
According to other communications from the Director-General, Gambia 2 on the 6th October 2015 and Zimbabwe 3 on the 7th October 2015 statements 1 pursuant to Art. 5 (2) lit. b and c and in accordance with Art. 8 (7) (lit). a of the present Protocol.