Key Benefits:
198. Presentation by the Federal Minister of Arts and Culture, the Constitution and the Media concerning the scope of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Art Works
After announcements by the Director-General of WIPO, Kuwait on 2 September 2014 has revised its instrument of accession to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Art Works of 9 September 1886, revised in Paris on 24 July 1971 (BGBl. No. 319/1982, idF BGBl. N ° 133/1985, last proclamation of the BGBl area. III No. 34/2014), as well as on November 27, 2015, declares that his government is the one in the way. II and III of the Annex shall be used.
Cuba 1 has declared on September 3, 2014 that his government is the one in the way. In accordance with Art. II and III of the Annex, this declaration shall be made in accordance with Art. I para. 2 lit. a of the Annex of 3 December 2014 to 10. October 2024.
Bangladesh 2 has declared on September 5, 2014 that his government is the one in the way. In accordance with Art. II and III of the Annex, this declaration shall be made in accordance with Art. I para. 2 lit. a of the Annex of 5 December 2014 to 10. October 2024.
According to other communications from the Director-General of WIPO, the following states have made their statements in accordance with Art. I of the Annex with effectiveness of 10. October 2014 is renewed as follows:
Algeria 3 , Yemen 4 , United Arab Emirates 5 and Vietnam 6 in terms of that in the way. II and III of the Annex;
Thailand 7 in terms of that in kind. II of the Annex.
According to a further communication from the Director-General, the United Kingdom 8 extends the scope of the Berne Convention as follows:
Island Man-with effect from 18 March 1996,
Jersey-with efficacy of 31. Jänner 2014 and
Guernsey-with effect from 21 November 2014.