Key Benefits:
433. Federal Minister for Defence and Sport Ordinance on Basic Training for the Working Group M BO 1 (Basic Training Regulation BMLVS-M BO 1 2014)
On the basis of § § 26 to 31 and 149 (5) of the Civil Service Act 1979, BGBl. No. 333/1979, as last amended by the Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I No 147/2013, shall be arranged:
§ 1. This Regulation lays down the basic training for the use group M BO 1 for use in the
1. |
Intendanzdienst, |
2. |
Higher military-technical service, |
3. |
Higher military technical service, |
4. |
military-medical service, |
5. |
Military Veterinary Service and |
6. |
military-pharmaceutical service. |
It shall not apply to the General Staff Service. |
§ 2. Basic training shall provide the knowledge and skills necessary for the fulfilment of tasks at a workplace of the use group M BO 1 according to § 1 in the department of the Federal Ministry of Defence and Sport at the level of the The central, upper and upper military leadership of the Austrian Federal Army and the Central Office are required, and serves to obtain basic knowledge in order to meet the requirements of task performance in multinational companies. Armed forces network. The necessary knowledge shall be achieved by:
1. |
Transfer of the necessary basic and oversight knowledge of the Ressort and the Austrian Federal Army, as well as the requirements of the multinational Armed Forces Association, |
2. |
to provide the necessary knowledge in the field of national and European security policy; |
3. |
Teaching of the necessary basic and special knowledge in the respective field of tasks, in theory and practice, |
4. |
Acquisition of social-communicative and methodical skills for task performance and |
5. |
To incorporate the knowledge and experience of previous training. |
Construction of basic training and forms of training
§ 3. (1) The basic training is modular and has the following training sections (modules) to include:
1. |
an introductory module, |
2. |
a module "Public Service and Administration", |
3. |
a module "Security Policy", |
4. |
a module "National Crisis Management", |
5. |
a module entitled "International Crisis Management", |
6. |
a technical module which may be considered after the use of the staff member, |
7. |
a module "Management and Leadership", |
8. |
an electoral module, |
9. |
a job rotation and |
10. |
a housework. |
The teaching contents of the respective modules according to Z 1 to 7 are to be conveyed in the form of courses. |
(2) The modules according to paragraph 1 (1) (1) to (5) shall be used to communicate ressortspecific basic and overview knowledge. These have the one in the Appendix 1 shall include the training subjects contained therein. The following training objectives shall be provided by the staff member or staff:
1. |
during the introductory module, an overview of general themes specific to ressortspecific topics as well as the basic structures of the department of the department, including the Federal Army, for a maximum of one week, |
2. |
during the Public Service and Administration module, the basic legal knowledge required for the service of the module for a maximum period of three weeks, |
3. |
in the case of security policy, the basic principles of national and international security policy for a maximum period of four days, |
4. |
during the module National Crisis Management the political and military reactions and actors in national crises and threats as well as the practical application of the legal basis for the relevant military Acting, including the conduct of the management process at military strategic, operational and tactical level, for a maximum period of two weeks, and |
5. |
during the module International Crisis Management, the threat images and international operations, the different decision-making procedures of relevant international organizations as well as the practical application of the legal Basic principles in this context, including the establishment and the organisation of multinational bars for a maximum period of two weeks. |
(3) The specialist modules in question for the use of the staff member or staff member referred to in paragraph 1 (6) shall be used to communicate the technical knowledge, skills and skills required for the workplace provided for in the intended workplace. These have the one in the Appendix 2 in each case under consideration. In doing so, the staff member or staff member shall be responsible for providing the ressortspecific technical bases, including knowledge of the different subject-specific uses, in order to provide specific technical contributions in the management procedure to military-strategic, the operational and tactical level. Depending on the use, the respective specialist module must last at least two and at most 20 weeks.
(4) The modules according to paragraph 1 (1) (7) and (8) serve to communicate and further develop the social-communicative behaviour as well as to communicate and deepen economic and efficient working techniques. These have the one in the Appendix 3 shall include training courses and courses. The following training objectives shall be provided by the staff member or staff:
1. |
during the management and management module, the connection of selected management instruments with the task performance of the relevant workplace including the implementation of selected management tools for the management of employees members of staff for a maximum period of two weeks and |
2. |
during the election module, the optimization of their social-communicative and methodical skills to cope with their or their tasks in self-selected detailed areas in the duration of not more than three days each. |
Within the framework of the electoral module according to Z 2, the staff member shall be one in each of the Appendix 3 -to complete the seminar. |
(5) The topic of housework is in each case by the chairperson or chairperson of the examination board, in agreement with the supervisor or supervisors entrusted with the supervision of the staff member, in accordance with the requirements of the service. , and must be in a professional context with the task of filling the workplace of the staff member or staff. The housework is to be drawn up according to scientific methods.
job rotation
§ 4. (1) The staff of the uses referred to in § 1 shall be subject to the basic training of an individual programme of rotation, taking into account the requirements of their workplace, and in accordance with their abilities and interests. To allocate organisational units to the central or subordinated departments or to other relevant national or international civil or military bodies. In doing so, the staff member or the staff member shall be able to provide a practical insight into the tasks and activities of these organisational units or departments or bodies.
(2) The total duration of the job rotation shall be at least one month and not more than two months.
Expiration of the basic training (examination plan)
§ 5. (1) The State Defense Academy shall be responsible for the implementation of the basic training for all uses in accordance with § 1. The modules according to § 3 (1) (1) (1) to (7) shall be held in accordance with the official requirements in accordance with the relevant training facility in each case. For reasons of expediency, the training in the individual modules or in parts of such modules can also be carried out by other federal services or institutions outside the federal government. The responsibility for the training of the State Defense Academy remains unaffected.
(2) suitably qualified staff members are to be used as members of the Federal Ministry of Defense and Sport as far as possible from the department area of the Federal Ministry for Defence and Sport. The training content may also be provided in the form of seminars or remote training methods or trainee programmes or practical uses or self-studies or other appropriate forms.
(3) All modules are to be completed within the framework of basic training. The modules of the Public Service and Administration as well as the Security Policy are no longer required for the uses in the Intendanzdienst and in the higher military-technical service. The modules can otherwise be completed in any order. In contrast to this, the modules of the Public Service and Administration and Security Policy are to be completed in any case before the modules National Crisis Management and International Crisis Management.
(4) Conditions for the completion of basic training are:
1. |
the positive completion of all modules according to § 3 paragraph 1, |
2. |
a valid proof of the standardised foreign language performance profile (SFLP) "3/3/3/2 +" in the foreign language English according to the applicable examination regulations for language examinations in the Austrian Federal Heer and |
3. |
Proof of physical performance in accordance with the applicable performance requirements in the Austrian Federal Army. |
The required knowledge of the teaching contents of the modules according to § 3 (1) Z 2 to 7 and 10 are to be proven by the positive assessment of the examination subjects listed in the respective examination regulations as well as of the housework. |
(5) The teaching contents of the introductory and the election modules as well as the job rotation are not to be carried out, unless expressly stated otherwise. In such cases, the participation shall be confirmed. The housework is to be assessed by individual examiners or individual examiners.
Examination regulations for the Intendanzdienst
§ 6. (1) The service examination shall include the examination subjects
1. |
National crisis management, |
2. |
International crisis management, |
3. |
management and management instruments, |
4. |
Intendantese, |
5. |
Military leadership, military service and operational support, |
6. |
National and international financial management, including funding mechanisms, |
7. |
Leadership, |
8. |
Human resources management, |
9. |
Military Economics, Administrative Development and Controlling, |
10. |
Ressortated constitutional law as well as military law, |
11. |
Ressortreferred international law and the law of the European Union, |
12. |
Ressortated administrative and civil law, |
13. |
the right of service and remuneration of federal staff; and |
14. |
Budgetary law. |
The level of requirements of the examination subjects is derived from the teaching contents of the Annexes 1, 2 (A) and (3). |
(2) The service examination shall be deducted
1. |
in the examination subjects referred to in paragraph 1 (1) to (3) and (7) to (9), in each case as part-examination before individual examiners and |
2. |
in the examination subjects |
a) |
pursuant to paragraph 1 Z 4 to 6, and |
b) |
pursuant to paragraph 1 Z 10 to 14 |
as an overall examination before an examination senate. |
The examination subject referred to in paragraph 1 Z 9 must be checked in writing and the examination subject in accordance with paragraph 1 Z 10 in writing and orally. The other subjects are to be examined verbally. In the examination subject in accordance with paragraph 1 Z 10, the written examination part shall be deposited in advance of the oral examination part. The oral examination part shall indicate the rash. |
(3) The repeat tests shall be made possible within three months. This also applies to unpassed housework.
Examination regulations for the higher military-technical service
§ 7. (1) The service examination shall include the examination subjects
1. |
National crisis management, |
2. |
International crisis management, |
3. |
management and management instruments; and |
4. |
According to the conditions laid down in Section 12 (1), the field of expertise used after the use of the staff member or staff member. |
The level of requirements of the examination subjects is derived from the teaching contents of the Annexes 1, 2 (B) and (3). |
(2) The official examination must be submitted orally as part of the examination before individual examiners or individual examiners.
(3) § 6 para. 3 concerning the repetition of examinations and the housework shall be applied.
Examination regulations for the higher military-technical service
§ 8. (1) The service examination shall include the examination subjects
1. |
Austrian constitutional law and the organisation of public authorities, as well as the law of the European Union, |
2. |
the right of service and remuneration of the federal staff, |
3. |
Administrative procedural law I, |
4. |
Defence Law I, |
5. |
the fundamentals of budgetary law, |
6. |
Principles of national and international security policy, |
7. |
National crisis management, |
8. |
International crisis management, |
9. |
management and management instruments, |
10. |
Technical service, |
11. |
Arms Management I, |
12. |
security technology, |
13. |
Civil engineering and |
14. |
the subject-specific area used after the use of the staff member, in accordance with section 12 (2). |
The level of requirements of the examination subjects is derived from the teaching contents of the Annexes 1, 2 Part C and 3. |
(2) The service examination shall be deducted
1. |
in the examination subjects |
a) |
1 to 5 and |
b) |
pursuant to paragraph 1 Z 10 to 14 |
in each case orally as an overall examination before an examination senate and |
2. |
in the examination subjects according to subsection 1 (Z) 6 to (9), oral examination as part of the examination before individual examiners or individual examiners. |
(3) § 6 para. 3 concerning the repetition of examinations and the housework shall be applied.
Examination regulations for the military medical service
§ 9. (1) The service examination shall include the examination subjects
1. |
Austrian constitutional law and the organisation of public authorities, as well as the law of the European Union, |
2. |
the right of service and remuneration of the federal staff, |
3. |
Administrative procedural law I, |
4. |
Defence Law I, |
5. |
the fundamentals of budgetary law, |
6. |
Principles of national and international security policy, |
7. |
National crisis management, |
8. |
International crisis management, |
9. |
management and management instruments, |
10. |
General Military Medical Basics, |
11. |
Legal basis of the military medical service and |
12. |
Military medical department. |
The level of requirements of the examination subjects is derived from the teaching contents of the Annexes 1, 2 Part D and 3. |
(2) The service examination shall be deducted
1. |
in the examination subjects |
a) |
1 to 5 and |
b) |
pursuant to paragraph 1 Z 10 to 12 |
in each case orally as an overall examination before an examination senate and |
2. |
in the examination subjects according to subsection 1 (Z) 6 to (9), oral examination as part of the examination before individual examiners or individual examiners. |
(3) § 6 para. 3 concerning the repetition of examinations and the housework shall be applied.
Examination Regulations for the Military Veterinary Service
§ 10. (1) The service examination shall include the examination subjects
1. |
Austrian constitutional law and the organisation of public authorities, as well as the law of the European Union, |
2. |
the right of service and remuneration of the federal staff, |
3. |
Administrative procedural law I, |
4. |
Defence Law I, |
5. |
the fundamentals of budgetary law, |
6. |
Principles of national and international security policy, |
7. |
National crisis management, |
8. |
International crisis management, |
9. |
management and management instruments, |
10. |
General veterinary principles, |
11. |
Legal basis of the veterinary service and |
12. |
Veterinary department. |
The level of requirements of the examination subjects is derived from the teaching contents of the Annexes 1, 2 Part E and 3. |
(2) The service examination shall be deducted
1. |
in the examination subjects |
a) |
1 to 5 and |
b) |
pursuant to paragraph 1 Z 10 to 12 |
in each case orally as an overall examination before an examination senate and |
2. |
in the examination subjects according to subsection 1 (Z) 6 to (9), oral examination as part of the examination before individual examiners or individual examiners. |
(3) § 6 para. 3 concerning the repetition of examinations and the housework shall be applied.
Examination regulations for the military pharmaceutical service
§ 11. (1) The service examination shall include the examination subjects
1. |
Austrian constitutional law and the organisation of public authorities, as well as the law of the European Union, |
2. |
the right of service and remuneration of the federal staff, |
3. |
Administrative procedural law I, |
4. |
Defence Law I, |
5. |
the fundamentals of budgetary law, |
6. |
Principles of national and international security policy, |
7. |
National crisis management, |
8. |
International crisis management, |
9. |
management and management instruments, |
10. |
General military-pharmaceutical fundamentals, |
11. |
Legal basis of the military pharmaceutical service and |
12. |
Military Pharmaceutical Department. |
The level of requirements of the examination subjects is derived from the teaching contents of the Annexes 1, 2, Part F and 3. |
(2) The service examination shall be deducted
1. |
in the examination subjects |
a) |
1 to 5 and |
b) |
pursuant to paragraph 1 Z 10 to 12 |
in each case orally as an overall examination before an examination senate and |
2. |
in the examination subjects according to subsection 1 (Z) 6 to (9), oral examination as part of the examination before individual examiners or individual examiners. |
(3) § 6 para. 3 concerning the repetition of examinations and the housework shall be applied.
Special provisions for individual uses
§ 12. (1) As specialist areas for the higher military-professional service pursuant to § 7 (1) Z 4 come into consideration:
1. |
communication and public relations with the relevant examination subject Basics of communication and public relations, or |
2. |
Military psychology with the relevant examination subject Basics and duties of military psychology or |
3. |
Political science with the corresponding examination subject Geopolitics, strategies and security policy concepts. |
(2) As specialist areas for the higher military technical service according to § 8 para. 1 Z 14 are eligible:
1. |
Military construction with the appropriate examination subject or |
2. |
Military surveying with the appropriate examination subject or |
3. |
In any case, Wehrtechnik, if not lit. a or b is to be used with the appropriate examination subject. |
(3) The assignment of the respective subject area for the higher military professional service referred to in paragraph 1 as well as for the higher military technical service referred to in paragraph 2 shall be assigned by the competent authority in accordance with the tasks of the workplace of the official or of the staff member Service authority.
(4) In the case referred to in paragraph 1 of the relevant workplace, it is not possible to assign the appropriate examination subject in accordance with Section 7 (1) Z 4 in the use of higher military professional service.
(5) Where the fields of Military Construction or Military Engineering have been allocated in the use of higher military technical service, the necessary knowledge of the contents of the relevant examination subjects according to paragraph 2 (2) (1) or (3) shall be provided under the Job rotation in accordance with § 4.
(6) Where the field of military surveying has been attributed to the use of higher military technical service, the examination subject referred to in paragraph 2 (2) has the training modules "Relevant legislation and its application" and "Fachliche Legislation" (Specials) Knowledge " according to § 11 (1) of the Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Economics and Labour on the Basic Training in the Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen (Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen), BGBl. II No 402/2004.
Audit bodies
§ 13. (1) The Examination Committee shall consist of:
1. |
the head of the general staff as chairman or chairperson, and |
2. |
the required number of other members. |
(2) The other members shall be members of the group of officials of the category M BO 1 or equivalent groups of uses, or the comparable contract staff or the other in the relevant examination subject. To order persons for a period of five years. If necessary, the Examination Committee is to be supplemented by additional members for the remainder of the respective functional period.
(3) The examiners in the examination subjects according to § 6 (1) Z 10 to 13 as well as the § § 8 to 11, in each case subsection 1 Z 1 to 4, must be legally-unworthy.
(4) The examination senate shall consist of at least three members of the examination board. In the case of the total exams according to § 6 paragraph 2 Z 2 lit. a and in accordance with § § 8 to 11, in each case subsection 2 Z 1 lit. b, has at least one senate member to belong to the use of the staff member or staff to be examined. Preference is preferably to be taken into account. In the event of a tie, the vote shall be taken by the chairman or the chairman of the Senate.
Calculation of basic training
§ 14. (1) The successful completion of the introductory module pursuant to this Regulation shall be deemed to have been completed successfully.
1. |
a basic training in the department of the Federal Ministry of Defence and Sport and |
2. |
the training of troop officers, |
in accordance with the regulations in force at the time of the respective conclusion. |
(2) The necessary knowledge in the examination subjects in accordance with § § 8 to 11, in each case subsection 1 Z 1 to 6, are due to the successful completion of a troop official training according to the regulations in force at the time of the respective conclusion in any case.
(3) In addition to the cases referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, successfully completed training modules or other training courses according to the principles of § 30 BDG 1979 can be applied to the respective modules at other federal services or institutions outside the Federal Government. According to § 3 (1) (1) (1) to (8) or to individual training subjects of these modules, they are credited to the service authority.
Transitional provisions
§ 15. The successful completion of the basic training for the use group M BO 1 in accordance with the regulations in force at the time of the respective conclusion shall be considered to be a successful completion of the basic training provided for in this Regulation.
In-and out-of-power
§ 16. (1) This Regulation shall enter into force 1. Jänner 2014 in force and with expiry of 31 December 2016.
(2) With the expiry of 31 December 2013, the following shall expire:
1. |
The regulation of the Federal Minister for National Defense on the Basic Training for Officers of the Intendancy Service, BGBl. II No 388/2004. |
2. |
The Regulation of the Federal Minister for National Defence on the Basic Training for Officers of the Higher Military Technical Service, expressed in the Official Journal I of the Federal Ministry of Defense No. 45/2002, in connection with BGBl. II No 138/1997. |
3. |
The regulation of the Federal Minister for National Defence on the basic training for officers of the higher military professional service, made known in the publication of the Federal Ministry of Defense No. 44/2002, in connection with BGBl. II No 138/1997. |
4. |
The regulation of the Federal Minister for National Defense on the Basic Training for Officers of the Military Medical Service, made known in the Federal Ministry of Defense No. 46/2002, in connection with BGBl. II No 138/1997. |
5. |
The regulation of the Federal Minister for National Defence on the basic training for officers of the veterinary service, made known in the publication of the Federal Ministry of Defence No. 47/2002, in connection with BGBl. II No 138/1997. |
6. |
The regulation of the Federal Minister of National Defense on the Basic Training for Officers of the Military-Pharmaceutical Service, BGBl. II No 141/2002. |