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Change The Data Format And Verbrauchsinformationsdarstellungsvo 2012 (David Vo 2012)

Original Language Title: Änderung der Datenformat- und VerbrauchsinformationsdarstellungsVO 2012 (DAVID-VO 2012)

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468. Regulation of the Management Board of E-Control, which changes the Data Format and Consumption Information Presentation 2012 (DAVID-VO 2012)

On the basis of § § 81a (4), 81b, 84 (7) and 84a (2) of the Electricity Economic and Organization Act 2010 (ElWOG 2010), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I No 110/2010 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No. 174/2013, iVm § 7 para. 1 Energy Control Act (E-ControlG), BGBl. I No 110/2010 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 174/2013, shall be arranged:

The regulation of the Management Board of E-Control, which sets out the requirements for the transmission of data from network operators to suppliers and the consumer information to the end customers (data format and consumption information presentation for 2012). DAVID-VO 2012), BGBl. II No 313/2012, shall be amended as follows:

1. In Section 1 (1) "Excise information" by "consumption and electricity cost information" is replaced and reads as follows:

" (1) This Regulation determines the requirements for the data to be made available to the supplier by the network operator in accordance with Section 84a (2) of the ElWOG 2010 as well as the level of detail and the form of delivery of the consumption and Current cost information in accordance with § § 81a (1) and (2), § 81b and 84 (7) ElWOG 2010. "

2. In § 2 (1) "10." by "5." , therefore, it is:

" (1) The daily consumption data of the final consumer, whose consumption is measured by means of an intelligent measuring instrument, shall be sent monthly by the supplier to the supplier in a single unit specified by the regulatory authority. Format without delay, but no later than 5. of the subsequent calendar month. "

3. The heading to § 5 is amended as follows:

"Requirements for the presentation of consumption and electricity cost information by the supplier"

4. In § 6 Z 5 the following sentence is added:

"In the event of a separate financial statement by the network operator, this information obligation shall apply to the network operator for the costs in accordance with SNE-VO idgF and shall be taken into account in the presentation of the consumption data in accordance with § 3."

5. The heading to § 7 is amended as follows:

"consumption and electricity cost information for end users without an intelligent measuring instrument"

6. In § 7 (1) "Excise information" by "consumption and electricity cost information" and "§ 6 Z 1 to 4" by "§ 6 Z 1 to Z 5" is replaced and reads as follows:

" (1) End consumers whose consumption is not measured by means of an intelligent measuring instrument shall be provided with detailed consumption and electricity cost information to meet the requirements of § 6 Z 1 to Z 5. has been in place. "

7. In § 7 (2) "Excise information" by "consumption and electricity cost information" and "§ 6 Z 1, 3 and 4" by "§ 6 Z 1, 3, 4 and 5" is replaced and reads as follows:

"(2) In the case of a quarter-by-quarter announcement of the meter reading, a consumption and electricity cost information shall be transmitted which shall comply with the requirements of § 6 Z 1, 3, 4 and 5."

Boltz Graf