Key Benefits:
489. Regulation of the Federal Minister of Transport, Innovation and Technology, amending the regulation on early steering authority for class B (3). Novelle to the FSG-VBV)
On the basis of § 19 (4) of the German Code of Licences, BGBl. I n ° 120/1997, as amended by the BGBl version. I No 43/2013, shall be arranged:
The regulation on early steering authority for class B, BGBl. II No 54/1999, as amended by the BGBl version. II No 496/2002 shall be amended as follows:
1. § 1 together with the title shall be deleted.
2. In § 2 (1) the entry rate and the Z 1 are:
" (1) The authorization to carry out training trips may only be granted if the applicant
1. a theoretical training course containing at least the teaching content of the basic curriculum for the initial distribution of all classes (if not already completed within the framework of the acquisition of another steering role) and the curriculum for the Issue of Class B pursuant to Annex 10a, Chapters 1 and 3 of the Implementing Regulation 1967-KDV 1967, BGBl. No 399/1967, in the version BGBl. II No 471/2012 in the duration of a total of 32 teaching units (or twelve teaching units, if the basic course has been completed earlier) and "
3. § 2 (3) shall be deleted.
4. § 2 (4) reads:
"(4) After the completion of the training referred to in paragraph 1 and before the start of the training trips, a theoretical instruction shall be carried out jointly with at least one accompanying person and the trainer in accordance with § 7 in the duration of a teaching unit."
5. In § 3 (1), first sentence, the name shall be: "Appendix 3" by the name "the asset" replaced and the following sentence is added:
"The travel protocol shall be submitted no later than prior to the approval for the practical driving test of the Authority."
6. In § 3, the sales designation shall be deleted "(1)" and paragraph 2.
7. In § 4 (1) and (2), the first sentence is in each case before the number "1000" the word "at least" inserted.
8. In Section 4 (1) (2) (2) and (4) (2) (2) (2), the word order shall "two teaching units" replaced by the phrase "a teaching unit" .
9. § 4 (3) and (4).
10. § 5 reads:
" After a distance of at least 3000 kilometres, the applicant has to complete the practical training of perfection from Appendix 10c of the KDV 1967. This includes school trips in the duration of a total of three teaching units, in the course of which the complete examination procedure of the practical driving test in the duration of 25 minutes must be simulated and, at any rate, a motorway journey must be included. The companion (s) is (are) entitled to participate in practical perfection training. "
11. In § 6, the sales designation shall be deleted "(1)" and paragraph 2.
12. Appendix 1 and 2 are deleted and the name "Appendix 3" shall be "Asset" replaced. The title of this Annex shall not include the expression " Paragraph 8 "