Key Benefits:
503. Ordinance with which the Regulation of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth, with which the Ecocurrent feed-in tariff regulation 2012 (ÖSET-VO 2012) is amended
Due to § 19 of the 2012 Ökostromgesetz 2012 (ÖSG 2012), BGBl. I No 75/2011, as last amended by the BGBl agreement. I n ° 11/2012, is by the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth in agreement with the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management and the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, ordering:
The regulation of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth, which establishes the feed-in tariffs for the reduction of electrical energy from green electricity plants on the basis of contracts, the conclusion of which is the eco-current winding site as of 1. July 2012 until the end of 2013 (Ökostrom-Feed-Feed-Regulation 2012-ÖSET-VO 2012), is amended as follows:
1. In the title, the phrase "by the end of 2013" through the phrase "by the end of 2015" replaced.
2. In accordance with § 13, the following § 13a and title shall be inserted:
" Feed-in tariffs for the years 2014 and 2015
§ 13a. (1) By way of derogation from Section 1 (2), the following feed-in tariffs shall be fixed for the calendar year 2014:
1. |
The feed-in tariff for electrical energy from photovoltaic systems with a bottleneck power of over 5 kW peak up to 350 kW peak , which are attached exclusively to or on a building, shall be in accordance with § 1 in 2014 upon application and conclusion of the contract. |
12,5 cent/kWh. |
In addition, an amount equal to 30% of the investment costs, but not more than 200 euro/kW, shall be granted as an investment grant for the establishment. |
2. |
The feed-in tariff for electrical energy from photovoltaic systems with a bottleneck power of over 5 kW peak up to 350 kW peak , which are located on suitable open spaces, shall be in accordance with § 1 in 2014 upon application and conclusion of the contract |
10 cents/kWh. |
3. |
The tariffs for the reduction of electrical energy from other green power plants in accordance with § 18 to § 20 of the Austrian Federal Office of Economics and Technology (ÖSG) 2012 are set at 1% discount in relation to the respective previous year's value, with the value added to the two digits after the comma. is. |
(2) By way of derogation from § 1 (2), the feed-in tariffs for the 2015 calendar year according to § 18 to § 20 ÖSG 2012 for the reduction of electrical energy from other green power plants pursuant to Section 1 (1) (3) with 1% abatation in relation to the respective previous year's value , where the value is to be rounded to two digits after the comma.
(3) The necessary proof of the investment costs shall be provided by the presentation of the invoices, via the costs necessary for the construction, to the ecodownstream winding site.
(4) The granting of a network parity tariff in accordance with Section 14 (6) of the ÖSG 2012 shall apply to installations which are not integrated into the building or which are greater than 20 kW peak are excluded. From 2015 onwards, the granting of subsidies for photovoltaic systems, which are not located on a structural installation, as well as for photovoltaic systems with a bottleneck power of over 200 kW peak excluded. "
3. In accordance with § 14 (2), the following paragraph 3 is added:
" (3) § 13a occurs with 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "