Key Benefits:
504. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth, which is responsible for determining the contribution of green electricity for the calendar year 2014 (Ökostromfördercontributing Ordinance 2014)
Due to § 48 (2) of the German Ecoelectricity Act 2012 (ÖSG 2012), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I No 75/2011, as last amended by the BGBl agreement. I No 11/2012, shall be arranged:
§ 1. The green electricity contribution to be paid by all end-users connected to the public network pursuant to § 48 (1) ÖSG 2012 will be paid for the calendar year 2014 with 32.65% of the Austrian average, per network level. Network usage and loss of net loss as defined in the Regulation of the Regulatory Commission of E-Control, which determines the charges for use of the system.
§ 2. (1) The following amounts shall apply to the network charge component network usage fee (performance) for the calendar year 2014:
1. |
on network levels 1 and 2 |
1.110 Euro/kW; |
2. |
on network level 3 |
8.775 Euro/kW; |
3. |
on the network level 4 |
11,678 Euro/kW; |
4. |
on network level 5 |
10,750 Euro/kW; |
5. |
on network level 6 |
11,609 Euro/kW; |
6. |
on network level 7 (measured power) |
12.198 Euro/kW; |
7. |
on network level 7 (interruptible) |
0 Euro/kW; |
8. |
on network level 7 (unmeasured power) |
4.686 euro/counting point. |
(2) The following amounts shall apply to the network charge component network usage fee (work) for the calendar year 2014:
1. |
on network levels 1 and 2 |
0.020 cent/kWh; |
2. |
on network level 3 |
0.186 cent/kWh; |
3. |
on the network level 4 |
0,256 Cent/kWh; |
4. |
on network level 5 |
0,297 Cent/kWh; |
5. |
on network level 6 |
0,467 cent/kWh; |
6. |
on network level 7 (measured power) |
0,749 Cent/kWh; |
7. |
on network level 7 (interruptible) |
0.726 cent/kWh; |
8. |
on network level 7 (unmeasured power) |
1,381 cent/kWh. |
(3) The following amounts shall apply to the network charge component network loss charge for the calendar year 2014:
1. |
on network levels 1 and 2 |
0.017 cent/kWh; |
2. |
on network level 3 |
0.031 cent/kWh; |
3. |
on the network level 4 |
0.039 cent/kWh; |
4. |
on network level 5 |
0.048 cent/kWh; |
5. |
on network level 6 |
0.041 cent/kWh; |
6. |
on network level 7 |
0.115 cent/kWh. |
§ 3. This Regulation shall enter into force 1. Jänner 2014 in force.