Key Benefits:
507. Regulation of the Federal Minister of Justice, amending the regulation on remuneration and fees for the legal examination, the notary examination and the examination of equivalence according to the ABAG
Due to § 8 (2) of the Training and Vocational Training Act, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No 523/1987, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 190/2013, shall be arranged:
The ordinance of the Federal Minister of Justice on the remuneration and fees for the attorney's examination, the notary examination and the examination of equivalence according to the ABAG, BGBl. II No 272/2009, shall be amended as follows:
1. In § 1, the sales designation shall be "(1)" cancelled .
2. In Section 1 (1) (1) (1), the amount of "120 Euro" by the amount of "132 Euro" replaced.
3. In § 1 para. 1 Z 2 lit. a shall be the amount of "100 Euro" by the amount of "110 Euro" replaced.
4. In § 1 para. 1 Z 2 lit. (b) the amount of "90 Euro" by the amount of "99 Euro" replaced.
5. § 1 (2) is repealed.
6. § 3 reads:
" § 3. 1) The supervisors receive for each commenced hour of their activity
1. |
in the case of the examination referred to in Article 1 (2), an allowance of 11 euros; |
2. |
in the case of the tests referred to in § 2 Z 1 and 2, a remuneration of 10 euros. |
(2) The writing staff receive for their activity per examination advertiser, to which they are provided in the course of an examination, and in each case written examination work
1. |
in the case of the examination referred to in Article 1 (2), a remuneration of 26 euros; |
2. |
in the case of the tests referred to in § 2 Z 1 and 2, a remuneration of 24 euros. " |
7. In Section 4 (1) (1) (1), the amount of "140 Euro" by the amount of "154 Euro" replaced.
8. In Section 4 (1) (2) (2), the amount of "120 Euro" by the amount of "132 Euro" replaced.
9. § 4 para. 1 Z 3 is repealed.
10. In § 4 para. 1 Z 4 the number designation "4." by the number designation "3." replaced and in the lit. a the amount of "370 Euro" by the amount of "408 Euro" replaced.
11. In § 4 para. 2, the quote shall be " 1 Z 4 " by quoting " 1 Z 3 " replaced.
12. In § 5, the previous content is given the sales designation "(1)" and shall be added to the following paragraph 2:
" (2) § § 1, 3 and 4 in the version of the Ordination BGBl. II No 507/2013 shall be 1. Jänner 2014 in force. "