Key Benefits:
2. Customer of the Federal Chancellor and the Federal Minister of Defence and Sport, with which the Law of the Law 2002 (HDG 2002) will be repudiated
Article 1
On the basis of Art. 49a B-VG, the Law 2002 (HDG 2002), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl), will be set up in the annex. No. 167, reverb.
Article 2
The re-agreement shall take account of the amendments and additions arising out of the following legislation:
1. |
Federal Law, with which the Wehrgesetz 2001, the Army Disciplinary Law 2002, the Army Fee Act 2001, the International Application Act 2001, the Military Powers Act, the Act 2002, the Munitionslagergesetz 2003, and the Workplace-Save Act 1991 are amended (Military Law Amendment Act 2003-WRÄG 2003), BGBl. I No 137/2003, Art. 2; |
2. |
Federal Law, with which the Military Law 2001, the Law on the Law of the Army in 2002, the Army Fee Act 2001, the International Application Act 2001, the Munitionslagergesetz 2003, the Military Designation Act 2002 and the Military Law Act are amended (German Law amending Act 2005-WRÄG 2005), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I No 58/2005, Art. 2; |
3. |
Federal law, with which the Wehrgesetz 2001, the Heeresdisciplargesetz 2002, the Army Fee Act 2001, the International Application Act 2001, the Munitionslagergesetz 2003, the Military Labelling Act 2002 and the Army Supply Act are amended (German Law on the Law of Amendment 2006-WRÄG 2006), BGBl. I No 116/2006, Art. 2; |
4. |
Federal Constitutional Law, with which the Federal Constitutional Law is amended and a first Federal Constitutional Law Unification Act is enacted, BGBl. 2/2008, Art. 2 (5) (2) (18); |
5. |
Federal Law, with which the Military Law 2001, the Army disciplinary law 2002, the Army Fee Act 2001, and the Military Designation Act 2002 are amended, BGBl. I No 17/2008, Art. 2; |
6. |
Federal Law, with which the Wehrgesetz 2001, the Heeresdisciplargesetz 2002, the Army Fee Act 2001, the International Application Act 2001, the Military Powers Act, the Act 2002, the Munitionslagergesetz 2003, the Military Designation Act 2002 and the Military Residence Act (Military Law Amendment Act 2009-WRÄG 2009), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I No 85/2009, Art. 2; |
7. |
Federal law establishing a federal law on registered partnership (registered partnership-law-EPG) and the General Civil Code, the marriage law, the reproductive medicine law, the IPR law, the law of jurisdiction, the Criminal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Unemployment Insurance Act 1977, the Foreigners Employment Act, the Leave Act, the Operational Staff and Self-Employment Welfare Act, the Landarbeitsgesetz 1984, the Labour Constitutional Law, the Post-Works Constitution Act, which Construction workers-leave and deferment law, the labour contract law adaptation act, the war victim supply law 1957, the army supply law, the victims ' welfare act, the crime victim law, the general social security law, the Industrial Social Security Act, the Farmers-Social Insurance Act, the Official Health and Accident Insurance Act, the Notarinsurance Act 1972, the Income Tax Act 1988, the Corporate Tax Act 1988, the Turnover Tax Act 1994 the valuation law 1955, the Fees Act 1957, the Basic Tax Act 1987, the Federal Tax Code, the Alcohol Tax Act, the General Administrative Procedure Act 1991, the Administrative Criminal Law 1991, the Data Protection Act 2000, the Official Services Act 1979, the salary law in 1956, the law on contract law in 1948, the Judge and Public Prosecutor Service Act, the Federal Equal Treatment Act, the travel fee rule, the Landeslehrer-Dienstrechtsgesetz, the Land-and forestry-related law State teacher service law, the country and The Act on Forestry Workers, the Pension Act 1965, the Bundesbahn-Pension Act, the Bezügegesetz, the Wachebediensteten-Hilfeleistungsgesetz, the German law on allowances and assistance, the Bundestheaterpensionsgesetz (Federal Theatological Law), the Personal status law, the Law on Name Change, the Passgesetz 1992, the Reporting Act in 1991, the Asylum Act 2005, the Foreign Police Act 2005, the Law on the Residence and Residence Act, the Law of the Citizenship in 1985, the Medical Law 1998, the Law 2002, the Law on Pharmacy, the Industrial Regulations 1994, the Accounting accounting law, the Economic Scatter Act Act, the Civil Engineering Act 1993, the Housing Non-Profit Act, the Army Disciplinary Law 2002, the Army Fee Act 2001, the Study Promotion Act 1992, the Law on the Law of the Student Aid Law 1983, the Law on Education, the Patent Law 1970, the Patent Law, the Law on Development Helpers, the Federal Act on the Tasks and Organisation of the Foreign Service Statute and the Federal Act on the Granting privileges and immunities to international organisations are changed, BGBl. I No 135/2009, Art. 69; |
8. |
Federal Law, with which the Constitutional Court Act of 1953, the Administrative Court Act 1985, the Court of Auditors Act 1948, the Law of the Party, the Publication Law 1984, the KommAustria-Gesetz, the General Administrative Procedures Act 1991, the Administrative Code Act 1991, the Delivery Act, the eGovernment Act, the Federal Statistics Act 2000, the Consular Fee Act 1992, the Stock Corporation Act, the Labor and Social Court Act, the Non-Strike Act, the Construction Law, the Railways-expropriation compensation law, which Executive order, the Company Book Act, the Reproductive Medicine Act, the Fees Claims Act, the Judicial Insertion Act, the court fee law, the GmbH law, the insolvency order, the jurisdiction standard, the Notarial Ordinance, the Law on Private Foundations, the Law on the Law of Lawyers, the Law on Law, the Law on the Statute of the European Company, the Law on the Statute of the European Company, the Criminal Law Compensation Act 2005, the Company Code, the Law on the Law of the Law of the The law on the deposit of property rights, the law on housing ownership 2002, the Code of Civil Procedure, the Criminal Code, the Law on Narcotic Drugs, the Code of Criminal Procedure in 1975, the Law on Juvenile Justice, the Criminal Records Act, the Criminal Records Act, the Law of the Court of Justice, the Law on the Law of Justice, the Law of the Law, the Law of the Law, the The Public Prosecutor Act, the Guarantee Act 1977, the Corporate Service Portal Act, the Finance Procuration Act, the Petroleum Law Subsidy Act, the Income Tax Act 1988, the EU withholding tax law, the Corporate Tax Act 1988, the Federal Tax Act, the law on turnover tax In 1994, the valuation law in 1955, the Fees Act 1957, the Basic Value Tax Act 1987, the Capital Traffic Tax Act, the Insurance Tax Act 1953, the Fire Protection Tax Act in 1952, the Motor Vehicle Tax Act 1992, the Housing reconstruction law, the Federal Act concerning the granting of fee exemptions for bonds issued by local authorities, the Energy Tax Compensation Act, the Investment Fund Act, the Real Estate Investment Fund Act, the The Law on Consumer Procurement in 1991, the Local Tax Act 1993, which Federal Tax Code, the Tax Administration Organization Act 2010, the Tax Executive Order, the Gambling Act, the Tobacco Tax Act 1995, the Tobacco monopoly Act 1996, the Mineral Oil Tax Act 1995, the Finance Equalization Act 2008, the Civil Service Act 1986, the Law of Associations 2002, the Federal Foundation and the Law of the Fund, the Law on the Law of the Law of the German Federal Republic of Germany, the Law of the Law of Germany in 2001, the Law of the Law of 2001, the Law of the Law of 2001, the Law of Law 2001, the Law of the Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, 2001, the Law of the Competition law, the Mineral Raw Materials Act, which SME-Förderungsgesetz, die Gewerbeordnung 1994, das Bundesoming Money Act, das Kriegsgefangenenentschädigungsgesetz, das Bundesbahngesetz, das Disabled einstellungsgesetz, das Bundesdisabilities gesetz, das Bundes-Disabled Equality Act, das Federal Social Protection Act, the Hausworried Act, the Labour Constitution Act, the 1977 Unemployment Insurance Act, the Labour Market Service Act, the Labour Market Policy-Finance Act, the Insolvency-Remuneration Assurance Act, the Special Support Act, the General Social Insurance Act, the Industrial Social Security Act, the Farmers-Social Insurance Act, the General Pension Act, the Official Health and Accident Insurance Act, the Federal Act on a Fund for the Treasury of the Fund for the Social Security Act (Bundesgesetz) Territorial sickness funds, the civil servants ' law in 1979, the salary law in 1956, the contract law in 1948, the Judge and Public Prosecutor Service Act, the travel fee rule, the Pension Act 1965, the Federal Personnel Representation Act, the Landeslehrer-Dienstrechtsgesetz, das Land- and the forestry and forestry teacher service law, the Land and Forestry Workers Act Law, the Post-Structure Act, the Law on Asylum, the Federal Theatres Act, the Federal Railways Pension Act, the Federal Act on the Law of the Federal Republic of Germany The Law of the Family Load Act 1967, the University Act 2002, the Federal Museums Act 2002, the Federal Theatre Organization Act, the Health and Nutrition Security Act, the Altlastensanierungsgesetz, the Emissions Certificates Act, the Act of the Federal Republic of Germany Marketing Standards Act, the Environmental Promotion Act, the Federal Act on the Federal Office for Water Management and Amendment of the Water Construction Promotion Act, the Wine Act 2009, the Patent Office Fee Act, the Telecommunications Fee Act, the Fernspeakergeltsubsidies Act, the Postal Market Act, the Road tunnel safety law, the Aviation Act, the Rail Infrastructure Finance Act, the Shipping Law and the Water Road Act as amended, as well as a custody and confiscation act, a federal law for the repatriation of the Consumer health insurance contributions, a federal law relating to the comparatively clean up of the law of the Federal Nursing Money Act for the years 1993 to 2009, a law on stability, a law on flight rights, an aviation security law in 2011, a federal law with which the personnel of the Army Forest Administration The Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology (Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology), the Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology (Bundesgesetz, Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology), is responsible for a work-and-health-law, an agricultural control law and a federal law. shall be issued and the Stamp Act repealed , (Budgetbegleitgesetz 2011), BGBl. I No 111/2010, Art. 92; |
9. |
Federal Law, with which the Federal Constitutional Law, the Finance Constitutional Law 1948, the Finance Criminal Law, the Federal Law, which amended the Invalideneinstellungsgesetz 1969, the Bundessozialamtsgesetz (Federal Social Act), the Federal Social Law Act (Bundessozialamtsgesetz), the Federal Social Law Act (Bundessozialamtsgesetz) Environmental Impact Assessment Act 2000, the Federal Law Gazing Act, the Administrative Court Act 1985 and the Constitutional Court Act 1953 amended and some federal constitutional laws and contained in simple federal laws Constitutional provisions are repealed (Administrative Court Novel 2012), BGBl. I No 51/2012, Art. 2 (1) (1) (11) and (2); |
10. |
Federal Law, with which the Wehrgesetz 2001, the Heeresdisciplargesetz 2002, the Army Fee Act 2001, the International Application Act 2001, the Military Powers Act, the Act 2002, the Munitionslagergesetz 2003, the The Military Designation Act 2002 as well as the Tender Residence Act are amended (Administrative Jurisdiction-Adaptation Act-Federal Ministry of Defence and Sport-VwGAnpG-BMLVS), BGBl. I No 181/2013, Art. 2. |
Article 3
The following provisions, which have become superfluous, shall be deemed to be no longer claimed:
Section 92 (2) to (9) |
Article 4
(1) The reworded version of the following provisions follows from the following legislative amendments:
table of contents BGBl. I No 58/2005, Art. 2 (1) and (2), and |
BGBl. I No 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 1 to 9 |
Section 1 (1) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 10 |
Section 2 (1) and (2) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 10 |
§ 2 (3) BGBl. I No 116/2006, Art. 2 Z 1 and |
BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 10 |
§ 3 (1) Z 1 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 11 |
Section 3 (4) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 12 |
§ 4 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 13 |
§ 5 (3) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 14 |
Section 5 (4) BGBl. I No 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 15 and 16 |
Section 5 (5) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 17 |
Section 7 (1) and (2) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 18 |
Section 7 (4) BGBl. I No 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 18a |
Section 7 (4a) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 19 |
Section 7 (5) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 20 |
Section 8 (1) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 21 |
Section 8 (2) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 21a |
Section 9 together with the heading BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 22 |
§ 11 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 23 |
Section 12 (1) BGBl. I No 85/2009, Art. 2 Z 1 and 2 |
Section 13 (1) BGBl. I No 85/2009, Art. 2 Z 1 and 2 |
Section 13 (2) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 10 |
Section 13 (4) BGBl. I No 85/2009, Art. 2 Z 1 and |
BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 24 |
§ 14 para. 1 Z 1 lit. B BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 25 |
§ 14 para. 1 Z 2 lit. d BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 25 |
Section 15 together with the heading BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 26 |
§ 16 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 27 |
Section 17 together with the heading BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 28 |
Section 18 (1) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 29 |
Section 18 (2) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 30 |
Section 19 (1) BGBl. I No 85/2009, Art. 2 Z 1 and |
BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 31 |
Section 19 (2) BGBl. I No 85/2009, Art. 2 Z 1 and |
BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 32 |
§ 20 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 33 |
Section 21 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 34 |
§ 22 Z 2 BGBl. I No 111/2010, Art. 92 Z 1 |
§ 23 Z 1 BGBl. I No 85/2009, Art. 2 (3a) and |
BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 35 |
§ 23 Z 2 BGBl. I No 85/2009, Art. 2 Z 3a |
Section 24 (2) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 10 |
Section 25 (1) BGBl. I No 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 36 and 37 |
Section 25 (2) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 36 |
Section 26 (1) Z 4 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 38 |
Section 27 (1) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 39 |
Section 28 (1) BGBl. I No 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 40 and 41 |
Section 28 (6) Z 2 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 42 |
Section 29 (2) Z 3 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 43 |
Heading to § 33 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 44 |
Section 33 (1) BGBl. I No 17/2008, Art. 2 Z 3, |
BGBl. I No 135/2009, Art. 69 Z 1 and |
BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 45 |
Section 33 (3) and (4) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 46 |
Section 34 (2) BGBl. I No 85/2009, Art. 2 Z 1 and |
BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 47 |
Section 34 (5) BGBl. I No 135/2009, Art. 69 Z 2 |
Section 34 (6) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 48 |
§ 35 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 49 |
Section 36 (3) BGBl. I No 135/2009, Art. 69 Z 3 |
Section 36a and title BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 50 |
Section 37 (1) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 51 |
Section 37 (2) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 52 |
§ 38 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 53 |
Section 39 (4) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 54 |
Section 39 (6) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 55 |
Section 40 (1) BGBl. I No 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 56 and 57 |
Section 40 (2) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 58 |
Section 40 (4) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 59 |
Section 41 (2) Z 1 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 60 |
Section 41 (2a) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 61 |
Section 41 (3) and (4) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 62 |
§ 42 Z 1 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 63 |
Section 43 (1) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 64 |
Section 43 (2) BGBl. I No 17/2008, Art. 2 Z 6 |
Section 43 (2a) BGBl. I No 58/2005, Art. 2 Z 3 |
Section 43 (3) BGBl. I No 85/2009, Art. 2 Z 1 |
Section 44 together with the heading BGBl. I No 58/2005, Art. 2 Z 4 |
Section 46 (2) and (4) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 65 |
Section 49 (1) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 66 |
Section 49 (2) and (3) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 67 |
Section 49 (5) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 68 |
Section 51 (2) BGBl. I No 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 69 and 70 |
Section 51 (4) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 16 |
Section 53 (3) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 71 |
Section 54 (1) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 72 |
Section 54 (3) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 74 |
§ 55 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 75 |
Section 56 (1) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 10 |
Section 57 (3) BGBl. I No 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 69 and 76 |
Section 57 (4) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 77 |
Section 58 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 10 |
§ 59 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 78 |
Section 60 (2) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 10 |
Heading to § 61 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 79 |
Section 61 (1) and (2) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 80 |
Section 61 (3) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 81 |
Section 62 (1) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 10 |
Section 62 (4) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 82 |
Section 63 (1) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 83 |
Section 63 (3) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 10 |
Section 64 and title BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 84 |
Section 65 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 85 |
Section 66 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 86 |
Section 69 BGBl. I No 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 87 |
Section 70 BGBl. I No 85/2009, Art. 2 Z 1 and |
BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 88 |
Section 71 (2) to (2c) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 89 |
Section 74 (2) BGBl. I No 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 10 and 91 |
Section 74 (3) BGBl. I No 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 87 |
Section 74 (7) Z 3 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 92 |
Section 75 (1) Z 1 BGBl. I No 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 92a |
Section 75 (2) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 92 |
Section 77 together with the heading BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 94 |
Section 78 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 95 |
Section 79 (1) BGBl. I No 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 96 and 96a |
Section 79 (2) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 96 |
Section 79 (3) BGBl. I No 137/2003, Art. 2 Z 1 |
Section 79 (4) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 97 |
Section 80 (1) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 98 |
§ 83 para. 2 Z 2 lit. C BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 100 |
Section 84 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 101 |
Section 85 (3) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 102 |
Section 85 (5) to (7) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 103 |
Section 85 (8) BGBl. I No 17/2008, Art. 2 Z 7 and |
BGBl. I No 135/2009, Art. 69 Z 4 |
Section 85 (9) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 104 |
Section 85 (11) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 105 |
Section 85 (12) BGBl. I No 17/2008, Art. 2 Z 8 |
Section 86 together with the heading BGBl. I No 58/2005, Art. 2 Z 5 |
Section 86 (1) BGBl. I No 17/2008, Art. 2 Z 9 and |
BGBl. I No 111/2010, Art. 92 Z 2 |
Section 88 (3) BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 106 |
Section 88 (4) BGBl. I No 58/2005, Art. 2 Z 5a and |
BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 10 |
Section 88 (6) BGBl. I No 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 107 |
Section 93 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 110 |
Section 94 BGBl. I No 85/2009, Art. 2 Z 1 and |
BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 111 |
(2) The following provisions shall be deleted as a result of the amendments to the legislation referred to below:
§ 54 Paragraph 2 BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 73 |
Section 72 together with the heading BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 90 |
Section 73, including heading BGBl. I No 51/2012, Art. 2 (1) Z 11 |
Section 76 together with the heading BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 93 |
Section 82 together with the heading BGBl. I Nr. 181/2013, Art. 2 Z 99 |
(3) The version of the other provisions which have been re-published is still in accordance with the BGBl main version. I No 167/2002.
Article 5
In the re-published text, the previous paragraphs and other descriptions of the outline are amended as follows and references to them are correctly placed within the text (paragraph mirror):
old new |
General Part General Part |
1. Main item |
1. Main item |
§ 1 § 1 |
§ 2 § 2 |
§ 3 § 3 |
§ 4 § 4 |
§ 5 § 5 |
§ 6 § 6 |
§ 7 § 7 |
Paragraph 4a Paragraph 5 |
Paragraph 5 Paragraph 6 |
§ 8 § 8 |
§ 9 § 9 |
§ 10 § 10 |
2. Main piece 2. Main piece |
§ 11 § 11 |
§ 12 § 12 |
§ 13 § 13 |
§ 14 § 14 |
§ 15 § 15 |
§ 16 § 16 |
§ 17 § 17 |
§ 18 § 18 |
§ 19 § 19 |
§ 20 § 20 |
3. Main piece 3. Main piece |
Section 21 Section 21 |
Section 22 Section 22 |
Section 23 Section 23 |
§ 24 § 24 |
Section 25 Section 25 |
Section 26 Section 26 |
§ 27 § 27 |
§ 28 § 28 |
§ 29 § 29 |
§ 30 § 30 |
Section 31 Section 31 |
Section 32 Section 32 |
§ 33 § 33 |
Section 34 Section 34 |
§ 35 § 35 |
§ 36 § 36 |
§ 36a Section 37 |
Section 37 § 38 |
§ 38 § 39 |
4. Main piece 4. Main piece |
Section 1 Section 1 |
§ 39 § 40 |
§ 40 Section 41 |
Section 41 § 42 |
Paragraph 2a Paragraph 3 |
Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 |
Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5 |
§ 42 Section 43 |
Section 2 Section 2 |
Section 43 Section 44 |
Paragraph 2a Paragraph 3 |
Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 |
Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5 |
Paragraph 5 Paragraph 6 |
Paragraph 6 Paragraph 7 |
Paragraph 7 Paragraph 8 |
Paragraph 8 Paragraph 9 |
Section 44 § 45 |
Special Part Special Part |
1. Main item |
1. Main item |
Section 1 Section 1 |
§ 45 Section 46 |
Section 46 § 47 |
§ 47 § 48 |
§ 48 § 49 |
§ 49 § 50 |
Section 2 Section 2 |
§ 50 Section 51 |
Section 51 Section 52 |
Section 52 Section 53 |
Section 53 § 54 |
§ 54 § 55 |
Paragraph 2 Not applicable |
Paragraph 3 Paragraph 2 |
§ 55 § 56 |
Section 3 Section 3 |
§ 56 Section 57 |
Section 4 Section 4 |
Section 57 Section 58 |
2. Main piece 2. Main piece |
Section 1 Section 1 |
Section 58 § 59 |
§ 59 § 60 |
§ 60 Section 61 |
Section 61 Section 62 |
Section 62 § 63 |
§ 63 Section 64 |
Section 64 Section 65 |
Section 65 Section 66 |
Section 66 Section 67 |
Section 2 Section 2 |
Section 67 Section 68 |
Section 68 Section 69 |
Section 69 Section 70 |
Section 70 Section 71 |
Section 71 Section 72 |
Paragraph 2a Paragraph 3 |
Paragraph 2b Paragraph 4 |
Paragraph 2c Paragraph 5 |
Paragraph 3 Paragraph 6 |
Section 72 Not applicable |
Section 73 Not applicable |
Section 74 Section 73 |
§ 75 Section 74 |
Section 76 Not applicable |
Section 77 § 75 |
3. Main piece 3. Main piece |
Section 78 Section 76 |
§ 79 Section 77 |
§ 80 Section 78 |
Final Part Final Part |
1. Main item 1. Main item |
§ 81 § 79 |
Section 82 Not applicable |
Section 83 § 80 |
Section 84 § 81 |
§ 85 Section 82 |
2. Main piece 2. Main piece |
§ 86 Section 83 |
§ 87 Section 84 |
Section 88 § 85 |
§ 89 § 86 |
§ 90 § 87 |
Section 91 Section 88 |
§ 92 § 89 |
Paragraph 2 Not applicable |
Paragraph 3 Not applicable |
Paragraph 4 Not applicable |
Paragraph 5 Not applicable |
Paragraph 6 Not applicable |
Paragraph 6a Not applicable |
Paragraph 6b Not applicable |
Paragraph 6c Not applicable |
Paragraph 6d Not applicable |
Paragraph 6e Not applicable |
Paragraph 7 Not applicable |
Paragraph 8 Not applicable |
Paragraph 9 Not applicable |
Section 93 § 90 |
Section 94 Section 91 |
Z 1a Z 2 |
Z 2 Z 3 |
Article 6
In the re-published text, the following terminological changes and systematic adjustments shall be made and the following inconsistencies shall be made correct:
1. |
The rules of the new spelling are enforced. |
2. |
According to the title "Heeresdisciplargesetz 2014-HDG 2014" the word "index of contents" is inserted. |
3. |
The table of contents will be adapted to the text that has been re-written. |
4. |
In § 3 para. 4 Z 4, the word "or" from the end of the lit. b moved to the end of the Z 4. |
5. |
In Section 3 (4) (5), the term "Court of Justice of the European Communities" shall be replaced by the term "Court of Justice of the European Union". |
6. |
In § 10 Z 1, the word "and" from the end of the lit. b moved to the end of the Z 1. |
7. |
In Section 11 (1) (1) (1) (1), after the b moves the word "and" to the left under the link unit "lit. b". |
8. |
In § 12 paragraph 1 Z 2, the word "and" from the end of the lit. b moved to the beginning of the closing set of the Z 2. |
9. |
In Section 12 (1), the end of the Z 3 is inserted after the words "competent". |
10. |
In § 14 para. 1 Z 1 at the end of the lit. b after the words "can be done" a dash inserted and the word "or" from the end of the lit. b moved to the end of the Z 1. |
11. |
In § 14 para. 1 Z 2 at the end of the lit. e after the words "arrested" inserted a sword and the word "or" from the end of the lit. e is moved to the end of Z 2. |
12. |
In Article 14 (2) (1), a supplement shall be inserted after the word 'inherent'. |
13. |
In § 14 (3), § 28 (1) (3), § 43 (1), § 44 (2) and 73 (2) (2) (3), the word "Organes" shall be replaced by the word "Organs". |
14. |
In Section 16 (4) (3), a supplement shall be inserted after the word "conclusion". |
15. |
According to the words "Federal Minister for Defence and Sport", § 17 (2) (2) (2) inserts a dash and the word "or" from the end of the lit. b moved to the end of the Z 2. |
16. |
In Section 18 (1) (1) (1), the word "Senate Chairperson" shall be replaced by the word "Senate Chair". |
17. |
In § 23 Z 1 the phrase "from office" to the line "§ 68 (1), (4), (5) and (7)" is replaced by the phrase "from officals" and after the phrase "(exemption of federal administrative charges)" by the word "and". |
18. |
In Section 28 (1) (2) of the Second paragraph, the words 'made' insert a dash. |
19. |
In Section 28 (6), the end of Z 2, after the words 'this procedure', inserts a dash. |
20. |
In section 34, paragraph 2, the word "and" from the end of the lit. b moved to the end of the Z 1. |
21. |
In § 34, paragraph 3, the word "or" from the end of the lit. b moved to the end of the Z 2. |
22. |
In § 42 para. 3, second sentence, and in § 72 para. 3, second sentence, the word "is" is replaced by the word "are". |
23. |
In § 42 (5), first sentence, the phrase "interest" is replaced by the phrase "interest". |
24. |
In section 58, paragraph 4, the short quote "pursuant to section 6 (2) of the WG 2001" becomes "by the full quote" in accordance with § 6 (2) of the Military Act 2001 (WG 2001), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I n ° 146, ". |
25. |
In Section 83 (1) (2), the phrase "in the calculation" shall be replaced by the phrase "in the calculation". |
26. |
In Section 85 (2) (1), the words "from this attendance service" shall include an insert. |
27. |
In Section 85 (3) (2), the phrase "militia or reserve land" is replaced by the phrase "militia or reserve land". |
28. |
In section 89, the sales designation "(1)" is deleted. |
29. |
In § 90 |
a) |
the first citation "§ 71 para. 2" by the citation " § 71 Para. 2 of the Law 2002 (HDG 2002), Federal Law Gazette (HDG 2002). I n ° 167, ", |
b) |
the further citations "§ 71 para. 2" are in each case due to the citation "§ 71 para. 2 HDG 2002" and |
c) |
the citation "§ 72" is in each case due to the citation "§ 72 HDG 2002" |
replaced. |
Article 7
The Heeresdisciplinary Law 2002-HDG 2002 will be relocated with the title "Heeresdisciplargesetz 2014-HDG 2014".
Faymann Klug