Key Benefits:
17. Customer of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth on the annulment of a phrase in the system usage charges-Ordination 2012 by the Constitutional Court
In accordance with Art. 139 (5), first sentence B-VG and § 59 (2) VfGG in connection with § 4 paragraph 1 Z 4 BGBlG, it is made known:
The Constitutional Court, with the recognition of 12 December 2013, V 48 /2013-18, V 57 /2013-18, the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth delivered on 23 December 2013, rightly recognized:
" I. The phrase "Austrian Section: Cents 0 ,1180/kWh" in § 8 of the Regulation of the Regulatory Commission of E-Control, which determines the charges for the use of the system (system usage fee-Regulation 2012-SNE-VO 2012), BGBl. II No 440/2011 shall be repealed. '