Key Benefits:
Regulation of the Federal Minister for the Interior, amending the Regulation on the design of passports and passports
On the basis of § 3 of the Passport Act 1992, BGBl. No. 839, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 161/2013, is to be assigned in agreement with the Main Committee of the National Council and in agreement with the Federal Minister for Europe, Integration and External Affairs:
The regulation of the Federal Minister of the Interior on the design of passports and passports (Passverordnung-PassV), BGBl. No 861/1995, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 450/2012, shall be amended as follows:
1. In Annex E, on page 2 of the association, the word sequence shall be: "Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs" through the phrase "FEDERAL MINISTRY OF EUROPE, INTEGRATION AND EXTERNAL AFFAIRS" , the phrase "MINISTERE FEDERAL DES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES" through the phrase "MINISTERE FEDERAL DE L' EUROPE, DE L' INTEGRATION ET DES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES" and the phrase "FEDERAL MINISTRY FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS" through the phrase "FEDERAL MINISTRY FOR EUROPE, INTEGRATION AND FOREIGN AFFAIRS" replaced.
(2) The following paragraph 6 is added to § 7:
" (6) Annex E, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No. 42/2014 shall enter into force at the end of the day following the event. Diplomatic passports may be required in accordance with the model of Annex E in the version of the BGBl Regulation until the conditions of printing are met, but at the latest until 30 April 2014. No 861/1995, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 450/2012. '