Key Benefits:
26. Federal Law, which amalgles the 1967 Power Act
The National Council has decided:
The Kraftfahrgesetz 1967, BGBl. No. 267, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 90/2013, is amended as follows:
Section 82 (8) reads as follows:
" (8) Vehicles with foreign marks which are brought into or used in the Federal territory by persons with the main residence or registered office in the Federal Republic are to be regarded as vehicles with the permanent location domestically up to the point of their return. The use of such vehicles without authorisation in accordance with § 37 is only valid for one month from the initial introduction into the federal territory. A temporary shipment from the Federal territory does not interrupt this period. After the end of a month from the initial introduction into the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, the registration form and the registration plates of the authority in whose local area of activity the vehicle is located shall be delivered. The vehicle may be used for another month if it is credibly made that the domestic authorisation has not been made within this month. After that, the registration certificate and the identification plates of the authority in whose local area of activity the vehicle is located must be delivered. The delivery does not constitute a claim for compensation. "
2. The following paragraph 27 is added to § 135:
" (27) § 82 (8) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 26/2014 will enter into force on 14 August 2002. "