Key Benefits:
104. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, with which the DVO 2008 will be amended
On the basis of § § 23 (1) and (3) and 65 (1) of the Waste Management Act 2002 (AWG 2002), BGBl. I n ° 102/2002, as last amended by Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I n ° 103/2013, will be arranged in agreement with the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth:
The DVO 2008, BGBl. II n ° 39/2008, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 455/2011, shall be amended as follows:
1. In the table of contents, the following entry is added to § 10a:
" § 10a. |
Teerous road break " |
2. In the table of contents, the following entry is added to § 47a:
" § 47a. |
Transitional provisions on the amendment of the BGBl amendment. II No 104/2014 and accreditation " |
3. In the table of contents, the entry to Annex 4 is:
" Annex 4 |
Assessment of waste for landfill " |
4. § 3 Z 1 reads:
" 1. |
A Waste batch is a certain amount of waste, which is examined, assessed, assigned to a quality or whose identity is to be controlled. A batch of waste may be present as a pile, as a number of piles, or divided among one or more transport vehicles or other containers. " |
5. In § 3 the following Z 1a is inserted after Z 1:
" 1a. |
A Waste stream is a certain waste, which consists of a defined energy production, production or waste treatment process with only slightly changing, waste-relevant process conditions (e.g. pressure, temperature, catalyst, residence time under process conditions) and input materials regularly in the case of a waste producer and has a consistent quality with respect to the limit values of a given specific compartment or concrete compartment. " |
6. In § 3 the following Z 3a is inserted after Z 3:
" 3a. |
A Analytic Result is a result of an analytical measurement that has successfully passed all the steps of quality assurance. " |
7. In § 3 the following Z 4a shall be inserted after Z 4:
" 4a. |
A Excavation Area is a demarcable part of a construction project that can be expected to have a similar quality of the material to be lifted. " |
8. § 3 Z 9 reads:
" 9. |
Soil excavation material is material that is caused by the removal or removal of substantially naturally grown soil or subsoil, even after migration. The proportion of mineral soil components, such as mineral building residues, must not exceed five volumes, the proportion of non-organic components, such as plastics, wood, paper, etc., should not exceed the total number of components. is more than one volume process; these non-soil components must already be present in the soil or subsoil prior to the excavation or removal activity. The soil excavation material may come from one or more sites if the prohibition of mixing is observed. " |
9. In § 3, Z 16 and 37 are deleted.
10. In § 3 the following Z 41a is inserted after Z 41:
" 41a. |
A non-polluted soil material is a soil material, |
a) |
where it is apparent that, on the basis of the information available, it can be assumed that there are no relevant loads or impurities and that the site has been located at a location, from which neither pollutant-relevant events nor events or a commercial (pre-) use that suggests possible contamination of the soil, or |
b) |
which, according to an analytical study, Annex 4 the limit values for soil excavation sites of the Annex 1 Tables 1 and 2, and also in the case of (not limited) parameters examined in the course of a suspicion, does not show any increased levels of pollutant emissions. " |
11. In § 3 Z 57 the last sentence is deleted.
12. § 3 Z 58 reads:
" 58. |
A Investigation Result is a result of an analytical examination of a particular field sample, which is either formed from an analysis result or calculated as an arithmetic mean of a plurality of analysis results. " |
13. § 3 Z 64 reads:
" 64. |
A recurrent waste is a certain waste which is regularly produced by a waste producer from a defined energy production, production or waste treatment process, but which is due to known or suspected strong fluctuations in waste quality in Reference to the limit values of a given specific compartment or specific compartment cannot be characterized as a waste stream as a waste stream. " |
14. In Section 5 (4), the word in Z 5 shall be: "and" replaced by a dash, at the end of the Z 6, the word "and" inserted and the following Z 7 added:
" 7. |
Roadbreakage in accordance with § 10a " |
15. § 7 Z 7 lit. b is:
"(b) asbestables packed in plastic in accordance with § 10 and tar-containing road break according to § 10a,"
16. In accordance with § 10, the following § 10a and title shall be inserted:
" Tea-containing road break
§ 10a. Tar-containing road break or tar-containing road substructure may be deposited on residual material landfills without analytical studies under the following conditions:
1. |
Apart from the tar content, no other dangerous ingredients may be present. |
2. |
The installation points shall be concentrated in a region of the landfill body as small as possible in a certain part of the power supply system. |
3. |
The information on the location of the installation sites in accordance with section 41 (2) and (3) must be available during the operation and after completion of the landfill. |
17. § 11 para. 6 second sentence reads:
" For non-polluted soil material and non-contaminated technical bulk material, the storage of which is permitted in a soil excavation site, the indication of the specific compartment may be omitted, except where a derogation is granted in accordance with § 8 shall be used. "
18. In § 16 para. 3, first sentence, the word order shall be "for which analytical investigations are not necessary for the fundamental characterization in accordance with § 13 (1), (3) and (5)" replaced by "for which analytical investigations are not necessary for the fundamental characterization in accordance with § § 10a or 13 (1), (3) and (5)" .
19. § 16 the following paragraph 9 is added:
" (9) In the context of the basic characterisation or assessment of the conformity of the waste owner, the owner of the waste shall be informed by the authorized person or subject of a technical authority that the limit values shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of the examination procedures of the in Annex 4, it shall immediately cease the supply of waste to the specific compartments or specific sections of the compartments contained in the assessment certificate, and the landfill holders concerned shall be notified of the Agree to exceed limit value. "
20. In accordance with § 47, the following § 47a and heading is inserted:
" Transitional provisions on Novelle BGBl. II No 104/2014 and accreditation
§ 47a. (1) Proof of assessment at the date of the entry into force of the Novelle BGBl. II No 104/2014, may continue to be used until the end of their validity.
(2) assessments in the context of identity control and the supervision of the landfill, as well as at the date of the entry into force of the Novelle BGBl. II No 104/2014, basic characterizations and conformity assessments, which have been initiated, may take place until 30 June 2014 in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation prior to the entry into force of the Novelle BGBl. II No 104/2014.
(3) By way of derogation from (1) and (2), the provisions relating to the retention of rehearsals from the entry into force of the Novelle BGBl shall be the same. II No 104/2014.
(4) By way of derogation Annex 4 Part 1 Chapter 1 may be carried out in the form of analyses of samples up to the end of December 31, 2017 by authorized specialists or specialist institutions which are not accredited for the purpose of testing. In such cases, the authorized person or specialist institution shall carry out the vast majority of analyses.
(5) By way of derogation Annex 4 Part 1 Chapter 1 may also be carried out by a person or institution with sound knowledge in the field of soil science, in accordance with Annex 4, Part 2, Chapter 1.2. to the end of 31 December 2017. (for example, earth scientists, geotechnicians or technical offices for the field of soil science, hereinafter referred to as ground customers), provided that the ground customer also has sound knowledge of sampling planning and carrying out the sampling of the soil. Excavation material, practical experience of sampling of excavation material and experience in the assessment of chemical investigation results of soils. In this case, the ground customer shall draw the samples, determine the scope of the examination for the individual samples and carry out the assessment of the admissibility of the deposit. The analysis of the samples can be carried out by another, external authorized subject or specialist institution.
(6) By way of derogation Annex 4 Part 1 Chapter 1 may be carried out by authorized professionals and specialist institutions who are not accredited inspection bodies, until 31 December 2019.
21. § 48 Z 3 reads:
" 3. |
Directive 2008 /98/EC on waste and repealing certain Directives, OJ L 327, 31.12.2008, p. No. 3., as amended by the corrigendum OJ L 312, 22.11.2008, p. No. OJ L 127, 26.05.2009 p. 24; |
(22) § 48 shall be added to the following Z 4:
" 4. |
Directive 2011 /97/EU amending Directive 1999 /31/EC as regards specific criteria for the storage of metallic mercury as waste as waste, OJ L 175, 5.7.2011, p. No. OJ L 328, 10.12.2011 p. 49. |
23. The following paragraph 5 is added to § 49:
" (5) The long title, the table of contents, § 3 Z 1, 1a, 3a, 4a, 9, 41a, 58 and 64, § 5 (4) Z 5 to 7, § 7 Z 7 lit. b, § 10a including the title, § 11 para. 6 second sentence, § 16 para. 9, § 47a including the title, § 48 Z 3 and 4, § 49 para. 5, annex 1 General, Annex 3, Chapter 1.3., 2.2., 3.2., 4.1., 4.2., 4.3., 4.4., 5.2. and Annex 4, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 104/2014 shall enter into force with the month most of the event. At the same time, § 3 Z 16, 37 and 57 of the last sentence, in the version in force at this point in time, are repeal. "
24. In Annex 1, Chapter General, the second paragraph reads:
"Wastes may be accepted and deposited in all landfills (under) classes without examination of BTEX, POX and PCBs (both as total) and anionic surfactants in the eluate, if there is no suspicion of contamination."
25. In Annex 3, Chapter 1.3. in the text after the heading, the word order shall be deleted "according to ÖNORM B 4401-3" earthworks and basic construction; exploration through aprons and boreholes as well as sampling; logging ", issued on 1 November 1985, " .
26. In Annex 3, Chapter 1.3. in the table, the word sequence shall be: "ÖNORM EN ISO 22475-1" Geotechnical exploration and investigation-sampling methods and groundwater measurements-Part 1: Technical basis of implementation (ISO 22475-1:2006) ", issued on 1 December 2006" replaced by the phrase "ÖNORM B 4400-1" Geotechnics, Part 1: Designation, description and classification of soils ", issued on 15 March 2010"
27. In Annex 3, Chapter 2.2. lit. a first sentence becomes the phrase "issued on 1 June 2006" replaced by "issued on 1 July 2011" .
28. In Annex 3, Chapter 2.2. lit. b First sentence the word order "ÖNORM S 2076-1" Landfill-sealing membranes made of plastic material ", issued on 1. October 1999 " replaced by the phrase " ÖNORM S 2076-1 "Landfill-sealing systems with plastic sealing strips-Part 1: laying", issued on 1 May 2009 ".
29. In Annex 3, Chapter 2.2. lit. The third sentence will be the phrase "ÖNORM S 2076-2" Depony-Geotextile protective layers-Part 2: System requirements and installation conditions, issued on 1 June 2006 " replaced by the phrase "ÖNORM S 2076-2" Landfill-Sealing systems with sealing membranes made of plastic-Part 2: System requirements and installation conditions for geotextile protective layers ", issued on 15. October 2011 ".
30. In Annex 3, Chapter 3.2. lit. a becomes the phrase "DIN 4266-1" Sicker pipes for landfills made of PVC-U, PE-HD and PP; requirements, tests and monitoring ", issued in January 1992" replaced by the phrase "DIN 4266-1" Sicker pipes for landfills-Part 1: Sicker pipes made of PE and PP ", issued in November 2011" .
31. In Annex 3, Chapter 3.2. lit. h becomes the word sequence "ÖNORM B 2503" Channel systems-Supplementary guidelines for planning, execution and testing ", issued on 1 December 2004" replaced by the phrase "ÖNORM B 2503" Channel systems-Planning, execution, testing, operation ", issued on 1 August 2012".
32. In Annex 3, Chapter 4.1., the first sentence shall be the phrase "ÖNORM B 4400" Ground and basic construction; soil classification for construction purposes and methods for the detection of soil groups ", issued on 1 November 1978" replaced by the phrase "ÖNORM B 4400-1" Geotechnics, Part 1: Designation, description and classification of soils ", issued on 15 March 2010" .
33. In Annex 3, Chapter 4.2. lit. c will be the phrase " issued on 1. Jänner 2005 " replaced by "issued on 1 December 2011" .
34. In Annex 3, Chapter 4.3. lit. The third sentence will be the phrase "insofar as the requirements of ÖNORM S 2081-1" Landfill-Geosynthetic Sound Sealing Railways-Part 1: Requirements and Exams ", issued on 1 June 2006, and the ÖNORM S 2081-2" Landfill-Geosynthetic clay waterproofing membranes-Part 2: laying ", issued on 1 September 2004. " replaced by the phrase "insofar as the requirements of ÖNORM S 2081-1" Landfill-sealing systems with geosynthetic clay sealing membranes (GBR-C)-Part 1: Requirements and tests ", issued on 1 August 2011, and the ÖNORM S 2081-2" Landfill-Sealing systems with geosynthetic clay sealing membranes (GBR-C)-Part 2: laying ", issued on 1 July 2011.".
35. In Annex 3, Chapter 4.4. lit. b third sentence the word order " issued on 1. Jänner 2005 " replaced by "issued on 1 December 2011".
36. In Annex 3, Chapter 5.2. lit. c will be the phrase "ÖNORM S 2076-1" Landfill-sealing membranes made of plastic material ", issued on 1. October 1999 " replaced by the phrase "ÖNORM S 2076-1" Landfill-sealing systems with plastic sealing strips-Part 1: laying ", issued on 1 May 2009" .
37. Annex 4 is:
" Annex 4
Assessment of waste for landfill
Part 1
General requirements
1. |
General |
2. |
Sampling planning |
3. |
Sampling |
4. |
Parameter Scope |
5. |
Methods of digestion, leaching, and determination |
5.1. |
Digestion and leaching methods |
5.2. |
Methods of determination |
6. |
Assessment values and variabilities |
7. |
Limit value range, tolerance range and values |
8. |
Modification or addition of the specific compartment |
9. |
Resamples |
10. |
Evidence of assessment |
1. General
This Annex lays down the requirements for the basic characterisation and conformity assessment of waste for the assessment of the admissibility of landfill deposition, the requirements for identity control and the checks carried out by the Landfill Board of Supervisors. The requirements of the examination procedures (in particular assessment measures, number of subsets to be examined, number of qualified samples per subset, parameter scope) are minimum requirements; the external authorized person or An institution has to increase these requirements accordingly, if otherwise no reliable results are to be expected.
The waste must be examined in the same state and assessed as to how it should be deposited (e.g. after the final screening).
For the basic characterization or conformity assessments of a waste, based on the waste information according to § 16 (1)
- |
the collection and assessment of the information required in accordance with the 4. the section of this Regulation, |
- |
the preparation of a sampling plan, |
- |
the carrying out of sampling and |
- |
the assessments and conclusions |
shall be carried out by one and the same external authorized person or institution accredited as an inspection body for this purpose. |
The authorized subject or specialist institution can either carry out the analyses of the samples as an accredited testing and inspection body itself, if the required determination methods are included in its accreditation scope, or the analyses are to be awarded on their own account to a test centre accredited for this purpose. In the case of subcontracts, it is necessary to ensure that the inspecting authority and the inspecting test body are all available for the interpretation of the results of the analysis. The overall responsibility for the proof of assessment must be borne by the inspection body.
Authorized specialists or specialist institutions must upload the results of the analysis they have obtained for the evidence of assessment by means of the register in accordance with Section 22 (1) AWG 2002. § 41a shall apply.
2. Sampling planning
On the basis of the waste information according to § 16 (1) as well as any further preliminary surveys, a sampling plan must be drawn up and signed by the external authorized person or specialist institution prior to the test. The minimum contents of a sampling plan-derived from the key elements of the ÖNORM EN 14899 "Characterization of waste-sampling of waste-framework for the preparation and application of a sampling plan", issued on 1 February 2006 -are laid down in Part 2 for the individual investigation procedures. As key parameters, boundary-relevant and relevant parameters need to be established for waste streams and investigated accordingly.
If a distribution is to be determined according to the random principle, the distribution of individual days to be tested in one quarter in the course of the assessment of the conformity of waste streams, is Annex B of the ÖNORM S 2127 " Basic Characterization from waste or solid waste from containers and transport vehicles ', issued on 1 November 2011. The seed buffers used to determine the random numbers are to be documented in the sampling plan. If the sampling planning is carried out with the assistance of the electronic data management, the required random numbers are generated by the EDM software.
In the course of sampling planning, it must be examined whether parts of the waste to be characterized are to be recorded and assessed separately, in order to prevent the acceptance criteria of the specific compartments from being detected only by the common detection of different waste qualities (compliance with the ban on mixing).
3. Sampling
After the completion of the sampling plan, the sampling shall be carried out by the external authorized person or specialist institution. For each qualified sample to be obtained, the required samples shall be drawn from the corresponding subset of the waste characterization as evenly as possible.
In particular in the case of excavation material, care must be taken to ensure that the sampling itself does not result in any contamination of any contamination, where appropriate the sampling plan must be modified accordingly.
In the case of a permissible rejuvenation of the sample quantity, it must be ensured that the rejuvenated sample quantity is also representative of the original sample.
After the sampling has been completed, a sampling protocol is to be drawn up on site from the sampling point. The sampler shall confirm the professional execution of the sampling in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation by his signature at the sampling protocol.
4. Parameter Scope
In principle, the parameters of the following Table 1 are to be examined. For the initial examination of excavation material according to the specifications of Part 2, the parameters of Table 2 shall be examined.
Table 1: Parameter scope Vollanalysis
Contents in the solid (total contents) |
Antimony (as Sb) |
Molybdenum (as Mo) |
TOC (as C) |
Arsenic (as As) |
Nickel (as Ni) |
BTEX 3) |
Barium (as Ba) |
Mercury (as Hg) |
POX (as Cl) 3) |
Lead (as Pb) |
Selenium (as Se) |
Hydrocarbon Index |
Cadmium (as Cd) |
Silver (as Ag) |
PAK (to the EPO) 1) |
Total chromium (as Cr) |
Vanadium (as V) |
PAK (Benzo [a] pyrene) |
Cobalt (as co) |
Zinc (as Zn) |
PCB (7 connections) 2) 3) |
Copper (as Cu) |
Tin (as Sn) |
Acid neutralization capacity 4) |
Contents in the eluate |
PH value |
Chromium VI (as Cr) 5) |
Ammonium (as N) |
electrical conductivity |
Cobalt (as co) |
Chloride (as Cl) |
Evaporation residue |
Iron (as Fe) |
Cyanides, easy to release (as CN) |
Copper (as Cu) |
Fluoride (as F) |
Aluminium (as Al) |
Molybdenum (as Mo) |
Nitrates (as N) |
Antimony (as Sb) |
Nickel (as Ni) |
Nitrite (as N) |
Arsenic (as As) |
Mercury (as Hg) |
Phosphate (as P) |
Barium (as Ba) |
Selenium (as Se) |
Sulphate (as SO4) |
Lead (as Pb) |
Silver (as Ag) |
Boron (as B) |
Vanadium |
TOC (as C) |
Cadmium (as Cd) |
Zinc (as Zn) |
EOX (as Cl)/AOX as (Cl) |
Total chromium (as Cr) |
Tin (as Sn) |
Hydrocarbon Index |
Anionic surfactants (as MBAS) 3) |
Phenol Index |
Table 2: Parameter scope Erstanalyse Floor
Contents in the solid (total contents) |
Arsenic (as As) |
Nickel (as Ni) |
POX (as Cl) 3) |
Lead (as Pb) |
Mercury (as Hg) |
Hydrocarbon Index |
Cadmium (as Cd) |
Zinc (as Zn) |
PAK (to the EPO) 1) |
Total chromium (as Cr) |
PAK (Benzo [a] pyrene) |
Cobalt (as co) |
TOC (as C) |
PCB (7 connections) 2) 3) |
Copper (as Cu) |
BTEX 3) |
Contents in the eluate |
PH value |
Cobalt (as co) |
Ammonium (as N) |
electrical conductivity |
Iron (as Fe) |
Cyanides, easy to release (as CN) |
Evaporation residue |
Copper (as Cu) |
Fluoride (as F) |
Molybdenum (as Mo) |
Nitrates (as N) |
Aluminium (as Al) |
Nickel (as Ni) |
Nitrite (as N) |
Antimony (as Sb) |
Mercury (as Hg) |
Phosphate (as P) |
Arsenic (as As) |
Selenium (as Se) |
Sulphate (as SO4) |
Barium (as Ba) |
Silver (as Ag) |
Lead (as Pb) |
Zinc (as Zn) |
TOC (as C) |
Cadmium (as Cd) |
Tin (as Sn) |
EOX (as Cl)/AOX (as Cl) |
Total chromium (as Cr) |
Hydrocarbon Index |
Anionic surfactants (as MBAS) 3) |
Phenol Index |
1) |
For the determination of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, the sum of the 16 PAHs to EPA (naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, Benz (a) anthracene, Chrysen, benzo (b)-and Benzo (k) fluoranthene, benzo (a) pyrene, Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene, dibenz (a, h) anthracene and benzo (g, h, i) perylene) to be determined. |
2) |
For the purpose of determining the sum of the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), the sum of the following seven compounds shall be determined: PCB 28, PCB 52, PCB 101, PCB 118, PCB 138, PCB 153 and PCB 180. |
3) |
The determination of BTEX, POX and PCB as a total content as well as anionic surfactants in the eluate can be dispensed with if the external authorized person or specialist institution can justify the fact that the waste origin or the waste disposal site is responsible for the determination of the total content of the active substance. there is no suspicion of contamination with the respective substances in the process of the process of the waste. |
4) |
To be determined in the case of waste, which according to § 4 of the Waste Directory Ordinance, BGBl. II No 570/2003, as amended (idgF), are considered to be dangerous, with the exception of excavation material in accordance with the provisions of this Directive. Section 4 (4). |
5) |
The determination of chromium VI (as Cr) in the eluate can be dispensed with in a field sample, if the test result of the parameter chromium total (as Cr) in the eluate of the same field sample already complies with the limit value for chromium VI. |
In the case of waste from the mechanical-biological treatment, the following must also be investigated:
- |
Calorific value, |
- |
Breathability after four days (AT 4 ) and |
- |
the amount of gas donation in the incubation test after 21 days (GS) 21 ) or the gas formation in the fermentation test after 21 days (GB 21 ). |
Determining additional parameters
If, on the basis of the preliminary surveys, previous knowledge or observations in the course of sampling, it is to be assumed that a waste contains relevant amounts of hazardous pollutants or dangerous compounds, e.g. CFC, dioxins, organic If it contains phosphorus compounds or pesticides which are not listed in Table 1 or 2 or which are not limited in the respective landfill (under) class or in the specific compartment, these parameters must be additionally investigated.
For the division of these parameters into limit-relevant, relevant or uncritical parameters for detailed investigations as well as for the assessment of the admissibility of the deposition (in particular of the landfill behaviour), it is possible to determine the limit or guide values. from other regulations (e.g. laws and regulations, standards, technical directives). In assessing the landfill behaviour, the limit values of higher-value landfill (s) must be taken into account.
5. Methods of digestion, leaching and determination
Unless otherwise specified, the analytical examination of field samples in the context of a waste investigation without screening of the coarse fraction should be carried out after any comminution. The information, leaching and determination methods given here are to be applied.
If parameters are to be examined for which no digestion, leaching and determination methods are specified in this Annex, appropriate methods according to the state of the art shall also be used in other fields.
Test results may only be rounded to the number of significant points indicated in the method of destination. If there is no determination of the number of significant digits in the method of determination, the results of the examination shall be rounded to two significant points. When compared to the limit values, it should not be rounded again. Elimination of analysis results from different samples of the same field sample shall be permitted if at least six analytical results from six different samples of the field sample are available and the elimination of the outlier elimination According to Dixon (DIN 53804-1 "Statistical evaluation-Part 1: Continuous characteristics", issued in April 2002, in the version DIN 53804-1 correction 1 "Corrections to DIN 53804-1:2002-04", issued in June 2003) is allowed. In addition to the highest value, the lowest or the elimination of two values, the two lowest results are to be checked as to whether they represent outliers, and, if necessary, also to eliminate them.
The test result for the field sample is obtained as the arithmetic mean of all analysis results remaining after the outlier elimination.
The methods of preparation, digestion, leaching and determination chosen shall be determined for each analytical examination and shall be included in the respective analytical report, together with the determination and detection limit for each of the parameters studied. document. The measurement uncertainty shall also be indicated on request.
5.1. Digestion and leaching methods
In the preparation of the sample and the choice of the digestion and leaching methods, care must be taken to ensure that the analytical results are not distorted by interference effects such as adsorption on the filter material, matrix effects, interferences or cross-sensitivities .
The production of analytical samples (test quantities) from the laboratory sample has to be carried out in accordance with the specifications of the ÖNORM EN 15002 "Characterization of Waste-Production of test quantities from the laboratory sample", issued on 1 April 2006.
The contents of metals and semimetals that can be mobilised with royal water can be considered as contents in the solid. In order to determine the contents in the solid, unless otherwise specified below, the total fraction of the waste-if necessary after comminution-is an acid digestion according to the
- |
ÖNORM EN 13657 "Characterization of waste-information on the subsequent determination of the percentage of elements in waste that is soluble in Königswasser", issued on 1 December 2002, |
, it must be ensured that there is no loss of substance of the elements to be determined in the case of the possible formation of volatile compounds. It is also important to ensure that the results are not falsified by impurities.
The elution has been carried out according to
- |
ÖNORM EN 12457-4 " Characterisation of waste-leaching-conformity assessment for the leaching of granular waste and sludge-Part 4: single-stage shaking processes with a liquid/solids ratio of 10 l/kg for Materials with a grain size of less than 10 mm (without or with grain size reduction) ", issued on 1. Jänner 2003, |
from the total fraction of the waste. Comminution shall be carried out if it is necessary for the sampling or carrying out of the examination or if the grain size of the waste is greater than 10 mm. The waste must not be ground. The fine grain produced during the comminution is to be mixed with the sample. For the determination of organic ingredients in the eluate (including TOC), the separation of solids and liquid must be carried out exclusively by centrifugation. In this case, centrifugation is carried out until a clear supernatal is obtained as far as possible. The turbidity of the centrifugate is to be measured according to the ÖNORM EN ISO 7027 "Water condition-Determination of the turbidity (ISO 7027:1999)", issued on 1 May 2000, and to be reported in the analysis report. The concentrations of the dissolved substances are to be determined in the centrifugation according to the methods of waste or water analysis.
Where applicable, the following standards shall apply:
- |
ÖNORM EN 14997 "Characterization of waste-Examination of leaching behaviour-influence of pH value on leaching with continuous pH control", issued on 1 April 2007, or ÖNORM CEN/TS 14429 " Characterization of Waste-Investigation of the leaching behaviour-influence of the pH-value with previous acid/base addition ", issued on 1. Jänner 2006; |
- |
ÖNORM CEN/TS 14405 "Characterization of waste-leaching behavior-Perkolation test in an upward flow (under specified conditions), issued on 1 August 2004, or DIN CEN/TS 19528" Elution of solids-percolation processes to be carried out Joint investigation of the elution behaviour of inorganic and organic substances "; issued on 1. Jänner 2009; |
- |
ÖNORM CEN/TS 15364 "Characterization of waste-Investigation of leaching behavior-Testing of acid and base neutralization capacity", issued on 1 June 2006. |
5.2. Methods of determination
The following methods of determination shall be applied:
- |
ÖNORM EN 14346 "Characterization of waste-Calculation of dry matter by determination of dry residue and water content", issued on 1 March 2007 |
- |
ÖNORM EN 16192 "Characterization of Waste-Analysis of Eluates", issued on 1 February 2012 |
- |
ÖNORM EN 12879 "Characterization of sludges-Determination of the loss of ignition of the dry mass", issued on 1 December 2000 |
- |
ÖNORM EN 13137 "Characterization of waste-determination of total organic carbon (TOC) in waste, sludge and sediments", issued on 1 December 2001 |
- |
ÖNORM EN 16023 "Characterization of waste-Determination of the calorific value and calculation of calorific value", 2. Draft issued on 1 March 2012, with the following deviations for the determination of the calorific value in waste from the mechanical-biological Waste treatment: |
1. |
Drying temperature: drying up to a maximum of 105 °C (+ -2 °C). |
2. |
Grain size: For the determination of the calorific value, the particle size of the sample material must be < 0.25 mm. |
3. |
Permissible storage conditions: The sample must be subjected to drying at a maximum of 105 °C within 3 days after the sampling has been taken. The sample dried in this way can be tightly sealed at room temperature and stored in a light-protected manner. If drying of the sample is not possible in the above-mentioned period, it must be frozen at -18 ° C to -22 ° C within 24 hours after sampling. The thawing of the sample at room temperature must be carried out within 24 hours. Type (dried, frozen) and duration of storage of the sample shall be documented in the evaluation. |
4. |
Sulfur, nitrogen, halogen corrections: Thermochemical corrections can be made optional. Corrections made are to be documented in the evaluation. |
5. |
Calculation of Sorted Inert Substances: In the course of sample preparation, a discharge of interfering substances is carried out, the mass fraction of which is to be documented and should be taken into account in the calculation of the analytical results. |
6. |
Result: Has to be done in kJ/kg TM. |
- |
ÖNORM S 2027-2 " Assessment of waste from the mechanical-biological treatment-Part 2: Stability parameter-Gas donation sum in the incubation test (GS) 21 ) ", issued on 1 June 2012 |
- |
ÖNORM S 2027-3 " Assessment of waste from the mechanical-biological treatment-Part 3: Stability parameter-Gas formation in the fermentation test (GB) 21 ) ", issued on 1 June 2012 |
- |
ÖNORM S 2027-4 " Assessment of waste from mechanical-biological treatment-Part 4: Stability Parameters-breathability (AT) 4 ) ", issued on 1 June 2012 |
- |
ÖNORM EN 14345 "Characterization of wastes-Determination of hydrocarbon content by gravimetry", issued on 1 December 2004, (applicable from 5 000 mg/kg) |
- |
ÖNORM EN 14039 "Characterization of wastes-Determination of the content of hydrocarbons from C10 to C40 by means of gas chromatography", issued on 1. Jänner 2005, (applicable up to 10 000 mg/kg)-If the method of determining the content of hydrocarbons above 10,000 mg/kg is to be used, appropriate dilutions of the extract should be carried out. In order to determine the content of hydrocarbons below 100 mg/kg of TM, higher amounts of sample and solvent (with corresponding concentrations) are to be used. |
- |
ÖNORM S 2116-1 "Investigation of stabilized waste-Part 1: Production of the test specimens", issued on 1. Jänner 2010 |
- |
ÖNORM S 2116-2 "Investigation of Stabilized Wastes-Part 2: Water Storage", issued on 1 January 2008. Jänner 2010 |
- |
ÖNORM S 2116-3 "Investigation of Stabilized Wastes-Part 3: Rapid carbonation", issued on 1 January 2008. Jänner 2010 |
- |
ÖNORM S 2116-4 "Examination of stabilized waste-elution tests over 24 hours, 64 days, 2 days", issued on 1. Jänner 2001 |
- |
ÖNORM S 2116-5 "Investigation of stabilized wastes-availability test", issued on 1. Jänner 2001 |
- |
ÖNORM S 2116-6 "Investigation of stabilised waste-Part 6: rapid ageing", issued on 1. Jänner 2010 |
- |
ÖNORM S 2116-7 "Investigation of stabilised wastes-Part 7: Frost resistance", issued on 1. Jänner 2010 |
- |
ÖNORM EN ISO 9377-2 "Water quality-Determination of hydrocarbon index-Part 2: Process for solvent extraction and gas chromatography (ISO 9377-2:2000)", issued on 1 June 2001 |
- |
ÖNORM L 1200 "Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soils, sewage sludges and compost", issued on 1 January 2008. Jänner 2003 |
- |
ÖNORM EN ISO 22155 "Soil properties-Gas chromatographic determination of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons, halogenohydrocarbons and selected ethers-Static steam fraudulent processes" (ISO 22155:2011), issued on 15 April 2013 |
- |
ÖNORM EN ISO 9562 "Water condition-Determination of adsorbable organically bound halogens (AOX) (ISO 9562:2004)", issued on 1 December 2004 |
- |
ÖNORM EN ISO 16265 "Water condition-Determination of the index of methylene blue-active substances (MBAS)-Process by means of continuous flow analysis (CFA)", issued on April 15, 2012, or ÖNORM EN 903 " Water condition-Determination of anionic surface-active substances by measurement of the methylene blue index MBAS (ISO 7875-1:1984 modified), issue on 1 March 1994 |
- |
ÖNORM M 6614 "Water investigation-determination of the extractable organically bound halogens (EOX)", issued on 1 June 2001 |
6. Assessment values and variabilities
For each waste, for which field samples have been analysed analytically, assessment values should be formed for all the parameters investigated, in accordance with the requirements of the respective examination procedure.
Additional studies carried out in accordance with the requirements of the respective investigation procedure (in particular with regard to the sample quantity, number of samples, qualified samples and their summary of samples) by an external authorized person A person or a specialist institution shall be taken into account in the determination of the respective assessment values and variability.
All other additional examinations of the waste and its results (e.g. in the course of a self-monitoring) must be documented in the assessment certificate, but not to be used for the determination of the assessment values and variabilities.
In the case of test results of field samples which are used for the formation of assessment values, no elimination of outliers is permitted.
In the case of waste streams, the short-and long-term variability of the assessment values should be formed, assessed and documented in accordance with the requirements of the respective investigation procedure.
7. Limit value range, tolerance range and values
Area near the border
For the pH value, the range near the limit value is the range between the lower limit value and 0.5 units above and the range between the upper limit value and 0.5 units below.
For the calorific value, the area close to the limit value is between 6 000 kJ/kg TM and 6 600 kJ/kg TM.
For other parameters, the limit value near the limit value is between 80% of the limit value and the limit value.
Tolerance Range
For the pH value, the tolerance range is between 0.5 units below the lower limit value and 0.5 units above the upper limit.
For other parameters, the tolerance range is the range between zero and the limit value plus the tolerance value (expressed as a percentage of the limit value, except for the calorific value) in accordance with the table below.
Tolerance values:
20% for parameters > 1 000 mg/kg TM
40% for parameters > 100 mg/kg TM ≤ 1 000 mg/kg TM
60% for parameters > 10 mg/kg TM ≤ 100 mg/kg TM
65% for parameters > 1 mg/kg TM ≤ 10 mg/kg TM
70% for parameter ≤ 1 mg/kg TM
20% for conductivity
50% for the stability parameters
600 kJ/kg TM at calorific value
8. Modification or addition of the specific compartment
If, within the framework of the basic characterization or the assessment of the conformity of the product, another or an additional concrete compartment is to be placed on the table, an external authorized person or specialist institution shall consider whether the Previous studies are sufficient (especially with regard to parameter classification and examination of individual parameters).
If the examinations are sufficient and the admissibility of the deposit is given, a corresponding change of assessment can be issued. If the previous investigations are not sufficient, the waste is to be fundamentally characterized with regard to the new concrete compartment.
9. Resamples
A rehearsals shall be taken by each qualified sample drawn up and shall be kept at least one year after the respective assessment has been made, unless otherwise specified in Annex 4, Part 2.
10. Evidence of assessment
The assessment certificate has to document the planning, implementation, results and conclusions of a fundamental characterization or conformity assessment in a clear and comprehensible way and has at least to contain:
1. |
Unique identifier |
2. |
Unique identifiers of all previous assessments of the same waste (e.g. in the case of excavation materials of large construction projects, in the case of recurring waste or waste streams) |
3. |
Name and address of the external authorized person or technical institution, date of issue and period of validity of the proof of assessment and, if the proof of assessment has not been made electronically by the register in accordance with Section 22 of the AWG 2002, Stamp and signature |
4. |
Summary, basic information on waste |
5. |
Waste owners and waste producers or in the case of municipal waste the collecting companies or municipalities, if available with GLN |
6. |
Total weight of waste in kg and, in the case of regular waste, the actual annual amount of the previous year and the estimated annual number of waste of the current year |
7. |
Waste type according to Appendix 5 and Appendix 2 of the Waste Directory Regulation idgF |
8. |
External impression of the waste (e.g. colour, smell, physical nature, consistency) and details on the homogeneity of the waste |
9. |
Site (s), if available with GLN, and type of origin |
Type |
and the occurrence of any contamination |
11. |
Data on the feasibility of the waste |
12. |
Information on waste treatment already carried out |
13. |
Meaningful (s) photo (s) of the assessed material and of the sampling site |
14. |
Waste information to the external authorized subject or specialist institution including relevant preliminary examinations as well as including any corrections by the external authorized person or specialist institution |
15. |
Sampling report (including the sampling plan and the sampling protocol) |
16. |
Indication of the examination procedure used in accordance with Part 2 |
17. |
Classification of parameters (borderline relevant, relevant, uncritical) |
18. |
Examination results of the individual parameters for all field samples examined in accordance with the requirements of Annex 4, with a clear reference to the respective subset of the characterization of the waste; in the case of extraneous analysis of analytical services, the following parameters are: To settle analytical reports of the respective investigative laboratory |
19. |
If test results were obtained from several results of the analysis: these results of the analysis and the indication of whether a spout elimination was carried out |
20. |
Methods used for sample preparation, digestion, leaching and determination |
21. |
Determination and detection limits for each parameter investigated |
22. |
Comprehensible calculation and clear presentation of all assessment values and comparison with the respective relevant limit values and, in case of exceedances, also with the tolerance values |
23. |
Assessment of the limit value compliance for all assessment values and assessment of the admissibility of the deposition (in particular compliance with the limit values, admissibility of the deposit in accordance with § § 5 to 10 and the landfill behavior) |
for |
the deposit on a landfill site indicating the relevant hazardous properties in accordance with Appendix 3 of the Waste Directory Regulation idgF |
25. |
if necessary, additional measures to be taken for the transport and storage, e.g. in the case of dusty or fine-grained, muddy or pasty waste |
In addition, the assessment evidence for a waste stream (in accordance with Part 2, Chapter 3.9, Table 7) and for waste from the mechanical-biological treatment, which is like a waste stream of a basic characterization or Check conformity assessments to include the following:
26. |
Waste relevant information on the process in which the waste is produced (process management, characteristic properties of the input materials and the indication of the other waste produced during this process) and-if the assessment is only for certain Process conditions-specification of these process conditions |
27. |
The reason why a constant quality is available or is to be expected and the waste generated can be investigated as waste stream |
28. |
At an annual rate of more than 10 000 tonnes, the results of the percolation test and the examination of the pH-dependency |
29. |
Short-and long-term variability of the assessment values of relevant and boundary-relevant parameters as well as their assessment and in the case of waste from the mechanical-biological treatment, which is like a waste stream of a basic characterization or The assessment values and variability according to Part 2, Chapter 4.1, Table 8, and their evaluation shall be subject to conformity assessments |
30. |
Guidelines and bases for the sampling planning of the immediately following year of assessment in the basic and in each updated basic assessment (e.g. the estimated annual amount of the following year, the number and the number of the following year's assessment). Time of investigations, start-ups of random distribution, parameter classification) |
A proof of assessment shall also contain the following comprehensible justifications and confirmations of the external authorized person or specialist institution:
31. |
Confirmation of the admissibility of the deposit on one or more specific compartments or concrete compartments or in the case of non-polluted soil material or non-contaminated technical bulk material, the deposition of which is permitted on a land dump, at one or more landfill sites (under) classes |
32. |
Justification-if applicable-for the inspection of organic parameters (POX, BTEX, PCBs, anionic surfactants in accordance with Chapter 4) |
33. |
Confirmation that the waste does not fall under the landfill bans in accordance with § 7 and in the case of a landfill site in accordance with Annex 6, Chapter 2.1 |
34. |
Proof that, in the case of landfilling, the waste does not have any gefahrenrelevant properties in accordance with Appendix 3 of the waste dictionary regulation idgF; the evaluation of the criteria H1 to H3 and H12 to H14 of Appendix 3 of the Waste Directory Regulation idgF is implicitly included in the assessment of the admissibility of the deposit; for those wastes which are dangerous in accordance with the waste dictionary regulation idgF, an assessment should be made as to whether these wastes are subject to landfill conditions. Going out at risk according to the criteria H4 to H11 |
35. |
In the case of the use of higher limit values for contents in the solid (total contents) due to geogenic background loads: confirmation and geological reasoning that the parameters concerned are actually a geogene Background load |
36. |
In the case of waste for which no representative sampling is possible in accordance with Article 13 (1) (2), the justification for this and the reasons why the waste can be deposited in the concrete compartment |
37. |
In the case of a limitation of the scope of the parameter in the case of a lifting activity up to 200 tonnes on the order of the authority or in the case of a fundamental characterization of designated areas in accordance with the Altlastensanierungsgesetz, the confirmations and justifications according to the Chapter 1.3. and 1.4. of Part 2 |
38. |
In the case of non-treated waste, justification as to why waste treatment was deemed not to be required |
confirmation, |
that there is no evidence of a violation of the ban on mixing |
40. |
Confirmation that any further requirements, such as the maximum quantity for the use of exceptions, are complied with |
The form sheets of the ÖNORM (as regards the waste information to the authorized subject or subject, sampling planning, the sampling protocol and the result lists) cited in Part 2 for the respective examination procedure must be used. as well as completely filled out and signed to the proof of assessment.
Where the above contents are processed in a structured form within a database in an electronic system for the production of a proof of assessment, at least all the data provided in the respective forms shall be transmitted. If the electronically-produced assessment certificate is passed on in full or in part in unstructured form (Word, pdf, etc.) (e.g. to the landfill operator), the same order of data fields as for the non-structured areas is the same as in the given forms as well as the same grouping (e.g. waste information, sampling plan).
For electronic waste information pursuant to § 16 (5) and for electronic assessment documents pursuant to § 11 (6) by way of the register pursuant to § 22 AWG 2002 with the contents contained in this chapter applies to the type, Structuring, classification of data fields and subheading performance § 41a.
The sampling must not be longer than six months at the time of the examination by the authorized person or specialist institution. If the proof of assessment is made later than six months after the beginning of the sampling, the authorized person or specialist authority shall confirm that the situation at the time of sampling is unchanged.
Part 2
Investigation procedure
1. |
1.1. |
General requirements for waste generated on a single basis |
1.2. |
Basic characterization of excavation material prior to the start of excavation or removal (in-situ) |
1.3. |
Basic characterization of excavation material after the beginning of excavation or removal activity (ex-situ) |
1.4. |
Basic characterization of designated areas according to the Altlastensanierungsgesetz |
1.5. |
Basic characterization of tunnel excavation material |
1.6. |
Basic characterization of gliding materials before starting out of excavation or clearing |
1.7. |
Basic characterization of materials from track construction after the beginning of excavation or clearing operations |
1.8. |
Basic characterization of other unique waste |
2. |
2.1. |
Scope of waste for recurrent waste |
2.2. |
Basic characterization of recurrent waste |
2.3. |
Assessment of the conformity of recurring waste |
2.4. |
Documentation for recurrent waste |
3. |
3.1. |
Scope of waste streams |
3.2. |
General requirements for waste streams |
3.3. |
Implementation of sampling in the case of waste streams |
3.4. |
Investigation procedure for Waste streams up to 1 000 tonnes per year of waste (small waste streams) |
3.4.1. |
Basic characterization of small waste streams (first year) |
3.4.2. |
Assessment of the conformity of small waste streams (second to eighth year) |
3.4.3. |
Calculation of assessment values and variabilities for small waste streams |
3.5. |
Procedures for the investigation of waste streams of more than 1 000 tonnes per year of waste (Large waste streams-Quarterly model) |
3.5.1. |
Basic characterization of large waste streams (first year) |
3.5.2. |
Conformity assessments for large waste streams (second to eight years) |
3.5.3. |
Determination of the assessment values and variability for large waste streams |
3.6. |
Limit value retention and assessment of waste streams, procedure in case of limit value overruns |
3.7. |
Self-monitoring in the event of a conformity assessment of large waste streams of more than 50 000 tonnes per year (quarterly model IV) |
3.8. |
Change of the study model in the case of waste streams |
3.9. |
Documentation for waste streams |
4. |
4.1. |
General requirements for waste from the mechanical-biological treatment |
4.2. |
Basic characterization |
4.2.1. |
Initial assessment (based on a weekly equivalent) |
4.2.2. |
Subsequent assessments on the fundamental characterization |
4.2.3. |
Basic evidence of assessment |
4.3. |
Match Assessments |
4.4. |
Unique waste from the mechanical-biological treatment |
4.4.1. |
General preferences |
4.4.2. |
Basic characterization |
5. |
6. |
6.1. |
Testing of the delivered waste |
6.1.1. |
Testing of a waste quantity with the mass of the assessment scale |
6.1.2. |
Punctual testing of the delivered waste |
6.2. |
Testing of accepted or deposited waste according to § 42 (5) |
6.2.1. |
Punctual testing of the waste that has been accepted or deposited |
6.2.2. |
Extensive testing of the deposited waste |
1.1. General requirements for waste generated on a single basis
Waste materials, excavation materials, excavation materials and other wastes from energy extraction, production or waste treatment processes are covered by waste materials, excavation materials, and other waste materials.
For a fundamental characterization of excavation material and gliding material, the test is in principle before the beginning of the excavation and removal activity (in situ) according to chapter 1.2. (for excavation material) or Chapter 1.6. (for track suction material). By way of derogation from this, in particular in the case of small-scale or difficult-to-localisable impurities, or in the case of impurities which become apparent only in the course of the excavation, these excavating materials can be lifted separately and in accordance with Chapter 1.3. will be fundamentally characterized ex-situ.
Non-polluted soil material, which complies with the requirements of § 13 (1) Z 3 for small quantities, may be deposited on any landfill (under) class even without an analytical examination.
Where the deposition of a excavation, tunnel excavation or gliding material is permitted in accordance with the requirements of this Annex on a soil excavation site, this material may also be used on an inert waste landfill site or at a landfill site for non- hazardous waste will be deposited without further investigation. The same shall apply to material whose deposition is permitted at an inert waste disposal site, with a view to the deposit at a landfill site for non-hazardous waste and for material whose disposal is permitted on a landfill site in the construction of a waste material, in With regard to the deposition on a waste disposal site or mass waste disposal site. The allocation of waste to a landfill (under) class must be carried out in accordance with § 5.
For geogenic background contents in the solid (total contents), the limit values of column II, annex 1, table 1 shall apply for the deposition of excavation, tunnel excavation or gliding materials or other soil constituents on a soil excavation site. No limit shall apply to the landfill site for inert waste, construction waste, residual material or mass waste. However, no hazard criterion may be fulfilled in accordance with the waste directory regulation idgF. The proof of assessment shall confirm the authorised subject or institution that the relevant parameters are actually geo-related background content and contain a geology/technical justification for this.
1.2. Basic characterization of excavation material prior to the start of excavation or removal (in-situ)
The basic characterization of excavation material before the beginning of excavation or removal activity (in-situ) is in accordance with ÖNORM S 2126 "Characterization of excavation material before the commencement of excavation or removal activity", issued on 1 December 2010, with the specified in this Annex (in particular parameter scope and limit values), additions and modifications.
Initial investigation
For the initial examination in accordance with ÖNORM S 2126, the following table defines the maximum assessment scale, the minimum number of qualified samples to be obtained (qSP), the parameter scope, the minimum number of qualified samples to be obtained, depending on the type of lift. Limit values as well as the associated landfill (under) classes after the initial investigation.