Key Benefits:
138. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Science, Research and Economy, which changes the list of teachers ' lists
On the basis of § § 7, 8, 24 and 27 of the Vocational Training Act, BGBl. No. 142/1969, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 129/2013, shall be arranged:
Change of the Apprenticeship List
The regulation of the Federal Minister of Science, Research and Economy, which enacted the list of teaching profession, BGBl. No 268/1975, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 413/2013 shall be amended as follows:
1. In Annex 1, the provisions for the teaching profession of pharmaceutical and commercial assistance and the provisions relating to the related teaching professions, including teaching time and family regulations, are as follows:
Teaching profession |
Teaching Time in years |
Related teaching profession |
Calculation of the apprenticeship period on the related teaching profession |
Year of apprenticeship |
Extent |
Pharmaceutical Sales Assistance |
3 |
Archive, Library, and Information Wizard |
1. |
full |
Banker/wife |
1. |
full |
Operating Service Performance |
1. |
full |
Business logistics businessman/woman |
1. |
full |
Book and Media Industry -Book and music trade -book and press wholesale -Verlag |
1. 1. 1. |
full full full |
Office businessman/woman |
1. |
full |
Chemical laboratory technology |
1. |
full |
Drogist/in |
1. 2. |
full full |
EDV-Kaufmann |
1. |
full |
Buyer/In |
1. |
full |
Retail |
1. |
full |
Financial services businessman/woman |
1. |
full |
Financial and accounting assistance |
1. |
full |
Photo and Multimedia aufmann/-woman |
1. |
full |
Wholesale businessman/woman |
1. |
full |
Hotel and hospitality assistant/in |
1. |
full |
Immobilizaufmann/- |
1. |
full |
Industriekaufmann/-woman |
1. |
full |
Mobility Service |
1. |
full |
Personnel service |
1. |
full |
Pharma technology |
1. |
full |
Law Office Assistant |
1. |
full |
Travel Office Assistant/in |
1. |
full |
Speditionskaufmann/-frau |
1. |
full |
Speditionslogistik |
1. |
full |
Sports Administration |
1. |
full |
Control Assistance |
1. |
full |
Insurance businessman/woman |
1. |
full |
Administrative Assistant/in |
1. |
full |
Weapons and ammunition dealers |
1. |
full |
2. In Appendix 1, the provisions relating to the teaching professions shall include archive, library and information assistant, bank clerk/wife, operating service, business logistics businessman/woman, book and media industry-book and music trade, Book-und Medienwirtschaft-Buch-und Pressegroßhandel, Buch-und Medienwirtschaft-Verlag, Bürokaufmann/-frau, Chemielabortechnik, EDV-Kaufmann, purchasing/in, retail, finance-and accounting assistant, financial services businessman/-woman, photo- and multi-media mayer/woman, Großhandelskaufmann/-frau, Hotel-und Gastgewerbewizard/in, Immobilienkaufmann/-frau, Industriekaufmann/-frau, Mobility service, Personaldienstleistung, Pharmatechnologie, RechtskanzleiWizard/in, Reisebüro assistant/in, Speditionskaufmann/-frau, Speditionslogistik, Sportadministration, Steuerassistenz, Versicherungskaufmann/-frau, Verwaltungsassistants/in und guns-und Munitionshändler Each time an apportionment of the teaching time completed in these teaching professions on the teaching time of the teaching profession Pharmaceutical business assistant in full Extent of the 1. Teaching year.
3. In Annex 1, the provisions relating to the teaching profession of Drogist shall be taken into account for the teaching period of the teaching profession on the full extent of the teaching profession of the teaching profession. and 2nd year of teaching.
4. All provisions relating to the teaching profession information and telecommunications systems-electronics (IT-electronics) are no longer required in Appendix 1.
5. The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 3 shall enter into force on 1 July 2014.