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Tt Accreditation Regulation Tt-Akkv

Original Language Title: TT-Akkreditierungsverordnung – TT-AkkV

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276. Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Health on generally accredited training in training therapy (TT-XX_ENCODE_CASE_CAPS_LOCK_On accreditation ordinance-TT-AkkV)

On the basis of § 34 Z 3 of the Medical Assistance Law-MABG, BGBl. I n ° 89/2012, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 32/2014, shall be arranged:

§ 1. The following university studies for sports sciences are generally accredited according to § 30 paragraph 1 Z 1 MABG:


University of Vienna: Bakkalaureatsstudium Sportwissenschaft, published in the newsletter UG 2002 of 02.06.2006, 32. Piece, No. 200 (as of 30.06.2014) in conjunction with the Master's degree in Sport Science (compulsory module group "Training Therapy"), published in the newsletter of the University of Vienna on 26.06.2013, 34. Piece, No. 242 (as of 30.06.2014)


University of Graz: Bachelor degree in sports and movement sciences, published in the newsletter-Special number of the Karl-Franzens-University of Graz on 29.05.2013, 35.c piece, No. 46 (amendment of the curriculum for the Bachelor's degree in Sport-and Movement Sciences at the University of Graz) in conjunction with the Master's degree in Sport and Movement Sciences (with the specialization module "Health Promotion, Prevention and Therapy"), published in the newsletter- Special number of the Karl-Franzens-University Graz on 29.05.2013, 35.d Piece, No. 47 (amendment of the curriculum for the master degree course in sports and movement sciences at the Karl-Franzens-University of Graz)


University of Salzburg: Bachelor of Science in Sport and Movement Science, published in the newsletter-Special number of the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg on 18.06.2013, 18. Piece, No. 125 (Amended Curriculum for the Bachelor of Science in Sport and Movement Science at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, with the Election Module Catalogue 1: "Training Therapy") in conjunction with the Master's programme Sport-and Movement Science, published in the newsletter-Special number of the Paris Lodron University-University of Salzburg on 08.05.2014, 24. Piece, Nr. 83 (Curriculum for the Master's degree in Sport and Movement Science at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, with the Election Module Catalogue 1: "Prevention and Training Therapy")
