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Bovine Tuberculosis Regulation Amendment To 2014

Original Language Title: Rindertuberkuloseverordnungsnovelle 2014

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279. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Health, which amalds the bovine tuberculosis regulations (bovine tuberculosis of bovine tuberculosis in 2014)

On the basis of § § 1 (6), (2c) and (23) of the Animal Health Act (TSG), RGBl. No 177/1909, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 80/2013, and § 55 (3) of the German Consumer Protection and Consumer Protection Act (LMSVG), BGBl. I n ° 13/2006, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 67/2014, shall be arranged:

The bovine tuberculous system, BGBl. II No 322/2008, as last amended by BGBl. II No 381/2009, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 1 (4) reads:

"(4) The Federal Minister for Health of the Federal Republic of Germany, on the basis of the epidemiological situation, shall designate an area as a result of the presentation in the" Official Veterinary News "for a given period of time to the" Tbc Special Subsearch Area ", all animals at an age of more than six months shall be tested by means of a Tbc test in the time-limits laid down in the manifestation of the said territory. '

2. § 1 (5), last sentence shall be deleted.

3. § 2 Z 13 reads:

" 13.

Contact animal: animals of a contact stock which had direct contact with a herd in which the disease was detected. "

4. § 3 (1) Z 3 reads:

" 3.

in the course of the conduct of the post-mortem inspection of bovine animals or goats which have been kept together with bovine animals, evidence of the presence of a tubercular process (pathological-anatomically suspicious animal) is found to be evidence of the presence of a tubercular process. and the PCR examination in accordance with § 7 shows a non-negative result, or "

5. § 3 (1) Z 5 reads:

" 5.

in the case of fallen bovine animals or bovine animals which have not been killed for the purpose of the production of meat, evidence of the presence of a tubercular process (pathological-anatomically suspicious evidence) is detected in an investigation according to § 1 (3) (3) Animal) and the PCR examination in accordance with § 7 shows a non-negative result, or "

6. § 4 Z 7 reads:

" 7.

the stock is a contact stock of a stock in which an open form of tuberculosis has been identified, or in which the result of the epidemiological survey is for the entry of the excitor, or "

7. The heading of § 5 reads:

"Provisional Lockdown of the Beam"

8. § 5 (4) the following sentence is added:

" Melted milk from such stocks may, in addition to the uses allowed in paragraph 3, be composted or converted into biogas without prior processing, if the competent authority permits it, because no reference to the There is an open form of tuberculosis. "

9. § 8 Z 2 reads:

" 2.

The diagnostically killed animals are at an investigative site of the AGES, the Institute for Food Safety, Veterinary Medicine and Environment of the Land of Carinthia (ILV Carinthia), a slaughterhouse or at any other place, which is the spatial and the equipment required for a professional pathological-anatomical examination shall be subject to examination by an official veterinarian or under his supervision of pathological-anatomical evidence for signs of Tbc. Particular attention should be paid to the presence of lesions, which speak for an open form of tuberculosis. The official veterinarian shall have all the institutions whose changes in the sense of the Annex 4 for the presence of Tbc, but in any case parts of the lung, the intestine, the liver, the spleen and the kidney, as well as the associated lymph nodes (at least Lnn. retropharyngeal, bronchales, mediastinal, supramammarii, mandibulares and Lnn. mesenterici), in which case the udder lymph nodes (Lnn. supramammarii) are to be packed and labelled separately, to be cooled immediately to 4 °C and to be cooled as soon as possible to the national reference laboratory. "

10. § 10 reads:

" § 10. (1) If no open form of tuberculosis has been detected in the infected population, the following measures shall be taken to clarify the contact stock:




All contact animals must be immediately clinically examined by an official veterinarian and subject to a Tbc test. The contact animals shall be closed until the examination has been completed.


If the contact animals have been officially tested by Tbc tests less than 60 days after the last contact with the positive stock, these animals shall be re-established by an official veterinarian at least 60 days after the last contact with the positive stock. to be clinically tested and to undergo a Tbc test.


If a Tbc examination of all contact animals took place more than 60 days and less than four months after the last contact with the positive stock, and the investigation was negative for all animals, the contact animals were considered to be according to lit. a.


If a Tbc examination of all contact animals is carried out more than four months after the last contact with the positive stock and the investigation for these animals is negative, the investigations are completed.


If the Tbc test in accordance with Z 1 lit. a, b or c is negative for all contact animals of the stock, all contact animals of the stock are to be subjected to a further regulatory examination by means of a Tbc test, which is not earlier than four months after the last contact. with the positive stock, but not later than six months after the investigation in accordance with Z 1 (post-examination). If the investigations are negative, the investigations are completed.

(2) If an open form of tuberculosis has been demonstrated in the infected population, the following measures shall be taken to clarify the contact stock:




In the contact stock (suspected stock according to § 4 Z 7), all animals of the herd are to be immediately clinically examined by an official veterinarian and subject to a Tbc test.


If, less than 60 days after the last contact with the positive stock, the herd has been officially tested by means of Tbc tests, all animals are again from an official veterinarian at least 60 days after the last contact with the positive stock. to be clinically tested and to undergo a Tbc test. Until the result of the new Tbc examination, the milk from animals of such stocks is shown to be treated in accordance with the requirements of Annex III, Section IX, Chapter I, Z 3 lit. (a) to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004.


If a Tbc examination of all the animals of the stock in the sense of lit. a more than 60 days and less than four months after the last contact with the positive stock, and the investigation was negative for all the animals of the stock, the stock is considered to be according to lit. a.


If a Tbc examination of all the animals of the stock in the sense of lit. a more than six months after the last contact with the positive stock, and the investigation is negative for all the animals of the herd, the Tbc suspicion is eliminated; the withdrawal of the officially tuberculosis-free status is from the Authority.


If the Tbc test in accordance with Z 1 lit. a, b or c is negative for all the animals of the stock, all the animals of the stock shall be subjected to a further regulatory examination by means of a Tbc test, which shall be tested at the earliest six months after the last contact with the test. a positive stock, but not later than 12 months after the investigation in accordance with Z 1 (post-examination).


If the tests in accordance with Z 2 are negative for all the animals in the herd, the Tbc suspicion is eliminated (withdrawal of the officially tuberculosis-free status must be lifted by the authority).

(3) In the event of a re-agent being found in the case of investigations pursuant to paragraph 1 (1) or (2) (2), Z 1 shall be taken in accordance with § 8 (1) to (5). The following shall also apply:


If the PCR examination of samples of a diagnostically killed animal results in a negative result, proceed as follows:


All animals of the stock shall be examined by the authorities at the earliest 60 days after disposal of the last Reagent by means of Tbc-Test (post-examination).


If the studies proceed according to lit. a for all the animals of the stock negative, all the animals of the stock shall be subjected to a further regulatory examination by means of a Tbc test, which shall not be less than four months, but not later than 12 months, after the removal of the last test. Reagent is to be carried out (second post-examination).


If the studies proceed according to lit. b for all the animals of the stock negative, the Tbc suspicion is eliminated (the withdrawal or the suspension of the officially tuberculosis-free status shall be suspended by the Authority).


If the PCR examination of samples of a diagnostically killed animal results in a non-negative result, proceed as follows:


The national reference laboratory has to initiate the isolation, differentiation and typing of mycobacteria. In order to answer the question of whether pathogens of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex are present, the national reference laboratory shall use all the scientifically validated and scientifically recognized methods of examination, which shall be used by the national reference laboratory. the EU or the OIE.


All animals of the stock shall be examined by the authorities at the earliest 60 days after disposal of the last Reagent by means of Tbc-Test (post-examination).


Are all investigations according to lit. b negative and the isolation results in a negative result, all the animals of the stock shall be subjected to a further regulatory examination by means of a Tbc test, which shall not be less than four months, but not later than 12 months after the removal of the test. of the last Reagent (second post-examination).


Are all investigations according to lit. c negative, the suspicion is eliminated (the withdrawal or the suspension of the officially tuberculosis-free status shall be suspended by the Authority).


If the isolation proceeds according to lit. a positive, and mycobacteria of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex are detected, the disease is detected. "

11. § 11 the following sentence shall be added:

"In doing so, it is necessary to clarify whether an open form of tuberculosis has occurred."

12. § 12 (3) the following sentence is added:

" Melted milk from such stocks may, in addition to the uses permitted in paragraph 2, be composted or converted into biogas without prior processing, if the competent authority permits it, because no reference to the There is an open form of tuberculosis. "

13. In Section 12 (6), the phrase "§ 10 Z 6 lit. e" through the phrase "§ 10 para. 3 Z 2 lit. e" replaced.

14. The previous text of § 16 receives the sales designation "(1)" , the following paragraph 2 is added:

" (2) § 1 para. 4 and 5, § 2 Z 13, § 3 para. 1 Z 3 and 5, § 4 Z 7, the title of § 5 as well as § 5 para. 4, § 8 Z 2, § 10, § 11 and § 12 para. 3 and 6 in the version of the BGBl. II No. 279/2014 shall enter into force at the end of the day of their manifestation in the Federal Law Gazans. "
