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Redistribution Basic Training Regulation 2004

Original Language Title: BMSG-Grundausbildungsverordnung 2004

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31. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Social Security, Generations and Consumer Protection on the Basic Education of the Staff of the Department of Employment (BMSG Basic Education Regulation 2004)

On the basis of § § 25 to 31 of the Civil Service Act 1979, BGBl. No. 333, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 71/2003, shall be ordered:

1. Section


Group of persons

§ 1. (1) This Regulation lays down the basic training for all employees of the department who are obliged to complete a basic training under contract law 1948 or contractual agreements or for which they are responsible for the basic training of the in accordance with BDG 1979, the successful completion of a basic training as an appointment or definition requirement is provided for.

(2) The Library, Information and Documentation Service shall be responsible for the exclusion of staff from the department.

(3) Ressortpersonnel of the use or Pay groups P 1, p1 or h1 have their basic training analogous to the employees/in/n of the use or Remuneration groups C, A 3 or v3, those of the use and/or Pay groups P 2, P 3, p2, p3, h2 or h3 analogue to those of the use or Pay groups D, A 4, A 5 or v4, provided that they are obliged to complete a basic training on the basis of legal provisions or contractual agreements.

(4) Servants of other departments may be granted participation in training measures in accordance with the conditions laid down in the vacant places against cost replacement.

2. Section

General provisions


§ 2. The aim of the basic training is to provide the staff with basic and comprehensive knowledge, as well as technical, social and methodological skills required for the area of responsibility provided.

Training Sections

§ 3. The basic training consists of the following training sections:


Basic introduction,


Practical training,


General training,


Special training.

Objectives and contents are regulated in the facility.

Forms of training

§ 4. The training sections or Parts of this are to be designed as seminars, internships, project work, e-learning or self-study, depending on the goals, contents and participants/interiors.

Basic training and examination plan

§ 5. (1) For each employee, a personal basic training and examination plan must be created. This contains


the structure and development of basic training;


those subject areas in accordance with § 11 paragraph 2, in which partial examinations are to be deposited.

(2) Through the knowledge of the training and examination plan by the trainee, he/she shall be assigned to the basic training.

(3) Completed training is to be documented.


§ 6. (1) The basic training shall include the following minimum periods:

Usage or Pay Group

Training days

A 1, A, v1


A 2, B, v2


A 3, C, v3


A 4, A 5, D, v4


(2) The duration of the individual training sections is regulated in the plant.

Transfer of organisation and implementation

§ 7. The organisation and implementation of training sections or parts thereof may be entrusted to the service authorities of the department or to other appropriate facilities.

3. Section

Training Sections

Base Introduction

§ 8. The basic introduction includes the transfer of knowledge that is directly necessary for the service.

Practical training

§ 9. In practical training, the trainees acquire and test skills and knowledge in their own department (main subject) and in related subject areas (minor subjects). Practical training can be carried out through seminars, internships and e-learning methods.

General training

§ 10. (1) The general training shall be used to acquire skills and knowledge which are complementary to professional training. In addition to knowledge of legal and political framework conditions, methodological and social skills are also to be developed in seminarist form-supported by e-learning, where appropriate.

(2) The general training shall include training in the following thematic areas:


Austrian constitution and administrative organisation; legal bases, institutions and selected policies of the European Union,


Procedural law, service, pay and personnel representation right of federal employees as well as broad guidelines of the federal government's budgetary regulations and the public business administration,


Ressortpolitical foundations,


Communication behavior.

(3) In the subject areas mentioned in section 2 (2) (2) (1) and (2), oral examinations are to be laid down in courses. In the topic and the requirements the use of the employee is to be taken into consideration. These tests may be repeated twice in each case.

Specific training

§ 11. (1) The special training serves to deepen and further develop the competences acquired in the context of practical training and to acquire additional professional skills and knowledge.

(2) The subject areas to be selected in accordance with § 5 in the training plan shall be selected from the following topic collection:


Human resources management,


economic affairs,


Budget and Controlling,




Automation-assisted data processing,


European and International Social Law,


European and International Social Policy,


Social security reporting, insurance and contribution (MVB),


the right of pension insurance,


Organisation, procedures and enforcement of social security,


the broad lines of financing and the accounting system of social security,


Civil consumer protection, including its enforcement,


Administrative consumer protection, including product safety,


European and international consumer law,


Vocational integration of disabled people,


Maintenance allowance and social compensation,


Federal disability law, disability and social assistance,


EU funding instruments (incl. Structural Funds),


Load Balancing-The Family Law Balancing Act,


Children's, Youth and Youth Welfare Law,


National and international youth policy,


National family, seniors and men's policies,


International Family and Senior Citizens ' Policy,


Secretarial management,


Office order.

(3) The subject areas referred to in section 2 (2) (24) and (25) shall only be eligible for employees of groups A 3 to A 5 or equivalent groups of users or remuneration.

(4) The Division according to paragraph 2 Z 24 can only be completed as a related subject and not as a separate department.

(5) Employees in the accounting service have to complete one of the subject areas pursuant to Section 2 (2) Z 3 or 4 as their own department.


§ 12. In accordance with § 30 BDG 1979, basic training may be credited to other training or other qualification measures, professional experience and self-employed work.

4. Section

Service Review

Examination Rules

§ 13. (1) The service examination shall be taken in the form of part-checks by individual examiners.

(2) The partial examinations shall be deposited in the specialist areas designated in accordance with § 5 in the training plan.

(3) The evaluation shall be carried out in all departments on the basis of oral services, in the department of its own subject also on the basis of a written examination. In the topic and the requirements the use of the employee is to be taken into consideration.

(4) Subtests shall be carried out


in the context of seminars of special training or


in the form of an individual examination after self-study or


in the form of a project work. A positively assessed project work replaces the oral and an all-due written examination in accordance with paragraph 3 in this field.

(5) To prepare for self-preparation for the service examination, the employee is to be provided with appropriate time and appropriate support.

(6) A partial examination which has not been passed can be repeated twice. In any case, the second examination must be held in front of an examination senate. The service authority shall ensure that any partial examination which has not been passed can be repeated within three months.

(7) A certificate must be issued on the passed service examination, in which the examinations filed in the subject areas in accordance with paragraph 2 are to be carried out. Statements of exams pursuant to § 12 shall be noted.

Audit Commission

§ 14. (1) The individual examiners are members of an examination board to be established by the Federal Ministry for Social Security, Generations and Consumer Protection for a period of five years in accordance with Section 29 (1) BDG 1979.

(2) Only persons who are qualified as well as pedagogically qualified and who are active as trainers may be appointed to the members of the Examination Board.

5. Section

Transitional and final provisions

Transitional provisions

§ 15. (1) Successful basic training in accordance with the previous regulations shall be considered as a basic training in accordance with this Regulation.

(2) Staff who have completed their basic training before 1. In 2004, the Federal Minister of Labour, Health and Social Affairs, the Federal Minister for Labour, Health and Social Affairs, began to work on the basic training of the staff of the Federal Ministry of Labour, BGBl. II No 304/1999 to 31 December 2007.

Final provisions

§ 16. (1) This Regulation shall enter into force 1. Jänner 2004 in force.

(2) The Federal Minister of Labour, Health and Social Affairs Regulation on the basic training of the staff of the Federal Republic of Germany, BGBl. II No 304/1999 shall expire on 31 December 2003 with respect to the staff of the Federal Ministry for Social Security, Generations and Consumer Protection, unless otherwise provided for in Article 15 (2).



Duration, content and objectives of basic training

1. The following training periods shall apply to each of the training sections

Training Section

Training days by use groups

A1, A, v1, A2, B, v2

A3, C, v3

A4, A5, D, v4

Base Introduction




General training

Austrian constitution and government organisation, legal foundations, institutions and selected policies of the European Union




Procedural law, service, remuneration and personnel representation law of the federal staff as well as broad guidelines of the federal government's budgetary regulations and public business administration




RessortPolicy Basics




Communication Behavior


2-4 *


Subject-specific training-own department (main subject)

Practical training




Specific training




Subject-specific training-related subject area (minor subject 1)

Practical training




Specific training




Subject-specific training-related subject area (minor subject 2)

Practical training




Specific training




Total Training Time




* depends on the area of activity

In justified cases, the specified training periods may also be exceeded or exceeded in accordance with the minimum periods laid down in § 6.

2. Content and objectives of the subject-specific training according to. § 9 and § 11

The aim of the training is to acquire the above-mentioned knowledge.

1. Human Resources Management

- Knowledge of the essential service and employment law provisions in the Federal Service

- Knowledge of the essential provisions of recruiting and of the most important instruments of human resources development

- Basic knowledge of personnel planning and personnel controllings

2. Economic Affairs

- Knowledge of fundamental provisions of procurement including contract law

- Essential knowledge of procurement procedures, including responsibilities in the resort

- Knowledge of the requirements and order procedures in the resort

3. Budget and Controlling

- Knowledge of the legal basis of the public budget as well as its functions and organs

- Knowledge of the principles of budget planning and budget implementation

- Essential knowledge of the tasks, procedures and goals of the controlling

4. Accounting

- Basic knowledge of the legal basis for the financial management of the federal government

- Knowledge of the structure and process of the Federal Government's accounting and treasury management

- Knowledge of Federal Estimate and Federal Financial Statements

- Knowledge of the Federal Government's billing and payment transactions

- Basic knowledge of the control of the building of the federal government

5. Automation-assisted data processing

- Basic knowledge of all areas of information technology including subject-specific terminology

- Knowledge of the ADV coordination of the federal government, the internal responsibilities of the department and the ADV concept of the department

- Knowledge of the fundamental principles of data protection law

- Specific knowledge in the respective area of activity

6. European and International Social Law

- The basis for the legislative process at EU level

- Fundamentals of social law within the acquis communautaire

- The task and function of the European Court of Justice; broad lines of the preliminary ruling and infringement procedures

- Basic knowledge of international agreements, conventions and monitoring instruments in the social field

7. European and International Social Policy

- Basic knowledge of cooperation with the EU institutions and bodies

- Fundamentals of European processes and working methods in the social field

- Basic knowledge of the structure, tasks and working methods of international organizations in the social field

- Basic knowledge of Austria's tasks within international organizations in the field of social affairs

8. Reporting, Insurance and Contributions (MVB) of Social Security

- Guidelines of the reporting, insurance and contribution systems in the ASVG, GSVG and BSVG

- Overview of the types of insurance according to the ASVG

9. Performance of pension insurance

- Benefits of pension insurance benefits

- Overview of the eligibility requirements in the area of pension insurance benefits

- Basic principles of pension calculation

10. Organisation, procedures and enforcement of social security

- Overview of the organisation and tasks of the Austrian social insurance institutions, including the main association

- Basic principles of the social court procedure

- Basic knowledge of the types and tasks of the administrative bodies

- Basic knowledge of the task and organisation of supervision and of the inspection service in the Austrian social security system

11. Basic guidelines for the financing and accounting of social security

- Sources of financing of social security

- Federal contributions

- Budget implementation in Chapter 16

- Basic concepts of old age

- Transfer procedure versus capital coverage procedure

12. Civil-law consumer protection, including its enforcement

- Knowledge of general civil law as well as of special civil law relevant to the consumer, including housing law, financial services law and competition law

- Knowledge of civil procedural law, including private bankruptcy

- Instruments of law enforcement in practice

- Alternative dispute resolution methods

13. Administrative consumer protection including product safety

- Knowledge of the Product Safety Act and related regulations, the principle of subsidiarity

- Knowledge of relevant administrative rights laws with consumer protection cover (commercial order including relevant regulations, price tax law, food law)

- Basic services of general interest services (liberalised services such as Telecommunications, Post, Electricity, Gas)

14. European and international consumer law

- Broad lines of the EC Treaty, with particular reference to the anchoring of consumer protection, including relevant legislative procedures

- Knowledge of the institutional anchoring of consumer protection in the EU, including the importance of consumer protection in the case law of the European Court of Justice

- Knowledge of the relevant EC secondary legislation

- Informal and formal networks within the framework of European and international consumer policy

15. Professional integration of disabled people

- Knowledge of the development and social policy objectives of the Act on the Employment of Persons with Disabilities (BEinstG)

- Knowledge of the Federal Ministry of Education and Training (BEinstG) with a focus on employment obligations, compensation procedures, setting procedures and special protection against dismissal.

- Knowledge of the private law enforcement of the BEinstG, in particular individual support, project support and labour market policy programmes

- Knowledge of integrative businesses

- Knowledge of the achievements of other institutions, in particular of countries and social security in the context of vocational integration

16. Maintenance allowance and social compensation

- Essential knowledge of the legal basis and the overall concept of the Austrian nursing care system

- Essential knowledge of the right to care

- Knowledge of the legal bases of social compensation (KOVG 1957, KGEG, HVG, VOG, Vaccine Damage Act, Opferfürsorgesetz)

- Knowledge of the compensation and knowledge of procedures under the social compensation laws

17. Federal disability law, disability and social assistance

- Knowledge of the historical development and social policy objectives of the Federal Office for Disabled persons (BBG)

- Knowledge of the public authority of the BBG with the focus on disability pass incl. Motorway vignette

- Knowledge of the private law enforcement of the BBG with the focus on subsidies from the support fund for people with disabilities

- Knowledge of the materials in connection with the BBG in Konnex, such as exemption from fees, tax incentives and road traffic regulations

- Knowledge of the legal bases of the social assistance systems of the Länder as well as comparable achievements of the federal government

- Knowledge of the broad guidelines of the right to benefit and of the replacement in social assistance

18. EU funding instruments (incl. Structural Funds)

- Knowledge of the objectives, structure and impact of the Structural Funds in general and of the European Social Fund in particular

- Knowledge of the priorities and the administration of the European Social Fund in Austria

- Knowledge of the results of the implementation of the European Social Fund and its impact on Austrian labour market policy

19. burden-sharing-The Family Load Equalization Act

- Family allowance (including the main features of the procedure) and additional child allowance

- Eligibility requirements for childcare allowance and social-legal framework conditions

- Principles of international coordination of family benefits

- Matters relating to the compensation fund for family allowances (in particular the service contribution), organisation and procedures

- Benefits in cash and in kind, economic situation of families in connection with the tax treatment

20. Children's, Youth and Youth Welfare Law

- Federal Youth Promotion Act and the Federal Youth Representation Act

- Knowledge of the structure and tasks of youth welfare as well as of children's and youth welfare

- Basic knowledge of the Pflegschafts-, Unterhalts-und Jugendschutzrechts

21. National and International Youth Policy

- Youth policy as a cross-sectional matter

- Overview of children's rights within the meaning of the UN Convention and essential instruments for their implementation

22. National family, seniors and men's policies

- Measures to reconcile family and work


- Bundesseniorengesetz, Bundesseniorenbeirat, Seniorenförderung, Österreichischer Rat für Volunteer

- Legal protection and non-discrimination of older people

- Male-specific aspects of gender equality policy, gender-specific interests in all corporate and/or social partners Policy areas from a male-specific point of view

23. International Family and Senior Citizens ' Policy

- Essential knowledge of international family policy

- Key knowledge of international senior citizens ' policy

24. Secretarial management

- Time management and stress prevention

- Efficient office organization

- Fundamentals of communication behaviour

- Basics of conflict management

- Cooperation in the team

25. Office Rules

- Knowledge of the rules of office regulations

- Knowledge of basic provisions of the Federal Ministries Act, the business division and the rules of procedure

- Knowledge of the electronic handling of business cases

- Knowledge of the organizational framework of the ELAK