Key Benefits:
32. Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Labour Regulation on the initial training of staff in the field of employment
Under § 26 of the Civil Service Act 1979 (BDG 1979), BGBl. No. 333/1979, last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 71/2003, will be prescribed:
1. Section
§ 1. (1) This Regulation lays down basic training for employees of the use groups A 1 to A 5 or equivalent use or use. Remuneration groups in the labour inspectorates, as amended by the Federal Law BGBl. No. 86/1948. I No. 71/2003, or contracted agreements to dismiss a basic training, or for which, in accordance with BDG 1979, the successful completion of a basic training as an appointment or decontinency requirement is foreseen.
(2) Staff of other portfolios or Non-Federal Agents can be granted participation in training measures in accordance with free places against unfair cost replacement.
2. Section
General provisions
Objectives of basic training
§ 2. (1) For the staff and staff of the labour inspection, a forward-looking and personalised training is to be provided according to the latest findings.
(2) Priority objectives of basic education
1. | providing technical, social and methodological knowledge and skills that are necessary for quality performance of tasks at work; | |||||||||
2. | providing knowledge about the functioning of the Austrian state institutions and the European Union. |
Training sections
§ 3. The basic training consists of the following training sections:
1. | initial orientation, | |||||||||
2. | Practical training, | |||||||||
3. | General training, | |||||||||
4. | specialist training. | |||||||||
The training sections mentioned are to be defined according to different objectives and content. |
Training forms
§ 4. The training sections or parts thereof can be designed in the form of seminars, testations, traineee programmes, housework, project work, e-learning or self-learning.
Training Plan
§ 5. (1) For each employee/in, a personal training plan is to be drawn up which contains the construction and timing of basic education.
(2) With the knowledge of the training plan, the staff is assigned as the basic training.
3. Section
Training sections
First orientation
§ 6. The initial orientation starts with the service and includes the provision of knowledge that is directly necessary for the service.
Practical training
§ 7. (1) In practical training, the apprentices have to acquire and test the basic knowledge in their field of work. Practical training takes place in the framework of seminars and practical phases.
(2) It comprises:
for use or use A 1, v1, A 2, v2 and A 3, v3:
1. | tasks, organisation and procedures in the field of labour inspection, | |||||||||
2. | Technical and labour-hygitimate protection of workers, | |||||||||
3. | protection of use, |
for use or use A 4, A 5, v4:
4. | Code of law and principles of organisation and tasks in the labour inspection. |
(3) The seminarist part comprises the following minimum training periods:
| 180 hours, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| 150 hours, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| 80 hours, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| 40 hours. |
If there is no seminar due to a too small number of participants, this training can also be carried out in its own or in a similar service under the guidance of an experienced/n. |
(4) The seminarist training is to be complemented by the respective training stages in the service, including in the field of labour inspections. The practical phases include:
| 8 months, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| 6 months, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| 4 months, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| 2 months. |
General training
§ 8. (1) The general training will be used to acquire skills and knowledge that are complementary to technical training, including:
1. | Introduction to public law taking into account Community law, | |||||||||
2. | basic knowledge of the public service, | |||||||||
3. | communication behaviour. |
(2) The minimum training periods for each of these disciplines are as follows:
| 20 hours | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| 14 hours |
Professional training
§ 9. (1) Technical training is intended to deepen and further develop the skills acquired under practical training in accordance with Section 7 and to acquire additional technical knowledge.
(2) Technical training takes place in seminars and includes the following minimum training periods:
| 120 hours, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| 120 hours, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| 100 hours, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| 50 hours. |
The departments referred to in § 7(1). 2 Z 1 to 3 are equally weighted. |
Rules of procedure
§ 10. (1) The service test is in line with § 7(1). 2 and § 8. 1, 1, 2 of these fields. The appraisal has to be carried out in all fields on the basis of oral services, including written examination. This differs from the working inspection bodies in two departments. On the subject matter and requirements, it is necessary to take account of the use of the employee.
(2) The examination of the service is in the form of partial reviews - if possible integrated into seminars of general and professional training - from individual auditors/inne/n.
(3) If, due to an unsatisfactory number of participants, in a § 8 paragraph. 1 Z 1 and 2, as well as Section 9, no seminar can be held, in the form of project or housework or self-learning. A positive assessment of project or housework in this area replaces the oral and ally written examination in accordance with paragraph. 1.
(4) Any repetition of the sub-checks is permitted at the earliest after two months. More than twice a repetition of a partial review is inadmissible.
(5) The test product is the following: 1 audited.
Audit Commission
§ 11. (1) The individual auditors are members of an audit committee to be set up at the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Labour. Members of the Audit Commission may only be appointed to staff who are qualified as well as trained and trained as trainers, as well as other persons recognized in their specialist.
(2) The chairperson and the other members of the Commission are to be appointed by the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Labour for the duration of five years.
(3) If necessary, the Services Commission can be supplemented by new members for the rest of its term of function.
Transfer of organisation and implementation, accounts
§ 12. (1) The organisation and implementation of training sections or parts thereof may be transferred to departments of the portfolio or to other appropriate facilities.
(2) For reasons of advisability, other federal services or trainings outside the federal organisation can also be used. The successful visit to such training or evidence of practical professional experience can be attributed to initial training according to the principles of § 30 BDG 1979. Accounts and audit results are to be kept in the certificate.
(3) Successfully, parts of equivalent basic trainings are to be counted according to other basic training regulations, insofar as they meet the requirements of Articles 7 to 9. In any case, the subjects of the theoretical bases, which have been successfully completed in accordance with the basic training regulation of the BMWA, as well as a station completed under the job rotation, are in a labour inspectorate or in the central labour perspective.
In-power and transitional provisions
§ 13. (1) This Regulation will enter into force on 1 January 2004. At the same time, the Regulation of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Labour on the initial training of staff in the labour inspection, BGBl. II No 141/2001 of 6 April 2001, will expire.
(2) Basic training started before 1.Jänner.2004 can be completed by 31. The regulation referred to in paragraph 1 will be completed.