Key Benefits:
Regulation of the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management, by means of which the Regulation fixing conditions for quality wines typical for the region of origin for the wine-growing region Weinviertel (DAC Regulation "Weinviertel") is amended
Pursuant to Section 39a (1) of the Wine Act 1999, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I n ° 141, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 110/2002, shall be assigned:
The regulation of the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management on the setting of conditions for quality wines typical of the region with origin profiles for the Weinviertel wine-growing region (DAC Regulation "Weinviertel"), BGBl. II No 23/2003, shall be amended as follows:
1. In § 1 and § 2 the word order shall be "Districtus Austria Controllatus" through the phrase "Districtus Austriae Controllatus" replaced.
2. In § 1 Z 3 the word sequence shall be deleted. "the indication" DAC " or " Districtus Austria Controllatus " and " .
3. § 1 Z 4 reads:
" 4. The content of unfermented sugar shall not exceed 6 grams per litre. "
4. § 1 Z 7 the following sentence is added: " A request to obtain the state test number for wine with the sales denomination Weinviertel-DAC may not be before the 1. Jänner of the year following the harvest will be placed. "
5. In § 1 Z 8, the word order shall be "not one-sided alcohol-leaded" the phrase "; no botrytis note" .
6. § 1 shall be added to the following paragraphs 9 to 15:
" 9. |
The indication of the wine-growing region, the specified region of Lower Austria and of large-scale plants is inadmissible. As smaller geographical units, only one municipality and one Riede can be specified. |
10. |
The indication of a further traffic description shall be prohibited (in particular, traffic names such as "quality wine", "cabinet" or "late harvest"). The names "DAC" or "Districtus Austriae Controllatus" shall be indicated on the label in direct relation to the specified region of the wine quarter and in characters not exceeding half the size of the indication for the indication "Weinviertel" used. |
11. |
The indication of the harvest year is compulsory. |
12. |
In the case of tastings of wine with the designation Weinviertel-DAC in the context of the award of the state test number, the wine corresponds in sensory terms, if the question "Is the product under the name Weinviertel-DAC marketable?" has been answered by at least five of the six Koster. In the case of official samples and counter-samples according to § 53 (1) of the German Wine Act 1999, BGBl. I n ° 141, the provisions of Section 10 (2) of the Costing Act shall apply, BGBl. II No 256/2003. |
13. |
The state test number issued for a wine with the name Weinviertel-DAC may be used exclusively for the placing on the market of the wine tested under the name "Weinviertel--DAC". |
14. |
In the context of the procedure for the award of the state test number for wine with the sales denomination Weinviertel-DAC, the Commission will only be tasted at the external offices Retz and Poysdorf of the Federal Office for Viticulture. |
15. |
Wine with the sales designation Weinviertel-DAC may only be transported with a state test number for Weinviertel-DAC. The same applies to all parts of a wine with the name Weinviertel--DAC, which is produced by cutting several subsets. The test number shall be indicated on the invoice, delivery note or other business documents. " |
7. § 2 reads:
" § 2. For the first time, anyone who intends to obtain an application for a state test number for a wine called "Weinviertel--DAC" has to inform the regional wine committee Weinviertel in writing (also e-mail or fax). "
8. The following § 4 is added:
" § 4. Wine with the name Weinviertel-DAC may only be given if the bottle is provided with a specific capsule, the appearance of which the Regional Wine Committee establishes Weinviertel and which is widely used in the transport Publication published. This capsule can only be obtained with a corresponding authorization of the Regional Wine Committee Weinviertel. This Committee shall determine the amount of the amount to be raised by the Committee in the context of the issuing of authorisation and the publication of the amount of the amount in a publication which is suitable for this purpose and is widely used in the transport travel. . The funds thus acquired are to be used, after deduction of administrative costs, for the implementation of measures to improve the knowledge and transparency of wine with the designation Weinviertel-DAC. "
9. Folding § 5 is added:
" § 5. § 1 Z 10 shall apply to wines from the 2005 vintage. § 1 Z 15 shall apply to wines from the 2004 vintage. "