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2013 - Gas System Usage Fees Regulation Amendment To 2015, Gsne Vo 2013 - 2015 Amendment

Original Language Title: Gas-Systemnutzungsentgelte-Verordnung 2013 – Novelle 2015, GSNE-VO 2013 – Novelle 2015

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370. Regulation of the Regulatory Commission of E-Control, which provides for the charging of
for the Gas-System-Use-charges-Regulation 2013 is amended
(Gas-Systems-Use-charges-Regulation 2013-Novelle 2015, GSNE-VO 2013-Novelle 2015)

On the basis of § 24 and § 70 Gaswirtschaftsgesetz 2011-GWG 2011, BGBl. I n ° 107/2011 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. II No. 211/2014 iVm § 12 Abs. 2 Z 1 Energie-Control-Gesetz-E-ControlG, BGBl. I No 110/2010 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 174/2013, shall be arranged:

The regulation of the Regulatory Commission of E-Control, which determines the charges for the use of systems in the gas industry (Gas-Systems-Use-charges-Ordination 2013, GSNE-VO 2013), BGBl. II No 309/2012 in the version of the 3. GSNE-VO 2013-Novelle 2014, BGBl. II No 69/2014, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 2 para. 1 Z 13 reads:

" 13.

"offset calorific value" means the calorific value in kWh/Nm³ used for the calculation of the amount of energy used in the calculation of the energy quantity. This amounts to 11.26 kWh/Nm³ for the market area East, 11.23 kWh/Nm³ for the Tirol market and 11.25 kWh/Nm³ for the Vorarlberg market area. If the average monthly value published by the respective distribution area manager differs by more than 2% from the prescribed offset calorific value, the published average monthly value shall be used for this period; "

2. § 3 (8), first sentence reads:

" (8) The network usage fee at network coupling points in the transmission network, in which several relevant points meet in accordance with § 39 of the GWG 2011, shall be for the transport on a fixed basis exclusively between these relevant points in accordance with § 39 GWG 2011 for contracts with a maturity of one year or longer for the following entry and exit points, based on the contractually agreed performance, as follows (the exit point in brackets denotes that exit point, in which: Combination of transport is offered):


Overacker-SUDAL (Überackern-ABG): Feed-in: 0.14 Power supply: 0,14


Overpacker-SUDAL: feed-in: 0,14 Ausspeisung: 0,14 "

3. § 4 (5) first sentence reads:

" (5) In the event of restrictions on the transport service due to unplanned maintenance work according to the general conditions for network access to transmission networks approved in accordance with § 32 GWG 2011, the network user for the duration of the service is and in the extent of the restriction of transport, a reduction in the rate of pay. "

4. In § 4 para. 9 Z 1 the word order shall be "the nomination rights at the relevant storage points" is deleted.

5. § 7 (2) reads:

"(2) The TAG GmbH is obliged to pay the Gas Connect Austria GmbH EUR 8,366,148,02 for compensation payment."

6. According to Article 10 (6b), paragraph 6c is inserted:

" (6c) At the request, installations which provide control reserve on electricity control reserve markets are to be deducted on days when the control zone leader calls for the regulated energy offered in accordance with § 23 para. 2 Z 6 ElWOG 2010, with the appropriate application of paragraph 6a being taken into account. The measured maximum hourly performance of the days at which control energy is obtained shall not be taken into account in the determination of the monthly measured maximum performance in accordance with paragraph 5. The performance fee in accordance with Paragraph 5 is to be reduced in proportion to those days with a control energy call. The control zone guide shall forward to the gas distribution system operator, to whose network the installation is connected, the data necessary for the settlement. "

7. § 10 (7) reads:

" (7) The actual accounting period of a period of 365 or 366 days, the zones to be carried out in accordance with paragraph 4 shall be specific to the corresponding accounting period in accordance with the load profile determined on the basis of the load profile regulation. Any change in network charges shall be subject to a zone quota and, if the meter reading is not known, to carry out a calculation of the consumption of the goods. The aliquoting of the zones as well as the calculation of the consumption of consumption shall be presented in a transparent and comprehensible way in the course of the settlement. The network operator shall make available on the Internet a model for the presentation of the calculation methodology, on the basis of which the zone quota and the computational consumption demarcation can be traced. At the customer's request, the daily and/or monthly customs of the last billing period are to be made available to the customer electronically or in paper form on the basis of the calculation of the consumption. "

8. § 10 (8) (1) and (2) are:

" (8) The following charges shall be determined for the network usage fee in the distribution network to be paid by end consumers and network operators within network areas in accordance with § 73 para. 2 GWG 2011:


Network usage fee for network level 2:


Area Burgenland-Network level 2:


Area Kärnten-Network level 2:


Region of Lower Austria-Network level 2:


Area Upper Austria-Network level 2:


Area Salzburg-Network level 2:


Region Steiermark-Network level 2:


Region Tyrol-Network level 2:


Area Vorarlberg-Network level 2:


Area Vienna-Network level 2:


Network usage fee for network level 3:


Area Burgenland-Network level 3:


Area Kärnten-Network level 3:


Region of Lower Austria-Network level 3:


Area Upper Austria-Network level 3:


Area Salzburg-Network level 3:


Region Steiermark-Network level 3:


Region Tyrol-Network level 3:


Area Vorarlberg-Network level 3:


Area Vienna-Network level 3:


9. In Section 12 (2), the number shall be: "0,33" by the number "0,49" , in § 12 para. 4 the number "1.05" by the number "1.02" replaced.

Section 13 (2) reads as follows:

" (2) The network usage fee for the feed into the distribution network from production or from the production of biogenic gases shall be determined for contracts with a maturity of one year in relation to the contractually agreed performance for standard capacities as follows:


Feed into the distribution grid from production in the network area Lower Austria: 0.29


Feed into the distribution grid from production in the network area Upper Austria: 0.74


Feed into the distribution grid from production in the network area Salzburg: 0,62


Feeding into the distribution grid from the production of biogenic gases in the network areas of Burgenland, Carinthia, Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Tyrol, Vorarlberg and Vienna: 0,11 "

11. § 14 (7) reads:

" (7) The breakdown of the costs referred to in paragraphs 1 to 6 on the individual network areas shall result in the following net payments in TEUR. The net payments are annual amounts and are invoied in twelve equal instalments per month.


Market area East:


Market area Tyrol:


TIGAS-Erdgas Tirol GmbH pays for Austrian Gas Grid Management AG: 2.073,8


EVA-natural gas supply Ausserfern GmbH pays to Austrian Gas Grid Management AG: 102.6


Vorarlberg's market area: Vorarlberg's energy networks GmbH pays to Austrian Gas Grid Management AG: 3.133.3 "

12. § 15 (8) Z 3 reads:

" 3.

through a competent test station for bellows gas meters and intelligent measuring instruments up to G 65 after the measuring device has been developed:

90.00 € "

13. § 17 reads:

" (1) The compensatory payments shall be determined as net payments in TEUR, which represent annual amounts, and shall be paid in twelve equal instalments per month.

(2) The following compensation payments shall be established for the network area of Carinthia:


Energie Klagenfurt GmbH pays to KNG-Kärnten Netz GmbH: 110,5

(3) The following compensation payments shall be established for the network area Upper Austria:

(4) The following compensatory payments shall be established for the network area Steiermark:

(5) The following compensation payments shall be established for the Tirol network area:


TIGAS-Erdgas Tirol GmbH to pay for EVA-natural gas supply Ausserfern GmbH: 18.5

(6) The following compensation payments shall be established for the Vorarlberg network area:


Stadtwerke Bregenz GmbH pays to Vorarlberg energy networks GmbH: 635,2 "

14. § 19 reads:

" § 19. The shares to be paid for the annual fee for the distribution area manager shall be determined in TEUR as follows. The payment of the remuneration to the distribution area manager shall be carried out in twelve equal monthly instalment amounts:


Distribution area East:


for the network area Upper Austria the Upper Austria. Ferngas Netz GmbH:



for the network area Niederösterreich die Netz Niederösterreich GmbH:



for the network area Steiermark the energy networks Steiermark GmbH:



For the network area Burgenland the network Burgenland Natural Gas GmbH:



for the network area Carinthia the KNG-Kärnten Netz GmbH:



for the network area Salzburg the Salzburg Netz GmbH:



for the network area Vienna the Wiener Netze GmbH:



Distribution area Tyrol


for the network area Tyrol the TIGAS-Erdgas Tirol GmbH



Distribution area Vorarlberg


for the network area Vorarlberg the Vorarlberg energy networks GmbH

264.3. "

15. According to Article 21 (7), paragraph 8 is added:

" (8) § 2 para. 1 Z 13, § 3 para. 8, § 4 para. 5, § 4 para. 9 Z 1, § 7 para. 2, § 10 para. 6c, § 10 para. 7, § 10 para. 8 Z 1 and Z 2, § 12 para. 2, § 12 para. 4, § 13 para. 2, § 14 para. 7, § 15 para. 8 Z 3, § 17 and § 19 in the version of the GSNE-VO 2013-Novelle 2015 will take place with 1. January 2015, 6 a.m. in force. "
